White Australians are set to become a minority and the left is celebrating. The news came out the other day when the 2016 census data was released. The media called it a milestone and leftists took to their social media accounts to celebrate the news. This goes to show that they are trying to replace us on a global scale. It also shows that the left is literally anti-white – and that it's not just a meme. The worst part is that no one is talking about the problem this is. No one cares.
So what now? 86% of Australians support multiculturalism. People aren't waking up. Is it too late? Well, the old Australia isn't coming back. The nation has already been drastically changed by immigration and it's course altered.
Australia is over, man. Living here should have convinced you of that already. Literally Britain 2.0.
John Hernandez
Nolan Perez
I am not giving up yet.
Chase Gray
What's with that terrible image quality?
Noah Thompson
who cares?
Adrian Robinson
Ethan Hall
Australians, anyone interested in geopolitics, etc.
Josiah Martinez
Really strange how there's never anything on Wikileaks about white genocide. I'm guessing since China and Africa have all the resources, this is what they get in exchange.
Nolan Hernandez
Sorry but that guy is a roided wifeless childless faggot, I fucking loathe these brahs who think because they got swole after lifting for 6 months on the trenbaloney that they are right wing - sorry cuz but your balls shrank and you're infertile because of juicing and you're worthless to us as far as males go now because you can't reproduce.
Juan Howard
As much as it irks me that whites are "set to become a minority", at least we'll be minorities to chinks and not niggers However if english stops being the main spoken language that's when I riot
Aaron Johnson
can't feel loss if you don't know what you had
Brody Peterson
All racially aware white people, you jew.
Anthony Campbell
Charles Williams
I imagine the Abbos are laughing themselves sick, as well. And then they'll find out the hard way that the white blokes were a lot kinder than the brown blokes.
Evan Wood
Woah, slow down there kiddo, you do realise these are the same people who voted to remove the WAP, voted to give abos the vote and so on and so forth, right? RIGHT?
These people are traitors, nothing more nothing less.
Zachary Long
Owen Gomez
This is what happens when you ignore the yellow menace. They brought this on themselves.
Jordan Brooks
The Left is celebrating the end of white Nations? Are they really that openly racist? I know Jews are, and the kernel of the Left is founded on Jewish ideologues, but the Left, the Democrats, are openly reveling in racism?
Camden Sanders
Shut the fuck up. There is no difference. Extinction is extinction.
Grayson Perez
All we have to do is: 1. Deport anyone with dual citizenship who isn't white 2. Sterilize the rest 3. Euthanise the Kikes
There. Problem solved.
Jace Fisher
This isn't happening any time soon and you know it.
Angel Young
The left HATE whites and white culture.
Eli Watson
how the fuck does he look like he is roiding?
Caleb James
Oh, well it's just that easy! Why hasn't anyone else come up with that before?
Isaiah Walker
Robert Sanchez
I do, because I live here, you fucking kike
Leo Campbell
ever think about the 260 million indonesians just waiting to swim across? the 2.6 billion curries and gooks?
theres no way australia can stay white, it'll be invasion or immigration.
Those aren't the full numbers. 2011 already had us at 14% nonwhite. Get the ABS page containing the complete list.
Adam Mitchell
A lot of niggers (from both Africa and America) are trying to indoctrinate Abos to thinking that they're the same because they're black. They often look for similarities between whatever is happening in Australia to compare it to America. We had BLM shit trying to take off here by relating it to Abos.
Thomas Sanders
It never worked though because abos are too stupid and lazy. Most of them probably don't even have proper internet connections.
Anthony Perry
We'll have our own Camp of the Saints moment soon. When the normalfaggots and leftists realise that they've ruined fucking everything and it's too late to stop it. Hell, it's already getting close to too late, we'd need such a hard swing into nationalist values that I don't see us digging our way out now.
Levi Powell
also You must be one of those cucks who project muslim majority in Europe by 2100, presuming sealed environment
Aiden Wilson
That's true, it really didn't take off in rural Aboriginal communities because they're so disconnected. But, it did briefly hold in the mind of leftists in Pozzbourne. Thankfully, we're all too fucking lazy to see any of these idiots really make a push. At the same time, that's a problem, because we've got a lot more, slower moving subversion going on that we're too lazy to deal with/notice too.
Chase Taylor
The ABS is a bit of a joke organisation, they really want to be taken seriously but they just piss everyone off.
John Nguyen
Faggotabos. Now I've seen everything.
Brayden Adams
They obviously aren't. Anyone could tell that.
Jordan Torres
Fun fact: Australia awarded BLM a peace prize.
