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Bump for Haram
Which part is Haram? Slapping the sand nigress? slapping her with a pork product or just the fact he had a pork product in his possession? Maybe the police can start charging shoppers with possession of a pork product with intent to cause haram.
Fucking muslim judges.
I hope you bongs carry around tactical pocket bacon at all times.
Fucking based
Six months in prison? For "slapping" a Muslim with an open packet of bacon?
these judges need to be dealt with
welcome to the new world
Absolutely Harambe.
The latest development in porcine warfare
It's not hard to find out where judges live and burn their homes down you know – and best of all if you're a coward – to get away with it.
Would I get arrested in London if I covered myself in bacon and strolled down main street?
Try it an livestream it
that's a goddamn beautiful sight
Wait UK laws actually cover what's haram or not? Is that the term they used?
Tell me that 'haram' isn't canon legal term now.
fucking summer
Muslims are slowly but surely becoming another "irreproachable class", just like kikes.
There was an article a couple of days ago on the DS about how Muslims in the UK are starting to ask the same priviledges as kikes so it's not just a figment of my imagination.
You can get arrested in London just for being white not a cuck and they'll make up an excuse as to why.
So, knowing that, why don't you do something substantial instead of a stupid prank that gets you in jail?
Could Londoners keep their children safe from the grooming gangs by making them wear pork amulets around their necks?
from the article
this seems far more effective
lock and load a pocket full of bacon bits
RT's comment section is top quality
if the intent is to offend then that's a hate crime and you could very well go to prison.
What happens when you load a shotgun shell with this?
load this into shotgun shells. obviously not in bongland, use a spoon to flick it at your muzzie enemies I guess?
Yeah but what if he's actually proselytizing her to become a Christian. How could that be offensive?
Slapping her with bacon is a way to show her that it matters not what entereth the mouth of a man, but what exiteth which condemns him.
Acid to the face is mudslime honor punishment, happens in the hellhole they come from all the time. The kike writing the piece forgot this detail.
Delicious vengeance.
i think i just found my business idea
What matters is how she feels. If she feels offended, then your intent was to offend.
Welcome to 2017
You get to the store and buy as many of these goddamn things as possible. I'll stay here and empty the birdshot out of these hulls.
user…skip to 1:41
Wouldn't the gunpowder ignition heat the pork bits rapidly?
Use a sawn off and fire it up close in their face could burn molten chunks of bacon into the mohammdens face
Can bongs get any sort of firecracker? make a ball of bacon bits, stick them together well with some water, then pack the firecracker into the middle. throw into crowds of mudslimes at will.
It will be shut down for anti-semitism within 30 minutes due to embedding from hatechan.
You want to alternate your shells so you've got a bacon shot, slug, bacon shot, slug, bacon shot, slug, etc.
Could you make something like a bacon landmine?
How about some bacon wrapped potatoes?
What about finely grounded dried bacon used as an aerosol and fired in clusters into mud mobs? They'll breathe in some of it for sure.
Bacosol. I like it. Get a back mounted insecticide pump and go to town.
no thanks
What substance in bacon is a class 1 carcinogen Dr. (1)?
Thanks Dr. Shekelberg! I'll ignore hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary biology and go back to eating grass and fruit like my livestock do!
A shit ton of Holla Forumstier comments in general on that site. Actually, I think a lot of you bastards lurk there regardless. This is pretty tame compared to about 2-3 months ago when it was full 1488. Spot.IM is the company that runs the comments section and they're a bunch of commie fucks who censor and filter shit like no tomorrow. Every person should do their part though. Their was a bit of a revolt in the comments section so they stopped banning IP's as much as what they used to but words like: nigger, kike, jew, shlomo, sheboon, monkey, coon, nignog, are all made to disappear within a few seconds. Words like: nig, nig.ger, neeg, juw, ju, joo, kyke, mr. goldberg, (((them))) still seem to pass. Also, they've made it more difficult to have discourse as every single time you comment, you have to type in a name which means you don't get notifications to replies as seen in the passed where, i'm assuming the IP was given an identity like, "cyan dog" for example.
Why do shitskins hold the monopoly on kebab, anyway? Doner kebab tastes great, and with fresh vegetables and the garlic sauce, it's pretty healthy, too. I'd eat doner from a white owned place.
i think the bacon technically has to go inside them for it to count, so either the bacon shells need to be powerful enough to penetrate the skin, or shot into an orifice/open wound. an aerosol sprayer just needs to be sprayed in the facial region and you're good.
what the fuck is with all of you faggot using this meme wrong? If it's beneficial to us, it's "country no," and if it's beneficial to our enemies, it's "country yes".
