Planetside 2 Thread: The Crown is Ours Edition

Server: Emerald (USE)
Faction: Terran Republic
Outfit: Spicy Spokes Serf Slayers (WWEW)
First, post on the PS2 thread with your character name along with a screenshot in-game on the loadout screen with a meme. Second, search our outfit by it's tag, WWEW in the outfit browser, the application must have a meme, ID and post number from the thread.
The Tranu Ocean is salty everyday.
Some of you New Cheeseburgersā„¢ are okay, don't go to the Crown tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:

August 5th is our three month birthday. Make sure to bring your MAX suits.
Archive of the last thread:
Sorry for fucking up the formatting.


Break one of your legs and call in sick.
That actually really sucks user.I'll think of you.

I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to end up missing the event.

[wwew] Crown ghost cap strats just evolved.
Anyone can spawn into a locked continent if the squad leader is present there.
Go to the warpgate on any continent, join the squad, and press Insert. Boom, you're on a locked continent at your warpgate. You didn't need to be there before the lock and you can bring whichever class you want (barring MAXes).
You cannot spawn vehicles so you'll still need people to pull tendies and stay there after lock to unleash the true speedy ghost cap.

Still untested:

I don't think this will work since you will get hit my magic spawn damage as soon as you deploy into it so unless you can sprint right the fuck out of the warpgate zone you're going to die.

I'll be sure to post a reddit announcement so all our members can joinLike DoomDude1, I knew something was wrong about you you fucking foreigner. Get the fuck out. Fuck any of you who defend this shit either, you're no different than the jews behind white genocide.

Which is why I want to try the squad beacon method. It may be possible to bypass the warpgate entirely.

What did he say to trigger your niggers? I didn't really care about the faggot.

I can see that working. Might be worth giving it a try.
I thought of something just now. We can like six shitters on the crown capping it while the rest of the platoon go AA and AV near the tranu warpgate, shooting them down as they fly their galaxies.

There is literally nothing wrong with inviting Reddit to the outfit. HW going to Reddit was a mistake.

And what exactly are you bitching about? Speak up faggot give examples if you're going to bitch.Not that I think you can since your probably pulling this out of your ass to start shit.

i dont know what is going on, but if any of you fuckers actually invite reddit im out

Calm your righteous paranoia, skinwalkers are here but they weren't invited.

Don't be a plebbit defending faggot. He opening admitted to going to plebbit to make threads and he said he found out about Holla Forums from some other imageboard that wasn't 4chan. In short, he's an autistic newfag.

Oh look, the third thread in a row where someone calls out a [wwew] member by name and tries to start some drama. Which person that hasn't been online in weeks will you claim to be this time?

Nice smug image, but DoomGuy was playing today.

He's a faggot for using Reddit, but he's not as much of a faggot as shiggles comes across constantly trying to shit out variations of fam every time he talks.

Hey, fuck you buddy. Shiggles is muh boy.

It may just be that he sounds like one of the avatarfags that shit up 4am threads. When he's not stringing together 6-7 variations of fam, he's fine.


He admitted it in voice chat.

I'm now convinced that any user that attempts to do something about the foreigner infiltration in our outfit is immediately assaulted by a group of them, posing as us, to shut out any dissent or mention of their existence. I believe they have orchestrated this from the start, the last two threads have been their most concentrated work, shitposting to the point where no good user even cares if there are foreigners with us so long as the thread is calm.

Are likely part of their cabal, though they may just be in the final stages of their plan, the demoralization of anons and normalfagization of the outfit.

Hey, fuck you fam, fampai, famalam, famallama, famalicious, famaruru, famary, famicam, fam-chan, famrio.

It's something though.


But then again, 4am threadsare fucking shit anyway, so I don't really see why people expect quality posting from them.

Also, fuck you outfit guy. :^)
Post your waifus.

fam-pai, famadam, famaronpaul, famstadam, fampain, The Famtom Fame

Then bring it up to the fucking faggots who can kick people you queer and not shit up the thread or you're a skinwalker from cuckchan who wants to.


Shiggles, is that you fam?

My waifu>you're waifu

Oh (((you)))

But what if my waifu is also your waifu? :^)

What do you think I'm doing right now? I'm also sageing for politeness.

I still don't understand this, who is GitGud and why does GasTheVanuTrannies dislike him?

I have better taste, so what I think the character is happens to be better than what you think the character is.

Nah fam.

I don't even know, m8.

Prove it.

Fug. What happened to that mad man, anyway? I kind of miss the meme loving fuck.

Because my waifu is you

user, Iā€¦

famadic, famaclam, famslam, famglam, famel, famashekel. I'm going to keep going.

He's still around. I think.

Step it up famalamadingdong

taking a break like a lot of meme-members, fam

I didn't know Doomdude1 said anything in voice about being from Reddit, and assumed he was just trying to start shit. Sorry

Embrace it.

