If you are a white American, over the course of your lifetime the federal government will, on average and on your behalf, transfer $384,109 of your wealth and income to a single black individual.

- White: -$2,795
- Black: +$10,016

- Hispanic: +7,298

To quote the original author: "The negative fiscal impact of blacks and hispanics is significant. All of this discussion of a “national debt” and “deficit” is primarily of function of blacks and hispanics. Without them, we would be running budget surpluses today, even when keeping the military the same size."

Other urls found in this thread:

Every day a little blacker, dawn must come, yet hope withers.
Where will the next empire rise after America falls? Poland and Hungary? The future is a thick fog. Where do my kids go to raise the banners of new Byzantium?

wow. the "nigger tax" is real and can be measured.

bump for massive PR value.

You're a dramatic kike aren't you? Drink bleach Chaim. Blackpills aren't welcome. Nothing black is welcome.

this needs to be made into an easily-digested infographic and spread far and white.

The blackpill comes naturally once one embraces empiricism. I'd love for things to be different, but they aren't, and no one man can fix that.


You'll hang on the day of the rope, subhuman.


FYI here's the original article with the calculations.


make it retard friendly and the normies will gobble it up

Add on top of that the costs for policing/incarcerating these animals, destroyed public schools, affirmative action both public and private sector, generalized nigger/beaner social degeneracy and wrecked neighborhoods.

And these fuckers get paid handsomely to do it.

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

State enforced cuckoldry is killing the white race's potential and prosperity. Think of all that money that could benefit couples looking for a home, looking to start a family, for the existing families looking to put their kids through college, to move up the housing ladder. All stripped away from them.

Think of how bad it is going to get in the future, when the average white won't be able to move past a shitty apartment. Then when the gibs run out, the white man will have his door kicked down and get to be culturally enriched within in his own home.

90% of niggers & spics are worthless BUMP for real news

The question remains unanswered, what are you going to do about it? Vote?

Miles of wall built since inauguration? 0
Miles of wall built today? 0
Total number of illegals deported? Under 10k of 30 million+ total)

Fuck off please.

ride the tiger.
stop paying taxes.
accelerate the decline of civilization.

Never did I infer any of that, since when does the truth of today's situation mean defeatism?

It's exactly what you did.


DON'T pay taxes, DON'T bother spending too much money (live a simpler life - don't buy superficial stuff) and only even bother about the law if you absolutely have to. Don't feed the system, take as many benefits as you can, NEETbux, Farmer's Loans, Tax Credits, Food Stamps. Don't buy "movies", pirate videogames, workout at home, grow your own food if you can. If you are a government worker do the niggest possible things with public money - spend a lot - use public printers to make copies of Mein Kampf.

It's one or the other faggot.

Kill em duhhhh

When the "blackpill" became a mirror for the basement dwelling losers that can't imagine themselves doing anything. The only reason these fucks gets sad and demoralized by statements like what you posted is because they know that they have never and will never do anything. You're basically holding a mirror to them anytime you post stuff like that.

I agree with this post, there is no point in funding the system that is displacing our people.

Is this pasta?
I have seen this exact post in a different thread and it's giving me the weirdest feeling of paranoia and deja vu.

Go see a therapist

This. Learn law, anons. Tax and govt policy is 100% voluntary and contract based unlike what they want (((you))) to believe. IMF/IRS/IRD is a private corporation as is your government.

Those who fail to claim their rights have none but what are given to them as slaves/govt subjects. Those are called 'liberties'. Having liberties granted by an external power is not freedom.
I didn't believe this shit until studying it for years and trying little bits here and there until vanquishing the above enemies.

Uniform Commercial Code, Washington State DOL + perfected financing statement/security interest in your own trade name is the end of the rabbit hole.

This may be a lot to ask but if possible consider making memes/infographics/OPs/etc about how Americans can do this. Funding the Zog is no fun.

Also I'd like to point out you don't have to be piss poor to be frugal. If you make a lot of money just invest it in real assets like house/guns/farming/homesteads.

user… wether the power is legitimate or not, corporate or not, the police and military, the courts, will kill you for resisting.
Many have tried arguing this in court and in public then have ended up dead, jailed or interned against their will in mental hospitals.
I agree with nigging the system like says
accelerationism hurts, but better bringing on and suffering through the pain now than longer through tomorrow.


