So is the game fun?
Grimm Eclipse Thread
If you like floaty combat and repetitive gameplay it is.
I haven't played the combat revamp this did a month or two ago. It was fun for an hour, but its early access for a reason.
its not early access anymore user. they released it shitty and are adding new characters as paid DLC
If I remember right, wasn't there a bit of digging that revealed they just slightly-reskinned a not-to-be-reused Miku model from some model-poser or whatnot, and then slapped the blond character's hair onto it and called it a day? If I really am remembering this right, that just adds a whole new layer of lazy cash-grabbing on top of everything else.
I believe I used to have the image someone made of pointing out the similarities, but I lost my image folder and had to rebuild it not long ago, so that's fucked.
It was $15 in early-access and I played for about 15 hours then. It's sold for more now that it's out, but I can't play for more than 1 hour without getting incredibly bored. Not worth it.
I wonder what Monty would think about current RBWY if he was alive
Think he'd like the fact a show he made just for cool fights is taking itself seriously now?
absolutely positive the entire series is made with stolen assets but no one will care because people are conditioned to give anything less than multi-billion dollar operations infinite benefit of the doubt.
I wouldn't be surprised if they just had the guy who made the fangame based on this slap multiplayer on it and call it a day.
It's a poor man's Musou. Just get a musou game if you want this kind of gameplay.
I'd give him a week of meek acceptance before his wife kills him again.
It's a really bizarre game where you play as jetstream sam, but for some reason they replaced everyone as a grill with a scythe, from a show that's created with rooster teeth, the show is animated by french people with a plot of a miscommunication of what a really generic and sub-par japanese anime is along with it's actual voice acting being that BAD while at the same time it takes place after the third "season". The game is so fucking garbage and bad, you'll enjoy wave defense missions, pressing circle whenever the button prompt comes up, racking up combo with little to no effort, maneuvering the world by jumping in the air and dashing. All this while being designed as a co-op game.
One of the neat things I realized that you can
so the weakest enemies, you press square 3 times and then press triangle and ezgame.
yea, apparently they got a straycat, even tho' monty was allergic, because the wife really wanted a cat. cat put strain on monty's systems. monty goes to coma, his wife pulls the plug without asking monty's relatives opinion. now she lives with the cat.
DannaPMX, the original creator of the image, took it down but I was able to scrape a copy off Wayback Machine, thank god.
You can also see a video RT has up where Monty Oum shows off the wireframe of the Yang model, to see if the ones in the game are the same ones used in the show.
Rough Chinese translation of text in image:
For anybody else who knows Chinese, let me know if there are any errors.
Fug, the embed option knocked out the image.
Here it is.
Wireframe comparisons.
You can check them out for yourself:
Yang (ported for XNALara):
More wireframes, cheeks and eyebrows.
Texture comparisons.
Yes every character is a jetstream sam, one of the character can chain light attacks infinitely. One thing I realized with red grill is that
the only thing I don't understand is how reap works, it happens almost randomly
Not really related, just a bonus from an old thread when this controversy was first revealed on Holla Forums.
user decided to do his own rip and came up with these.
Old link (may not work anymore or have content, but I don't care):
Don't have the .obj and .mtl files tho.
Makes you wonder what other shady shit goes on at RT.
I know they fuck you if you try to have a side thing going on even if you aren't making money on it
before Ray left to do streaming he had a twitch channel and RT straight up took control of his account and changed the name on it
They all but ripped off Tales of the Borderlands in the last few episodes of Red Vs Blue
Same thing happened to Gavin's chameleon gf. She made too much money co splaying and hosting other stuff so she also got the boot.
Burnie is a drunken maniac, Gus is often depressed and Geoff is a ticking-time bomb along with the rest of AH
Honestly, I don't get why the show's lore designed the Grimm to dissipate as soon as you kill them or try to keep them in captivity, considering RWBY would work well as a Monster Hunter/God Eater clone if you could loot monsters.
Makes it easy to have them without explaining why they're there other than "We popped up because of human emotions" or whatever explanation they gave
He'd think "where the fuck is my money?"
Sponsor program's getting more jewish