I wouldn't expect you to stop.


If you're not careful I'll bully you for being tricked

Bend over and take your pants off, fuckboi.

I'll hold your hand and give you headpats faggot.

Do you feel in charge?

Of course.


You two fuckers hard at work shitting up the thread again. Can't wait for your kind to get purged from the outfit.


And you think, this gives you power over me?

wew lad.

I paid you in video games. I can easily take them away.



Oh no you don't, you filthy kike.


jesus christ lads

I need help

I bet you won't post your name in the outfit in this thread, fuccboi

So, do we have a NC outfit now, or is it a joke.

I-if you want my outfit to be Holla Forums's NC outfit, I don't mind
Its [J1DF]

As I said, the shitposting the past two daysand likely many more is false flagging by you redditors to keep unnoticed until 80% of the outfit is reddit.

Will you keep normalfags out?

Get fucked, schlomo.

Well, for the sake of having peons I could have to support our primary forces, I'd probably have some in. However, normalfags would be kept at the (Accountant) outfit rank, whereas Holla Forums users would be either (Leader) or (Banker). normalfags will also be ousted as soon as they display signs of leftism or cancer.

So that includes you as well, right?

Some outfits manage fine with 10 people, but that's your call. I may sign up in a few days after getting comfortable with NC weapons and certing myself out a bit.

Thought not.

Bet you don't even play the fucking game, faggot.

I forgot to erase the sage from the name field from another thread, sorry.

I really do like the NC weapons better than TR, personally. I'm addicted to carbines, they just feel so good to use. I would personally like a somewhat populated outfit, it'll be more fun tossing a hundred players at the Crown than just 20 to 30, personally. However, I still don't know if I should use the system of Holla Forums recruitment we have now, that is a character screen with a fresh meme pasted on the experience bar.

I usually find that once a person is in a group, it's very hard to actually get rid of them after.

There's always drama involved.

Well, as I said I'd keep all normalfags at a separate rank to known Holla Forums players, be more scrutinizing of them, and dispose as necessary to make sure we don't have to deal with faggots. Players normally signing up through petition will be put down as accountants, and Holla Forums players who post their character in the chat will be recruited and put down as bankers.

Cancer like you has ruined wwew.I'm also positive your gunnernacho, you're a faggot for not doing anything about this. Of course, since you've only been on Holla Forums for 4-5 months what should I expect?

Holla Forums is too popular at the moment for a recruitment system here to work as a filter. Consider using infinitynever for identifying who's a normalfag and who isn't.
wwew lads

normalfags will never get in and if they do i will purge them

i'm more concerned about doomdude1 we just found out his ingame planetside 2 name is the same as his reddit account.
what do with this heretic?
t. gunnernacho

the fucking idiot names all his accounts the same

Today's alert steal in Amerish was the best salt flow yet. Crushing the TRANU swarm at the Bastion afterwords was music to the soul.

I don't want to be made out as a sympathizer but that's probably a common name. We should still purge him though.

This is the real gunner

Nacho, just imagine he is a 12 year old girl and fuck his boipussy raw.

I archived it just in case.
top fucking kek

You kick him or you kill yourself.


No, it's not. The posts match what he was saying in game about being on reddit.

go back to the ps2g on 4ch faggot

why are you even asking? just purge him

Well, he deserves a trial by jury of course!


Well I've barely interacted with the guy. Just throwing in some blind thoughts.

if you dont like it speak up in the voice comms you tremendous faggot. if you dont like it say it. dont be a pussy about it in the threads.
you might as well just kill yourself or tell me you username so i can dingdong bannu a sperg like you together with our local redditor

Yeah, that's him. Hands down, he also said he did this. I also knew a japhistory guy irl too, they're pretty fucking autistic, of course.


Feels pretty good. Thanks cutie

Don't worry, I wasn't calling you a faggot.
Have my favorite 3 page special.

Where do you think we are?

Have a webm.

Thanks, nigger.

I-I I'm not gay, faggot.

Thanks friend.



Reddit Status: Removed





N-no homo



Look at this dumb nigger and laugh. He tries to apply a political counter argument when discussing the quality of vidya.

thats a strike pal

To the MAXes I got to pocket there, thank you for the chance to serve, the BRRRT was glorious.

post more tomoko, I think I might play with you goys


We should welcome more of reddit into our ranks. :^)

make auraxium great again.

Thanks for kicking this faggot.


i suddenly feel alot less bad about kicking this sperg

8ch ate my pic



this is what happens m8
crossposters get crucified.



It gets even worse. I can't look anymore, I need a shower to wash away the cancer that is plebbit.

Blame HW sprinting to Reddit to advertise the site the second he was done shilling on 4chan for ad money.

