Yakuza 6 news tomorrow
>PC Port/localization NEVER EVER
I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited. I just wonder if the series will continue to up itself, or if it'll be like Yakuza 3 again. Or worse case scenario a tech demo ala GTA4.
Yakuza 6 news tomorrow
>PC Port/localization NEVER EVER
I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited. I just wonder if the series will continue to up itself, or if it'll be like Yakuza 3 again. Or worse case scenario a tech demo ala GTA4.
I hope it never comes to PC.
Agreed, this is one of the last good series not yet tainted by pcucks.
pretty much. The "second life" granted by PC gamers to console games put to rest is sort of like calling muslim migration into europe a "second life" to european culture.
The Yakuza community is wonderful and doesn't need the worst of players flocking to it.
EDF isn't a sega franchise you dumb fuck cuckold.
Small but loyal fanbase in the west.
Consolefags have been doing this for years.
It matters not though, it will come, the day of reckoning beckons.
Dragon's Dogma is Capcom, as is Dead Rising. EDF isn't SEGA either. What are you even doing?
Let us into your sekret klub.
I think he was making a point that SEGA promised "high quality PC ports" this year, yet other companies did it before they did.
You didnt even understand the point I was trying to make, did you?
D3 and Sandlot dont even have english staff working on the forums while Sega a whole subsection dedicated to each region.
Truly, you are the cucks. And it will be proven when Yakuza finally comes to PC.
the day of scraps. Soon you will have the leftovers.
I'm not the one desperate for old games.
I've played the whole Yakuza series, retard, it's not hard to get a PS2 & PS3.
He has a point though, the difference is that the people who main PC and also buy Niche Japanese games are usually idorts who know their shit with redditors and normalfags on the mix if it gets popular enough like their precious Dork Souls which had a shit community of retards in 2011 to begin with, there is usually a degradation of the community when a gameor a series gets ported to another platform, but its much bigger when its PC to console due to a bigger audience and limited control schemes, which also correlates into more retards.
Yeah, with all those remasters I wouldnt be either.
surprised you own a shit console, you seem to insecure.
Enough derailing, before I probably get banned for sustaining console war bullshit, any of you guys play the demo?
Is it actually Ground Zeroes-tier? That's what I want to know. I also want to know if it gets included with Kiwami if it ever comes out to the West.
Goddammit, I wish I gave more of a shit about PS4 other than for Yakuza and Kingdom Hearts. I don't want to spend a bunch of cash for a console I'll only play two games on, even if they're really good ones.
people who buy Japanese games on PC are rarely interested in niche Japanese games, and are at best interested in buying this game they heard about from reddit and Holla Forums. They don't know shit about Japanese games. They don't know shit about comiket, and at best they've heard of falcom.
There is nothing worse you can do to poison a games community than port it to the reddit platform of choice.
Nigger, PC is the platform of choice no matter what site you're on so long as the users aren't retards, INCLUDING Holla Forums.
But this is a demo, not a paid Beta
We get it, you love sucking Sonys cock, Im sure all the 3 people who bought Umihara Kawase on the Vita also agree.
That part of the statement is all caps, you fucking retard.
I couldn't agree more, look at what twitch whores are doing to EDF and did to MGSV.
Most PC gamers barely know how their system they built themselves works. It's pretty decent for some multiplats, but as this generation pans out, even the laptop tier specs of the PS4 is running multiplats better than a decently spec'd PC because the devs don't give a shit about the audience size so they don't waste their time optimizing in the slightest.
Please go back to /r/pcmasterrace, you belong there.
From what I hear it's a special scenario created entirely for the demo.
Sorry, never been to reddit, but might I suggest you go back to
Where you belong, consolecuck. Not even gonna bother reading your strawman bullshit.
I think the "insecure little bitch" here is you.
it's the sort of melodrama I'd expect from a redditor, it's hilarious to me.
I know, but I've played the other games in the series and I want to see the retarded story all the way through.
You know what's hilarious to me?
You implying that his hilarious to me.
Interesting, I wasn't expecting anything else so soon. Still excited for 0, though I don't even own a nogames4 yet.
I dunno, buddy. I've tried to speak with people about it outside of this place a number of times and have encountered quite a few cucked individuals.
Nigga, the honest to god truth is because of all the licensed ads in the game, the likely hood that it's coming to PC is minimal.
So can you pls stop moaning?
Who knows at this rate, Akiba's Trip had lots of licensed content but it still got brought over to the west with a PC release.
And if they were that worried about it they could've brought the samurai Yakuza games.
I'm not moaning, I'm pointing out to people moaning about how it shouldn't come to PC that it coming to PC would benefit the series. Did you not read the thread or are you just a cuck?
How does Pewdiepie playing the game benefits the series? Next thing you know the devs start pandering to the casuals said publicity attracted.
All I wanna know is what karaoke songs are there going to be.
I want underage to leave
I wonder how nips must feel when they get to see the new Yakuza in an hour.
The Yakuza series is made with the nips in mind. I doubt they would pander to a bunch of baka gaijins all of a sudden.
It was the first one released during the Twitch/YT era of millenials.
oh yes I did, you're the cuck tbh. Who else gets assblasted over people not wanting it on PC?
Also, no it wouldn't help, and I'm not talking the community. I'm talking about the fact that people won't buy it, the people who WILL buy it are a minority.
Stranger things have happened. Who expected EDF of all things to come to PC.
EDF wasn't filled to the brim with licensed shit.
This one made a better argument.
Instead of having more incomplete Holla Forums sings we should have karaoke nights with discord or skype or whatever the new hotness is.
nigger did you just glitch out?
Remove the h, underage