Justin Sullivan
What the % of that is we don't know, but the 5.6% Chinese stat is best case scenario, not worst.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Then PROVIDE the full ones you illiterate fallacy fellating cuck of a wog whore.
Easton Johnson
I'm looking for them, you stupid fucking heeb. If you think that's it, you're mega fucking dumb. Kill yourself.
Bentley Torres
Fifth pic, which city is that? I count exactly 4 white faces.
Brayden Gray
Put it in different terms, that's already over one in twenty.
Eli Lewis
Looks like Sydney.
Colton Martinez
Not how I had imagined Sydney.
Jose Peterson
You underestimate their hatred for all non abo "invaders".
Wyatt Miller
Stop being a pussy faggot then.
I'd rather die than give up.
Eli Hill
That fifth pic looks like Vancouver. I'm amazed at the similarities of Canada, Aus and NZ. All three are being flooded with chinks and poos.
Samuel Harris
Most that tick Australian are whites with unsure heritage and possibly stolen generation heritage.
Dis ma land cunt.
Camden Long
Yeah it's a sorry mess. Non-white ethnic groups now dominate entire suburbs. The inner city is overwhelmed with chinks. Until the race war begins in this country, it's completely lost.
Jeremiah Russell
It's true, but there are also a lot of chinks who were born here who put Australian down because they see it as having higher status than ticking Chinese, especially the chinese women with white aussie husbands. Just think about how much asian women hate asian men, they want to be associated with being white aka Australian for status and therefore won't tick Chinese if they were born here.
Ethan Scott
China is an imploding, unhealthy shithole. I don't really blame them for migrating. But that doesn't mean I like it either.
Plus at least most aren't nearly as bad as the European/American nigger/arab/spic problem. Except the lebs in sydney and the "skinnies" (black africans) in Perth and Melbourne.
In Perth they're already starting gangs. Boongs hate them worse than the fucking plague. I know in Armadale/Gosnells areas the boongs complain about skinnies. I met some in the city, they're fucking chimpish apes. Unlike the boongs on the booze and petrol (easy to protect yourself from) the skinnies are on meth and crack (and are very easy to trigger).
Jace Brown
Holy shit so that's where it came from. Went to the land of oz a little while back and the cunts all stood on the left of the escalators while the faster ones passed on the right. We don't do that in kiwiland and it's a fucking nightmare to get anywhere in a hurry. Granted our roads are fucking garbage messes so bad our main junction in the biggest city is called "spaghetti junction" so it's not terribly surprising how the disorganisation bleeds into everything else. Save us, big bro. But keep your fucking fines and hook turns
Tyler Ward
I've been to Melb and Syd and it looks more like Syd.
Christopher Gonzalez
Imploding? China is not going anywhere, it's going to get bigger and will top the US for GDP in another year or 2. To put it in perspective, 20 years ago China had an economy on par with that of Hong Kong, which is why K going back to the Chinese was such a big deal, but 20 years on HK represents only 5% of the Chinese economy aka it's fucking nothing these days.
They'er a shitty insect driven society, but claims of a China meltdown aren't gonna happen and even if things did slow a little, it won't slow the tide of them coming here, there's a fucking billion of the ants.
Brody Roberts
Depends, if they have mix heritage then they have to put it down. Plus many chinks are proper Australians, play footy and are alright to be with. It's the group mentality chinks I have an issue with.
I have a couple chink mates that are ostracised from the rest of the pack mentality chinks because they follow a more australian culture. Like literally cannot even hang around with them, can even barely speak that fluent chinese, etc. I'm not sure what to do with those mates. I know deep down civic nationalism won't be an option. One day I may have to unfortunately cut them off. They might get into strife from that.
Tyler Stewart
His head is too small for his skin cancer roided body. Also, he forgot leg day. His muscles are literally just for show. He has no room to be talking about being a faggot. Goes to gym, only puts his muscles to work in order to make his muscles bigger. He's not conquering or burning anything to the ground, either. I'd be more impressed with a middle-aged craftsmen that built his wife and kids their first house, rather than this useless pile of muscle.
Brayden Carter
The country is fucked, but it's only because Australians are an apathetic bunch of shit-cunts who don't fucking care about anything.
Hopefully an economic crisis hits soon and give people a jolt. But Australians need strong leadership, which we haven't really had since Billy Hughes or John Curtin.
Jace Hall
Chinks aren't and never will be Australians, you civic nationalist cuck.