I know how you feel man, but after seeing I feel a little better as well. I'm still feeling a variety of mixed emotions over it though.

I know, user, but it still hurts. I never knew what the eye of the storm was truly like, now I do.

Destroy the hard drive and torch your room. The stench of leddit sticks to you like regular usage cigarette smoke.

And we'll never forgive him for that shit.

It will always hurt.

At least he's gone.

Roger that, commencing document destruction and securing new hardware.








Also who is NCShillGoy?

Play this when you're drifting around, be the Initial D: Airdrifting Battlebard.

Much rather, who is TRCoolGuy?

I don't even play this game. I just came here to laugh at you.


No, fuck you. It's a good show.

An NC shilling goyim.

Just a cool guy on TR.

First off, niggers, it should have been a red goddamn flag that someone was playing both sides when all the Tumblr outfits were able to counter us at every turn.

Doomnigger1 was a turncoat from day fucking one.
Reddit is Tumblr, 4chan is Tumblr, fucking Tumblr is, of course, the hive of queen skanks.
DO NOT welcome whores from any of these sites to our outfit. They're going to fuck us over exactly like the goobergate faggots.

And how do you propose they be detected if they don't reveal themselves so stupidly as this

The problem is filtering them. Nothing we can do on an chinese cartoon painting sharing board unless we go full Alphafaggot which is the most ineffective way to filter and we end up with a fuck ton of collateral. The best we can do it out them when they're already in and they do it themselves.

I'll do it.

4 u

I don't doubt it but do you have any more proof of the foreigner cabal?

In the beginning every ones handle was something about trump, gassing the jews, or a meme. Nowadays most handles are generic garbage. Probably a good place to start looking.

t. reddit

A lot of those anons with gas the jews tier names got changed, TRCoolGuy being one example.

My handle is the name I have used in every game i've played for years, and is memeless. Should I expect to be culled?


Maybe we should start interviewing some members? Not sure what way would be best though.

You're not face to face with these players. Even over voice you have no way to gauge if someone is lying.

The second they know that it's already over. And as and pointed out those fags will be outed as well.

Does anyone actually want to do that? Maybe ask the fag a random meme question or something related to us?













It's pure coincidence.

It's just autistic enough to work.

Only probably not, not like it isn't extrememly easy to bullshit something like this

Delete this

Some might slip up on certain questions but you're right.

It's not really a very chill thing to do either and would probably cause more tension than it's worth.

Holy shit user

I'll be honest, I don't know how to tackle that.

The best way to do so is to scour the internet for same name syndrome first, launch a summons and inquiry (maybe something related to 8ch?), and summary execution if proven guilty.

Image unrelated, but, seriously nigger?

My name is KillTheGaysBill
I don't agree with your decision to let in normalfags, put simply, we don't really need them to have fun.

Has only like 3 maps
UT, but shit
looks like diahrreah and the gunplay is fucking garbage
Kidie shit graphics, most players are casual as fuck, scout is the only decent class to play
Only has like 5 niggers playing and a bunch of little kids, gets old fast
only has like 4 small ass maps, gets old fast
fucking trash, only quality it has it engine it runs on
piece of shit, why people grind away on this crap i'll never know
might as well play single player, other players are useless
i dont know hopw people manage to make FPS nowadays with gunplay worse than stuff from 1999
acuracy is fucked by some gay shit, if you stand still and camp you can snipe niggers across the map with a pistol but move a inch and your shotgun wont hit a nigger right in front of you. thats some retarded shit
maps are smaller than my bedroom
wait 4 minutes to join a match, niggers grinding for gear, gunplay is meh

Why are F2P FPS games so lackluster and shitty? Its not like they needed much more work to be at the same level as the paid shit. Why you faggots always playing the worst ones?

Hey, hey user. There's going to be a remake soon.

Probably not.

Yeah. I doubt anyone's gonna be willing to do it and just do fuck all.

Just think of a random meme question. It's not that hard.

I downloaded the commentary videos in case you try to delete them.

Evorsio was another, but it's still a good indicator.

It's just one further way.

lad all they have to do is look at the map and go to the defensive fights.

Its been my go to game when I want to play multiplayer for the past few years.
Its good gun play though, and its fast.

I've been trying to get into this game, had a bit of fun with it today.

But it is slow as fuck. I hate these games where you have to shoot down sights, makes gun fights slow as fuck, you can't strafe, its just aim to shoot. Shotgun is good though, no ADS but shit range.

Still its fun how the different "games" so to speak just pop up as people try to take over different areas. They definitely had some cool ideas for this game.

I have been waiting my whole life for this moment

chances are though I'm maymaying enough in game to be cleared of any suspicion











Yeah, Dirty Bomb is the best one at the present but it only has 3 fucking maps, you get sick of that. Why not let the community make them? Old CS had a shitload of maps just from faggot modders working for free.

