

Other urls found in this thread:


first for random is cheating

r1 gb never haha

third for WATCH OUT

watch out

I'd play a rhythm game that didn't have shitty post 80s J-pop or nightcore.

dude it has eurobeat

Stepmania exists you do realize.

stepmania just has everything tho

are you saying thats a bad thing?
Also no bemanis have nightcore.

Reminder this happened

i never said that also nice dubs

reminder that osu! is shit

Now there's 3 LED remixes on IIDX without their originals

makes sense.

Also thanks for the spada removals konmai

Anybody remember Patapon? That counts, right?

very good reminder


Every time

off by 1




pine nut boy

haha vibro boy



Is there a pastebin with IIDX alternatives? Lost access to my spada rip….

Play LR2/LR2HD

How come there are barely modern AAA rhythm games where you can use with a controller, mouse or keyboard? Why do they force you to use those stupid instruments?

Chunithm and Maimai at Round 1 arcades when?

What rhythm games can I play with a fightstick?

none you fucking aspie its called a fightstick for a reason

That depends. How badly do you hate yourself?

I identify with Shinji Ikari on a fairly regular basis, so probably pretty badly.

Nearly all of them, then. Just map buttons to close approximations and you're all set. Games like Osu could even be played using something like xpadder to give mouse control to the stick.

Have fun.

fucking faggot

More specifically Beatmania-likes, or whatever you call them. Preferably in 2/4/6/8-key rather than with odd numbers.

Great post my mans

nice one

Graduate from 4k today!



Reminder that osu is a trash game with a cancer community.


Reminder your a faggot

but hes right though


where did this come from

The attitude of labeling anything you don't like as something SJW.

wait i thought we moved from that to calling anything we don't like as cuck/made for cucks

i can't keep up with the memes

Same thing.


What games play good simply with a PC keyboard?

I miss plastic guitar games

lr2, stepmania, taiko, o2jam,

I remember seeing a story about this, what was the developers comment when this was found out?

I'm interested in lr2 and I just downloaded beta 100201 file. Is that the most recent? Also where is a good site to get some songs?



only 2 relevant menes atm
G e n g a o z o

you asked for it

That's the good shit right there, remember to join the Discord so we can help you set shit up and dickwag about scores.

Here's some more shit:

O2Jupiter setup guide:



DL Client -> en.o2jam.v3-games.com/forum/index.php?topic=3.0
DL Initial Full Song Pack -> en.o2jam.v3-games.com/forum/index.php?topic=86.0
DL, on that same page, the UPDATES which come after Song Pack #20

O2V3 is probably the most modern iteration of O2Jam and is in English.

at least you tried

Phase Shift is a pretty good plastic guitar game for PC.

Yeah but there's no songs for it. Also it's missing online

this is some harambe shit

But there is online, and you're looking in the wrong places.

Requires login, but well worth it, because almost every song from Rock Band

For customs, or songs that don't need a login,
Be sure to click the "PSh" link

Postan LR2 account/osu profile

rival me this time faggots


I play LR2/IIDX, but also osu!std/4k on the side casually

reminder that dancing games are for gay school shooters

Oh. Well thank you very much.

No problem.

me on the right

me on the left

I will protect you.

Every day until you clear it.

Finally imported this as a birthday present, couple weeks ago. (Which reminds me, I intended to take pics of my haul for the buyfag thread; everything has yet to arrive.)

I got seriously into Rhythm Heaven when it landed stateside, tried so damn hard to get "Perfect"s on at least half the stages. Ended up losing my cartridge a few years back.

In any case, this ought to be a blast. I had tons of fun emulating Rhythm Tengoku, and ball-busting organic Japanese difficulty is what I'm looking for.

Look no further.

i can bust your balls onii chan

I like the mikus. Does this make me pleb tier?

Hey at least is not osu!

miku a cute

Miku a lewd.

Whats with the hate on osu!?

I hate the community mostly, also the game taking screenshots without permission

Didn't I say "never make this thread again" cause I am pretty sure I did. Now fuck off to reddit or 4chan, kill yourselves and never make this thread again.



Hi peppy

That's it? I was expecting something else but yeah it does suck

Fuck off faggot

all osu!mania players are #1 suck

The founder, peppy, doesn't put the right people in charge for certain game modes, leading to everything having shitty scoring. Motherfuckers who don't even play VSRGs are in charge of mania and make things like HD and DT giving score bonuses, and making it more combo oriented.

