I have literally no further information about this video. It was posted on normiebook with no description and the user who posted it was suspended 5 minutes after posting.
I thought you might enjoy another win under our belt…
Muslim forced to shit on Qur'an and beaten
Other urls found in this thread:
Interesting. If it hits the news, it'll definitely evoke a response. Maybe then things will start to snowball.
"beaten" sure getting stepped on with socks really hurts
Pretty sure getting heeled in the liver, even through socks, isn't a pleasant experience.
Must admit i heiled a little bit.
Wow I actually feel bad for the sand nigger. Only because I imagine a Jew making me do that to something I love.
Also that's not a sand nigger in the video that is a white/jew.
it's a start?
Nice, with this acid attack thing that happened as well I'm starting to have some hope for my fellow britbongs.
Just say no to rapefugges.
Shitskin detected
mein sides i like that video. at least one group of lads is taking action. next step is making the red run out of a lot of them. keep it up lads
I know it's a bit hard to understand, but the guy reading is calling him a "convert"
Also he looked white not like a sand nigger.
Fake tbh
probably a white that converted to islam. i.e. a race traitor
And gay
you can tell the Jews were behind this hoax due to all the men and feces.
Here's why you're both niggers:
If you look at 0:05 you'll see that there are bars at the window. They're in prison.
Clearly filmed in a prison. British prisons have a serious Islam problem; with Muslims being disproportionately criminal they are starting to make up a significant percentage of inmates in certain prisons. They then use this as an opportunity to strong hand native inmates into the religion. I guess these lads had enough and decided to strike back, the Muslim is decribed as a "convert" and looks like a native.
The British prison system might to be as bad as in some parts of the world but it’s still pretty bad by all accounts, drugs, phones etc. all find there way in with ease. Muslims are apparently assuming control without much opposition from the system. Ministers will occasionally remark on the growing issue but none have are willing to tackle the issue because it’s hard work/ would probably effect money they have invested in private sectors of the system.
are you retarded? Lots of old british houses have bars on the windows. A prison wouldn't let people have uniforms, curtains, shelves and face masks. Listen to the way the main lad reads, he doesn't raise his voice above a certain degree, even when getting into the passionate parts of his speech. The walls are thin, it's probably a rented townhouse.
Are prisoners allowed on Facebook?
I don't know anything about prison other than I don't want to go there.
Vertical bars? I've never seen such a thing in Britain.
What bullshit prisons do britcucks have that they allow inmates to not only have cameras but also internet access?
I feel bad for him.
The Arabs are the only possible friend we can have against the Jews; it would be unwise to be so brash against them all. Though they certainly do not belong in our lands.
On the off chance you are being serious. Very few British homes have barred windows; I have only ever seen this on basement level windows in some older city properties. Plenty of prisons allow inmates to have possessions in their cells and thusly shelves. There “uniforms” and masks are clearly all crudely handmade, they are coloured in with marker pen for heavens sake. They are all wearing the exact same grey clothing otherwise.
Mobile phones are common in British Prisons, inmates routinely post on social media and communicate with the outside world. It isn’t allowed but it happens.
20,000 phones disovered last in CY+1 alone (thats roughly one per four inmates). Imagine how many went undiscovered/ ignored. It is perhaps safe to say that at least half of all inmates have contraband mobile phones.
Kill yourself shitskin
You are a fool, they are allies. Besides, the lad getting a beating here is a native not a Saracen.
Underrated. This is just a continuation of the Frozen Elsa Scatological psyop.
Same semite shit, different cover. Fuck off
Arabs and Jews are the same thing, you're thinking of Iranians
This is fake.
Semitic is a linguistic term. It's the same reason both a 5 foot tall, brown haired-eyed Aztec and a 6 foot tall blonde hair, blue eyed Spaniard can be called 'hispanic', even if they're racially nothing alike. Likewise Arabs, though inferior, don't have the same parasitic traits that the kikes have. They're more of a negroized-mongolian caucasian bastard child.
