We didnt have a decent == WE WOZ == thread in a while. So how about it?
We didnt have a decent == WE WOZ == thread in a while. So how about it?
Newfag detected
Shit thread into the trash
Funny stuff!
Stop your lies satan.
When will manlets learn?
Anyways its my first day on the job im still new at this. Dont be too ruff with me gais
==You fucked up in every part of this thread=
>Fucking up redtext
>WOZ instead of WUZ
>Making awful threads
As I said ts my first day on the job. Im not good at this. The last person who worked as Product Awareness Coordinator left in tears after trying to promote the product here. I work at accounting and now I have to work double duty because everyone is crunching to ship the game
Listen we all have to make ends meet rent to pay and mouths to feed especially in this economy. I only get paid 8 dollars per thread and only if it has 100 replies.
This can't be real. It's too funny.
Mods deleted the five other lolol niggers threads, but left this one open?
Good job worthless janitors.
You better believe it.Janet has been 2 weeks in therapy now, since the last time you called everyone a nigger and said that blacks were useless leeches that never achieved anything of import.
You chans are the only websites that give us trouble. Why cant you guys cant be more amicable like Neogaf or Reddit? Its a win-win. We get to make ends meet, you get to talk about video games. It doesnt have to be positive and its not like you have any decent conversations about other games anyway.
Just toss a dog a bone and I'll be out of your hair.
You just blew it you dumb cuck. No way would they let a shill ever say anything like this.
Listen all I was told is to generate buzz around the game and given a few print outs of the last few threads.They didnt specify anything else. I dont usually go to chans because the usability and userbase is horrible. I was on 4 chan once and asked to recommend an anime and was banned for a week.
This is kept on the down low so we are more or less allowed to say whatever we want. Think of more like undercover cops. They are allowed to do dirty jobs just to fit in right?
Oh hey I got doubles those are important right?
I'll check this and give you a 8/8 for effort.