The main mode is also really shitty because of how scoring works. Combo scoring is never good.

seconding this

ok std boy h aha

nice double friendo
There is no need to be upset.

Succ players just dont know their noob

That fucking video everytime.
I like how he then went on to play SM and DJMAX and hes equally as shit at both of them.

oh god 31gabe the king of aspies

beyond impressive

Ban this sick filth.
He fucking PUC'd everything except Lachryma now.
Then again noone PUC'd Lachryma.

Also yes

Your bitch ass best be talkin bout FL and not DT

Loctab is that you>

So I just tried お前らどうせ「今回も『JUMP』とか『跳』とか関連の単語をタイトルの中に入れるんだろうなー」とか期待していたんだろう?残念だがそう何度もJUMPネタで行くと思うなよ!俺だってそう何度もJUMP、JUMP言い続けたら飽きられるってことぐらい分かってるんだ!JUMPって言い続け
and honestly?
お前らどうせ「今回も『JUMP』とか『跳』とか関連の単語をタイトルの中に入れるんだろうなー」とか期待していたんだろう?残念だがそう何度もJUMPネタで行くと思うなよ!俺だってそう何度もJUMP、JUMP言い続けたら飽きられるってことぐらい分かってるんだ!JUMPって言い続け is pretty ok in comparison to 尻削り節 [7keys 歌は世につれ世は歌につれ 難易度表に心奪われ 滝汗流し腱鞘炎 来る日も来る日も飽きず筋トレ 誰にでもつらいときはあるものです それでは聞いていただきましょう 手動ディレイで 尻 削 り 節] but really 尻削り節 [7keys 歌は世につれ世は歌につれ 難易度表に心奪われ 滝汗流し腱鞘炎 来る日も来る日も飽きず筋トレ 誰にでもつらいときはあるものです それでは聞いていただきましょう 手動ディレイで 尻 削 り 節] was the original one (for example: お前らどうせ「今回も『JUMP』とか『跳』とか関連の単語をタイトルの中に入れるんだろうなー」とか期待していたんだろう?残念だがそう何度もJUMPネタで行くと思うなよ!俺だってそう何度もJUMP、JUMP言い続けたら飽きられるってことぐらい分かってるんだ!JUMPって言い続け) so i'd just have to say that 尻削り節 [7keys 歌は世につれ世は歌につれ 難易度表に心奪われ 滝汗流し腱鞘炎 来る日も来る日も飽きず筋トレ 誰にでもつらいときはあるものです それでは聞いていただきましょう 手動ディレイで 尻 削 り 節] is better

Both actually

You don't believe there should be a score bonus for playing a song at 1.5x rate?

rates 4 osu!mania

I dont believe there should be a multiplier for HD or FL.
Visual mods are literally visual aid in most cases.

Well, what do you think about DT?
As it stands, your reply has nothing to do with my post

Ahh thats why, I get the hate for it now. I still play it just because its something to past the time but that's about it.

We need an edgy kid like you to play 7k with us.

edge to ln skill


I can skirt around the topic and put words in your gay ass mouth too


The community in osu is full of weaboos, autistic faggots, and general idiots.
They flood videos with comments of "I played this in osu!" and claim a song from another rhythm game came from osu.

I think the best summary of the game is "ironic of peppy to use the DMCA to his advantage for a game that exists by spitting in the face of copyright"

nice original quote

Yeah that's why I put it in quotes genius

I know osu! has a fucking shit community I just play the game to pass time

you dont play to pass time you play to get kaiden

I bet there are zero kaidens in this thread right now.
I personally walked away at the slowdown of Mei.


same tbh, went to japan, got chu- i mean kaiden then bought a £500 watch.

Discussing the "topic" will go nowhere, you won't suggest what actual multiplier DT should have and even if you do it's not like the devs will listen to anything.

Where did you buy it? Personally I think the airports in Dubai have really good deals. I'm starting to enjoy watches.

Why are the Taiko games so much fun? There's essentially 3 buttons but they are just pure fun.

Hot damn, even clearing the track would have been impressive but perfect is insane.

Because its different from a normal vsrg but the principle is the same.
Its like the same core mechanics which are insanely satisfying with a nice cutesy interface and sounds.

Also Don/Kat are fucking adorable.

Because it's super easy


As a rhythm game, I think the Project Diva series are fucking trash, but they are really good waifu dressup & moeshit pandering games.