Jesus fucking christ. The other day I was saying, if I had $200,000 I could live on the interest for the rest of my life. And kikes are going to steal 380k from me and give it to niggers.


I already pay as little in taxes as possible due to some lifestyle creativity, but I will accelerate my efforts now. Reminder that anyone who questions whether taxation is even legal at all gets their life destroyed by the IRS and other alphabet goons. Taxation is theft. The federal government does NOT have the right to tax us.

Cut these vermin off.

The one time I didn't pay taxes, Illinois took twice what I "owed" directly out of my savings account without notification.

giving up is blackpilled. there is no surrender, so why stop fighting?

You never hear the successful stories, only the 'sovereign citizens' (an oxymoron) which are carefully designed to keep you away from this. The successful people remain user like myself. Even on here the shills get really testy when you mention it.
Basically you don't fight the system, you use it's own laws against itself on your own playing field. I'd love to show you some documents which prove this in a glance but would dox myself and draw unneeded attention as you mention. See how tricky this is?
When you start making a stink and getting public and trying to spread the info blatantly, organise groups etc, that's when what you mentioned can happen. Can you imagine if everyone worked this out, what would happen? A lawful revolt without a shot fired? Bankers BTFO etc etc.

Rothschilds proved every fucking time that paper is stronger than any army during peacetime and even in wartime in most cases.
Also follow the money, who controls the feds - you guys never really got away from British control ;)

This information applies practically globally especially in the case of Uniform Commercial Code, as a contiguous monetary and legal system is the only way for them to maintain leverage. I will consider making an infographic or starter/primer. The problem is it's so fucking complicated if you want to fully understand and act upon the information. As I said I spent two years (more than part time) privately studying after a base of law taught to me for a particular non-primarily legal profession.
Basically you have to learn everything from commercial, contract, tort, statutory, common law and the differences between it all and the key - how joinder/contracts/obligation is created and how you can change this. Proceedings, relationships, paperwork/legal proceeding and established method etc etc…
Differences between courts etc etc

Problem is I make some infographics, some poor shmuck goes Rambo with the info without knowing/understanding the rest, gets buttfucked and then we're back at the 'sovereign citizens' (oxymoron) are fake/it doesn't work/my friend got owned/arrested/blahblah.
You see this information is very dangerous to yourself if used incorrectly and powerful if used correctly. Treat it like learning a discipline because it is. it's literally self defence+millitary strategy+offence of the paper world.
This is not something you can knock a few months in to to be proficient. You dedicate serious time to do if you really want to. I did it and filed majority of documents required to finish this process in my early 20s. If I can do it as a dumbfuck back then, so can anyone else.

And agreed you don't have to be poor to be frugal. Some of the cheapest people I know are loaded, kek.

because you contract with them to do so and have the fucking TIN on your bank account because the bank asked you to. Why? Because in return for TIN on your account and paying taxes - you get 1% of fuck all interest. Yup, 50-60% of your productive labour/time going to kikes is worth 1% interest?
Literally an interest bearing account is the only 'benefit' you receive for paying taxes.

Read modern money mechanics by the fed in chicongo. Horses' mouth explains it well. You're paying interest on the fucking loan created with FRB. Not taxes to niggers. It goes to the KIKES to pay the interest on the loan created with money that is literally debt, so you're creating debt to pay debt in a fucking kike spiral cycle… ffs this gets annoying to explain sometimes.
That's what's even more infuriating about learning to lawfag and fuck the taxkikes. If the plebs knew this they'd fucking riot.

Guess what happens when they call the ever growing loans on your nations, Anons? Now do you see why most western countries are spiraling in to debt?

Check out the margin loans in the early 1900s. Fuck it, watch this shit it explains exactly what they are doing here now, just slightly different, just instead of the entire world it was Germany at that point.

History repeats, anons. What legal position will you play if they call the loan, anons? Will you be collateral, or an executor?

Wrong. The blackpill comes from ignorance, and a cowardly nature. Grow a spine, and rise to the challenge before you, pussy.

You are a citizen of a nation. The nation needs a government to enforce its ideals . The government needs taxation to work. It is not theft since you are required as a citizen to have the nation enforce its ideals. If the individuals the nation elected are not enforcing those ideals, its up to its citizens to elect representatives that do. If the citizens elect someone to implode their own nation through progressivism, its the electors who are to blame.