Logan Diaz
China is a huge supplier of drugs such as mdma, meth, various opiates which all have taken a hold of the youth. They buy up companies and land like no tomorrow undermining the future for Whites. I don't say "well they aren't as a bad" because they are worse. The chink/jew problem is the biggest one facing the Anglosphere all the other shit skin miscreants are low iq inferiors who live because we let them. The jew and chink are cunning, conniving and despicable.
Blake Mitchell
Not sure if it's him but there is some aussie roider on twitter who thinks he's a based nazi because he lifts and juices but he isn't even married nor has children so it's just all faggotry, and I don't want to see young aussie men thinking that being a right wing nazi is about using roids and fucking sluts while never having children or a wife.
Alexander Brown
You know none of this. You're spouting 100% opinion without anything to back it up.
Mason Cruz
Do you even know were you are, you hitler-dub thieving civnat cuckold? Chinks are NOT Australian. Australian people are white.
Wyatt Miller
Are you kidding me? They're not flexing muscle for no reason. They're in a desperate situation resource wise, pollution wise, land wise, food production wise, even water wise.
China is going to implode within the next 5 - 10 years. There will be no chinese century, and it was caused simply by the booming population. It may even become an unlivable wasteland. I've heard cities are becoming incredibly polluted.
Best scenario is that they finally expand into africa. That would solve the nigger problem too. But at the moment, Australia and Canada seem to be their main targets to escape the dying dragon. Japan and Korea may have issues from this soon too. Perhapsb heven Vietnam. I know Malaysia has had a huge Chinese/indian influx. The malays are now a minority. Expect the same in the Philippines and Indonesia perhaps.
Australia needs to start making more contact with SEA countries, because we have a dying dragon on our doorstep.
Hudson Cox
Spotted the chink.
Nolan Cox
They can put down anything they want, no-one is checking and I'm telling you now these status seeking chinks will tick Australian every time because it gives them face, even just to themselves, over the peasant farmers back in China.
And no, just because a person is born here, it does not make them Australia, yes, they have a piece of paper that says they are a citizen but they are not Australian, nor will their chinky chinky children with an aussie accent be Australia, clearly you disagree though, sounds like you've been watching too much of that faggot chink on SBS who likes a bbq and footie, you fucking traitor.
Jayden Ward
Get him.
Julian Martin
You're clueless on the state of China, sorry mate but get your information from somewhere other than chans or zerohedge, China will be the dominant economy come a few more years and will be the world power before 2100 as America whittles away to nothing, much like what happened to the Spanish and the British Empire, the American Empire is dying and the Chinese one is rising.
Benjamin Sanchez
White's aren't Australian either. Dis ma land.
But in seriousness.. the population of these kinds of chinese, the non pack ones, are very small in number. I don't know why we should bother kicking them out if they speak our language, have our culture. The seem to find other asians anyway to fuck and marry. It's that thing of preferring people in your own image. Goes with them too.
Andrew Flores
He's you're hero and you're triggered. Pathetic.
Ayden Peterson
You've never seen a proper aussy chink? They're rare, but they exist. They tend to be mainly in majority white suburbs.
Ryder Kelly
Worst case scenario:
Cameron Gonzalez
GTFO jew.
Cameron Mitchell
Good for them. They can go back to Chinkland and do that.
Aaron Cruz
I bet you have an asian gf or some shit, this "they aren't so bad" shit always comes from the most beta whites who can only get a chink gf because white women don't want their faggot cuck ass for a husband.
Oliver Cook
I'm not from Australia but really hope the white reconquista begins rather sooner than later. The sooner, the younger we will be and the more the racial ratios will be in our favor.
Besides, I don't think I'll be able to keep living like this indefinitely
Austin Diaz
Varg says whites are currently going through another "black death" type event.
I think whites will bounce back. And hopefully never forget their mistakes.
Adrian Gray
You are literally becoming a minority you retard
Adrian Thomas
That's the problem. China is a fucking mess.
So you're telling me you don't know a single chinese australian? How? That's near impossible.
Look I'm saying I don't like my situation with this person I know. I also know that I may have to cut them off. I'll wait to see what happens.
Jose Wilson
Non-whites are Australian only by paper. They're fake Australians. You wouldn't call a white guy living in Japanese a Japanese man, heeb. Now fuck off.
Jaxson Smith
These are literally 1% of the chinese population here. That's very small compared to the white population.
Brayden Richardson
Fuck sake. Filter ID+.
Benjamin Richardson
Nonwhites will only ever be fake Australians.
Kevin Hall
These chinese were severely mistreated by the mainlanders. They don't end up ostracized for nothing.
They're cut off out of resentment for their treatment. They HATE china. The other chinese came much more recently.
