Two suspects are wanted for violently raping a woman in Florida to 'teach her a lesson about dating black men'.
Justin Akeen Fedrick, 27, Keon Dellshai Gordon, 26, are wanted for the incident at Clermont, Florida, on June 22.
Police say they are armed and dangerous and have warrants for their arrests.
They are accused of raping the woman while another man, Rodney Cooper, 32, stood guard outside a room in a house where the woman was attacked.
Niggers Rape and Torture White Woman to Teach Her a Lesson
So was she actually dating black men? Sounds like she got what she deserved.
Or she refused to date them. There are a lot of people ready to jump to the worst conclusion immediately here. You "white women are all coalburning whores" types give off a pretty cucked vibe tbh.
Don't sage my threads, Schlomo
White "men" are dead. They used to lynch these fuckin coons for us but now they all jerk off to their jewish interracial pornography then yell from the rooftops how progressive they are in their ugly black thick rim beta glasses. Might as well get a Muslim boyfriend. At least they were smart enough to castrate the fuckin niggers and believe in revenge killings. Even an Asian boyfriend would be better seeing how the Chinese are dealing with Muslims and non-natives in their country.
t. tits
If the races were reversed, this would be national news for weeks.
Emmitt Till put a stop to that.
You are responsible for yourself. No one else is. We are not a hive mind. We live in a surveilance state. If you lynch anyone - you will be jailed for life..along with all 200 of your lynching party.
You are either
or a summer fag
You are responsible for your own defense.
If you don't carry a weapon thats you fault.
If you put yourself into a bad situation and then blatantly ignore the risks of that situation you are even more to blame for what happens to you.
If normal people don't understand that they live in a warzone full of niggers that want to kill and rape them..then thats their fault.
Go to slav land and leave the anglo cucks behind
Thats not how a social contract works you third world monkey
Burn the coal pay the toll?
No, I think she didn't want to date them
well, they didn't put up a very compelling case for considering them; quite to the contrary to be honest
There's plenty of us willing to grab rope the problem is that justice is met with federal prison terms.
Kill yourself.
There is no such thing as a social contract.
Social contract is a commie buzzword that they made up and you are using it.
Thank you have a nice dark future.
I just re-read the story and it's unclear if they were mad at her for dating blacks or for refusing to date blacks. Either way, they need to be strung up.
That makes no sense. I understand niggers have a poor grasp on the English language, but to "teach her a lesson" would imply she was dating niggers.
Well … did she learn her lesson?
Unnecessary, thread was unnecessary.
The only way forward and to police our communities like this is to migrate to an area in which we are a majority. Then we can control the public offices and the local politics and have control over issues like this. American Holla Forumsacks don't realize how powerful a solid voting bloc is in local politics
look at those kikes in lakewood; we could be organizing something like that
Social contract is what people who live in civilizaed societies with a community and an identity have. Like when Japan had a natural disaster and everyone helped everyone. Only one someone becomes a completely broken creature living in a mixed race shithole like Brazil or the US do they stop believing in a social contract. You are by definition a third world savage.
Niggers love dating and fucking white women, even low class white women that look like shit. Negresses might try and 'punish' white women for dating black men, but no black man would ever consider such a thing, since they view all white women as 'better' than black women, even if they won't admit it openly. And these were niggers, not negresses.
It doesn't make sense unless she refused to date them. Which means this is a white woman refusing to date outside of her race and being raped and tortured for it by niggers.
And you fuckheads are laughing and calling her a coalburner.
no. Take back the land by force. "the constitution" and rule of law wont mean shit when shitskins are in charge.
why in the fuck is daily mail covering this when they won't even talk about nogs raping on cuck island?
She probably cheated on them or something else. Not "date black men" or "don't date black men", but something like "bitch if you date a nigger you better not also be dating a spic"
So she just tripped, fell and landed in the ghetto, surrounded by niggers?
Fuck you
But that is true
yeah ok
Burn the coal, pay the toll
No that's how self preservation works you dumb nigger
Post something new
Niggers aren't men you PUA cuck.
This board is beyond salvation.
you speak the truth, I see you've seen it all, the rationalizations, the justifications, the accusations, everybody has a reason for not acting and then living with themselves afterwards, when they came for my friend on the right, I didn't say anything, and when they came for my friend on my left I didn't say anything, and when they came for my friend behind me I didn't say anything and then, when they came for me, no one was left. chin up user, maybe the kikes will save us
Don't Interfere Call The Authorities. D.I.C.T.A.
