Scenes in video games that made you cry legit

Scenes in video games that made you cry legit

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Any time I can talk to all my companions before/after the end fight.

especially if there's an animal companion, because I always name them after my dead dog and I don't like them leaving again


Deionarra's sensory stone
Morte's past

ending of link's awakening

Twitter reference?

I can't find it exactly but there was a variation of the Alistair Sacrifice ending in Dragon Age Origins where he tries stopping the human warden even after breaking up with them, and then choosing to reconcile at the gate before he goes and kills the Arch Fiend.

And I'm not sure why the variation of having a break up before hand gets me, but it does.

I've booted up save files to the endings of Ace Attorney games when I felt like getting teary.

-and I'll go ahead and steal Ghost Trick as a common answer too.

The ending to MGS3. I didn't spoil myself and it caught me very off guard when I first played it.

Maeterlinck reference.

I never asked for these feels.


I'm pretty ashamed of this But I cried when Walter died in Fable 3, didn't even like the game.

this also

after like 10 years I replayed it and I cried like a wussy because that's what I've become with age

Same. I'm actually tearing up now thinking about it.

Ending of Shadow of the Colossus made me cry.

Silent Hill 2 had a lot of moments. Just before you fight the two Pyramid Heads, James breaks down and that broke me, also hearing Mary's letter about how distant James was to Mary in the corridor and as she breaks down into despair made me cry like a bitch too. Angela's final scene was also very sad and well done too.



To be fair, Walter was probably the best thing about that game.

Though when you think about how fucked up it is to die to the thing you're irrationally afraid of, yeah it's sad


Silent Hill 2 is the best cinematic game, if we use that term. I only say that because of its use of cutscenes, which are well done. The game itself being great only enhances the experience. I've only played it once, along with SH1-3, but 2 stays with me.

She got me. Luna was the fucking best
best robot

I played from the first Volgin fight to the very end with a couple friends and we all teared up during the ending.