Ryan Bell
Every chink I "know" speaks nigger-tier English with a weird accent, who spends all their time with other chinks, eating chink food and buying chink products in a chink neighbourhood.
They're not Australian by any stretch of the imagination.
Aiden Clark
I mean complete rejection of their Chinese origins due to spite. That's the sort of people I am talking about here.
Tyler Murphy
Know them? I live in Melbourne, of course I know them, but just because I work with them I'm not so fucking stupid as normies are to think that they are my friends and that our multiculti is great simply because we work together.
Outside of work, people segregate, they only talk at work because they are forced to, I guess if you think that means knowing some chinks then yeah sure but even the aussie acting ones can't escape their genes and who they are - it's the same reason jews are jews regardless of being in Israel, America or Australia, a jew is a jew and a chink is a chink, always.
Angel Stewart
Yeah, we've been through god knows how much shit in the past. The idea this is some sort of unique point in human history is dumb. We can and will win.
Josiah Jones
They're not white for starters.
You've been reported, cuck.
Jaxon Phillips
NOT those ones. I mean the chinese abnormalities in our population. The ones completely ostracised by the main chinese community. Those treated like shit in China. Like so badly they don't want to know about their chinese origins. The shit I heard from these people. Torture and mistreatment.
Just like convicts sent here 250 years ago.
Benjamin Hughes
Sorry for not having your opinion. Mine was not politically correct enough to have anywhere else.
Jayden Jackson
Jackson Morgan
who gives a fuck, they're not white, idc about internal chinese conflicts like whether china or taiwan is number 1.
Andrew Collins
They can fuck off to Hong Kong or Singapore then.
Christopher Perry
Stop being a pussy and resorting to reports. My comment is not shilling, it's a legitimate observation of the population.
Ryder Wilson
You're a civnat cuck. You're not welcome here
Brody Williams
Nonwhites can't be Australian except by paper. Your idea of a nation is a meaningless concept. You're wrong. Enjoy your ban.
Jaxon Jenkins
Not a civnat. I'll say it again, this particular type is an abnormality that has no other home.
Or would you send abos to singapore too?
Ethan Adams
Just because a few chinese act identical to some true blue aussies isn't any reason they should be accepted, this is how the cancer starts, first it's just Pete the gook who runs the local chinese restaurant and is the only gook in town and he acts all aussie and everyone likes his food and then 25 years later noone can afford to buy a home because 500,000 of Pete's relos use funds derived from crime in China to buy up the land and real aussies can't even form a family.
Noah Peterson
You'll create a demographic that has no home then. Where do they go? If they can't be here.. where?
Should we send them to singapore or some shit? Is that what you're saying? I just have the issue here because they cannot go back to china without dying.
Wyatt Fisher
You're acting just like a civnat. Once again nonwhites can't be Australian. Reported.
Leo Miller
I would euthanise all abos, the British fucked up by not killing all of them, worse, they fucked up in the worst possible way because a bunch of British cucks took abo women for wives and interbred with them, huge fucking mistake and extremely degenerate.
Zachary Myers
I'm fully aware of that. That's why I'm lost with what to do here.
Josiah Watson
Our only concern is to send them back, whether they get a warm or cold response upon arrival in China is none of my fucking concern.
Samuel Thomas
It doesn't matter as they don't belong here. It's not our problem.
Nathaniel Taylor
BTW you realise the moment chinese australians are the majority that these uncle wongs who act aussie as you claim will switch sides and go back to being patriot chinese, right?
Hudson Collins
it's not personal or based on hate for me I generally have nothing against any Asians but the immigration is pretty much out of control.
And of course an Asian with half a brain is going to want to move out of a censorous polluted nightmare but the whole reason Australia isn't as bad is because it isn't a polluted nightmare with everyone trying to rip everyone off for 2 cents profit.
I'm just tired of this shit, sooner or later you just have to say, well, sorry that sucks, but how bout you fuck off.
Aiden Bennett
Bro, you really need to learn in/out group thinking.
Not your people -> not your problem
Carter Young
What about part abos? That would be a significant portion of the population, possibly up to a third given that most hide their origins.
Not this one. You don't know how severely mistreated some were. I mean torture for conspiracies that had no grounding. Torture witchhunts.
Meh, I didn't know these sorts were that big of a problem. Apparently you all think they are so fine - what do we do then? Send them to singapore?
Julian Lopez
Seriously, look how the jews repaid America for intervening in WW2, they fucking destroyed the country. Chinese are the same, very passive aggressive and status seeking, they will soon want to rise above white Australians for the sake of such things and will ruin our country.