I think I was in a squad with Doom leading a morning and it felt like every time we swapped out of one base to quick deploy in another, the vanu were there en masse in seconds. They weren't defensive fights, they were just fucking ready for it.

there is no reason to be upset

that's what vanu do. they're the premiere defensive fight dicksuckers.

Someone is quite upset.

Oh, you mean the Vanu being on the defensive. Par for the course then I suppose

It's the same guys who did the Yamato remake. It's got CGI but it's pretty good from when I watched it.

t. doomdude

I don't know what I'm doing with it tonight, I'm gonna sleep on it

What the fuck is happening in this thread.





What the fuck is going on.



I saved WWEW from a redditor. I will continue my hard work tomorrow until all anons, and only anons, have a home with us in planetside.


they were cancer on 4chan and they are now. just like fullderp being a reddit general

Jokes on you, the guy who used her was gay and doesn't even post there anymore

Are you talking about me? I am homosexual but I've never posted in the 4AM threads



Nah, there was a guy who avatarfagged with her in the threads.

Stop? There's no stopping.


There are no breaks on this train.

Me, TRCoolGuy. I've been in WWEW since the double xp event two months ago. I thought that NCShillGoy would be close enough to my TR name that it'd be somewhat clear who I was.


post your 3rd character slot, if it's a vanu you get bullied and if you don't post you get bullied


I already accepted you, I'll probably sign in again within the hour and accept more applications

for u bbycakes

Oh alright

pic related faggot

If you look at the time they were posted, mine was a second before

I don't have a vanu.

Good boy


I doubt it'll end up like Berserk, I can guarantee you that. I think they're changing up the art style with the only art they have made made Reinhard look like hardcore fujoshi bait he was to begin with but I can't find the image.

Did you buy those additional slots to have nothing occupying them?

you get extra slots just for subscribing

I love you all you autistic faggots

Subscribing? Do you mean to premium?

Please post the timezone and roughly what time you'll be playing, otherwise I'll probably miss out due to sleep and whatnot.

I love you too user
Full homo

I love you too, user.
Same goes for the rest of you.
Except for reddit, just fuck off already and learn to have fun, instead of being kd/statwhores and shitting on everybody who isn't.

8ch is dying.

everyone keeps dying! i try to save them but my body won't let me leave the safety of cover!

oh god i can hear them screaming!

At least we aren't dealing with this.

:) pic unrelated

If they're not fighting behind cover they deserved it

Nobody really dies in planetside

You kill, you die, you're born again.

It'sValhalla, and we are the Einherjar

the great shitposting vikings.

I decided to do a sweep of the players in the outfit that had at least a few days playing time, as well as anyone that has logged into their character in the past couple weeks, to see how many, if any, had reddit accounts under the same name, and posted with them. Caught these 3, KaiserPanda, No2mad2, and NobleDigger. They have been removed from the outfit. Here are screencaps of their reddit accounts, as well as archive links to their accounts in case they try to scrub anything.


This makes me glad I can't stand how Reddit has the layout set up. If I had known nothing about the people using the site, I wouldn't use it simply because of how it looks.




I've contracted cancer

Don't forget that little message on the right, showing that they actually paid reddit money.

Even Satan decided to ridicule the sins of these cucks
Thanks Satan

Reminder that tomcats are now one of the best anti-liberator weapons in the game and you should equip them on your mossie if you want to remove the liberator cancer from the air.

Thanks lad, good post need more like this, ideas for what people should be putting their certs into on their chosen weapons/ vehicles, and what goes good against the tranu and rebel shit cunts the NC, various weapons and vehicles.

Thanks user.

That's some pretty good detective work user.

let me in your club pls

Protip, if you sign up for that Mittani website, you get a free helmet, new knife, and a shit load of implants. Also go to the depot and type in mlgreport for a free exp boost.

Use a burner email, and don't use the knife, since the Mittani is a Goon group. The helmet is fine since it's one that's been given out for a few other things as well, so it's not solely for/from goons.

The helmet makes it really easy to shoot you in the head, especially at night.

I don't get why anyone would want anything that makes them easier to be seen

What helmet is it?

Its the NS helmet with four eyes and covered in lumifiber

if you faggots kick me for not having a 1488 name i will be pretty disappointed as i have enjoyed battlebarding quite a bit

We only kick redditors.
Your not a redditor, are you?

whoever made these has surely impressed the brass

this is my one and only response to that question

If your username is related to that song, do know that there's a mother that made 8 posts a year or two ago on reddit with that username.

Secret police chan is on the prowl, better shape up soldiers!

Nah, was just one of the things I saw when I checked for redditors and crossposters not smart enough to keep their ingame and reddit names separate. One of the funnier things I saw was that Surge001 had an account by the same name, and it only had 1 post from 4 years ago, asking in an AMA about how to make a Minecraft server.

