Backlog Blues



Pick a game and play it. I've noticed I'm starting to get through my backlog now that I "force" myself to keep playing games until I've finished them.

Might be burned out and need to take a couple of months break. I also want to say you should focus on one game but lel.

Also, do any of you fags use Backloggery?

Do something else other than gaming and you'll get back into games eventually. I know about this, i went through all the hassle of buying an used PSP and an SD adapter (which are hard to find in my country) to fill it with games and end up never touching it for months.

whats backloggery?

At least you don't boot up a game, play for around 20 minutes, and get bored enough to go do something else.

what the fuck else is there to do. It's much easier to get burnt out on shows/movies, and besides that there isn't anything else


Sounds like depression. As I said above, exercise will help out greatly with that, and get a little sunlight too.

I've been exercising for two years now. All that's happened is I went from a miserable piece of shit to an apathetic piece of shit.

I'll use my log to turn your back blue ;3

Haven't managed to play a videogame in over 3 weeks, nor see any of my friends face to face for that matter. Today I've just been staring at my games folder.

When I was a NEET I had an itch in my cranium I felt like scratching with a bullet.
Getting a job only made it worse.

if you don't feel like playing it, it's not worth playing. A good game will keep you motivated until the end


i have the same problem I also always end up playing the same games (that I already beat) over and over again

Website that help you track what games you're playing.

Yikes, with those work hours pretty much anyone would be depressed man.

just signed up. looks neat. thankfully my backlog isnt too massive.


But I don't mindlessly jump onto fads nor do I try and fit in with any sort of group. I also don't like a lot of things the average normalfag is into, so I don't see how that applies to me.

Are you me?

You have no hobbies. You are an empty person.

We'd have far less "vidya is dead" whiners if you people learned to pick up a book or watch a show whenever you're bored of gaming.


Get yourselves some therapy, shit will break you if you don't get help and work against it.

You're retarded. The "empty people"/normalfags, as described in the pic you posted, enjoy a whole bunch of things for purely superficial reasons. How is that the same as just disliking most games/TV/movies/books that he comes across? If anything it's the opposite, because he admits he dislikes the things

Or VNs if you're a fellow ADHD fuck with no access to adderall.

He can say whatever he wants, but his actions reveal the truth. He doesn't play video games, or watch movies, or read books. He just sits on image boards feeling empty because he doesn't have the same thing that everybody else there does: a hobby.

I could just as well say my hobby is rock climbing, say I hate rock climbing, and never in my life go rock climbing. Do you know what that means? It means rock climbing isn't actually my hobby and I'm a retard pretending to be a part of something I'm not, probably for attention and a feeling of belonging.

I'm going to grab titles from my backlog, five, and please select what is the best choice to play/play first

at Mercedes chapter. Instant gratification and story can push me so far. the rehash of levels/enemies/bosses got old so I stopped, besides her early game is slow)

I like to 3 heart run all zeldas. However MM is not really a combat-focused or dungeon-focused Zelda so anything but dungeons ends up being uneventful, especially when you already played the game.

Haven't touched it yet. no motivation

Had fun with first, the meme-spouting in the translation has stopped from wanting to start it.

I was enjoying it but the story and town is not captivating me. I just want a proper challenge with bosses and dungeons, and this game is pretty easy hack and slash.

It's like you missed the part where I said MOST.

A motivational technique I've been trying out is to leave something easy or enjoyable for yourself at the end of the day, so that you will have motivation to get back into your work immediately the next day. The vidya equivalent might be saving right before a boss.


Also the analogy you use is pretty flawed. You're comparing the consumption of media to a hobby where all you do is one thing: climb rocks. Next, you're assuming that I even consider myself apart of these things when I don't. I've even replied to you saying I don't associate myself with groups. I probably took bait but oh well.

From how he says that he gets bored with a lot of different movies/books/games/etc., I assume he actually does more of that stuff, since he seemingly has discerning taste and has a large pool of entertainment that's below his standards.

And, even if he did just mindlessly dislike all those things without actually watching films/playing games (which is a baseless accusation that I seriously doubt), that's still not the same as what the picture you posted was describing.

I want to get into writing, but I never know what to fucking write.

Fuck you faggot

I have actually played everything EVERYTHING and there is nothing left

That's an improvement.

Sounds like you need someone to share your vidya with. I don't know if your a robot or not so I don't know how hard that would be for you, but it sounds line the problem. get a gf

Try writing a suicide note, it'll keep you occupied because you'll never be satisfied with it.

Not so easy when your tastes are obscure niche shit less than 1% of the population knows about.

I'm having the same problem, 100s of games I can play but nothing seems to really stand out right now and interest me enough to play it.
Started watching anime again for the first time in years and boy do I remember why I stopped watching anime, because holy shit it's mostly trash.

Just do it.

But in all honestly, I too have the same issue. I mean, I certainly don't have a problem enjoying what I play, but just getting around to starting a game up, especially for the first time, takes me forever.

Moved about a month or two ago and had to set aside the game I was playing for a while, and even after getting stuff set up at the new place I still haven't gotten back to it yet.

Lately I've been building scale models in place of games as I can't bring myself to enjoy the vidya.


Does it cost much? I have been thinking about making a heap of tanks / IFVs in the same scale.

Yeah it's very costly in terms of getting an airbrush, buying paints, buying thinners, buying clear coats, weathering supplies, tools, adhesives, brushes, etc.

The kits themselves are pretty cheap though especially with the Brexit and Airfix.

I guess I can start with just the models and if I stick with it I can get the painting kit later.

Yeah certainly.

Is there a way to remove my shitty hand paint and replace it when I git gud?

The kits are so cheap you can just buy another and keep the older ones around to learn from or eventually add damage to and create the effect of it being destroyed.

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go.

fuck you

you tell ' em brah

I have the same problem but this is going on for months now.

Enrich her. She doesn't have to go into it liking then specifically, she just had to be open to video games in general.

Read a book. Playing too much video games isn't healthy.