Elect those who advocate less government and less taxes. Refuse those that want to have more.

Ok now I'm fucking interested.

If infographing would dox You, can you provide links or certain laws to look up. And I know this is hard but also provide where the piggyback and interconnected laws intertwine.

I want to know because I want my family to thrive and not be slaves anymore. It's hard as a father looking at your life and thinking that this is what waits for your kids.

Put your money into BTC then transfer into an user coin like XMR. Don't leave anything in the bank and always keep your passcodes in an encrypted folder, as well as your XMR in an encrypted hdd. If they try to seize your assets you can claim you were robbed or gifted the money (under $10k) to a family member.

Why is Russia black? Are you baiting?

russia isnt ethnically homogenous

Who do you think inhabits the frozen wastelands in the east?

This tbh fam.

Yes goys, you should all live empty isolated lives without anything meaningful to do. Just sit in your house goy, Never go outside or talk to others.

Are you telling me that you don't pay taxes, legally? What the fuck?

user, tell me more. Where do I start? Give me books, sources, knowledge.

Bump. This is why I hope hackers take down the IRS by making their computers crash/ loser their data base records. The government needs computers to function so that they can steal money from whites via taxation and give handouts to niggers spics slants etc.

Once those computers are fudged the Jewish Government won't know who specifically to give the handouts too and who to take the handouts from. I really hope the gov computers crash because that is the weak link in the chain. If the computers are down the gibs stop and they can't process all the gibs w/o the computers.

I always viewed computers like the great library of alexandria. A lot of people think books / knowledge was what was in the Library of Alexandria, but in reality it was a huge taxation , documentation center for that empire. I see computers as the same thing, just massive libraries not always filled with knowledge we need. Instead filled w/ databases w/o which they cannot process all these gibs for nigs.


I never said you had to earn or spend a bunch of jewbux to be happy and fulfilled. But you gotta make a living to start living.

Once one embraces empiricism White global dominance becomes almost an inevitability.

Amazing how people change tunes when they realize they are seriously outnumbered, that pic works wonders.

They'll skip a beat for a day then restore data from one of those massive underground nuke resistant data retention centers in the middle of nowhere and the gibs keep on flowin

The demographics are a major concern for me. In my city alone the amount of blacks, and black children highly disturbs me. I really want to move up north eventually but i do not want to leave my parents, and when they pass eventually it'd be very hard for me to sell our home, it's very nice with nice land. My city was officially a majority black by a small margin a few years ago, the gap probably widened by now. But these niggers, and when the nigger kids grow up, there will be nothing for them, especially jobs to keep them in line. They used to be segregated to mainly on the east side of town, but they're pourine over. My city was one of the most segregated cities in the country.

I do not want to raise a family here. There are too many blacks. I hate to abandon my parents home when they're gone, but I feel like I must. Causes me a lot of anguish, but I still am hopeful the demographics might increase to our favor over the years, God willing.

Thank God for their high murder rates, and thank God for the sickle cell.

but what if the computers are broken.
or what if a natural disaster occurs and there isn't enough food and we face shortages?

You have a great point w/ the fact that the gov will reinstate the gib nig system asap once it stops

Niggers are useless everywhere, how can a race be so useless for all time?


I hope that's the case, but yeah it would be a bad idea to subject your kids to a diversity rich environment.

I am telling you blacks are like feral hogs. It does not take them long to breed an excessive population and destroy whatever environment is around them. Nuisance animals need violent measures to stay under control.

Who is the original author? The blog post doesn't mention.

Also bumping with related image

What? The UCC is only law in a state if the state adopts it, which at this point, most of them use some of it and for many of the articles of the UCC while many may not use any of it. Not to mention that there are VERY different rules depending upon if the parties are both merchants, only 1 is a merchant, and then the common law comes into play for regular people with it's own set of laws.

And the UCC in one state may be different from one state to the next, even if they are adopted the same Article, since the common law and statute interpretation come into play with each state. The UCC is some holy grail to save you from the jew. And not sure what joinder has to do with what you are getting at in the way that you're using it, that just requires joining people to a suit who should be, especially in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

I'm not saying people shouldn't know some basic grasp of law, but there is no reason to know "tort" or "commercial" law to the average person, or statutory interpretation, that is what you get a lawyer for. Why does the average person need to know the elements of negligence or the rules between a nuisance (is it a public or private nuisance?) or what The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are. And a lawyer already has a huge pain in the ass time wrapping their head around the common law Rule Against Perpetuities and for a "regular person" to do that, no way they'll understand it with a couple of days or hours.

