Game is set in a dystopian future




Blame Mad Max.



Blame the filthy rich media moguls who invented Punk Rock instead.

You have no IDEA how backwards Businesses can be in accepting new tech.

The last VCR plant is only closing down this year.

Faxes are still used in biz even now.

Punk Rock was fine, but then cell came, killed it and absorbed its powers, including hair.
Just like it killed feminism.

Wait, what?

What's their website? I want to buy up as many of those things as I can.

Funai Electronics in Japan

Im willing to bet some china knock off company will start up though.

Well, sometimes it just works.
But faxes are a special snowflake case of "it's more expensive than just upgrading the bullshit".


Punk Rock and all the other Subcultures of the past are what created the SJWs of today.

Actually there are legal reasons and laws on the books for FAXED documents. Also some redundancy factors.

Its the most realistic projection of future dystopia people though.

Seriously look at places like San Fran.


I wouldn't say created exactly.
There is this mass of idiots that don't get anything right but still want to be in some group that generally when get on it, corrupts and kills it from inside, and then takes away the spoils of the war.

And i think they did it to punk rock, then got hooked into human rights etc and ended creating the social justice monstrosity with their peanut sized collectivist simplist brain.

tumblr took over, why wouldn't it be a dystopia?

Democracy was a mistake.

Punk rock is what happens when you welcome leftists in.

Same for comics, sci-fi and fantasy literature, tabletop, movies, TV, etc.

That's exactly what a dystopia is, an era where degeneracy and noral corruption flourishes.


So, Dreamfall Chapters?

You seem pretty down to earth.
I like you.



Democracy works when people are free to argue around and call each other idiots with proof.

But as soon the mass of idiots find a way to silence the opposition instead of having to fight it, shit falls into a spiral of insanity quickly.



It only works with a homogenous society of humans where every leftist has been shoahed.

But where would they get the white women and prepubescent boys from?

Ever notice how in StarTrek there are no MUSLIMS. And humans are largely at peace.

They're like jews, but storing their gold on the end of the rainbow instead of a hidden pouch.

There's no religion in general in the Federation.

There is, however, rampant racemixing, niggers, mudshits, spics, and socialism.

Fuck off summerfag

God forbid we had a fun discussion once in a while.

Race mixing being common doesn't seem likely.

It's impossible to completely eradicate any kind of humans.
It's the "human engine" to create any sort, ANY sort of human all the time, the whole time.
And any attempt of eradication only leads to em getting better at escaping your detection and overturning your thing, because you just pushed it into the shadows.

It's that old adage of you not being able to kill ideas with bullets.
But what he forgets to mention is that you can kill ideas with better ideas.

Fuck off retard


Pick one

That's what Jews want you to think.

You gas the racemixing harlots along with the rest.

Nazis were doing a marvelous job of it even before DNA testing was a thing.

So why isn't Marxism dead?

And they still exist, besides the best effort of the most powerful country of the planet back then to do otherwise.

You will still get browner people at random, and if the climate of the place is hot, they will thrive.
So you're better off cooling the planet than actually fighting this random thing

Again, Jews are still a thing

Because it survives in hugboxes where better ideas are forbidden to be discussed, either by peer pressure or AK47's or a mix of both.

Hey, user, did you ever consider asking what people are playing?

You're kind of an idiot, aren't you?

That's not how genetics work.

I don't't think Europe and North America are hot you stupid fuck.

They got stopped by good goys such as yourself before they could finish. They had still managed to get rid of 50% of the vermin.

So, if you kill the people in those hugboxes you get rid of Marxism, yes?

The one that knows that germany only lost due not knowing they were being spied on?

Yes it is.
DNA have copying errors, and some copying errors change stuff like skin pigment etc.. and when it the person die less than the others around, it have more babies and those babies have even more babies etc..

And this is why they need to import black people from hotter climates to have it.

Still failed.

Do that and the hugboxes will hide from you.
But if you invade the hugbox and argue with em, you defeat it, which is the Milo approach.

The most powerful countries at that time were Britain (largest empire in the world), the US (largest industrial base) and Russia (largest military). Germany even came after the likes of France.

So no, they were not the "most powerful country in the world", not even close.

Bravo, you have figured natural selection. Now tell me, what advantage does being a shitskin in white society give you when trying to get women pregnant?

Not for lack of trying though. Your argument was that it was impossible to exterminate an ethnicity. We clearly know it is possible when outside forces don't intervene.

Yes, because that works so well on religious fanatics (which leftists are). These people can't be argued with, all you achieve is make the normalfags around them see how insane they are, but it's not like that has ever stopped them before.

I am still mildly upset.

Kill me pete.

But it was real you stupid goy, haven't you heard the firsthand accounts from Jewish survivors? Jews never lie so it is true.


I see what you're trying to do Jew.

Legends three never ever.


>Is actually set in the present



Well, you gotta remember that, THAT nuclear meltdown was localized.

The one in Fallout is supposed to have even polluted all oceans.

It's the same with Fist of the North Star. It's just a thing with dystopian shit.



Tht's already present day Berlin

It's like it was already predicted.