There's always Gyros. It's basically the same thing only Greek and with better sauce.
Don't let the Greeks hear you saying that.
They have a monopoly because no one knows where the fuck they get their meat on giant spits. Probably aliexpress. And even if they did know, kebab would likely only sell to kebab.
Stop using this word. By using this word, you are making Islam part of your culture.
It's better to pretend as if you don't know what it means, and hen they explain to you, you tell them to speak english. This will alienate and anger the muscucks.
This one is kinda tricky though. Its a "no" because people are getting pissed to the point where a shitlord bacon bitch slaps a shekebab, but a "yes" because said shitlord is getting locked up 6 months for his baconrage.
You'll end up in jail for life and the acid-wrecked mudslime girl will have 8+ little jihadists despite your attack, with extra gibes and sympathy.
Since you're going to jail for life anyways… JUST FUCKING KILL THEM AND BURN DOWN THEIR HOMES.
how long before he is killed in prison like the guy who put bacon on a mosque door handle?
what about stuffing pressed ham down the tube?
You're the kind of user that's good to have around.
How is this not beneficial to us?
Holla Forums should be encouraging more pork attacks.
Is like Holy water, for Muslims?
Serious memetic potential here.
Well, I'll be using that.
If anons meme responsibly, we could be seeing worldwide bacon holy water hambushings in the very near future.
Tescucks demonstrating what is wrong with Western businesses. When profit is placed before anything else, there is no limit to how low the money hungry will stoop for an extra penny.
It is the solemn duty of every Holla Forumsack to leave pork in the Halal meat fridge every single time we see one.
Also slit the package so the juices run down. They'll be cleaning it for days.
Thermo-Bacon Warhead Intercontinental Swine-To-Mecca Ballistic Porks
Why contain it?
I do that every time. Someone beat to it last time, though. I do it in the kosher section, too. I even crossed out the "halal butcher" on the door and sharpied "terrorist" under it. It stayed up for weeks.
We will make pigs fly.
Not to be a Debbie downer, but pork only sends them to hell if they are willing and not forced or deceived.
Day of the Crane soon.
Is that Ben Dover???
is being a pansy quintessentially british?
Drive a pork truck into a mosque, it seems like the poetic justice required
How about a bacon mace?
In war, you must use weapons that your enemies fear. For example, if you were to fight against a fungal enemy that fears fire, you would create napalm from gasoline instead of using it to power a slow SUV.
The have a cultural sense of revulsion towards pork. It makes them uncomfortable just looking at it or being near it. Touching it or being touched by it gives them a sense of contagion.
This. Start burning down their fucking houses down and make them afraid or shut the fuck up and stop complaining about the tyranny.
Fuck the UK I could not live in such an oppressive hell hole.
Over half of inmates in the UK are muslim too. You'd think this would be reason enough to put the pieces together but liberals.
If theres a halal section in your store make a point of porking it up. Especially if there aren't any cameras/poor coverage.
How long before a couple of guys create paintball rounds from pigs blood and then do a drive by shooting some Friday at a mosque on the crowd standing around blocking the road?
The authorities would treat it as equivalent to a real shooting, thus making the law look ridiculous, the Muslims would go apeshit, and normies would be delighted. In the past, revolutionary warfare actually consisted of bomb attacks, shooting people, and hostage taking, all of which actually led to people dying and being seriously wounded, to get publicity and promote a cause.
Now with the rise of protected classes like Muslims and the sheer lunacy of "hate crime" laws, just by commiting simple pranks, you can get the same reaction from the authorities that required explosions and assassinations in the past. In the 1970s, revolutionary groups like the Tupamaros and the Montoneroes killed people in order to provoke a repressive reaction from the state. Now you could create riots, armed patrols on the streets, curfews, and a state of emergency merely by using pigs blood, processed food from a supermarket, and some toy guns. Just think of the sheer absurdity of that.
Nine or ten people organised into three squads could create complete chaos in London. The public would see revolutionaries getting 10 years or life in prison for mere practical jokes, and there would be no collateral damage to innocent bystanders except perhaps the occasional laundry bill if some paintball rounds went astray.
6th generation guerrilla warfare. Using the enemies rules against them. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals".
Revolution in the 1960 and 1970s: plastic explosives, assault rifles, RPGs.
Revolution in 2017: toy guns, paint, pigs blood, and processed supermarket food.
Who'd have believed it?
Poor guy, jailed for something that won't change anything.
If you risk your life or freedom, hit the damn kikes.
Drive up the cost of their actions, which are virtually free of charge.
Even if they fail, they get off cheap/scott free.
Everything in life is based on cost benefit analysis, everything.