Sometimes I think about becoming a NEET. So much of the productive growth of the economy is going to exploding population of non whites. These people benefit from the machinery of the economy. I've had jobs where the work I did primarily benefited non whites. Before I got redpilled I was an air traffic controller. There is a constant stream of non whites flowing into major airports. I began to hate the job and myself so I quit.

This, with one caveat: if you must wage cuck, then make sure you invest more or as much in promoting white nationalism than you pay in taxes, always. That's the sacrifice. You can include expenditure on yourself as towards the cause if you're white and you do something for the cause of white nationalism (like red pilled music or videos). But it's your responsibility. You have to want to take it and be smart about it. This is just a suggestion. Maybe you want to wage cuck and hurt your race. You, or your children, will pay later for it.

You can hide xmr in QR codes among plausibly deniable things like picture of family.

This exactly. Things can't go in this direction forever. In the last few weeks, we have three states that are flashing red with bankruptcy warnings: Illinois, Maine and Connecticut. We are almost there. The Fourth Turning has already begun, and it can't be a coincidence that, as we approach the "birth" of the kike's dream society, the bills are also coming due and are about to bankrupt us all. Pay off your debts, learn useful skills, don't earn enough money to pay massive taxes, park your cash outisde the banking system or in precious metals, buy some guns, network with fellow whites, get ready to move to the country:


The system cannot hold forever, and we are about to feel the first major pang.

Nice find OP, I really appreciate it when people put real numbers on these issues, which are usually out of the consideration of most people when it comes to diversity. You can now take this figure to Sally Soccer mom, and ask her if negroes are worth the cost of her suburban dream home.
< Nope.

I dare not ask what the figure is when you incorporate spics and refugees into the picture.

Learn everything. How, what, why. You should be able to explain it all to a newbie face to face with time and refine it down. You need to remember it in case you have a chance encounter.
Start small and only proceed when you know you can win. Do not do anything without knowing absolutely certain you will win.
Start small, like Adolf. Parking tickets, then more serious stuff. Then, one day when you have balls to deal with police e.g. ticket then try that. You will then begin to realise the fruits of your labour and truly understand the meaning of the word Sovereign.

Pic related is really shitty made but hopefully helps explain it a bit better in more simple term. I'm quite tired so I have likely fucked something up or not made it very clear (it's god damn autismo cuckchain-tier tbh)

Top triangle is same layout as bottom left. middle triangle is mirrored so employee/shareholder are swapped sides e.g. IRS/kikes are shareholders/creditors in govt structure as they get the taxbux.
hell there is even law in many countries prohibiting politicians from criticising the tax structure. Voltaires' sayings and all that apply here totally. Find out who you can't criticise and you find out who controls you..

Don't just learn from one source either. Don't trust one source. Don't trust me or anyone else proclaiming to know what they are talking about. Only trust yourself because when you do your research if you truly want to travel this path, you will know what is true and what isn't from research and testing.

Also check out 'cracking the code third edition', also earlier Dean Clifford, learn commercial law/relationships etc as he explains them. It's true, I've tested it and it works. He later got too much attention and retracted these videos, which I find is funny for a successful method ;)
Winston Shrout is also interesting.
Creditors in Commerce will teach you cool tax shit. You can also work within the system as necessary but be careful and know your obligations.
As this stuff was years ago I'm not sure how available it is. I will check in later today if yo uhave further questions on sources. Also
Also learn how to sign under protest and or duress, reserving your rights (those who fail to claim them have none), without prejudice etc etc there are so many things to become a private attorney (which is really what sovereignty is about).

During a media debate in my country, the IMF/IRS/etc comissioner went on live tv and said TINs and usage of them are optional when asked about this. Basically a mic drop when the local current affairs program asked them. (((They))) of course quickly glossed over that omission by looping back to reading the same laws the commissioner just said were voluntary. Kek.

