Other urls found in this thread:
Leaks of what?
This looks like a semi-obvious virus or something tbh.
Thanks for the dolphin porn OP
Holy shit you're not a bot.
Are you retarded or something? This is disorganized as all hell, and also I still don't trust this shit.
Has anyone downloaded and verified?
Don't wannacry.
This crap again? Go back to Dr. Mengele's lab, Moshe.
What is it?
I aint clicking that shit pedo nigger
This is a LITERAL GOLD MINE of awesome and rare leaks and important information!!! Get it now!!!
God, you have to be so desperate
But there are better things to worry about out there………
Downloading the file now, I'll verify it later tonight on a VM.
alot of them are .jpg how about post a threadfull
Just in case any newfags are lurking and debating grabbing this "top secret leak," ask yourselves this: Why would OP keep urging you to download while giving no details other than a few vague screencaps? Wouldn't it make more sense if he calmly detailed the scope and value of what he has to offer, instead of going out of his way to make it all look like a trap?
Granted, sometimes leakers are retarded or just in a rush to spread things on as many avenues as possible. Sometimes it's up to brave/foolish anons like to get the full story.
The only reason I don't outright call BS is that I still remember that FBI(?) leaker on cuckchan many years ago. He was sloppy with his presentation and especially with his opsec, and got arrested all while nobody believed him and called him a fag. I think it got picked up by a few rags.
This is just a nice freebie for all of you, this is just my little fun hobby at the University. I have nothing to gain or lose, other than getting something productive done in the day. Otherwise living here in Tucson would be unbearably boring without some computer time under my belt every day.
why don't you open BOHEMIAN GROVE MEMBERS.txt within the next 3 minutes and show us whats inside
Nice try, Mordechai.
July 23, 2008
•Frank W. Abbott Jr.
•G. D. Abernathy Jr.
•David Beaven Abernathy
•A. Victor Abnee
•James S. Acquistapace
•Clifford S. Adams
•David Bruce Adams
•Edward E. Adams
•Griffith H. Adams
•James T. Adams
•Michael C. Adams
•Peter Stewart Adams
•William H. Adams
•Tancred E. A. Agius
•Dennis John Aigner
•John F. Akers
•William F. Aldinger
•George Alexander
•Mathew D. Alexander
•Francis Frederick Allen
•Peter Thatcher Allen
•Rex Allen
•Robert H. Allen
•Wheatley Allen
•Ben M. Allison
•Bernard S. Alpert
•Walter Alvarez
•Lawrence C. Ames Jr.
•Brenton W. Anderson
•Bruce Garrett Anderson
•David L. Anderson
•Eric Charles Anderson
•F. Allan Anderson
•Gunnar D. Anderson
•James G. Anderson
•Mark S. Anderson
•Martin Anderson
•Martin Carl Anderson
•Ross S. Anderson
•Paul B Andrew
•Primo Angeli
•Joseph E. Aoun
•Romeo A. Arguelles
•George L. Argyros
•Michael H. Armacost
•Paul A. W. Armstrong
•H. Jesse Arnelle
•Carl D. Arnold III
•Richard K. Arnold
•Robert M. Arnold
•Peter R. Arnott
•David Gifford Arscott
•Robert J. Arthur
•Glenn J. Ash
•Peter B. Ashby
•Orley Clark Ashenfelter
•William Whitley Ashley
•Harris J. Ashton
•William S. Ashton
•Clyde R. Aspevig
•David M. Atcheson
•Sava Ateljevich
•James Blakesley Atkin
•Victor K. Atkins Jr.
•William T. Atkins
•Earle Atkinson
•Franklyn R. Atkinson
•James B. Atkinson
•Richard C. Atkinson
•H. B. Atwater Jr.
•Norman R. Augustine
•Robert "Boz" Austrian
•Bruce Avery
•Robert B. (Bruce) Ayres
also be sure to post SOROS ORGS LIST.txt and four CIA operatives involved in ukranian coup.jpg
you dont have to give us links to mediafire if they aren't CP
you can use pastebin links and post the.jpg directly onto Holla Forums
July 23, 2008
•Paul H. Baastad
•Milton Edward Bacon
•Thomas Edgerton Bacon
•Kenneth B. Baggott
•Thomas E. Bailard
•Arthur E. Bailey
•K. Shankar Bajpai
•Charels G. Bakaly Jr.
