Religious groups have high birth rates, but lose lots of members through the attrition of people leaving the faith. You need to have 20 daughters just to get one that doesn't run off and become a whore. So while the fertility rate is high, the growth rate is low.
You can think of wholesome religions as being like leaky buckets. The birthrate is a faucet pouring lots of water into the bucket, so it looks like the bucket is full, but really, it's losing lots of water - it's a shitty bucket.
In some ways, the Amish are actually the worst. They have that tradition where young people leave the village and go "live among the English" in a city for a while. How many Amish girls do you think come back from that experience still virgins? The Amish men take them back because there's no alternative. That makes the Amish men cucks.
Yeah, I don't think the Amish are worthy of any praise.
There really needs to be a new ideology that embraces science and reason, but somehow avoids degeneracy, ""and"" is based in human psychology in a way that makes it a more attractive alternative to mainstream society's hedonism.
Holla Forums is often right, but rarely attractive. Young people flock to what feels good, and usually don't begin to care about what's right until some reality slaps them in the face. Pic-related for example is true, but there has never been a young girl who saw it and decided to turn away from feminism. Pic-related is therefore a funny troll, but it's not a meme.
You know what's a meme? Pop music. Taylor Swift sings about fucking chads - like, most of her songs are about that. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in" - well then why'd you waste time with him, bitch? Oh right, "so tall, and handsome as hell" - rolls eyes. That's an effective meme. That's attractive to women. That lures away even those pure virtuous Amish girls, at least for a while.
If you want to create a nation of white people with solid values, you need to create something more attractive to young women than what Taylor Swift is offering. And no, "women follow strong men" isn't specific enough to be it.