>Uniform Commercial Code
It's called the uniform commercial code for a reason. All money is governed by a global banking system, do you think the laws of international exchange and commerce revolving around it are not also? Why is a perfected UCC financing statement/claim and localised financing statement if necessary, the highest form of authority when determining possession? Why is 'possession 9/10ths of the law'? Because of the above.
This is why all media art and similar displays 'All Rights Reserved' which is pursuant UCC §1-308, it covers international waters too.
That said you are right, UCC is not the magic jew bullet/holy grail and it can be limited depending on how you use it and where of course. It is but an instrument with a double edged blade and one of many in your arsenal. I just said it's the end of the rabbit hole in most cases for most lawfags like myself, however when used correctly (as above) it can be truly powerful.

If you're really smart about it, you can live off investments and pay no taxes (the tax system was basically made for the rich, anyways) indefinitely. You would have to live beneath your means and need a little money to start with (or wageslave for a few years and save every single penny you can).

Luckily for me, I inherited two classic muscle cars from my dad (which he explicitly told me not to sell). Almost any other person would've driven them around picking up sluts like a nigger, but I sold them (I figured he had the boomer mentality of work for things until you die) and through a lot of thriftiness and the Cayman Islands, I haven't worked since.

You flunked out 1L.

Wait, is Vox retarded? How can you arrive at such a high number? Where are his calculations? If there are roughly 4.6 times as many whites as blacks, the cost every white must bear is the black net divided by 4.6, or roughly $160,000. Then, you should also factor in the fact not 100% of the black net comes from white taxpayers. So, the true number is closer to $120,000. Obviously, wasting 3/4 of a million dollars on a useless nigger is still insane, but claiming that the average white gives the average black $384,000 over the course of his lifetime is a bit disingenuous.

good post

Except his calculations are wrong, at least as far as I can tell. The average black costs the average white between $120,000 and $160,000 over the course of a lifetime (black net divided by 4.6). That's still enough for a Tesla, several BMWs, or several Mercedes cars, and that's how this information should be spread. It's also enough for a decent college education or for a decent house in some areas.

this 110%
anyone can also use this method without lawfagging too as long as you have up front
caymans, uae, malta, NL, Cy, Ir, etc
That said I prefer to do both as then you have a backup to the backup if SHTF.
Proof I hear you say? It's legal for google/apple etc, equality is paramount and mandatory at law… ;) Always Jew the Jew when doing this shit.

This number also does not take in to account trading made by govt with your collateral

Tyler Durden was right and did nothing wrong.

I forgot to mention that the average spic costs the average white taxpayers roughly the same amount. In fact, combined, blacks and spics consume the entirety of the white taxpayer's net contribution over a lifetime and more. Still wondering how we have the massive national debt we do? All those shekels could have been put to use at an unpozzed NASA or towards raising the white birthrate by allowing whites to work less and have the time necessary to raise children. Of course, it could also mean college/fancy cars/decent house in a decent neighborhood/etc.

How do you get on the neet bux without being forced to take antipsychotics under court order?

yeah that fat sow looks REAAAALLY hungry

and all the economic productivity lost by denying whites jobs via Affirmative Action and similar diversity initiatives

Fucking wew. Call me when he is commenting on the jews already.

or veterans entitlements.. not that they don't deserve it in majority of cases.

The United States of America is a company on the hook big time. Trump better keep the pace up turning shit around.

There's no way to live off the interest of 200k alone. Are you a hobo?

Take nothing from nothing brother
And it's all just the same
For the loser is the winner
And there ain't no blame
It's just the end of the game

Fuck off neet.

Economic leverage is necessary for a strong individual to elevate himself in society and support a large white family


Yeah just like warriors back in the day had to both grow their own food and defend a city from its invaders. Go "grow my food" wagie, I'll need it for the race war.

>I'll be as valuable as a neet as professional soldiers
This is your brain on welfare

You'd better actually be fit, educated, and capable if you're comparing yourself to warriors.

Don't know if capable, we'll just have to wait and see.
Also, why are you faggots saging.

probably habit from all the shit threads recently, if they read one post they think is 'bad', they'll sage. or they're just resentful and emotional wagecucks

There must be a standardized method of getting on the bux these days since I'm sure the technique has been nearly perfected. The real question is: why work a job and pay taxes, when you can make everyone else work FOR you and get THEIR taxes?