If the cost of acting like kikes skyrockets, they will peddle less of it.
Whoever did it would get killed in prison, from some follower of the religion of peace.
Just like the guy who put bacon on a mosque
Also, by the way. Allllllluaaaaaaahhhhh completely forgives such transgressions.
You could stuff a towelhead with bratwurst while he's bound to a chair made of pork and he'd have to fear no divine repercussion.
Allllllluaahhhhhhhhh knows that they couldn't help it and forgives these things.
Now you have to do it!
Which is what makes it even more absurd.
The punishment for pranks is death.
Idiot, paintball rounds hurt like hell. That is NOT just an harmless prank. The collateral damage would be painful bruises and blinded eyes, not just fucking laundry bills and stained clothes.
Even OP's story is retarded.
I mean, what's the background? Was he attacked? Was he defending himself? If you went on the street and slapped the first random stranger you encounter just because you felt like doing it, expect to spend at least a brief time in the gutter if the authorities get alerted. It's technically assault.
>the whole shelf has to get cleared once this has been done and halal meat eaters won't go near it.
tbh that reads to me like a 'oh please don't keep doing this you fucking awesome britpolistans'
In some guncucked countries they modify them to fire solid balls
I bent a stop sign with a high chronoed paintball marker that had marbles in it.
Can't u just freeze them?
low energy tbh
Have heard of this but not an airsoft/ram fag so can't be sure but have used them plenty as they are designed. RAM by far the best imo, smaller, higher velocity, less tumble, same thing SAS/Swat equivalent etc train with here.
They often increase pressure too.
Wow, that's enough ftlbs to break bone or more..
I'm surprised nobody has meme'd the rape alarms, since they're the only legal weapon in bongland.
When "inciting racial hate" is a crime, then whitey's effectively hog-tied until he fights back in numbers and makes politicians more fearful of white backlash than simply being labeled racist.
Funny that the quoted phrasing would fail to mention that the attacker is also (in all likelihood) a first-generation Muslim immigrant, and instead it was written to suggest the idea that it's some kind of white-on-brown racial hate crime.
Couldn't agree more, user.
It's quite insane that doing something which is essentially "just a prank bro", no more of a hate crime than slapping a vegan with bacon, can land you in the slammer for half a year.
Nope, it's death penalty.
He'll almost certainly be killed in jail. The prison wardens have been known to put prisoners guilty of anything "racial" in situations where they can be easily killed or maimed by other prisoners.
Look at what Tommy Robinson has gone through in jail. It's a miracle the man's still alive.
This. Twice the bullets for traitors.
Fuck, Bongs have it rough.
I thought it was established that most muslims don't give a shit up until they can arrest you for it
The best thing anyone could do is to steal the Black Stone from the Kaaba and film themselves destroying it. It's the holiest of the holy relics in Islam. Destroying it would be the greatest blow to Islam ever to have been made and the religion could never recover as part of its core would be gone forever. It would trigger a series of terrorist attacks on the west if the person that destroyed it was a westerner, but this is why it would have to be disguised as being an Israeli Jew for maximum effect. Shouldn't be too hard: fake a subtle Jewish accent and cover your face and any identifiable features while also donning a flag of Israel in the background. Think of how Muslims have flag on the background in beheading videos, only with the Black Stone at the front instead of a person and with an Israeli flag. In a matter of weeks, Israel would be gone from the face of the earth. All Jews in Muslim majority countries would be targeted for killing. In turn, the west would see that Jews are "islamophobic" and thus evil, but because Muslims would be bent on killing all Jews more than ever before, they would no longer be excused either. This could in the extreme scenario trigger WWIII and unite all non-Muslims and non-Jews against all Muslims and Jews.
If that's too much:
This one is possibly the most effective and easiest, everyone has to wear a white robe so they should be easy to set on fire and it would spread quickly from one person to another.
the point is that it's not even profitable. a lot of times initiative like this cause loss of revenue.
Putting bacon on the Kaaba would probably be worse to most muslims than fucking bombing the thing because no one would be sure if they should destroy it or not since everything is automatically unclean if it has been touched by pig meat yet it's their holiest place of worship.
It would be hilarious if someone were to try it someday, even throwing bacon on the entrance would cause a huge uproar.
Whites should take to the streets wearing pigs.
Airdrop? Some with chutes some without?
that's a bacon flail, user
OP did set this shit up backwards
I'm so offended right now I can't even. How the fuck can you psychopaths eat my food's food?!
meme it
Stay shitter shattered you little vegan fuck boy.
you just know they do this
Oi, drop that assault pork, m8!