And I understand your distrust of them completely. But it seems like it would be much better to have them as a friend than as a foe. They are pretty much the only people standing up to the ZOG, and even with /our guys/ like Assad, people just shout that he's a shitskin and deserves to die. Now in some cases genocide and ethnic cleansing are justified, but it seems completely unnecessary. A neo-nasserite pan-Arab nationalist movement is detrimental to everything the ZOG holds dear. If you are a cuckchanner civic-nationalist who only got red-pilled in the last year or two then feel free to believe the Zionist propaganda which is using us and the Muslims as golems. But if you are an actual National Socialist; who cares more about doing his race good than harming others, then you should see the value in an alliance with them.
And if you are an edgelord who is more interested in killing non-whites than in trying to make whites better? You are no better than a Jew.
It's in a priso where white converts are common. They cant kick him very hard because they don't have shoes on (because they are in prison).
That was a little wierd.
ok awesome
even better
breddy gud
why wouldnt the piece of shit have his face exposed for this video so his fellow jihadists would know he shat on a quran and kill him?
getting a little wierd
the beating was pretty fucking tame. Yea their strikes connect but they are very weak stomps nothing that would hurt very bad at all
The more I watch this video the more wierd/staged it appears.
This is pretty gross and kinda retarded
All these recent 'happening' give me a certain uneasiness. Feels like the tide seems to be turning too fast, too extreme, as if, artificially. Like when a company finds out a certain license/toy is getting popular and then it buys it and blows it out of proportion with over the top marketing, trying to cater in the most shallow and blatant way to exploit it for profit, thus transforming the original into a mockery of itself. Dunno if I explained myself well.
So, Britain is the first country to start the racewar. Genuinely surprised, but I guess it had to be someone.
Damn it, man, I am jelly. I wish I could take a turd this fast. Maybe Allah truly blesses his children after all.
Aztecs aren't hispanic, Mexicans are; they're bastardized spawn of the Spanish.
So then you don't understand, or have an ulterior motive for promoting the opposite anyway, am I right Achmed?
You're setting up a lot of fucking narratives there, shitskin. How about: I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE JEWISH IDEA THAT THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND ?
Nope. Gas yourself
I just call them beans.
Literally what argument outside of LARPing is there to declare all Arabs our enemy?
Very possible tbh
Equally possible tbh
Red truck man?
I am also experiencing this feel now you mention it.
thanks user, I guess I had more faith in the british prison system
The eschaton is immementizing at an accelerating rate. What's so hard to understand?
That video is kind of tame and hoping some angry white nationalists film something more hardcore. We need payback for all the cowardly attacks against our people. It's time for war on Muslims
yeah for a prison video it is really nothing. no blood at all.
Almost looks staged, given how soft he was treated.
You will never be white.
I know, the status quo is unsustainable. I don’t want things to remain the same and to ensure a future for our children we must drive the invasive hoards from our homelands. I do however wish it didn’t have to be a brutal guerrilla civil war. It seems so pointless when we have militaries, even if conscription were utilised it would be far preferable.
How about several thousands of years of bloody wars between our respective races that still continues today, you fucking retard?
Back to cuckchan with you, and take a fucking look at who actually runs, let's say, the House of Saud that you seem so giddy about sucking off.
Meanwhile Russians sledgehammer terrorists
Sounds like (((fake news)))
How do you know this?
Except the bloodiest wars whites have endured were against other whites. Except that time in white people's History when they fought their most important war ever and had in Arabs one of their greatest allies. But no, we won't ally with them to fight humankind's greatest enemy, that would be stupid, goy. We will side with feminists against arabs and kill each other. This is the only way to maximize prof- I mean keep Aryans such as myself safe. Or are you some kind of shitskin?
Fucking gas yourself, Saracen
Because if they identify the victim from the video, they can retrace his steps. Anyone that saw people around him before his disappearance will be questioned and detained.
or.. the 'muslim' could just got up to a guard and say 'these racists were racist'. This is one of the rare occasions where occams razor actually applies. It seems extremely staged; Hell it could be a whole gang of muslim converts doing it for isis. Thats a whole lot more plausible than "this highly suspicious video is 100% legit"
Im not sure if this is a quality shitpost or a filthy semite
You're leaving out the part where muslims kidnapped, raped, castrated, and killed 10,000,000+ Europeans when their slave trade was still a thing. Arabs will never be people and that includes you.
But Spanish people aren't blonde and have a brown complexion themselves.