•Cameron Baker
•G. Leonard Baker Jr.
•James A. Baker III
•William Leonard Baker Jr.
•John Maturin Ballachey
•Robert D. Ballard
•James R. Bancroft
•Pual Bancroft III
•Paul Marshall Bancroft
•William H. Banker Jr.
•Forest C. Bannan Jr.
•Barbour Haley
•Dennis Laistner Bark
•Dwight L. Barker
•Peter K. Barker
•Edward L. Barlow
•Bail;ey Stone Barnard
•David H. Barnard
•Timothy Henry Barnard
•William M. Barnard
•William B. Barnes
•Thomas W. Barnett
•Barry C. Baron
•Philip C. Bartlett
•Philip E. Barton
•Thomas Lewis Barton
•Lee M. Bass
•Richard D. Bass
•Charles W. Bates
•John B. Bates Jr.
•Marc Hampton Baum
•Peter J. Baumgartner
•Charles B. Baxter
•George J. Baxter
•Thomas W. Baxter
•Robert S. Beach
•Robert Beale
•Alvan H. Beall Jr.
•Donald R. Beall
•Robert L. Bean
•R. Duncan Beardsley
•Gary H. Bechtel
•Riley P. Bechtel
•S. D. Bechtel Jr.
•Bill Beck
•Joseph Charles Beck
•Peter C. Becker
•Peter B. Bedford
•Bruce Elliott Beebe
•Morton Pritchett Beebe
•Richard John Behrendt
•Robert B. Beim
•Martin T. Bell
•Robert F. Rich Bell
•G. Gordon Bellis
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•Bill Benjamin
•James L. Bennington
•William J. Bennington
•John E. Benson
•Mark Benson
•Clay Bentley
•Donald C. Bentley
•Randall Mark Benway
•Thomas P. Berens
•Shelton Berg
•John Berggruen
•William R. Berglund
•Steve Bergman
•Jeffrey G. Berry
•Richard J. Bertero
•Jack R. Bertges
•Kenneth Holt Besser
•Jack M. Bethards
•Harry Bettis
•Richard Edwin Bice
•John H. Bickel
•Anthony Harcourt Biggs
•Michael H. Biggs
•Michael F. Bigham
•James H. Billington
•Robert C. Bingham
•Wheelock Richard Bingham Jr.
•David Bjorklund
•Charles A. Black Jr.
•Donald P. Black
•Richard B. Blackman
•Anthony F. Blake
•William W. Bliss
•Charles L. Board Jr.
•Eric Charles Boardman
•William Kenyon Boardman Jr.
•Morris David Bobrow
•Murray G. Bodine
•Richard S. Bodman
•Lawrence G. Boeck
•Robert J. Boesch
•Andrew L. Bogardus
•Peter B. Bogardus
•Johnson S. Bogart
•David D. H. Bohannon
•Scott E. Bohannon
•John A. Bohn Jr.
•George Bolton
•Robert Edward Lee Bonaparte
•Charles Bond
•Richard P. Bond
•Dennis J. Bonney
•Richard J. Borda
•John Borgwardt
•Kurt Borgwardt
•Dix Boring
•Mark Alan Bosch
•John Volkmann Bosche
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•Michael G. Boswell
•James W. Boswell
•William K. Bowes Jr.
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•Steven G. Bradley
•James Randolph Bradner
•David W. Brady
•Nicholas F. Brady
•Patrick H. Brady
•William J. Brady
•Don Brandenburger
•Mark S. Brandin
•Peter Beaudoux Breck
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•Tor Brekke
•Craig D. Brennan
•James E. Brennan
•Michal Jay Bresler
•Elbert P. Bressie
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•Donald T. Briggs Jr.
•Lee Bright
•John Marty Brill Jr.