Muh nigga

Evorsio, gunner, I'm going to skin you two.

We've pulled a Kazuhira Miller and gone full surveillance tier.
Remember boys: Big Boss is watching you.

I'd hardly call it a witch hunt, though there are a few people that seem to want one.
Blame the gays for the waifu/avatarposting tier stuff.
If you're gasthevanutrannies, you should add me on steam, same name as my old username
No, I won't add everyone from the outfit

Even in my dreams?

When can we remove the cancer?

Maybe you have something to hide?

To answer your question LoliDesuXD of why wwew is dead during 4AM, probably because of EDF, burnout, and its mondays soon.

Were you supposed to attach that to something?
You really want to turn this into TF2C don't you?

You're right.

meant for

I am merely doing the lords work.

Put more words in my mouth why don't you. there is a fine limit between putting down three plebbitors and then turning the entire thread into some alarmist

This is how you attract autism and Holla Forums
just look at what you've done we went from having THE BIRD to having an avatarfag

I'm still disappointed with LoliDesuXD sounding like a man with his voice

p-please dont hurt me i really did not mean to get this into a witch hunt. everyone, including me just wanted me to remove doomdude1 since its been know he's a sperg.
but now that we found out he's also from reddit, i just really had to kick him.

fuck off 22feff the entire thread you've been doing nothing but complaining and trying to start a witch hunt.
there's literally nothing you did. youre nothing better than any off the redditors coming into the outfit if all you do is try to stir up as much drama as possible. kill yourself faggot.

What's your master plan for removing all the cuckolds from /vg/, waifufags, namefags, lurkers and regular cancer we get?

Did you sacrifice your foreskin to him yet?

They may not contribute to anything but they are not a detriment either.
Anyone who actually "lurks moar" is alright to me as it implies being entirely willing to learn and conform before coming and posting "hay guiz dat boi amirite XD."

You forgot weebs.

Lurkers need to be purged as well they're a special kind of cancer that needs to be rid of.

What's the difference?

bad shop

Just ban every single degenerate. Load them up on that chopper.

i just now found out "dio" is censored. i also found out the tranu think the butcher is OP.

wew lads.

took real fucking long for that to post, Program-Ape!

If you banned weebs you'd ban literally 75% of this website

That's a very specific censor
this can't be real.

gay and angry asian



Yes I can read, thank you, sugar.

but deaf girls can't read


using cuddly nicknames on the internet is LEWD!


I didn't even need a salty tell for this one.

Also, engineers can resupply recon darts, meaning you can spam them everywhere. Keep that in mind.

Shit, I meant Amerish.
Polite sage.

Gonna do somethin about it, big guy?

you better believe I'm Richard bby

why hate the SSSR anthem, dont you know TR is obvously communist?

Shut up, faggot.

as of now 32 replies of pure edgy

Is that it?



I want to fuck bismuth

So the guy removing anons from the outfit isn't even the leader?

That's impossible since only officers can remove people.

does it have to be?

Wait, you guys actually went full-inquisition?
Founder here. Please stop that shit. I'd prefer a don't ask don't tell policy, over the active searching and removing of Redditors.
Of course, I'm no longer leader, so you can ignore me if you really want. Just know that this is glorious founder's wishes.


I played a bit last week.


there are 4 "leaders"including me. i removed doomdude since most people in the outfit actually asked me to. the moment he joined and spoke i knew something wasnt right about him

dont worry itaintme. i only removed one guy im not going to remove more existing members just because they go to reddit even if its fucking disguisting it was just that this guy acted like the ultimate sperg
and people have been complaining about him for a long time now. so when he openly admitted to going to reddit i ding dong bannu'd him

his opinions matter alot. just stop posting already you're making a fool out of yourself

Alright, we're all good then.

shame on you

Exactly my point. You played last played one week ago. One week ago you last played one month ago. You don't know shit.

They really don't. Aside from the fact he made the outfit, most people probably don't even remember him. The only reason you would even consider them relevant is personalityfagging, a cancer that seems to follow every Holla Forums group.

the absolute madman! he just keeps going!

Epic! You're so amazing gunner, please point yourself out in every thread like you do now, actually, just get a tripcode so we can always know what our glorious and perfect leaders want us to do and think!

yeah but also fuck NC


Okay, back from playing EDF, have you autists forgot about twitchfag?

Just waiting for the plebbitor skinwalkers to sperg out and do the same.

We are here. In two weeks will be at
Then we will be at
Go cry in outfit chat later. I'll keep posting shit about you until you fix it.


so far (i think at least) i'm the only one actually removing members from the outfit when necessary. i've been enforcing rules to not let redditors in. but if they people not from Holla Forums come in
and just fucking play and dont sperg out and dont out themselves as fags whats the point? you have absolutley 0% power over everything that happens in the outfit. if you dont like it
stop playing.

i'll just filter you out dont worry.

