ITT Games that don't raise the health and damage of mobs with higher difficulties but something completely different.
This was the only one that I could think of, have fun.
ITT Games that don't raise the health and damage of mobs with higher difficulties but something completely different
Megaman series. The ones where you can choose the difficulty.
Vanquish changed up bosses if I remember correctly.
There's Thief
Metro 2033 and Metro last light, makes the enemies weapons and yours more powerful, but health stays the same.
God Hand
This nigga hain't played the best RTS game ever made. The AI gets no health boosts, damage boosts, or free resources on higher difficulty, it only gets smarter. And by smarter I mean on expert it pours all its resources into settlers in the first ten minutes of the game, uses those settlers to mine, deforest, and hunt all the animals to extinction, then kills its settlers to regain their population points and build and raise a neverending army of of infantry and howitzers. The only ways to beat it are to
1) Team up with a friend
2) Do exactly what the AI does but get lucky with more resources at spawn
3) Play a water map and sink all its ships on approach
or, my personal favorite
4) Hide in some remote corner of the map until all their natural resources are exhausted and then whittle away their farms and houses until the AI can no longer afford to rebuild them
Say what you will about the series, but something that Halo CE and Reach do really well is actually making the enemies smarter on higher difficulties rather then just giving them more health/damage.
On the higher difficulties in Reach, for example, elites actually act like players and will hop inside vehicles that you get out of or run behind walls/buildings for cover or to lure you away from your current position.
There's been more then one time i've played the game on legendary and the AI does something so eerily player like that I get kind of spooked out over it.
I'm sure they get more health and deal more damage, I've beaten all three Halo games on Legendary solo and it just gives enemies retarded amounts of health and damage, It gets to a point where skill doesn't matter and you get better by adapting to individual segments of the game, it's fucking retarded.
I just checked the wiki, Elites get double the shield power and your shield is halved, nice one Bungie, I can't believe I liked you as a company at one point.
Actually I remember how I beat the game, a fully charged plasma shot drains a shield completely, I just kept that as a sidearm at all times.
In my opinion they're the definition of artificial difficulty. They kill in one shot and whether or not you can get them before they notice you is nearly always down to the RNG and nothing else.
I didn't mean there's no health/damage improvement based on difficulty, there obviously still is, but i'm saying that in addition, the AI also gets smarter on top of that. Especially in reach, on legendary, the difficultly is more from elites just being so damn quick to react and smart rather then their health/damage output
I'm only talking about CE and Reach. In 2, 3, ODST, 4, and 5, the AI basically doesn't change at all between difficultly beyond just shooting less and dodging less on lower difficulties, and I agree is completely just artificial difficulty
The worst part is when shit like this happens. I was doing fine until the dumbass marine shoots me in the foot with a ricochet shot
CE was closer to "enemies deal the same damage as you do" in terms of scaling. I can't speak for anything newer than that.
What does Reach have to do with Halo, I'm talking about Halo, you know Halo the trilogy of fps games.
It's pretty standard in fps games for the ai to get better at higher difficulties, Perfect dark AI gets better at higher difficulties, Timesplitters 2 AI gets better at higher difficulties.
My image was meant for this goyim.
If you don't like the other Halo games, then just say so though i'd say you have shit taste. ODST and Reach are both great. and while 5's SP is trash it has the best MP the series has had in over a decade, you don't need to be a giant faggot about it.
I remember a time where everybody shat on Halo.
Now I'm almost worried that in ten years people will consider shit like CoD to be good.
Master difficulty is default difficulty. Game gets harder the easier you set it.
Get your head out of your ass and stop just shitting on everything for the sake of it. I'm not saying Everything 343 has done has been good, but Halo 5's MP certainly is, as are quite a number of the recent novels.
Also, ODST and Reach are both bungie games, so i''m not sure what your issue is there unless you just arbitrarily hate everything that came after 3.
Or, maybe that's it. Are you a Halo 3 baby?
Yeah, I remember that time too, and the whining and bitching was dumb as fuc, and Halo threads had to be made late at night when all the underagefags who got their panties in a bunch over it were asleep.
The only reason Holla Forums hates halo is because it's popular and it wants to blame it for the general industry trends that are the fault of games that tried to copy halo, when halo itself had nothing to do with. Also, the only reason Holla Forums hates those trends is arbitrary to begin with (why no weapon limit is better then a weapon limit, for instance)/
That's textbook example of a logically fallacy, you can't just go around saying somebody doesn't like something because it's popular. By that logic everybody here would also hate the original Mario Bros.
When you make a statement such as this you've practically just forfeited your entire argument.
There has to be a name for something like this. I know that "argumentum ad populum" refers to saying "it's good because it's popular", but is there a name for saying "you just don't like it because it's popular"?
I was pointing out the flaws in pokemon go today on a server and how even though I wanted to like it, its lack of features and flaws made it something I passed on. When some kid told me that I didn't like it simply because it was popular and that I should ignore all the reasons I don't want to play it and do it anyway. I was astounded how stupid people could be
Halo did start a trend of ridiculously bland and arbitrary bullshit in FPS games
Also the fuck outta here
Perfect Dark.
The Last of Us disables the UI and wall hack listen mode, significantly lowers the supplies for crafting and ammo you can find and makes the AI more aggressive.
Are you both autistic? Do you not understand what post-Bungie means? How the fuck did I even imply that Reach and ODST were post-Bungie?
343fags everyone.
I've seen this posted for years but still don't know the sauce.
yeah its real mental gymnastics bud, also
that just reinforces the opposite point you're trying to make
If the enemy has only settlers in the first 10 minutes of the game wouldn't it be reasonable to attack as early as possible?
fucking newfags don't know namasensei
"how to speak osakaben"
That's not me you fucking brain-dead nigger. Check the IDs.
You yourself admit that the post I replied to mentioned Halo 5. Halo 5 is a post-Bungie game. Read the fucking post you idiot.
Fuck you're a dumb cunt.
No I'm serious this is an anonymous imageboard just cause freddit has it auto enabled does not mean you shouldn't go into the options and take it off.
How about I do one better and block you altogether? That way I really won't know who you are :^)
so as to imply many games
kill yourself sheep
You are wrong about the popularity part, but partially spot on for the rest.
The Halo franchise can be blamed for the trends because despite Halo CE only having regenerating shields and a 2 weapon limit (though its justified), Halo 2 opened Pandora's box for the shittiest of game play choices: regenerating health.
The duel health systems of the Halo games justifies the 2 weapon limit because the amount of damage the weapons do to the two types of health are not the same overall, this means there is a kind of strategy for weapon choices, but it did start the horrible trend of 2 weapon limits that is used by games that don't have multiple health bars.
The regenerating health of Halo 2 and onward allows for lazy level design, which is perhaps the worst trend that Halo started.
I like the Halo games, however I understand and acknowledge the legitimacy of the criticism of its impact on the standards and expectations that it created. To say that its hated because its popular is just silly.
Men of War actually varies what units both you and the enemy get.