I wonder if it would be possible to fly a drone loaded with pigs blood and bacon over the place and have it desposit it's load all over the kaaba and congregation.
For all their posturing there's no way management could ever sincerely give a shit about a bunch of goat fucking desert cultist's phobia of burning in hell for touching pig meat.
By the way, all Europeans in this thread who have family encourage them to take tactical bacon baggies when going out near infested areas right?
wait if we just build a pork wall around europe will they be unable to cross? is this like demons and salt?
He will get killed in prison by the muslim gangs that control the UK prisons.
Happens all the time
So you don't believe in the law against assault?
Define assault.
England's judges are going crazy. First they won't send a rapist, who raped a 13 yo, back to his country because it wouldn't be fair and now they send a guy to prison for this shit. fukkin idiots
I can see them requiring a license or an ID to purchase pork, just like they do with spoons.
All you need to do is start faking docs that bacon is in the water. Get it on the news and watch everyone cry
Do something about your fucking cctv cuckery first instead of rolling around in your hooligan circle jerk.
Gyros is pork you idiot, not the same thing. It only looks almost the same because Greeks have been fucking with mudslimes in the exact same way for decades now.
That's a LONDON YES, sadly.
That bacon doesn't have the mass to be an effective shotgun load. The powder probably wouldn't even fully burn.
Instead, make a "wax slug" using lead birdshot and bacon grease.
nobody should do anything illegal, period, it's stupid
it's double stupid to go to jail and be raped or killed by muslims for something so small, though, I mean, hypothetically and certainly discouraging anyone from doing anything illegal, but if you're gonna potentially die from acting in an anti-mohammedan way, then … bacon? seriously?
sage for low quality thread
>nobody should get arrested for anything illegal, period, it's stupid.
If they don't know they touched pig, it's pointless.
If they do know, they just do a prayer and its fine again.
Pork isn't kryptonite. Meme with that in mind.
Two points I want to take note of, first is the title of the video. If Islam isn't a race, how is this "racist." Second, of course he had to hit her in the face, the rest of her body was completely covered.
This makes me want to slaughter a pig in front of mudslimes and smear the hot blood over my chain mail and white tunic.
b-b-b-b-b-but that never happened
Well, apparently he got jail time because the assault was unprovoked and premeditated, not because pork is haram, etc. Hitting sandniggers with pork is a great idea, but it has to be in the form of defense. You can't just go hitting unsuspecting people and not expect the court to fuck you. I also like the idea of widespread plastering of mosque doors with pork, just make sure you can't be tracked doing it. Dress up like a muslim…
Shit, I never knew Tesco were *that* fucking stupid.
In Britain we really can't get away with a lot. Merely having pork on your possession around a Muslim is enough to get you arrested. But if we all do little things like this, it will let them know they are *NOT* welcome!
With that said, if your local store has a halal section, you're probably in a dangerous diverse area and should get out or fuck them all over somehow sooner rather than later
Someone awhile ago pitched an idea about airdropping freeze-dried hogs. The porkers would basically explode on impact - not only removing any kebab within the blast radius, but also covering the area with a fine pork mist that would render it permanently "unclean".
Are you the same retard who keeps posting shitty Tumblr gifs as responses?
Get out.
Ah hasbara / midf, not a very good day for you?
By law, I'm assuming this counts for at least assault. Furthermore there is the sanitation issue, due to raw, and likely refrigerated meat.
This video was weak, and most of all
Muslims dont give a shit about such things, also its not haram if they have been eating it unknowingly/forcefully.
There are so many excuses for their shitty rules.
Lazy as fuck today, GCHQ
Like slapping people you don't know with bacon is going to do much. Sometimes I wonder if I can you guys seriously.
Jihawg revival in the U.K?
You English really are pathetic. Guess your best men died in WW1 and WW2 and this crop are the genetic residue of the losers.
What a fucking lot of losers.
The meme is shit anyway, needs to be replaced. Positive response for country doing something good instead of ironic negative response. Negative response for country doing something bad instead of ironic positive response. Meme responsibly.
Butthurt Muslim detected
You get a prison sentence for severely harming a white person or for slightly upsetting a non-white. Do you seriously believe that a white man would get 6 months in prison for slapping a white woman with a piece of bacon?
drone drop some bacon on that mother fucker
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
I assume getting a gun legally in Bongland is just short of impossible.
What about pig blood/grease on a knife for the time being?
Should we start raising guard boars?
Getting killed by a boar is probably the most heretical thing ever for them right?
Actually, no - being killed by a WOMAN is the most heretical thing possible, and guarantees you don't go to heaven and get 72 virgins no matter how many infidels you killed.
