Post games with indepth alchemy systems

Post games with indepth alchemy systems

The first Witcher.


I once played an egore where most of the gameplay was gathering alchemy ingredients and making things out of them.
Can't recall the name but the protagonist was a girl with blond hair and huge tits but she looked like that because she was arrested for mistaken identity and a succubus helped her escape jail and transformed her appearance as part of the escape.
It was pretty good.

The Atelier series.

I still don't get the downvote herb shit

The first Witcher still has the best Alchemy system I've ever seen in a game.

Here's how it works for those who don't know.

Every alchemical component has one primary attribute, with names like Quebrith, Vermillion, Rebis, etc (basically different colours). It might also have a secondary attribute like Albedo Rubedo or Nigredo (White, Red, or Black, basically).

To make potions you have to mix the correct primary components with an alcohol. Higher quality alcohols have more alchemical slots, so if you're trying to create a potion that needs five ingredients, cheap vodka isn't going to do the job, because it would have a limit of three ingredients. But you can make higher quality alcohol (White Gull) out of the cheap alcohol through alchemy and get the five slot vodka, at the expense of more alchemical components.

The secondary attributes will alter how the potion works slightly. It's been a while, but IIRC if you use all ingredients that have the same secondary attribute, you get that attribute's effect on top of the potion's basic effect. For example, Albedo will reduce the toxicity of the potion, Rubedo will had a slight healing buff to the potion, and Nigredo will increase the potion's effectiveness.

Toxicity is basically how many potions you can drink before your liver packs it in and you're dead. Because these potions are toxic and kill normal people, and Witchers only survive because they're mutated to be hardier than humans. The toxicity is part of the lore, and it also means you can't just spam potions to win, which I think adds a nice element.

So if you're going in to battle and you need a healing buff, you might create a Swallow potion by mixing one part Vitriol (blue), two parts Rebis (green) and one part Aether (purple), and making sure all components have the secondary effect of Rubedo, so your healing potion has an extra potion kick.

But if you know it's going to be a long fight, you might opt to make your potions with Albedo to reduce toxicity so you can drink more potions over the course of the fight, or risk it and mix them with Nigredo to make them stronger, but more toxic and without a healing effect, in the hopes of finishing the fight quicker.

It's pretty fucking ace. And it gives all the monster brains and livers and shit you collect decent properties to mess with so that some are actually worth more than others and you go out of your way to collect them because they're useful, like a real Witcher would.

It sage


Newfag detected, but I'm feeling nice.

The original 2ch (a Japanese site) let posters put "sage" (pronounced sah geh) in the email field so they could post without bumping the thread, if they wanted to comment without giving the thread more attention (usually to combat trolling).

Half-chan kept this, but since it was an English board it reads like "sage" which is the name of a herb, hence the "herb".

Nowadays, posters often use sage as a way to downvote a thread because they think it works like reddit or some shit, hence the "downvote".

And there's "downvote herb" for you. It's sage and it goes in all fields if you're too retarded to remember to put it in the email field

Has anyone ever used sage as a downvote? I see people accuse others of it, but most of the time I have no idea where they drew the conclusion from that the person thought they were somehow forcing the thread away.

Nope, it was so a small group or even just a pair of people could continue discussion in a thread without annoying everyone by bumping it all the time. It wasn't until it was given to western users that it became something negative instead of something used out of courtesy for other users.

There surely aren't people this retarded are there?

I don't think people actually use sage as a downvote, they just use it in combination with shitposting so their post still ends up drawing more attention to the thread. I guess at this point there's people who know exactly what they're doing and still intentionally use sage that way so it's not completely off.

when a poster found a particular thread offensive/uninteresting there would often be SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS posts using up thread and image replies.

It was used and interpreted as an insult in the past but this was before reddit hit the mainstream so ?????

I don't know anything about 2ch but I know /jp/sies would get mad as HELL if you didn't sage when you post if the thread wasn't on the last page

le slidetally zest :^)

people who say "YOU'RE USING SAGE LIKE A DOWNVOTE" are the most obvious redditors.

