Finally got my 3DS. What's the first game I should buy?
If I should get one game for nintendo 3ds what should it be?
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first and last: monster hunter 4 ultimate
Monster Hunter
Also you can hack your 3DS and get it for free if you're a Piratefag, I hear the latest firmware has been cracked
Came here to post this
You should just exploit it and download games.
Little Battlers Experience.
Gotcha Force combat, Kustom Robo customization.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
you can play online with pirated games, atleast you could few mounths ago
Monster Hunter Generations you mean, surely you aren't implying that MH4U is ok and MHG isn't, else i'll slap your stupid fucking face for being the saddest bunch of tryhard hypocrites on planet earth.
If you ACTUALLY want to be a purist you get MH3U.
Or better yet grow a pair of balls and get MHFU on PSP instead.
Shitheads tryhard parrots wannabees.
Says the guy that didn't play MH4U.
Did the insect stick scare you off?
It's alright, daddy will stomp the scary spider.
I just brought pokemon Omega Ruby…Sorry I let you down guys…
Monster Hunter will be my next game promise!
What the hell you're talking about, the IG is still in MHG, even more OP in aerial style.
Do people here even play video games anymore?
Then you have absolutely no reason to like an inferior game over 4 ultimate.
Son i am disappoint.
Even X&Y is better than ORAS.
Let me get this straight, you know -nothing- about MHG, you didn't even know IG was still in, yet for some strange reason you call it inferior?
Am i speaking to a completely retarded hipster?
Get this game
4U is infinitely better than the rushed pile of shit that is X/Generations.
It's really not, Kalos was the weakest region by far and I'm so glad they didn't give us any sequels.
Explain why.
Sure, be delusional, i just didn't feel like arguing with a fag, but here you go.
You know so much about the game you assumed IG wasn't even in.
Idk dude, if you played emerald/ ruby/ sapphire there is very little point in playing oras.
The novelty wears out fast when you see it's a carbon copy, and they even fucked up some of my favourite things, like rayquaza being on the tower.
Also fuck those new legendaries mega evo.
It's time to stop posting.
Go back to your g rank-less game and keep being a cuck.
Sperging out isn't going to change the reality of the situation: you passed judgment on a game you knew so little about you didn't even know an entire weapon type was included in the game.
Not only that, but you're advocating quantity over quality.
Might i suggest to you the Monster Hunter Frontier series?
It has tons of content, all of high quality and not copy pasted at all!
4U is better.
Eh. There are worse games. Get a Hitmonchan for me.
This nigga exactly. Kid Icarus is a hell of a ride.
Half on-rails shooter, half high speed action game with all heaven's arsenal to choose from. It came out when the 3DS was really struggling and got crippled with casual reviews, so it says a lot that people still swear by it.
Despite that it's an OK title, but not even in the same universe of quality as 4U.
So you know MHGen has more quests than MH4U, right?
You can't possibly know so much about that game and ignore that :^)
I disagree, some weapons are incredibly enriched by specific styles (while others aren't at all).
What didn't you like about it?
Sure, but who cares?
Pacing has been kinda shit for every MH game post MHFU i think.
Probably one of the best SMT games.
Pacing in mh4u is a bliss.
Going from low rank to high rank feels like a breeze, and for once we had a good flagship boss that isn't ditched later on.
Did you even play it?
If by "enriching" you mean aerial turning everything into a glorified bug stick, and striker being trash and adept making the game even more piss easy than it already is, okay.
It's needlessly unintuitive and causes you to have to fucking dump resources into downgrading to upgrade. Resources dropped should always mean upgrading. Period.
People who actually want monsters to be memorable.
Confirmed for not actually playing anything after FU.
yokai watch 2 when it comes out in september
don't bother with 1 and 3
Also, to clarify, I don't think Gen is irredeemable dogshit that nobody should play, it's can still be enjoyable despite all of it's shortcomings, just it's probably one of the weakest titles in the series.