I'd like that

Way to prove the slippery slope and in only one reply. Way to go bud. You fucking nailed it.

I thought outfit chat was enough of a hugbox for you.

I care about good, honest anons that want to play with each other and not reddit. If any user wants to play with reddit, he should make a reddit account and join a reddit outfit instead.

The slippery slope does exist.

way to go

you should know the difference between critisism, paranoia and full blown whining

you're not wrong on this but you are acting like a massive faggot about it

exactly this.

Why is the thread so gay, but when we play together shits fine?

god damnit tomoko poster accept my application already, no one is on wwew

What else is there to do? All the power is in the hands of Evorsio, Gunner and Gas. I don't know where evorsio stands. Gunner and Gas want to keep things as they are, when they clearly aren't working, and gunner doesn't mind going even further.

That's like asking why reddit is an echo chamber. No one wants to rock the boat and potentially be outed. It's why we are anonymous here.

that pretty much

I was going to protest kicking for minor things but not anymore

No, even when we talk about it there its way less stupid.

They've been kicking obvious plebbitors, have they not?

nah, they only have as much as people give them

Gunner is the one that has kicked out the last two fucking retards. Why do you have such a hate boner for the guy? Though I do think gunner should be willing to kick the redditors that were found out.

Yes, because we have names and no one wants to be outed, so you instinctively hold yourself back. It's like wondering why the media is less extreme than Holla Forums, it's because it has an identity.

Gunner just said he doesn't mind foreigners joining.

Officers can kick people who they don't want in there, what can the rest of us do but go along or quit?

Polvonik, you better post those goddamn lewds in chat tbh

in thread*
Fuck, Planetside's on the mind too heavily

i kick people if the demand and evidence is there.

yes. i dont have any fucking power. its just a videogame i enjoy playing with all of you fags. its people like that make a huge deal out of everything and that dont even dare speak to any of the "leaders" about any of the issues he's talking about in person.

no they can't just kick people they don't like out of the outfit, there has to be a decent reason for it like not being a massive faggot which is what you're doing right now

Not really. I never have.
Maybe its you.

it was in Russian and I didn't want to get the other, also I guess I lost my old tomoko lewds so I got new ones.
wwew, forgot my spoiler the first time around

Actually they can, since it's just clicking a button.

Then your opinions are moderate middle of the line garbage and you're part of the problem.

Are you sure you're from Holla Forums?

if you actually play with us you would've know that most of us actually discuss everything ingame since the thread is full of shitters like you who have no idea what the hell they are talking about.

no, other wise everyone will leave and make another outfit

that's just a afew clicks away too

People left, but not to make another outfit. Why do you think we're struggling to maintain a full squad on weekends? And before you deny it, yes we are losing far more pop than any of these excuses would cover.
It's because WWEW isn't WWEW anymore, and it's no fun to play with a WWEW that isn't WWEW.

I assure you you're overstating that, but keep repeating whatever makes you feel like an insider.

people are leaving the game not the outfit, it's because the game is pretty shit and the grind is not fun

Yes, that's what I said.
Whatever lie makes you feel better.

Nah, your just a faggot.

Whenever I play it seems fun.

these things usually dont last for very long user, it has held longer than most Holla Forums groups playing a game together. if you dont like the way thing are going you can always just simply leave.
i've been having lots of fun with WWEW and i still have, so do alot of other people. face it, people just come and go. sometimes we have 3 squads, sometimes 2 sometimes not even 1. but what does it matter?
people leave for lots of reasons and im pretty sure leaving because the "m-m-muh redditors" argument is one of the last things people would leave for in WWEW. were just another flavour of the month right?
its litterally as simple as that.

nobody is going to get kicked, for whatever reason. except for if a large part of WWEW actually asks me to kick a person and has sufficient evidence of said person to have done something/came from:
any other shitty site

take you for example. you act like a fucking faggot chimping out in the threads but if you want to play and act decent while doing so, why should anyone care?

you guys are pretty cool

you're trying to make it seem like it's down to leadership is why people aren't playing anymore which is horseshit, your stupid drama in the thread counts more towards that then your own damned point

it's how I feel about the game, it's why I don't play as much anymore and it's why I stopped playing in the first place a long ass time ago so stuff it you crooked eye pencil sniffer

Here's a short list of reasons people have stopped playing
Your response
Evidently not, since pop is dropping hard. It's not too late to admit your mistakes.

I only started drama long after these problems have gone unresolved to due incompetent leadership coming up with shit policies that are killing the outfit.

The game is a grind, but you said that is why people are leaving. That's bullshit. The game has always been a grind, it wouldn't cause us to shrink to 12% activity on the weekends.

outfit activity went up from 60-65% to 75-80% in the last few weeks with almost no new members joining. care to explain that?

you are the exactly whats killing the outfit.