I can understand that, it would keep the threads ordered by creation time if everyone saged everything that wasn't about to 404 and it would forces users to use the catalog and actually search for threads instead of F5ing the 1st page like retards waiting to see what it popular.

Jesus christ, user, you've reached new depths of shitposting

I posted a comment about gaming's best alchemy system and after that the thread had nowhere to go, and I don't have anything to do for another hour and a half. Do I get bonus shitpost points for rustling jimmies with my half truths and reddit shit?

It's a good thing you waited an entire six minutes to verify that your post was the only right one and that nobody would ever say anything useful again

Its called chemistry kid

Alchemy is what butthole surfers that dont even know how an atom works say

So add something to the topic at hand instead of continuing the off topic comments, friend.

I'm the nicest shitposter you'll ever meet! :)

user you're retarded

I refuse to enable your faggotry

To be fair alchemy started the search for a reaction that created precious metals and as time went on and investors started to realize that was never going to happen alchemists re-branded themselves as potion makers.
Sometimes they actually made useful discoveries while trying to produce gold or make an elixir of immortality.

And that would be a valid point if we were talking about historical alchemists

If you think this thread was supposed to be about crazy people from history who thought they could make gold out of nothing and never did anything of worth, then you're awfully mistaken

I posted an image and it turned the topic into shitposting.
Literal alchemy.

I understand that, I just through it was worth mentioning that historically alchemists have covered the gauntlet from con-artists through to actual scientists from before the scientific method was widely known and used.

I'm just an user with a boner for chemistry and I find it interesting how much was discovered through trial and error both way back when and as recently as the last couple of decades

Shitposting contributes nothing, this off topic discussion is more interesting than this thread was ever going to be.

gold is easy but its useless

Really, his only crime was that he didn't sage

Skyrim, shockingly.
Although you'll absolutely never use potions.

This definitely
But also

Weirdly enough I liked walking around collecting shit and just making potions and chugging them just to see what it did.

Kingdoms of Amalur had an okay system too

I love the alchemy in Miasmata

Having zero utility generally precludes it from being a good alchemy system
Also even though the system was practically untouched compared to most everything else, Skyrim's alchemy system was still casualized along with the rest of the game

KoA had plenty of redeeming qualities, but I wouldn't call that generic "mash specific items together to create a specific item" crafting system one of them

Eh, that was the weapons, the potion part actually had herbs and shit and granted not the best, it was roughly the same as Skyrim's.

The Witcher 1 still has the best Alchemy system hands down

Oh, also, alchemy in elder scrolls games are perhaps the best example of why autistic simulation is better than abstract RPG mechanics, at least when it comes to a sandbox game
Outside of fucking around or actual role playing(kek), nobody has ever used alchemy in an elder scrolls game for any reason other than to abuse and exploit the game using stats and skills

Alchemy in Morrowind is probably the best in the series. The fact that there's the grandmaster alchemy tools. The fact that you can make overpowered potions if you stack inteligence. I've done an alchemy build and it's pretty amazing. Up until that point, I thought saltrice was useless but it's one of the best ingredients.

A garbage game called Two Worlds did alchemy pretty well.

go away

OP asked for video games with good alchemy systems, would you autistic fucks take your arguments about saging off to >>>Holla Forums before a hotpocket bans you for derailing?

Two Worlds 2 was far better than the first, and I think it had the same alchemy system?
I remember the magic system being good. The game itself is extremely generic, though.


Had you yourself made an on-topic post instead of continuing to derail the thread, you could have injected some new life into the conversation, and we could have been talking about that instead
I mean, the topic is about suggesting games after all, not talking about the same 3 over and over again, and there's only so much you can say about just those in the first place

Some mods have good alchemy, but the base game doesn't take it very far, only having a handful of ingredients to use
Though it gets points over a lot of other games for having throwable bottles(why the fuck you need to add an ingredient to make a potion throwable is another matter, though)