Abos can kiss their land rights goodbye as well, as soon as some chinky chink sees minerals in the ground on some sacred reserve, they'll tell the abo to get fucked and dig it all up and pollute the fuck out of beautiful country.
Nolan Anderson
Why antiwhite whites dont commit mass suicide to accelerate this? We should meme it "End white supremacy, save Earth, make room for minorities"
Julian Evans
The world is a pro-white simulation. That's an in-joke that some sly programmer made. Not yet. There is still time enough to awaken the masses. Remove such cancerous memes from your mind.
Strange indeed. Your post is worthy of your ID.
Jayden Ward
Any abo genetics is suitable for death, let these 1/64th abo cunts reap what they sow as far as I'm concerned.
And what part of idc about chinese and what happens to them in china don't you understand? I don't care if uncle wong gets put up against the wall and shot dead upon arrival in China, he's not my people, if his own people want to kill him then I don't care.
Kayden Garcia
And to think it feels like only yesterday aussies were shitposting about Canada going full chink on /int/. Now it turns out that aussies reach there first bunch of cucks lol.
Oliver Carter
(mirin numeric sequence) I'm surprised. This is a white nationalist and natsoc board but you've got people worried about muh gooks and stuff. Our altruism is a big part of the reason we're in deep shit in the first place. But let's just keep loving nonwhites as they replace us. Ridiculous.
Jacob Hughes
Safety in numbers user. Remember, you have billions of asians on your doorstep and we do need a population sizeable enough to protect us.
Mate, the government are covering up how bad it is. Corporations love the cheap labour. Politicians love the bribes apparently (that Sam politician, forgot the last name, jewish cunt)
Great, you've just cut off about a third of the population. I'd also check your blood, you might be surprised. Stolen generation? I mean these people generally look and act white, have no IQ issues, perhaps some would say better running skills (natural selection of escaping police)
Zachary White
I'm generally of the opinion that this shit is just fate. Hopefully hard-times will arise soon. Hard-times create strong men.
Hunter Sanchez
even if you are an immigrant here the last thing that you really want is more immigrants. You really want the roads more crowded ? The schools overcrowded ? The infrastructure more weighed down. Of course not.
the only immigrants that seem to want more immigration are the ones that want to develop these enclosed mini cities. It's just corruption. Population ponzi scheme.
Liam Hill
Actually that's probably the majority of Australia. You underestimate how many people have drops of tar.
Colton Ortiz
so more Asians?
Am I reading this right?
Jordan Cruz
user, respect his quads. It seems crazy to me, too, but Kek demands that the one drop rule be stringently enforced in Australia.
Samuel Turner
Same here. I have no problem with Asians as such but white countries are just that, white countries. They don't belong in white countries, they belong in their own countries just like we don't belong in Asian countries.
Simple as that.
Very true.
That has to be the most stupid thing I've ever read on Holla Forums in all of these years. Unreal.
Think for a second.
Christian Rogers
But extreme measures like are also probably impractical too (see ). I think face value is the most reasonable form of distinction here. Going by blood is impractical nowadays, that would cut the population too far.
Send out the reptilians, keep those with utter faith to Australia. The ones that bend the knee obediently in patriotic fervor. There needs to be a very high threshold/test. The current test is fucking pathetic. You need commitment to Australia, not your personal interest. Hell perhaps they should know more about Australia than the average australian, and require acts of patriotism (army service)
Any numbers to boost support is best.
Colton Bell
Unbelievably stupid. I've got a feeling it's a troll. This is beyond civnat stupidity. I suggest reporting.
Justin Sanchez
ID changed for some reason??? IP switch?
Tyler Collins
Look, its a nice thought, this aussie chinks meme, but it just is not true.
I say this as a guy who moved in with a "based aussie chink".
Let me tell you, outside of the friday beers they are as chinese as anything. This guy has a broad aussie accent, family been here for 3 generations and surfs - he still wants to cover all the furniture in plastic wrap, freaks out when there isn't a paper towel between every bowl in the cupboard and cooks up nasty chink meat.
This is not the first time I've made this mistake cause I'm a dumb cunt.
Every time its the same - normal dude, then the cracks appear.
Brandon Miller
You're literally advocating for the importation of nonwhites into a white country. You've blown your cover now, Holla Forums.
report this kike
Leo Adams
Talking about the 1/64 rule? Blood rules are incredibly stupid because you'll probably find you're not so pure yourself. Recessive genes means that looks are deceiving in this country.
..can I keep a pet chink then? Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.
That implies they're not in the country already. Importing new ones are right out. I'm working with what we already have.
Colton Bennett
Yeah I'm one of em.