Also interesting to note is that dogs are just as "unclean" as pigs to this particular cult, so regular old guard dogs are just as effective (and probably more legal than guard boars).
Pig breeding is pretty popular.
I bet you could breed guard boars in a single lifetime
I wanna see some crazy fucker fling pig heads into mecca with a catapult.
pretty sure it's the nitrites which are preservatives, in basically all processed meats.
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It's difficult to know what the purpose of this story is; but it is a story.
1: All media is controlled by the usual suspects.
2: The perpetrator filmed and uploaded it.
3: Enfield is Essex not North London, so the story was written by someone in Israel or possibly Australia who doesn't know England.
4: The perpetrator got prosecuted, just like other high profile meme warriors, think Joshua Bonehill.
It's either supposed to deter or encourage people. But (((they))) clearly want you to see this.
If you think this is stupid, read up about hypnosis and mind control. Hypnosis is real, and not difficult, a concerted effort by (((the press))) could have people believing all sorts of shit. Why you might even consider the Earth is flat.
jewing intesifies
How small is the permissible amount of pig contact before being forced into hell?
How long after death does it take for the pig piece to stop being pig?
What happens if we explain that everyone ought to have at least one atom of previously pig in their bodies since birth?
If a pig shits in grass, the grass 'eats' what it can and a cow then eats the grass, there are pig atoms in the cow, some which will stay on it, then they eat their special snowflake cow meat with pig atoms on it
We should be able to fully cover ourselves and go burn some mosques or immigrant camps. I don't see how it would be any difficult.
I know how to deal with cameras
LARPing: the post.
Went don't we drop pork bombs on them. Maybe we can fire off some pork chop tomahawks at them. Let's launch some spy satellites with pork wavelength lasers and…
It's what rusty shackelford would have. =)
You are all talk. No one will do this type of anti-Muslim attacks, I would say prove me wrong but you would tell me to do it myself. Europe is already doomed and it makes me sad even though I am not European.
The irony is muslims can eat pork, do drugs, drink (c. David Wood) . So the tard got himself sent to jail for her being offended by something she may have secretly eaten for breakfast. Ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is if said tard regularly buys a donner from Abdul and is giving money to fund their zakat (?) to spread Islam because the shop is halal certified.
They're lamb/beef you fucking dunce
This is fucked. What do you say to organizing street patrols to fix the mudslime problem?
The Mohammedans greatest fear is to be thrown into a pen of hungry pigs to be eaten by them for then he shall become bacon.
How about super soakers filled with pig's blood? would it work?
Why not? Get together with likeminded people and do it, better kill them too or it gives them more fuel. If enough people got together and mowed the streets of every Muslim in sight, the pathetic emasculated police forces would be helpless. If kids are recruited, they can be driven by peer pressure into doing the dirty work and that'll keep them from snitching too.
Organizing meetups is not hard, getting the people who are serious about it to come is. It isn't worth it if only a few come because they won't get anything done but if you get just five people, that's enough to go on a spree to clean a whole block. You don't need guns, they make it easier but bread knives make good weapons too and everyone has at least one. If you have a car, you can run them over like they do, just don't crash on a wall or it's over. Wrap them in toilet paper and set them on fire. Forks can be lethal too. Bare hands are fine. Kick their faces in on the ground. Beat them with baseball bats. Ambush them, surround them and get to work. Pour petrol on the doors of mosques and set them on fire, better yet break in and pour it everywhere and then set it on fire as you run out.
Wear masks and gloves, you won't be caught. If you do get caught, you can work from the inside of a prison by attacking the Muslims there. Make sure the media finds out and have a signature, possibly stuffing bacon in their mouths or something else. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, atheist, communist, right wing or left wing. Those differences only matter in the light of day, not at night. No one has to know who the people they're patrolling with are, that's a security measure and a way to focus on the common enemy.
That would work. Sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid is more effective, Muslims are not vampires so pig products don't have real effect on them except offending them. I don't know what happens if you mix pig's blood and acid, you could try that.
Mudslimes aren't known for the scientific prowess, but Sulfuric and HF would break down the organic matter and it would cease to be pig's blood.
I say just throw acid on them anyway, with or without pig's blood.
What a fucking joke.
There's a degree of consideration of customary law.
But how can that apply to a non muslim in Britain? In the past sharia law could only be used between two muslim parties. And it couldn't conflict with commonwealth law too much.
Not as lazy as you, Bong. Do something or die already.
Whats the sentence for slapping someone with your hand in Britbongistan?
6 months too?
I'm just trying to figure out if you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Just toss your drink at them and claim it was an accident. Don't call them a sandnigger and you'll be fine.
It's ok if it's for an art project though