I can't even make myself care anymore, to be honest.
She may not be a coalburner, but she's a white woman, and white women were the tool that special interests and government used to suppress white men. At this point in time, she better walk with a white man through nigger territory so he has just cause in the moment, or expect to be potentially victimized without recourse. White men can't do anything now, and white women made that happen. She may not have specifically, but she'll have to deal with the consequences.
>(((steven spielberg))) bases his new film off of the incident
Grow some God damn balls you fucking faggot
Fucking piece of trash.
You must be a nigger yourself.
I hope you get banned.
Bitch fucks a nigger, nigger fucks up a bitch, what's special over here?
Don't even bother, just gtfo.
She didn't fuck the nigger.
She was raped specifically because she refused to fuck niggers.
What the fuck is wrong with you kikes?
This is low even for shills.
Yeah, fuck off.
I saw your other posts in this thread.
Ok … but did she learn her lesson?
Do it yourself, you lazy cow.
What lesson is that you piece of shit?
That she must fuck niggers or else she'll get raped.
She did nothing wrong and you fucking idiots act like this?
This is just proof that there are shills trying to de-escalate anything the niggers do to whites.
If this was a white man being murdered IN HIS OWN NEIGHBORHOOD you'd still say he fucking deserved it.
This board is done.
I can't tell if she fucks niggers or not, if she does then yeah you burn the coal you pay the toll, if not then that really sucks for her and I feel bad. Either way, the niggers should get hanged just on principle.
You're a summerfag if you think this is low for shills, this is just every day shilling.
Don't pay attention to the kike shills, every time news comes out about another white person being killed or raped by niggers or mudshits they also come out and essentially say, "that whitey deserved it hahaha" it's incredibly transparent. We need to be making more OC with up to date infographics of crimes again..
I see niggers like this and I do not think they look like human life forms. Is there anyway we can petition our great white president to be allowed to shoot these monkeys, no questions asked, on sight? call me morbid but I have a sick fascination with mounting their heads on a pike.
How the hell do you know she didn't want to fuck niggers, shlomo? Why was she in the ghetto in a house full of violent thug wannabe gangsters?
Which was it?
Important details. Both are correct.
If she willingly burned the coal, she's at fault, don't care one bit, really. Bad goods.
If they attacked her for refusing them, then she's not at fault.
Just because no sensible white man want's to date your fat disgusting ass doesn't mean we're dead.
>(((practical solution)))
You're all sorts of retarded.
While the one instance induces rage and the other antipathy it would be best to lynch them in either case.
There are actually people who think that you can keep niggers around and only get rid of the "bad ones" - and only after they have shown themselves to be one of "the bad ones". Makes me sick. Niggers kikes and all non-whites, they gotta go.
then get the fuck out of here?
This seems to be the oiginal source article DailyMail etc are sourcing.
So it looks like she might have been hanging around them - article wording isn't clear whether the home she was pushed into was the home she was hanging out at. In this situation, the "around blacks never relax" meme would be best for now.
But regardless, I am sick and tired of the overuse of the burn the coal, pay the toll meme and I want to rant for a moment:
While its original use still has its purpose, using it when we don't know whether or not she was dating a black is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.
I have a feeling that most of you cucks that overuse it are just looking for an out so that you won't have to actually get mad and do something about it. The shills also push overuse for this reason. It's an excuse not to take action. Go back to sleep, goy.
But if you look at history, blacks raping white women was very significant in motivating normies to take action against them. If we keep shrugging our shoulders and using this meme when the girls ARE NOT DATING BLACK MEN, then we lose out on some of the most valuable red pilling opportunities.
There's the other side to that argument: if you start calling out niggers for raping women and the woman was actually actively friendly with blacks, then you start defending their behavior. Women notice this.
If a woman does such a poor job at filtering niggers out of her potential gene pool, she's failed as a woman, who is the one that is supposed to filter out bad/good genes.
The lowered female standards are a way of making everyone able to compete… but it's fucking gross.
If you don't hold females accountable, they won't shape up. You can't demand or get pissed at a female burning the coal if you don't provide repercussion. The worst repercussion is social isolation. She's gone.
This is true, american bois are just too weak nowadays
1000 block Disston Ave - Clermont FL
Yup she's a coal burner.
look at the neighborhood where the attack happened
look at my link for more detailed story
coalburner confirmed
idk, I think we need to see a photo of her smirking to be sure.