Couldn't get the white gf cause I'm too much of a sperg and don't want a fatty. You gotta deal with the cards you get dealt.
Landon Perez
They have to go.
Gavin Garcia
Asian grills are gross user. Wtf.
Cooper Powell
Good luck, I hope you're not surprised by your test results.
Michael Davis
m8 the only pet chink I wanna keep is the gook gf. Loves trump, loves white people. Her family got raped by the french so I'm hoping the kids come out looking >1/2 asian too.
Carson Foster
But they look so ugly…
Levi Long
Already did a test. 100% Western euro.
Nolan James
user my league is ugly so it makes little difference to me.
Jack Mitchell
so what are the options for australians come the next election? I mean, there's not a chance in hell that turnkike will even look at calling an election early, but that simply means we have more time to figure out how to unfuck this country politically, short of calling the day of the boomerang.
is bernardi and his cuckservative party even considerable? abbott has been raising hell in the media lately by bringing up milquetoast conservative arguments at every opportunity, if he were to ditch the libs and kick the conservative legs out from under the coalition, where else does he even have to go, aside from with bernardi? is a new coalition worth attempting to meme into reality? speaking of which, how much more will hanson continue to grow, as well as other "right" fringe parties like the LDP and shooters/fishers? what other actual right-wing groups have a chance of actually getting somewhere in 2.5 years time? the main hope I see with australia is that the kikes have overplayed their hand and dissatisfaction with the main 2 parties is at an all-time high. the establishment left is fumbling its attempt at a soft coup and turnbull is pissing off even some of the most apathetic aussie retards by fucking with the power and letting the internet go to shit (although NBNco is its own beast now that is going to continue to be a monumental fuckup no matter what happens). if there was any time for australian Holla Forumsacks to weaponize their shitposting, the next few years would be a very good time to do it.
Owen Price
I can't tell what the deal with Pauline is, she seems to be a bit of a zionist stooge. Just when it looks like she is building support she will say something dumb or her party will be caught in some kind of scandal and give the media a chance to tear her down.
The Liberal democrats i'm not sure about. I don't think it really matters as long as you don't vote for the 2 major parties, just make the 'deep state' have to shuck and jive as much as possible to fuck us over.
Nathaniel Cooper
Oh please. She only loves those things because the person she dates does just like Laci Green women can't actually think for themselves and adopt the views of their men or prissy peers. As for you rice farmer you get to hang on the day of the rope along with all the coalburners.
Daniel Long
Asians are better than niggers, at least. But mudslime influx is bad news…
Joshua Martin
should probably hang anyway cause of the mystery meat ancestry.
Easton Green
I hate u
Chase Murphy
Go fuck your gook GF already you fucking dweeb.
Cameron King
no bully pls elliot roger was a net benefit for the white race.
Joshua Sullivan
hanson just seems to be utterly incompetent when it comes to countering the media's bullshit. at every turn they spin and twist her words and she just doesn't know how to retort effectively enough to get her message out in a political stage that is full of slogans, mass advertising and news presenters that are bought and paid for from the get go. she's stronger this time because 1. the people who listened and remembered, but didn't believe her back then realise now she was right, and 2. she clearly spent more time convincing people on the ground this time and NOT dealing with the media. because of this, the idea that the media is not representing her properly has stuck a lot better and as such her gaffes aren't near as damaging.
she's no nimble navigator, but it seems she has the right idea. the seeds of anti-immigration and population stability have been planted. seeing dick smith show up more in politics would be good, there need to be more people willing to say that the current demand for population growth to compensate for boomers leaving the workforce is a load of shit. killing the kike's ideal economic system of constant debt and growth is the key to saving the planet from the globalist jew, and ol' dicky seems to be the only person in this country willing to even mention this subject in the public area
Nathan Sullivan
I think you should hang yourself, faggot
Brandon Roberts
You know, I've actually heard worrying stories about abos converting to Islam out in the communities.
Luke Edwards
No he fucking wasn't. It just gave leftards more strawmen and he barely killed a single nigger or kike.
William Jenkins
It's not really necessary to qualify it with this.
China is the world's factory, it makes sense there are a shit load of wealthy people there now.
The point is that even obtained their money legitimately, even if they're law abiding, it doesn't matter. They're not our people and never will be.
Jordan Parker
Are Australian Chinese as whiny as American-born Chinese?
Asian-Americans are honestly some of the whiniest people I have ever met.
Nathaniel Bennett
Yeah I went to school with several like that and agree 100%. They know how to talk like Aussies but hang around with friends who are 95%+ Asian (and their own group, like HK, Taiwanese etc), and display very strong in-group preference.