The whole purpose of shit like ISIS is too keep goys more willing to remove kebab than kikes, so the latter have time to escape in the case of race war. It is no surprise these are brit kids, either. They are the most niggerified whites there is. They are below the worst American redneck. They have gang wars among themselves, but since they don't have guns they chuck acid at each other like monkeys. The most dangerous neighbourhoods in UK are actually majorly white with gangbanger subhumans stabbing and throwing acid at each other. They also go around beating Polacks because muh jobs (implying these whiggers want a job anyway), now Polacks may not be the pinnacle of white civilization but they are certainly better than brit gangbangers. If you are siding with these retards then spic and nigger gangs in USA killing each other are also /ourguys/. And if you would rather focus on rapefugees than kikes, aka healing the symptoms and not the sickness, well, either you are a kike yourself or a retard. Very probably both.
Then whites aren't human either because they colonized and opressed half of the world, genocided native Americans, nuked the Japs, did the Holocaust and then stopped it before completion. Come back when you have a better argument than "children inherit the sins of their fathers except me because I am special", you fucking retard.
Morality is subjective, the only thing which matters is that we live in a world with limited resources and people band together with those most like themselves when determining how to control those resources.
You're right, he's a retard with a shit argument. The reality is that might makes right and the reason we're all here is to make the rest of the western world remember what they've forgotten. Namely that they need to finish what they started if they ever want civilization to remain a thing.
Do you actually know any rednecks or are you basing that off libshit/kike memes?
you should leave and never come back, faggot.
I didn't even catch that. It's way too late for me to still be up.
Those things look pretty fucking Semitic. As if they have ancestry predating Reconquista. I'm guessing those shitskin Spaniards are actually Arab mudshits or rape babies.
You type exactly like you're fresh off the boat from tumblr.
Are you that "conservative gay" from the other thread who's bitching about rednecks and how dumb "straight white men" are, or are we just being raided?
Nah it's just summerfags.
Not really, the purpose of isis is to direct the anger of the goys to the sand niggers so that greater israel can move forward.
Takes a non-white to not know the difference between a redneck and a hillbilly.
No foreigners should feel welcome to come to take jobs. They go after the Polacks because going after the shitskins would guarantee a lengthy prison term
I side with anyone who isnt a shitskin, a commie or a kike, what ever shortcomings they may have can be rectified after.
More on the memes. Being European the sister-fucking heroing addict kind of redneck is the only one you see in media, sorry about that.
Of course. I am also CIA, CTR, Shariablue, Holla Forums, JIDF, Holla Forums and a proud owner of a 4chan golden pass. Make sure to find out who is everyone who disagrees with you, that is a lot more useful than actually considering what he says.
Muslims are not Europe's problem. Whites are sick and dying right now, and they still would if every single shitskin dropped dead right now. If they were healthy, strong and proud then they would have a bright future even with twice the vibrants among them. They are a non-issue. The issue is the deep brainwashing they are subjected to, the media kike, the entertainment kike, the academia kike, the politics kike and their cohort of race traitor. The issue is feminism, the way it weakens men, sterilizes women, breaks families and alienates children. And every second you spend fighting muh Muslims, is a second you are not fighting the real problem. Breivik understood this. The Jew also understands this, this is why ISIS, the paki pedos and the radicals are allowed to exist even when they only make whites angrier, more aware and therefore only slow down white replacement/genocide. The question is, do YOU understand what am I saying, anons?
Figured, best white analogue in US isn't rednecks it's gutterpunks
Don't blame him, we are actually being mildly raided by homo shills pretending to be right wing then outing themselves immediately after being btfo.
a little gay tbh fam
I watched the video but didn't listen. It definitely took place in a prison and it's real. This is the kind of thing that prisoners have time on their hands to do like time defecation with a stunt.
They definitely forced this person to do it and it probably was a white convert. You don't race mix in prison. That's a good way to get yourself completely isolated.
Don't want to disrespect those digits, but I can relate to what those user's were saying.
These incidents feel a little (((contrived))).
I hope I am wrong and these are the sparks of the fire rising, but I have a feeling at least some of it is being stage managed.
t.liveleaker here
This shit looks fake as fuck (beating at least)
They start laughing at the end and stop when they kick poop.
Barely beat him, no actual hits to head.
It's nothing, Goyim!
The kikes are loosing the grip big time.
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