Just a few suggestions here! how you don't make the pokemon randomly generate. How about we make this game unfair so it feels like real life. How about we make it like the Pokemon are actually there.
How about having migration patterns, for large groups of a single Pokemon that you have to catch on time? Some might be every where though, like ratatatatatata, you know!? and how about only being able to find a Pokemon where it would actually live.
I could see it now, daily updates on hotpots, migration patterns, and weather conditions effecting it all. As it is right now, it will die out if they do not add more depth.
Wyatt Campbell
I was talking about pokemon go btw
Ethan Young
Connor Campbell
I would agree if the effort put in was a gamble, but there is no way they would loose money on it. Unless you think making it real, would not make money
Brandon Wood
Ryder Ross
>mfw even my mother and her husband are jumping on the Pokemon GOy bandwagon
I think I'm adopted
Chase Barnes
Luis Lee
I just wish they'd make it so pokemon spawn in areas other than wherever there's a shitload of cell phone traffic. It makes no sense at all to go to places like nature reserves where you'd expect to find wild pokemon but find absolutely nothing.
Cameron Brooks
Aiden Sullivan
eh I might change ice cream flavors today
Xavier Johnson
Brown girls are the best girls
Matthew Sanchez
Leo Ward
Ryder Torres
ok why dont you email this to niantic instead of posting this here though
Liam Lee
So you don't know what Pokemon go is?
Caleb Thomas
Get a load of this!
Kevin Bennett
Nathan Edwards
>make it so pokemon only spawn in places that are dangerous like in the middle of busy highways, deep jungles, the middle of the ocean or nigger "high crime" neighborhoods unless you pay a monthly fee of 50 shekles
Lincoln Allen
Yeah, having a more logical spread would be nice. I think, however, they just probably can't marry the logic of the map with that idea.
If you look at the map it is very basic. You have a color for roads, for water, for buildings and everything else is just some greenish piece of land.
Personally, I think it would be enough if the items just did more of what they're advertised to do. Incense is supposed to bring pokemon to you but it barely fucking works. Same thing with lures at pokestops. The spawn rates are barely effected and once more its sort of random and has nothing to do with what is usually in the area.
Jaxson Rogers
Aaron Bennett
I just realized that by having the Pokemon GO spawn system work by cell phone traffic, they're simply reaffirming already existing pokemon spawn locations. Would that then make future spawn locations become smaller and more dense?
Gabriel Baker
I just don't have any pics, I lost my folder and I was hoping somebody else would post some more
Jaxson Roberts
Wat da fug
Matthew Roberts
the "delicious brown" is waiting for you on the other side of the noose
Justin Collins
And here come the Holla Forums users
Camden Fisher
If you don't reply to them, they'll go away.
Anthony Hughes
How about we put all the pokemon in highways, train lines, cliffs and strong river currents to cleanse the gene pool?