They know who their people are.
Luke Thomas
That thinking does us no good, and I'm so fucking tired of hearing it. The gooks have to go, end of.
Wyatt Butler
Every goddamn shitskin does this and it's annoying as shit. Like why the fuck did you even come here if you can't even assimilate? You need to go back shitskins.
Justin Perez
He's actually wrong too.
Niggers are an easily solvable problem once the power of the left has been broken. Even if they weren't deported en mass, the fact is they simply do not possess the requisite level of intelligence to compete in an advanced STEM-focused society like ours will become.
Chinese are different. Whatever Holla Forums wants to conjure up, they ARE smart and they ARE super ethnocentric. They're competitors to us, niggers aren't. Niggers are just detritus that has been allowed to pile up over the years because of inefficient management.
Chinese are 1000 times more dangerous than blacks.
Anthony Garcia
This. The chinks being like jews isn't a fucking joke and they're even worse than that. For example jews cannot jew jews by their law and it rarely happens but chinks are so jew they even jew each other. Look at all the fucked up jewing that happening in chinkland. You think a jew is a cheap backstabber? The chinks are thousands of times bigger cheats and bankstabbers than kikes are and that's why jews will never be able to jew them because they're more jew than they are. They're fucking dangerous and they need to be exterminated like insects along with all ricefamers and racemixers period.
Anthony Smith
See. I don't agree with that either. I don't think Chinese are like Jews. Chinese actually have a large and very powerful homeland, and traditionally have a vastly different attitude to living as a foreign population in foreign lands to the Jews (they're less interested in manipulating the culture for one thing).
That said, they are still massively dangerous because they work as a hardened fifth column for the PRC. Even if they're of "Taiwanese" descent.
Too harsh. People just need to go back to their own lands and leave other races alone.
Owen Foster
It changed once. What makes you think it can't be changed again? There's nowhere for you blackpill shitcunts to run, no bunker to hide in, if you let them they will come for you no matter where you run. So long as you are alive there's always something that can be done.
John Cooper
If you're like this guy and claim to be abo, you deserve the rope. I have no abo blood, I've done my 23andme and I know my background, so not even a drop of it you fucking boong.
Dylan Ramirez
I found the chink in the armor
Jacob Campbell
What? Australia is already under 50% White? That doesn't seem possible. Maybe USA or Sweden, but not Oz yet.
Ethan Ward
Look at all the times we failed to get rid of Jews. If the chinks aren't taken care of, they'll eternally be a threat to western civilisation. It's inevitable because like said before they are competitors while niggers are drooling subhuman retards not even good enough to be farming equipment the chinks are real threats with fucking missiles at the gates. The best we should do is have them destroy each other, arm the Japanese to murder every last one of them. The Japs can live maybe out of all the mongoloids but I still wouldn't trust them ever after the fucking harbour jewing. You have no fucking idea what I have to put up with these mongoloid insects anyone who has done business in China knows this. The chinks are less trustworthy than Jews, gypsies, and niggers.
Henry Campbell
10/10 post this is 100% true.
Carter Parker
No it's just that now Foreign born "Australians" are primarly from Asia rather than Europe. Australia is still about 80% white I'd say.
Luke Russell
Stupid fuck, read a book, he who manufactures everything holds all the wealth, how the fuck do you think America and even Australia became rich countries to begin with? We use to make everything here and the country grew richer for it, now we make nothing and it's a chink infested shithole.
Jaxson Diaz
Not a chance, but regardless of that you have to break the numbers further down to reflect age.
For example, nearly all the baby boomers are white but they are old and will soon be dead and that will be a huge demographic shift when they die.
We really need stats on people living here under the age of 40 who have children. That'll be a better reflection of the future and I only see about 1/3rd of whites with kids, the other 2/3rds are chinks and god knows what sorta mystery meat.
William Hughes
The chink rise is a fucking meme. Don't believe me? Look at the national wealth rankings. The chinks went from 2nd place back to 3rd behind fucking Japan AGAIN, a nation with only a tenth of China's population. Their factories and employees are a mess and I toured hundreds. Their labour force is literally itself a meme made up of all these migrants from the countryside. Their bubble will explode and we'll all go to India for new slave labour like we already do with tech support and spaghetti coding.
Christian Watson
Japan is post industrial, China isn't, and it's GDP is higher, but keep larping and pretending you can ignore China, I'm sure that's why America has shifted it's focus to the pacific region because China is no threat to their dominance.. retard.
I don't think you can dismiss China but they won't "rule the world" per se. Their culture is too broken and disjointed, and they have no real edge or knowledge with which to rule over us anyway. And they have nothing to teach us.
