You never hear the successful stories, only the 'sovereign citizens' (an oxymoron) which are carefully designed to keep you away from this. The successful people remain user like myself. Even on here the shills get really testy when you mention it.
Basically you don't fight the system, you use it's own laws against itself on your own playing field. I'd love to show you some documents which prove this in a glance but would dox myself and draw unneeded attention as you mention. See how tricky this is?
When you start making a stink and getting public and trying to spread the info blatantly, organise groups etc, that's when what you mentioned can happen. Can you imagine if everyone worked this out, what would happen? A lawful revolt without a shot fired? Bankers BTFO etc etc.
Rothschilds proved every fucking time that paper is stronger than any army during peacetime and even in wartime in most cases.
Also follow the money, who controls the feds - you guys never really got away from British control ;)
This information applies practically globally especially in the case of Uniform Commercial Code, as a contiguous monetary and legal system is the only way for them to maintain leverage. I will consider making an infographic or starter/primer. The problem is it's so fucking complicated if you want to fully understand and act upon the information. As I said I spent two years (more than part time) privately studying after a base of law taught to me for a particular non-primarily legal profession.
Basically you have to learn everything from commercial, contract, tort, statutory, common law and the differences between it all and the key - how joinder/contracts/obligation is created and how you can change this. Proceedings, relationships, paperwork/legal proceeding and established method etc etc…
Differences between courts etc etc
Problem is I make some infographics, some poor shmuck goes Rambo with the info without knowing/understanding the rest, gets buttfucked and then we're back at the 'sovereign citizens' (oxymoron) are fake/it doesn't work/my friend got owned/arrested/blahblah.
You see this information is very dangerous to yourself if used incorrectly and powerful if used correctly. Treat it like learning a discipline because it is. it's literally self defence+millitary strategy+offence of the paper world.
This is not something you can knock a few months in to to be proficient. You dedicate serious time to do if you really want to. I did it and filed majority of documents required to finish this process in my early 20s. If I can do it as a dumbfuck back then, so can anyone else.
And agreed you don't have to be poor to be frugal. Some of the cheapest people I know are loaded, kek.
because you contract with them to do so and have the fucking TIN on your bank account because the bank asked you to. Why? Because in return for TIN on your account and paying taxes - you get 1% of fuck all interest. Yup, 50-60% of your productive labour/time going to kikes is worth 1% interest?
Literally an interest bearing account is the only 'benefit' you receive for paying taxes.
Read modern money mechanics by the fed in chicongo. Horses' mouth explains it well. You're paying interest on the fucking loan created with FRB. Not taxes to niggers. It goes to the KIKES to pay the interest on the loan created with money that is literally debt, so you're creating debt to pay debt in a fucking kike spiral cycle… ffs this gets annoying to explain sometimes.
That's what's even more infuriating about learning to lawfag and fuck the taxkikes. If the plebs knew this they'd fucking riot.
Guess what happens when they call the ever growing loans on your nations, Anons? Now do you see why most western countries are spiraling in to debt?
Check out the margin loans in the early 1900s. Fuck it, watch this shit it explains exactly what they are doing here now, just slightly different, just instead of the entire world it was Germany at that point.
History repeats, anons. What legal position will you play if they call the loan, anons? Will you be collateral, or an executor?