Aryan women have and will always be the primary victim of our enemy's violence, whether it's a innocent girl getting snatched off of the streets or an idiot coalburner walking into the maw of darnkess on her own, the bottom line is going to be the same. Dehumanize and face2, you miserable bickering faggots.
Multiple court cases that show police have no duty to protect. For example one found that not responding and ignoring protection orders, they weren't punished. Another had a girl held captive for hours because the cops failed to investigate to a call there. You also see immunity at the federal level as well like with the nip sniper at ruby ridge. They are not liable when they fail, so who else can you depend on? It's yourself.
Sound like she refused and the niggers chimped out on her.
This, the fuck happened here. Holla Forums used to find articles like this and proceed to spam them on the internet along with infographics of previous attacks and statistics to redpill normalfags and fence sitters. Like the kikes say, "Never let a disaster go to waste" and here we are letting perfect scenarios go to waste and giving the Jews a monopoly on that form of propaganda.
Well said. Doesn't matter if you personally feel like she deserved it for sullying herself with such creatures; the truth of the matter is that this is a golden opportunity for 'redpilling' and bringing yet more people to the 'White Nationalist' side. Rather than appearing like uncaring racists on your social media; try to appear like a CARING racist, who is only racist because he cares and doesn't want his people to end up dead (or defiled, obviously).
Nice filename
But this is a case where what you said didn't happen.
She was raped and tortured because she refused filth.
This is fucked up.
So is she a coalburner or did she refuse them?
Burn coal; pay toll
Low effort, step up your game, kike.
I was surprised but not disappointed either way when I found out this wasn't Ariel Rebel under a new name.
That's not the point, the point is are we going to post about how this is "such a shame" or "she burned coal", pointlessly argue for half a day, and then ignore this or actually use it to our advantage to further the nationalist political agenda?
don't suppose there's better popculture reference to make here?
That's a funny way to say groped.
I am continually astounded that others can look at blacks and think, "this is human".
That's great
Based niggers. Doing God's work.
And it still makes no sense. The media is being purposely obtuse.
pic unrelated, but not
I seem to have misplaced the one where a promising young black gentleman inadvertently stabbed a 5 year old boy in the head during an otherwise innocent visit to his bedroom.
Nothing in the article says she refused to date niggers. Is English your second language?
Oh yes this poor, innocent, upstanding white woman went over to the residence of Jamal, Tyrone, and De'Shawn with "friends" and without her boyfriend just for a little visit. Yeah she sounds like Aryan wife material. I bet she brought them a fresh baked loaf of bread to welcome them to the neighborhood and they raped her white, virgin pussy, thus forever staining her virtue and ruining her for any noble white man who may wish to cherish her.
Post a pic of your hand. I want to see if I can guess how fat you are you fucking loser.
$10 says this bitch went on a dope run with two other niggers and didn't realize she was the payment.
Yes Holla Forums should be defending coalburners, crackheads, and other assorted degenerates. What is the red pill? That women can do whatever they want and white guys will always be there to clean up for them? And why is 'red pilling' and 'White Nationalist' in quotes? Another summerfag?
Maybe this isn't so bad after all. This might tech women who have yet to disgrace themselves in such a way the lesson as well.
These men are doing god's work.
This board has been replaced by niggers.
No she wasn't, you fucking retard.
In fact, sccording to this source:
>The victim said she was “just hanging out with friends” at a home in the 1000 block of Disston Avenue when a friend, Rodney “Coop” Cooper, pushed her inside the home and into a bedroom, according to the report.
So they are mad at her for dating the black man. They must be jealous of that black guy but hey I don't feel sorry for the coal burners.
We need more information to really know what the motives were. the whole "white bitches don't mean shit in this town" thing provides a decent clue though.
Frankly, the easiest answer is she was relaxed around blacks. But we all know it was more complicated than that. She clearly knew them quite well: well enough to consider them friends.
Friendly reminder just like with Muslims that niggers are never your friends even if you know them since 5 years old.
The most important thing to note is she was at a friends house where these niggers had clear knowledge of her relationship with black men and where she was located at the time. So whether or not she was fucking them or not doesn't matter, she was clearly mingling with them in some way. Even being friends with niggers is too dangerous, and she learned her lesson the hard way.
Yeah it's right there in the article. 4f6a43 is some degenerate who thinks every white woman is his princess waiting to be saved, but he can't do a pushup.
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