I would fuck that drum

What's stopping you?

2d aint real user
and a plush don wont make lewd faces when I put it in.

Wasn't that because they kept deleting his accounts, since he mostly draws childish characters?

Why is this game the best in the series?


Put your hands together yeah just like that



i play idolmaster on the phone how casual i am?

Start BMS bby.

Refer to:


did rhythmvader get a huge update or am i just a slowfag


story behind this?

Some dude failed 5th Dan and punched the monitor




Reminder you have no excuse not to git gud even if you only have 1 hand.

But Satan how do I press keys AND scratch if I only have one hand?



is the wiiu pro controller good for games like Project DIVA on PPSSPP?

Also how the heck can I connect my wiiu pro controller to the PC?

Why would you do that tbh.
Just get any controller or put the game on your psp.

also trips


last time I played PPSSPP had so much input lag that Project Diva was unplayable, so I wouldn't recommend it

What was the point of this shit? It isn't even a rhythm game.

what the fuck is this

It's from the first Rhythm Heaven (GBA)

Why was this shit put in the new fucking game?

They didn't want the graphics to go to waste.

Is there any rhythm game for pc that's not tryhard hyperautismal memecore bullshit and actually has good songs?

stepmania tbh fam its got everything

how many more buzzwords do you know?

artificial difficulty souls-like roguelite open-ended spiritual journey post-simulator patriarchal sub-noir fun pseudo-meme wordbuzz


fuck off

Also discord inv regen

fuck jhlee

Jakads is the new hotness

haha dying thread boy

Make a quality relevant post quick.
haha museca boy

10k kids when

10k is fake doubles
get that shit outta here

What the fuck is going on with that image. It has sjw cuck trihex, it has communist cuck sanders, and all sorts of animu and chinese.

l2read famo

Read what exactly? That image is just a giant culmination of autism and hopefully irony.

mina fucked you hard dude haha

I got no clue what you're talking about fam. I've only been in one of these threads once before and that was 6 months or so ago so I'm not hip to the beat with all of your lingo and dank maymays.

maybe thats why the op image flew right over your head


I just wanted an explanation of it because i found it quite bizarre.

kek, I'd deserve that one.

You'd fit in perfectly with the 4k kids.

mad becuz bad xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

This is too much irony for me, later famiriono's.

nice blogpost dude youd really fit in with the bms shitters

nice retirement post you'd really fit in with the skeleton posters


It's just music game memes and images
"My true element is Spada" references IIDX21 Spada
The AGDQ tweet mistakenly says SoundVoltage instead of Sound Voltex
"Beach Side Bernie" is a play on the song "Shanketsu pt 2. Beach Side Bunny"
"Succ" is a crop of the ticker in beatmania IIDX

thx 4 the SPOONFEED!!


I like to laugh at others' misfortune.

why don't you guys like osu

There are better rhythm games out there, and the devs don't really care about osu!mania.

So someone spoonfeed me on the best way to get into all these hardcore rhythm games that are so much better than osu.

There's a few links throughout the thread, Ctrl-F for "http" and/or better yet join the discord because you'll probably need help setting them up.

Here's a fresh invite link:

because it has a gay name
literally NAME ANY RHYTHM GAME with a gay name like osu

also no arcade machine of osu, faggot


What rythm game can I play capably on my netbook ( all I have right now). I'd like to play do some rythm gaming.

the devs dont care about anything and want to shoehorn their own retarded idea into everything*

Stepmania. It runs on toasters.

LR2 probably as well. Refer to for more info on that.

I mean nigga I guess

I wish osu! didn't have such a shitty community. I've had so much fun playing maps on that game.

you dont need to interact with the community whatsoever though, thats not even the real problem.

The real problem is the broken ass combo based scoring system which is a fucking huge pain when you want to be competitive in any way shape or form. One miss could either mean nothing or everything depending on where you miss, combo based scoring is literally the cancer of rhythm games and yet osu devs are currently trying to force it into osu!mania.

Doesn't every rhythm game do that though? Beatmania, DDR/Exceed, Taiko just to throw some on the list. Unless those huge numbers showing your current combo really meant nothing in the games and was just stating how many in a row you were getting. Then I'm fucking retarded- but then again I never worried about score and just played for fun the whole time.

still gay

they count your combo but it doesn't multiply your score

shit garbage games with garbage charts like Guitar Hero, Rock Band and other RIPOFFS have combo-based scoring which sucks total ass

Only good game which has combo based scoring [which imo should be removed anyway but the scoring system isn't that terrible] is Taiko.

