Hypnotism is my fetish
what ami suppose to see here?
This is so confusing that I actually have to rely on saying that this isn't games….and I'm feeling bad to doing it
that's spooky as fuck!
That's not my pic. What the hell kikewheels
its happening
Image swap bug thing. It seems to be happening a lot lately.
Believe it is or not, it actually is video games.
He was about to stream a video game and clicked a shortened URL like a complete retard, opening up a hypnosis link which reflected off his glasses and hypnotized the audience.
It's as retarded as it sounds.
Those are some compelling trips you have there.
Don't even lie fuckboy
Does /clang/ count as spoiler material if there's no visible human genitals or nipples?
if it's being used in sex or displayed as an exhibitionist or solo thing, yet with a robot thing, it's still the porn.
So that picture with the dick is spoiler, and the tits are spoiler. If it's showing sexual, or dildo sexual, then yes it's spoiler matierial, but if you're showing off your dildo collection, then no.
It matters if in the picture, a dick is being displayed, but if it's like that one webm where a dude slaps lube and a giant dildo on a table, then it's fine.
literally shit tier fetish, get better ones, OP, you massive faggot
What's your idea of a good fetish, then?
Not shitposting on Holla Forums
Not really into any strange fetishes, but I think hypnosis is pretty okay if I'm in the mood for it. Hypnotizing a grill to suck your dick sounds like fun
They're both a kilogram
So you're turned on whenever people aren't shitposting?
It took me a second to realize that this was entirely fabricated. I thought someone made their own OC for Facerig's 2D module. I was a little disappointed.
i dont get it.
Hypnotizing a grill into doing that is actually the most likely way a Holla Forumsirgin is ever going to get his dick sucked unless on a sleepover
From the thumbnail, I thought it was someone streaming Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme or something.
Have to wonder when Zko's gonna improve, those proportions still look wonky.
You'd be surprised at how many of them are into that although most of it is consensual.
Basically Bruce Jenner was a man who changed his gender to get out of a crime supposedly. Oh and then later down the line he said "That was kind of a bad fucking idea" and regrets it.
What were they hypnotized into doing?
Some people just don't get it man, they would give up a lifetime of magical powers for a few moments of pleasure.
It's best to just pity them.
Becoming suggestible and obedient. If hypnotizing people with gifs and video clips really was that easy shitposters would have plastered the internet in brainwashing material unless you count advertisements and news propaganda, in which case most of us are already brainwashed to some degree.
tfw no gf
Would you get fired if your boss saw that picture open on your computer? If so, it's spoiler content.
that's on a perfect world, people just use NSFW as slang for "no porn". In fact unless you're a JIDF shill the entirety of this website, specially a board dedicated for video games is NSFW
By who? A ghost? Is she cute?
Plebs get out
Rolling :^)
polite sage because LOL threads are a shit
Cute ghost doing cute things.
Still, how is it a game ?
Why is /d/ here? Why are people bumping this? Is this the designated shitposting thread?
It's not [video games], it's "video games". Subtle difference.
Well yeah, it's a LOL thread.
/d/ is everywhere. Even when you're holding hands with your waifu
An eternal mystery of the LOL thread, even the oldfags do not know.
Where do you think we are?
Usually you start with something somewhat related to video games. Or at least something to get a conversation going. You can't just post any picture and say it's a LOL thread. You need substance.
OP's pic did do a remarkable vidya impression, which for all intents and purposes of a LOL thread is vidya.
at least nobody's posted any of the usual LOL thread fare
If that's not enough for you, then I've got your vidya right here
saging because thread is pretty dead and I'd rather not have yet another Holla Forumsco/ derail
Like i said, "video games". OP's train of thought is cocks, but AFTER that it's the idea that streamers are vidya culture, and therefore close enough.
Considering the amount of threads about it on Holla Forums, she probably does. Hell, i bet she plays Undertale, and likes it.
I did like the demo, but I hate the meme it became
vivian isn't a redditor who came here for GG and she has good taste in vidya, you must be thinking of the other retard.
I bet you suck cocks user
What the fuck is that
I'd fuck loli Vivian.
this image perfectly represents whats happening to Holla Forums user base its almost uncanny
i'd probably only touch diaper vivian, she's the most sexy of the lot
we were led to believe you died, michael jackson
The correct answer is oppai Vivian because fuck videogames