So lolbergs advocate for Blacks to die from starvation? They might not be as bad as I thought they were…

how much are we talking in order to live off of investments?

Too much. Annuities are terrible right now. And inflation-adjusted annuities are noticeably worse. With an annuity, you also still take the risk on the insurance company's solvency. If you roll your own, you could do better, but you'll be taking risks that you'll be making the right investment moves to counter long-term political and economic changes. There's no easy substitute for self-sufficiency; not that acquiring wealth is easy.

Your formula is wrong. Try this:
Nigger cost / 4.6 + White cost


Might as well just donate to the local synagogue.

No, you see, them being given more than they give back is a sign of their oppression. See…

t. shitposting

Hello Ben, we know you're here with us mate.

No it doesn't, are you retarded? Empiricism is PRACTICAL. Nobody gets Hume, smdh.

what? why the hell would that be indicative of how much the average white taxpayer gives to the average black? that formula suggests the entirety of the net benefit of the average white taxpayer is somehow consumed before the black burden per white taxpayer is factored in… are you some mestizo larping as white?


You know that slaves did the farming and overall manual labor back when Thucidides lived, right?

Very nice digits, you have been blessed.

Agreed. Also gov't, bank and important civilian workers should work to obstruct and sabotage the ZOG as much as possible. Read

That sounds like a cool career, too bad niggers had to ruin that too. Hopefully you can help with the 4th Reich Luftwaffe

Israel takes more.

Someone explain to the lolberg how violence and the threat of violence works, please

Calm your autism and re-read the OP.
>So, the net cost to the average White American of the average Black American is $384,109.
Emphasis mine.

You will always have beta wage slaves

>confusing scholars with cheironactes aka wageslaves
Wew lad!

hey varg good to see you here

You'd be committing a crime but if you're sneaky using shell corporations you can be both on welfare and making money from investments. If you keep the money you bring in to under $10,000 chunks you can minimize the risk since that isn't taxeable.

A counted their domain persist wreck.

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not that i'm advocating this.
pretty sure it'll create more problems either way.
but if you want to take down gibs,
just take down the clearing houses.

there are a credit networks, their credit clearing houses, and the bank accounts they transact into. somewhere, way down the line, is the irs, taxes, and tax refunds.

just saying. you talk about computers, and then claim irs, which is largely not computerized. no seriously – it's not. too hard. too big. instead, there's just a schedule of disbursement of e-gibs placed onto automated accounts, which arrive via credit network, which then queue onto clearing houses, which then terminated onto accounts.

the irs is, effectively, just a collection of accounts. taking them down won't really affect the schedule, and thus nor will it the gibs. those disbursement accounts are special 'group' accounts, loaded up quarterly or annually, and permitted overage. they are generally not maintenanced.

sure, knocking down the irs may produce and effect… in a year. and perhaps down the line too, certainly to some degree. but the irs is just run by people, largely inept, largely overrun, and largely way out of time. the breadlines of yesterday are kept at bay by one set of inventions, and they are essentially linked by the clearing houses. there's only a small number of them.

if you wanted to do that, that's how you would. i don't think it's a good plan, however. what exactly do you think the nogs will do in the 2wks it takes for them to expire?



No it does not.

Hispanics run a budget deficit of $411.95 billion of $7,289 per capita if military spending is proportional. If 100% of military spending is assigned to whites hispanics run a deficit of $291.3 billion, or $5,160 per capita.

you literally would have been given a bullet in early natsoc Germany, leeches are as bad if not worse than race traitors. If you have no skill of value to work for your keep, the rope awaits you. all of the proud whites in natsoc Germany loved to work for the benefit of their people and country.

seriously anyone who ever used welfare will be a corpse of dotr.

lol, yeah, get back to me after you've purged every nigger from America.

u wot m8

200k is an assumption of direct 1 to 1 ratio, which is not the case. When you take into account that there are far more whites than blacks in America, the number changes.

Same story, man. I feel your pain. I'm hoping I can get my brother to purchase some land with me up north.

Is this an unedited Garrison?

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Where in the world could I live and work without paying for niggers?

Blacks are basically on the government payroll. They take it from whites, and give it to blacks so they can live on to commit crimes and kill/rape white people.
They are government paid enforcers to break what was the host population.
someone make this into a webm, its to big for me to do it

We all know its alot, and i have always said without blacks we'd be on mars or europa by now, or have jetpacks.