No beatmania/ddr/insertanybemanihere dont use combo based scoring.

Pretty much just harmonix games and Osu! have combo based scoring afaik. IIDX doesn't use combo scoring, it uses EXscore, where Pgreats are worth 2 to your EXscore, Greats are worth 1, and everything else is worth zero. Very consistent.

Best scoring system imo.
Its almost like just flat score value which isnt biased in any way.
The better players will do better and the worse players will do worse, no arbitrary bullshit multipliers on top.

o2 is the best xd

haha korea boy

Well, it's not like combo-based scoring is really arbitrary, the problem is that it's "full combo or go home", since it becomes more about how long you were able to continue comboing rather than overall performance through the entire song.

It bothers me that Osu! exists, because every time I think about it, it makes EBA and Ouendan feel a little bit worse.

Well yeah but I mean, its the fact that the same miss can mean nothing or everything depending on where you get it.

FC or go home is shitty because all you do is just spam retry til you get it even if youre on your best performance but miss once. Its really punishing and not in a good way since it completely undermines the whole performance aspect of rhythm games. Like even if you do mediocre but get an FC you win by a fucking landslide.


Absolutely disgusting.

U ceem 2 be mising a few keys ther bro
can U even clear an EASY map kid?
show me u're moves dude

get your wide ass scratch outta here

you can always enable shin-uchi scoring rule if you hate combo based scoring

me on the bottom left


Slow the fuck down guys

bumping with games

that fucking thumbnail


implying you can furu kombo even one song on oni

I-I furu kombo'd 2 oni songs!


Discord inv regenerated

Chunithm in Round 1 USA when?

Chaffing is a bitch.



U play 8B bro? Show me U're scores dawg, where U @??

Will he ever FC?

page 15 save rave

>you will never hug vibri

This thread is terminal normalfag casual cancer.
Cease and desist.

Not even mad kiddos. But that says a lot about you and your thread that thats the best come back you have, where else have I heard that from? Like 2009 4chan, current day 4chan, current day reddit, current day youtube go back to those places. Get this cancer out off of my website. Go back to those places or lurk for a few years before posting again.

Doing gods work.

I don't know who your threads boogyman of choice is but I am not them, and I don't even care who they are.

Do you have any criticism beyond "normalfag casual cancer"?

how about instead of rhythm games you start to play gun games and shoot yourself tbh
nah play rhythm games maybe youll stop being fucking casul lamo

You're doing a great job fitting in keep up the good work

You've got the response time of an average osu! player.


Reminder that using your hands for 4k is cheating



I could swear there's only a single person posting in this thread.

Nigga I guess

Every reply reads like its written by the same guy.


Damn, it's dead already?

It was always dead to me

I was in nipland twice now since it released and I didnt touch it once. Now with the playfield being level and shit I might actually give it a try. Some song seem cool.

What's the scene looking like for crossbeats Rev?

I dunno, you dont really see much people play it I guess. Also its not in every arcade as one of the staple cabinets.


Can U ReAD INsaNeS BrO?

I can't even play DJ Max because of this 8B shit.

I guess I just wanna play Stepmania or DDR, but with the beatmaps of DJ Max.

Why don't you just play BMS? It's 7k+1 and has DJ Max converts.

but user i furu kombo'd a 10 star oni

He went and did it
the absolute madman

Can someone answer a question that has been bugging me for a while?
Why does konami not just use licensed music? a lot of the best songs in voltex are licensed. effectively; Why do we need konami original songs?

Mei isn't made by Perfume that's why.

if we didnt have konami original songs we wouldnt have dj mass

watch out

page 15 bump


yeah because making a thread for each set of highly niche riddem games that have very little to do with one another is a great idea i swear.

who are you quoting

Are you okay user?

My nigga



Reminder that ITG and DDR > osu


Can we all agree that colour coded arrows > Flat/Vivid for DDR and other 4 arrow games?

Flat is justice

haha o!m will never have beat coloring stay mad

babby cant into any other vsrg it seems :^O

enjoy reading dumps xd

But user, it's so fucking


enjoy bms/iidx/o2jam/vos/canmusic/crazyrain/raindrop


new taiko song

hi, am back from first day of school