Yes, you're lying.

try again. a real explenation now.

of course you'd have to get those quads

those are all fine policies

it's not a fun grind, it's not like EVE online where there's politics to be done, there's no reason to try hard at all other then to get a good k/d which only matters to cunts , you can greft people by merely playing the game how it was intended

Yeah, I'd like a real explanation from you.


its been at this number for a long time now. it only counts active members. more than half of our members havent played in one and half month.
i dont get how you can be this dense. people just leave. its really not that wierd.

So what's your in game name?

Most are in favor of it. Who's said they don't like the Reddit shoah?
Also which ability is best for heavy assault?

Resist shield, then you get medkits to be a maximum faggot.

I don't get all this talk about the "grind" and how the game is "not fun" because there's "no reason" to play. This is basically a FPS in the same vein as Battlefield, just on a much larger scale. In terms of the core gameplay mechanics, this game is really no different from any other shooter. If you can sit around replaying the same maps in an FPS and not get bored, why is it that PS2 is suddenly considered grindy or repetitive?

it's kind of hard to tell, but planetside 2 completely lacks closure

You could git gud to capture territory.

Ok let me look at those only active members for you.
Wow great point.

WWEW has convinced itself that gitting gud means sitting in a spawn room with a boltaction for that high KDR. WWEW thinks the game is shit and the grind is not fun because they don't make any effort to actually git gud and enjoy it. It's as if kotaku formed an outfit.

Resist shields along with Advanced Shields Capacitors and medkits. Very little will be able to go toe to toe with you

now youre just spouting bullshit.
yeah its alot more comon for the oldfags to grow tired of a game, and for them to be replaced by new players.

i just confirmed you litterally never even play with WWEW

Try keeping your story straight for once.

What was all that bullshit the last two threads about >oh it doesn't matter if you have a sub 200SPM your still a valuable player
This article is literally you the past two threads
>please use

Now it's obvious you're from reddit.

It's too bad the record is well over (200), this guy could easily be a contender.

Well good thing gunner said he has no problem with that :^)

Did you just fuck up posting an archive link?

i still have (215).html

shit sites are wordfiltered to

Ah I see. My mistake then.

When was the last time you played?

it doesn't take much to git gud at capturing territory

I'm going to back to sleep. Fuck this shit.

Managed to play for 30 minutes, but I can't deal with this. At least I was present when TR won an alert.

Closure is when you lock a continent. That's victory. That's when the "next round" starts and you move to the other continent.

This has not been my experience at all. All of the time I have spent playing with WWEW, we've either been deploying to at-risk hexes to stop an enemy advance, trying to capture hexes to cut off enemy territory from their lattice, or HIVE busting. I think the only bad time I had with WWEW was when we were needlessly engaging in an unwinnable meat grinder in a futile attempt to take the Crown, when we could have been more useful elsewhere pls no bully, I love Crown-chan too

That's not what git gud means.

I'm still waiting for gigantess Crown-Chan lewds.

user please, the wreckage brothers don't even use infiltrators, PL's basically have to bully the platoon to get one for a specific purpose and then they switch back right after.

Checked, someone get on drawing one

Whenever I'm not playing Light Assault, I'm playing an infiltrator. As long as you aren't sniping from 300m away and actually hacking terinals/playing the objectives they're really useful and fun

Bad reading comprehension. WWEW has an aversion to any discussion of stats because that's what they think it means to git gud. I agree WWEW has a problem with class diversity, it seems to be a squad of medics or a squad of engineers or a squad without both.

Infilshitter is cancer because you aren't actually playing any better, just abusing shitty netcode letting you kill enemies while you still appear cloaked on their end. Should stop you from using it when needing motiondarts and terminal hacking, but infilshitter is false skill.

Well, slipping behind enemy lines with an SMG and claymores is very fun, you can ambush enemies, lay your mines and hack equipment terminals to get more claymores. Theres no better feeling then getting killed by someone only to have them run into a claymore of yours straight after, in my opinion. Also protip, I'm pretty certain you can lay down claymores and switch to another class with them still deployed, which is useful for defending areas

It can be fun I agree but I feel dirty afterwards.
Same with tank mines. If you lose a base to a zerg redeploy as engineer, mine the roads and redploy again to whatever class you were playing. At the very least you'll slow them down while they have to destroy 30+ tank mines, at best you'll annihilate an entire zerg.

What I'm wondering though, is can you put tank mines down as engineer, go to infiltrator and place claymores, then go back to another class and have them stay? This could change the face of battlefield memes if this works


I know the max is 5 tank mines deployed at one time, I assume it's 5 deployables down at once so tank mines + claymores. There are a lot of places where this could be abused, basically any two bases close to each other would become a nightmare to advance through.