Anyway this info needs to be graphed out, or maybe like the gumball immigration video.

You can wake up alot with this info, it must be used for the greater good

what about those that wanted to work but were too white for the job and nobody would ever hire them over niggers poos and chinks because of laws here. Do we luckless whites get roped too, you kike?

Remember that gook piece about how feeding blacks makes them multiply uncontrollably?

Seriously underrated post.

I made a meme based on that one.


A nice banner for the wage cucks on their morning drive would be hilarious.

Best to just let it happen goy.

t. Totally not a kike


something simple with a white symbolic figure (think street sign figure simple) sort of saying, you will give 200 plus whatever thousand dollars in your lifetime to a single black person.

one half our of your work day is for dontraviius etc. oh the possibilities.

They're already likely driving over an hour to avoid living around these people so I mean it's like a double wammy already.

imagine a whole city of white commuters painfully aware that they will fork over more than 200 thousand dollars to one black person whom they already avoid like the plague. If this was done on multiple over passes I think it would have an effect.


Maybe 50 years ago at best. The Jew has already neutered any possibility of people awaking to the true cost of diversity en masse.

Not a burger, but a bong. In the place where I lived, it was full of shitskin diversity. I used to work for the local council and managed to get myself on two types of benefits while working part time and avoiding tax because in that area, it worked out something like 580 pounds monthly would the average minority receive more. And I'm saying minority, since 58% of the people in that area were non-white, nevermind non-british.

Thankfully now I live in a majority white area and pay my taxes as normal, although I'm still sure a disproportionate amount of my money goes outside that community to fund diversity elsewhere and make life for whites there worse.

nah, even MLK realized (and im paraphrasing) shit gets dangerous when you fuck with peoples money. It does, even politically un-sophisticated goons (the majority) understand shekel theft. In America at least, people aren't politically sophisticated, they are religious ( I like this to be honest) and they understand the international language of money. These two points are to be pressed along with emotional works of art ( soon to come). The dry political stuff doesnt do much here in burger land but money talks as they say.

But that's provided you look at in as one big event, rather than on a case by case basis. Most Americans, by my impression of when I was living in America, is that they think of themselves first, and rarely of others. Sure they might hate paying those taxes, but the powers of the white man's rationalization of degeneracy and abhorrent behaviour will always kick in.

every white man in america will not like knowing he has to fork over 200 plus K for a nigger. he's buying an awful violent criminal a better life, even cucks will realize this deep in their heart.

Whats the best option for an I.T. person to get paid and live decently well without paying taxes?

I am familiar with and own/use bitcoin and other cryptos as well, if that gives more options.


North korea?



There's been around 41,000 arrests as of the later days of May. Probably closer to 60k now. Immigration is slowly getting more scrutinized via reforms and executive actions, and illegals are demoralized from hearing all the shit from the media, since birder crossings are down by a shit ton. Wall is in the process of getting built, they're testing out prototypes now. We're also renegotiating NAFTA. Fuck off


Can somebody edit this picture so it will have a Jew in the background like this one? I would greatly appreciate it

The NASA budget hasn't increased since those days, but welfare sure as hell has. The NASA budget is less than a percent of federal spending.

For what we have spent on welfare, we could have done ALL of the following things instead:

Think about that. We could have created an entirely new Earth for the amount we spent on welfare. If we could the foreign aid we send to Africa in that total as well, we could terrafrom Venus also.

So, basically be Varg?

I'm working on it.


Meanwhile it's estimated that raising a kid from birth til 18, even with all that dumb toys and electronics now, costs around 250,000 dollars. You can't afford to have your own kids because you're raising Jamal's and Shaniqua's. It's another extremely subtle but effective tool of genocide, plain and simple. Taxation isn't theft, it's literally cuckoldry

I've never quite understood this figure; it's probably basically true but so what? You feed a child by making just a little more food than you would've for you and your spouse for dinner, breakfast, and lunch. Clothing is dirt cheap and I had autistic looking hand-me-downs until I was 14. You seriously don't need to flood a kid with new shit every year, a child's imagination finds a way. If you have a stream and some rocks to dam it, that's like five years of entertainment just right there

College is expensive, but an in-state tuition at a state university is completely doable for a middle class family to save for and pay out of pocket

Seriously, if you have no idea what it's like to be a parent, simply don't post.