•Robert Lee Briner
•Benjamin McAlester Brink
•Robert R. Brink
•William Wiman Brinton
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•William H. Bronson
•T. Anthony Brooks
•John Spoor Broome
•William George Brose
•Douglas Minge Brown
•Ned Brown
•F. Frederick Brown
•Keith Lapham Brown
•Philip F. Brown Jr.
•Christopher P. Browne
•Merrick Browne Jr.
•Timothy Otis Browne
•Howard E. Brownson
•Peter V. Brucher
•Gerald F. Brush Jr.
•Spencer M. Brush
•Hamilton V. Bryan II
•J. Stewart Bryan III
•John M. Bryan
•Parker S. Bryan
•Ernest A. Bryant III
•Richard P. Buck
•Christopher Buckley
•Jimmy Buffett
•Edward L. Bulkley
•Donald Bull
•Edward Dickinson Bullard
•Will Bullas
•Allan E. Bulley Jr.
•Richard C. Bulotti
•James T. Bundschu
•Harold Hunt Burdick
•William C. Burkett
•Clark James Burnham
•DeWitt K. Burnham Jr.
•Brian P. Burns
•Richard T. Burress
•Gerard Noel Burrow
•F. Robert Burrows
•George H. W. Bush
•Michael J. Bush
•James P. Busterud
•Brook H. Byers
•Bryant H. Byrnes
I still wanna post this because I wasted a minute making it, but hopefully OP is legit
okay, i think you're to at least some extent legit considering how quickly you produced the information which I handpicked
but then again, Holla Forums doesn't know that I don't work for the CIA, and for all you know there could be CP hidden among them
perhaps Holla Forums has someone with extremely good opsec who can safely sniff these files for CP
rather, for all I know, not sure how I made that mistake
dam white women are beautiful all else are just mud ppl
Yes there's no CP in these files, I am a Christian, and cannot tolerating that stuff. Nonetheless, if you're paranoid, download on a public computer, like the public library, and open the file on an offline computer. But I guess you could download most of the files in the .zip from the source itself:
Four CIA Operatives Involved in Ukrainian Coup 1-4
How do you do, fellow christian?
Kill yourself cunt.
oh yes, would you also dump pedophile politicians in washington DC.txt via pastebin?
Alright, once I found 2 flashdrives left behind at the Computer Lab at the University which were full of CP, so I promptly had them all overwritten with PDF Bibles, all 16 and 32 GB of them!!!
I put together that dump too!!!
keep going digits will confirm.
Global report and reported to the FBI for admitting to destroying evidence in a legal case.
checked try to help out
Are you the same guy from who claimed to have a massive leak?
The FBI loves me here too!!! The last time I was arrested the Marshalls gave me that big cup of Dr. Pepper, which the FBI knows I like!!!
i assume those words are a lie to gain Holla Forums's trust
keep dumping enough docs though, THAT might gain Holla Forums's trust
yea digits confirm so far bumpkis grr
Things that happened only in my mind - the post
checked and can't argue with digits
Will add the pic of white girl drinking some brewski was hot tho.l8r
That was not me. That was not my dump.
I'm not here to gain trust of friends, or any motivation other than to dump files. Go to the Hilton or the Hyatt and use the free computers there at their Business Center. It is all legit.
If your a Christian and these people are in authority over you then remember romans 13:1-8. If they aren't then go wild but remember romans 13:6-7. Also to poster of said dumps you need to switch to openbsd like NOW. STOP using windows and run like hell from wherever the ip you posted these is.
Personally I think this is just a clever psy op. They are dumping 'the list'. Along with other publicly available sources of info. If these did not come off darpanet then Holla Forums have already found them.
Fuck off kike. We all know the jewdicial system isn't going to touch this case with a fifty foot pole even if it was handed to a prosecutor on a silver platter of unrefutable evidence. They have been blinded by God himself. What else is there to say? Submit and die. Or rebel and live. Oh the irony Luke 17:33.
Don't worry, it's all Open Source already!!! But I did have Federal Charges against me dropped last Friday at Federal Court in Albuquerque, after lots and lots of praying in detention, thank God!!!