We should coordinate [wwew] to put down hundreds of tank mines between bases a heavy force is sweeping through, and then bug everywhere in the bases with claymores. The trannu salt will be real



Can you recommend a good SMG for infil?


armistice or MKV, hailstorm isn't particularly good especially for infiltrators(how many rounds do you really need to kill one guy and then cloak?)

Fugg SMGs, go Vandal or go home.

I've got a song request for all battlebards

Don't know if your country allows acknowledgement of the slippery slope, since Germany and a few countries in that area have "illegal opinions", but it is in fact a thing you can see just by looking at pretty much every western country right now.

We have the current application method, which requires people to be smart enough to come to this thread, read the OP, and follow some simple instructions. Along with that, there's always the option of just checking to see if their username is in use on reddit. The current process works, out of the 600 members, only about 4 were redditors, and they were removed. This whole thing is a non-issue since the problems have already been solved.
Also, by how hostile you're being, I have a feeling you're one of the D&C fags

Apparently there's a few shits that like to D&C any popular threads/groups on Holla Forums, heard it happened to the SS13 servers as well, endless shit talking about problems in the thread where there were none.

Quick question for you to see if you remember. What were the original names of the 2 leaders who got namechanged? The full names.

Well at least you admitted that you started the drama. Mind stating any of the "shit policies" the "incompetent leadership" came up with?

AMR-66 is a fun gun

I can't get the hang of the grenade launcher. It also makes the horizontal recoil too ridiculous for me to handle.

GasTheVanuTrannies and Evorsio something in latin. Nice try though.

kek and I'm the paranoid one?

The current system for one. It does absolutely nothing to deter reddit from joining, and had I not mentioned it in the thread and started this I wonder how long DoomDude would have stayed in, often being passed PL and being a normalfag.

But that's only what we can prove from the idiots who use the same name for everything online. You could have avoided this whole issue ~1 month ago but you wanted to keep recruitment open because
and now the thread has been shit up for three days straight. That's all on you, for making a shitty call as officer.

You've been the one shitting up the thread, no point trying to shift the blame onto others, especially when you legitimately tried to directly link a kotaku article.

And yet I'm the only one to sage.
You already failed outing me as a newfag once. Want to go for round 2?

Armistice, MkV, and NS-PDW. Armistice is for quick kills, MkV for decent killing with an automatically silenced weapon, and NS-PDW for longer ranged engagements, on par with carbine ranges.

Except there actually was people who co-opted the SS13 servers and ruined it. And the person shitting up the thread is you. Niggerfaggot.

I don't want to hear that from an avatarfag.

Folks, just filter the faggot like Blankbird and move on.

Could you namefag so I could filter you?

You first.


I'm not avatarfagging at all.

I know. I asked if you wanted to try round 2 after you fell on your face with the name change question.

doesn't winning your arguments feel great?

You should take a break user, you're acting like an unreasonable little bitch. Do you have autism?

I don't win until WWEW is pure.

According to online tests, yes. I would never surrender my mind to the pharmaceutical jew though so I've never tested myself.
No need, I'm doing this in my spare time.

What if I told you you were the reason wwew isnt pure.
it isnt WWEW you fucking faggot, its wwew

isnt that great? leave and you win!

I say WWEW in /yell chat

who is this blue haired girl?
someone draw her and tomoko fugging


I know her only as cpu cooler chan

You'd be wrong.

Gunner try again tomorrow if you want.

Go to 4/a/, they should spoonfeed you fine.

Y-you'd b-be the one that's wrong! BAKA!

Yes please

It's not really about spare time user it's about you being a mad nigger.

Shitposting's great but salt's even better, get in lads

Sage for offtopic, but I wanted to ask everyone about DC universe. Has Daybreak fucked over that game on PC or is it still ok?


Go away.

Internet connection is still fucking unstable, but time to make a new thread.


max comfy @ the crown

As long as one person in the squad is alive, we can spawn on any continent they are on. Pass squad leader to them and we can spawn on them. I'm not sure but it may need a spawn beacon, so EVERYONE CERT THAT SHIT ASAP, IT'S CHEAP.
Go to any warpgate and press Insert. Bam, you're now on Indar. If you own the continent, you'll spawn at warpgate. If you don't, you'll spawn in the middle of J908 Impact Site. There's a jump pad near where you spawn so use it to save about five minutes of walking.
You still can't spawn vehicles, so if we're going to lose the continent then grab ammo sundies near but not at warpgate and hide somewhere safe until airchavs fuck off. Optionally, bring an ANT because
It's unknown if HIVEs work but you can construct everything else anywhere. You can bring parts from other continents so you can grab an ANT somewhere unlocked and bring it back to Indar.


You can only place as many as you can hold. if your infiltrator can hold 2 claymores you can only place 2 claymores, if your engineer can only hold 2 tank mines you can only place 2 tank mines