If I'm wrong and they do, though, it will be a dark age for the rest of us.
Juan Sanchez
Yet it has no future just like France. Look up how many of their babies are subhumans.
I'm warning you all again, the chinks are the biggest threat after Jews. Even your forefathers and ancestors knew this. You know about the White Canadian policy? It was aimed SPECIFICALLY at gooks. The White Australian's policy? It was meant for gooks. The Chinese Exclusion Act in America? It goes without saying, right?
THEY KNEW. How can you forget how dangerous they are? The chinks are Jews in the billions. They are the worst threat to everything we hold dear and our forefathers knew it.
And for any ricefarmers/race mixers, let me remind you that Mao literally offered tens of millions of gook women to flood the US. Do you know why? In his own words to literally weaken America's genetics. Halfbreed subhumans are garbage but halfbreed mongoloid/Whites are the worst after nigger mutts. There's a reason virtually all the ones of the most merit and accomplishment on both mongoloid and White races are purebreds. The best example of this is the Western part of China or Central Asia. It has millions upon millions of these subhuman gook-Caucasian hybrids and they are retards, worthless, trash not even worth mentioning even lower than Elliot Rodgers. They will NEVER be best in show. You have weakened and doomed the white race you stupid faggot ricefarmers.
Jack Garcia
Yeah and the Chinks are a problem anywhere they have a significant population, just look at SE Asia for ample proof. Indians are as well, for that matter.
Henry Hughes
Yeah this country is fucked.
Xavier Taylor
They won't listen, they just spout "lol china meme" and "china will collapse" such is the level of their hubris, there will be 2 aussies left (both male) and they'll still be posting here claiming any day now day of the rope will start and that they'll repopulate the country.
Jack Williams
They ARE a threat but not in fucking home countries you little shit. That's the whole point. When they're in ours we'll get worse Jewing than Jonathan Pollards with all their treason.
Fucking hell, look up the list of all the recent spies and other treacherous little shits in America? ALL CHINKS
The kikes might as well be helping them commit treason seeing how Israel just loves selling US secrets to China.
Levi Gutierrez
And an important reminded to report all chinks. Get rid of them like kikes.
Daniel Brown
Chinese in America are particularly bad for some reason. And Canada.
Usually Chinese minorities are purely concerned with making money and don't really give a shit about anything else, but America's victim culture combines with Chinese self-pity culture to create a monstrosity.
That's why you see all this unironic stuff about how Hollywood isn't casting enough Asian males or whatever. Or Asian males whining about how they're entitled to attractive white women.
Contemporary American culture truly is poison.
Hudson Adams
That much is true and thankfully it's a good thing. The Jews did something right for once not letting any gooks in media and seeing a gook manlet with a white woman right now is worse than some nigger. But any white woman who would even so much as to consider either are trash. Ricefarmers and coalburners only deserve the rope or maybe a tank to run them over Tiananmen Square style.
Owen Kelly
Australia is rightful Orient land lads, would be a nice acquisition for the next Emperor of Asia. Now, New Zealand… Next, za warudo.
Samuel Anderson
Why do Australians keep mentioning how lazy they are? Is it the hot weather that makes them lazy?
Nicholas Long
Convict genes, mostly petty crimes laziness among them. Could still kick arse if they weren't so weakened by
Christopher Sanders
It's Sydney, that's the Queen Victoria Building on the right. Pretty fucking ironic, eh?
No. Australians were born in one country and it's the same country their parents were born in.
Cooper Phillips
Henry Roberts
So it's true? I thought it was just bantz kek.
Ah thanks.
Yeah, very.
Brody Phillips
Sam Dastyari? The one who was selling himself as a multiculti loving nice guy? The one who got outed as taking bribes from chinks?
Hunter Morris
The ironing
Alexander Long
Oy vey, shut it down imkampfy.
Lincoln Barnes
Dick Smith is my fucking guy. Gonna buy that book.
Eli Cruz
Lincoln Gomez
Hanson is just relatively dumb, that was the problem from day one. She has some of the right instincts but can't articulate it any better than "there's too many Asians/Muslims."
In an ideal world she would have built up the One Nation base in the 90s and then passed the torch on to a better leadership group. It was a totally squandered opportunity in the end.
Evan Young
following the law is pretty un-Australian
Camden Thompson
There was a report on this trend a few years back on Insight.
Decades ago there were nigger activists who visited abos and tried to organize them similar to their own setup. The abos told them they were coconuts (brown on the outside, white on the inside) and to go home.
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