Here's some real neat intel to check out here too!!!
You are already dead then.
I must have a really good Guardian Angel, for all the stuff I'm into, and NOBODY bothers me at all, thank God!!! I walk freely on the streets, take the bus, hand out at the mall, etc., and NOBODY REALLY CARES out there!!!
What is this Serbian stuff all about in that dump?
Check out my documents here!!!
I think its hilarious that he doesn't realize he has an ID tied to all his posts.
Why don't you open it up and find out? You still seem to be using the same "duo-link" drive from last time.
Sometimes I wonder just how I would become more stupid to work for these people. Then remember that I don't give a fuck.
Reported for admitting to fucking children.
Has anyone touched this yet?
I'm tempted to hide behind 1488 proxies and VPNs and download this to a ramdisk out of curiosity.
Remember that all us Anons have something that the CIA and FBI DOES NOT HAVE much of, which is Street Smarts.
Want me to upload it on for ya?!!!
Personally, not necessary. It may help others believe you.
You should really work on your presentation though, if there's actually something hot n' fresh in this zip.
Nice try, FBI!
If I can get the single files then, yes please, would be awesome
This is a pretty cool document I put together recently:
andanother goodie:
I'll have to do that next for you as I'm currently uploading the 1.63 GB .zip file right now.
Are you a riddler then? Because if i look at the ad you are getting and the huge variance of clicks the invididual topics get one might get some conclusions of said group.
NBS is Serbian National Bank. Those are all the partners of the NBS.
I'm not 'a riddler,' whatever that means, as this is just a dump of a whole bunch of neat stuff for free download.
Here's a pretty cool document for ya!!!
HOW TO BEAT THE FBI -Spy & Counter Spy.pdf
Soros still butthurt over election.
Vows revenge on evil meme people
Sends same idiotic Serbians who claim to be guccifer 2.0. Guccifer fucked up and used sloppy translations on his website. No native russian wrote that shit. Serbians use the language structure and syntax used on guccifer site. This just happens to have a bunch of old shit thrown together and some Serbian info.
Might catch some idiots from plebit lurking but even that is doubtful.
Could you at least sage the shill thread?
Yes, good analysis, but we are overdue for another real good hack dump out there. Make it happen!!! Where is Assange 2.0?
lol, smart not include ayy lmaos. Is today some kind of offensive or something?
Yeah, no.
Lost me on the first image you posted OP
Waiting for MK drops for years now
My goodness, that is an actual US Congress bill from 2001!!!!
Extra-Terrestrial Weapons.pdf
oh shit I am seeing kek action
If you have more I am saving them, this thread sucks anyway
So you were offered a deal to act as bait then?
Sage the fucking thread. It's a paid shill. Are you seriously so stupid as to think it's telling the truth?
B-But its fun fucking with them. (((They))) do their jobs and oh my sides.
Sorry checked user. I had sage auto filled due to the (((raid))) but was disconnected which reset it.
I wish I was a paid shill, but no, I'm not. I haven't made even one red cent in all my years of Internet work, but that's OK, as I'm not in it for the money. I'm on disability, so I have all the money I need, thank God, but have lots of time on my hands nonetheless.
Fucking CIA niggers.
Asperger isn't a disability…
If lain is so smart, why doesnt she have bigger tits then?
She'd have two superpowers then, it is pretty dumb not to have big tits.
Trips and thank you for the Lain.
bump bump bump
Here's the magnet link:
Now you're making a fool of yourself. Have fun of bumping your threads all alone.
tbh if that user with the vm downloads this bump and say if it was real.
HEIL !!you are activated !!
downloaded it and looked at it. OP is not trying to blatantly trick anyone, his screenshots are legit to what's in there. i don't trust pdf nor html files in this, open in a container of some kind
could be correct but i cannot say otherwise
Seems like you are a mexican since you your language has, for whatever reason, those inverted question marks and yet the other exclamation mark at the end of your sentence with that unneccessary spacing signals to me that you are a fucking idiot.
I don't recall much about it, but I'm just going to assume it's disinfo since there are almost no jew names on the list.