How le fuck do I set this up though? I don't have much to work with. Not trying to make excuses, I just don't see how it's possible any time soon. I guess I'll have it by the time I'm Varg's age at this rate which is better than not at all.

Yes and I bet you'll inform me that you have twenty children already

You don't take into account a huge plethora of variables that are required to properly raise a kid. By that metric, I can safely assume you're just another nigger.

Eh, I think it sounds about right. Yeah sure you can absolutely raise a kid without buying all the dumb (((Apple))) and (((Microsoft))) shit but it's still gonna cost especially with the prices for everything now.

Let's just do a rough ass basic guesstimate now where I go as lowball as possible, let's say you spend a hundred bucks a month to feed your kid tops for 18 years of his life. That's 1,800 right there. Let's say clothes including uniforms and whatnot you spend 500 on during those 18 years so there's 2,300. Then let's say you spend around 5,000 on medical care for him including vaccines and everything else so there's 7,300. Then let's say school supplies you spend a thousand on. 8,300. Then all the baby stuff the kid needed was around a grand so there's 9,300. So on and so forth. It's an extremely basic and retarded way of calculating but going by that extremely lowball hobo amount you'd still probably spend around 40 grand on the kid, realistically it'd be 3 times that amount so it'd still be around 120 grand. Life here ain't cheap at all, think about your own expenses every year. 25 grand if I remember right is the typical income for the average American now, it's nothing here but in the turd world you'd live like a king and even in the second world you'd still live quite nice. Our liked currency is honestly the problem when you think about it

And you made up a bunch, teaching a child to shoot with guns you already own/would've owned then you're just fractionally accounting for ammunition and wear. I've never paid much in school supplies, just a few notebooks and some pens and mechanical pencils. Calculators and other equipment were pre-owned from Neighbors, family, and siblings. I would never buy a car for my children. It's reasonable to save up 6k at least by eighteen to buy a car, if they go straight to a school while dorming they don't need their own car for four years

"Martial arts" are seriously going to set you back 20k or whatever you're acting like? Only boxing or that kike Krav Maga is worth it. It doesn't matter I'm sure you'll come up with some bullshit to feel like you're more knowledgeable though

25 grand is either chump change in a large city, or an average salary in a small town. I remember an user here saying he has just enough money to afford an average life in Commiefornia with 120k/year.

Dubs confirm and this is my life. I work in apelanta with a bunch of monkeys who somehow get food stamps and other freebies(no kids so we're in the same boat) while I'm not allowed access it the coffers. Thank god my family has a farm so my food cost is down.



user, that's 1,200 a year for 18 years, that's 21,600 in that kid's lifetime. If you were measuring per year, then reduce that 1,800 to 1,200.

Are you retarded?

its exactly the same here in Europe, sandniggers and other filth only leech of a very small tax paying middle class.

disgusting parasitic cancerous cretins.

but what about black women


Good thread op, have a bump for sharing the article

That's Siberia, fool.

That's enough to still be an effective infographic. Not many people have 6 figures to toss away these days.

Sounds like slavery to me.

b-but diversity is good for the economy goyim !

nevermind that only 30.000 out of 2 MILLION rapefugees in Germany work and France has a lower economic growth than Japan does even those France has all these subhuman shitskins around NOT WORKING .

thats soverign citizen shit

greeks didnt use slaves for farmwork. freemen worked the fields. slaves were generally for household use in attic greece. that said, the spartans were unusual in that they had a slave class (the helots) specifically to farm while they went off to war.

In 2014 the feds spent $3.506 trillion dollars. So we spent 19% of the budget on welfare in the year 2014.

In 1969 The Feds spent 7.3 billion dollars on welfare, and the federal government spent 4.25 billion dollars on NASA in the same year. The federal budget of that year was 183.6

We spent 91.5 time more on welfare in 2014 than we did in 1969.If we increased the space budget by the same rate we would have spent 388.875 billion dollars on space in 2014 dollars.

Fuck you defeatists. If you believe it is so bad, why bother living now? Why not go down and take as many of them with you? Oh, that's right your just a bunch of materialistic nihilists playing with philosophy, you don't actually 14/88.