Quiet night, eh Holla Forums?
What are you guys playing at the moment?
Quiet night, eh Holla Forums?
What are you guys playing at the moment?
In between Republic Commando & the PC Port of Halo. At the last third of the game for the former.
I've spent the entire day staring at my back log and I still can't decide what to play. Nothing sticks out. Is this what getting burnt out feels like?
Nothing since I'm supposed to be doing my job, however, I'm wasting time on Holla Forums instead.
Not necessarily anything, I've been trying unsuccessfully to get Monster Hunter Generations to boot.
I know the feeling, been playing EDF a bit, but I've been mostly working and watching animu.
I played Hawken for the first time today.
They did a fantastic job making a game about mechs not feel like you're playing a game about mechs. I had much more fun watching saltybet.
Asura's Wrath
In a good way or a bad way
Name some shit off your backlog.
That's an anime, not a video game
A bad way. The heavy mechs didn't feel heavy, the light mechs felt like I was playing Tribes, and none of the guns had anything resembling impact.
It was a dull experience all around.
Just tried that new F2P on steam, Braindead 2, its fucking garbage
Now im going to try Solus, The Ball was pretty boring but whatever, saw some guns on the screenshots while it installed
Good thing I didn't buy it then. Shame, we need more mech games.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
According to the monster lore for the area I'm in, one of the local enemies is some sort of "human centipede" of worms.
Here's a few.
Binary Domain
The Darkness II
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Killer is Dead
The Last Remnant
Painkiller: Black Edition
Saints Row 3
All the Serious Sam's games
Talos Principle
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Valkyrie Chronicles
Sheeit nigga, you should definitely start with Serious Sam.
Serious Sam and Painkiller.
Dragon's Dogma:the shittier Dark Souls experience Expansion
I-Ninja on Dolphin. If you haven't played I-Ninja yet I'd highly recommend it. It's from before Namco merged with Bandai and they still made quality games.
Play the assassin class and say that again.
I-Ninja's actually fantastic for a one-off collectathon game, combat's satisfying and I love the high-score focus.
Pretty shit
Tried out The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and found it to be mediocre shit with horrible squad ai that requires constant babysitting. So now I'm playing either EDF 4.1 or Monster Hunter Generations.
The only good thing about that xcom game was the plot twist
If it wasnt 5am i would be playing system shock.
a friend of mine wanted to play starbound with mods, so im gonna give that another whirl. if i dont enjoy that ill go play SNES mario kart in tiny mode