More (((Youtube))) Propaganda

More (((Youtube))) Propaganda.

The #ProudToBe campaign is back. Make sure you downvote.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the video from last year.

(((Google))) is our greatest ally.


Nigger do you even give the catalog a courtesy check before posting a new thread?

In any case

The OP of the other thread links to a mirror, not the official video.

sage for duplicate

See post above your own.

how nu r u


an American/German/White etc.

OOOYYYYY VEEEEYYYYY thats not how it works.


You anti-semitic bastids!

EVEN niggers are done with this shit, that's how retarded and forced this jewish propaganda is.

Just wanted to make a thread about this.
Good job OP.


Comments are pretty based.

it is beautiful that the more brazen these faggots get the more repulsed people are. there is still hope

I honestly hope jewtube keeps trying to push this bullshit. They're not even fucking subtle in their agenda. Refugees, trannies, faggots, feminism, mother's day (but no father's day), etc. They keep tipping their hand and making it too obvious, even for the normalfags out there.

Defeatists and shills will write off the comments sections and huge numbers of downvotes as just being a "raid" from Holla Forums. Bullshit. All the chans combined, including non-Holla Forums boards, could not shift the balance so far. Things like this indicate that your average person truly is getting fed up with this bullshit.

Also, I'd shitpost in the comments, but it seems I'm still shadowbanned on the YT spotlight channel from shenanigans in the previous #MoreThanARefugee fiasco.

Didn't this just fucking happen a month ago? Fucking hell, fags are the worst.


These comments are gold, we should concentrate our efforts here and take down Youtube's whole agenda. Last year they even had to remove the rainbow flag lmaoo. The luls this could produce could be kino

I just love how they keep pulling this "we need to stand up and fight for equal rights!" bullshit even after they've been handed literally everything they could possibly want on a silver platter. This is the sort of thing I bring up when redpilling normalfags on sodomites. They're deranged in the head, and they'll never be satisfied. They'll always keep pushing for more and more outlandish bullshit. First it's fags, then it's trannies, then it's child trannies, and now we're at the point where people literally can't stop the (((school counselors))) from deciding to cut off their sons dick and give him estrogen pills, and if they refuse, they get the kid taken away from them. And that won't be enough either. It'll be more and more and more.

Only solution is to put your foot down, say enough is enough, and throw em in the bog.




You are an educated man.


"When Identity is Questioned, Answer With Pride"
Pretty sure that's tacit support of white pride.

I can't even access the video by clicking on the logo.
I bet it's because I disliked that last one on rapefugees.
Those fucking jews and their tricks.

Click this under your own risk, I believe that there is somethig encrypted in the audio.


Days without Jew tricks: 0



Cat's out of the bag. The agenda is clear. The globalists are getting desperate.

They lost the U.S. election and they lost Brexit.
That's all these globalists are good for, losing.

Call them for what (((they))) are:
Jews. They are losing hard, and they will only double down on their pathetic efforts.
Youtube just shows us how much real support we have, hundreds or even thousands of people are on our side.

don't sell yourself short. i bet if this shit was shown to millions of people we would have millions turn to our side. the problem is that there are still large groups of people who are unaware of this degeneracy but would oppose it

I don't think it's just the Jews.
Maybe the majority of the puppeteers are Jews, but I doubt it's all of them.
That Bilderberg shit incorporates a huge number of corporations.
It's more than just Jews.

Also, this entire globalist thing relies on leftists, not all of which are Jews, either.
So yes, they're a major faction in the Bilderberg Group, but not the only faction.

Unlike you, I'm actually trying to make sense of this insanely complicated rabbit hole.
I don't really care about your memes, subculture, or whatever.

They're fiddling the stats already.

Downvoted 30m ago and dislikes were over 43k. Checked again just now and it's saying 35k

How do you know YOU'RE not secretly being controlled by the Jews? What if the Jews are secretly running Holla Forums??????????

Anyone else feel like there is something fishy going on in their youtube recommendations? I know about the blatant propaganda on the front page, but I mostly only browse youtube for DIY woodworking, electronics, and gun channels. Channels that are like 95% white men and 5% asian men.

I've noticed that my recommendations are getting increasingly filled with shitskins who just steal projects and video ideas from other channels in those categories. They barely have any views but I keep getting recommended them constantly. It almost feels like there is an intentional push to "diversify" certain categories that white men like.

so they spend thousands of man hours and millions of dollars on scouring all this shit all the time because we are controlled-op, got it

You have no actual intelligence, do you?
You're just flinging vitriol and shit like a dindu.

Nobody's gonna check? Because I just might be stupid

First the #MoreThanARefugee shit now this; yet nothing for Father's Day.
(((google))) is really poking the hornets nest lately.
See the dislike bars and the comments on both videos. The people have spoken.
Just goes to show democracy is a bed time story. Soon it will be time to finally put this story to rest.

So here's an interesting article:

It's not just the Jews, pal.
Saudis, Muslims, Jews, etc.
There are rabbit holes in the rabbit hole.

As I said, I'm looking for the truth.
You just want to act like a Holla Forumstard.
If you haven't noticed, this isn't fucking Holla Forums.

then fuck off kike

You're being overly simplistic.

I have a suspicion he's a troll from Holla Forums.

You "argue" like a kike. Let me guess next thing you will say people are just jealous of kikes because they aren't successful and blame them for their failures

Fuck off leftycuck, you are too obvious

Lefty/pol/ isn't sending their best for sure. I bet you are one of the trannies. Kill yourself freak


Ok, what's your beef with us ? I can answer questions if you peeps want

I can't access it either, and I haven't disliked or commented on any of their videos. It might just be a glitch.

What's wrong with Shakesp- oh, everyone is black, now.



What did they mean by this?

ok lol, don't try to open your mind of course

Nobody knows who you are.

I couldn`t access it too and now the rainbow flag is gone.

The comment section must be really un-kosher for them to do that.

Of course nobody knows me, it's an anonymous board you fucking retard

i don't know where you're from, but your post implies that you're not from around these parts. please fuck off and die.

You clearly aren't from here.

Ok i was open to answering your questions but even pol was more open than you. feel free to ban me it if helps recover your safe space

Just reported you, so you'll be indulged.

Nobody knows who you are.

man i don't even know who i am


We're certain about our convictions here. An "open mind" on degeneracy is a frail mind.

You know what to do.

Still not banned, even reddit mods ban quicker than you

Drunk posting is not a bannable offense.

You are a faggot, that much is clear to everybody here.

No shit, you have to go back.

I kinda expected faggotry to be, knowing the reputation of these boards

If you mean posting like a fucking faggot, nobody cares.

If you're talking about some kind of identity, you should have mentioned that in the first place, because nobody knows who you are!

yeah i'm bi and a leftist, so what you hate, right ?


I hate those fucks as much as you though, the sjws are just extreme leftists

Oh, so you're just a bourgeois neoliberal. Boring.

You fucking retard. When you post anonymously and don't reveal any information about yourself, NOBODY KNOWS. When you act all confrontational like you're being picked on for things nobody knows about you, you're not being provocative, you're not exposing intolerance, you're just being a stupid piece of shit.

Sober up and think about your life.


I think Jewtube blacklisted all the accounts I used on rapefugee day.

How bout we start with your shitty Gay Pride Parade which means nothing at all except for an excuse to exhibiting your degenerate ways.

If you take the extremes with people putting dildos in their asses and whatnot, I agree. But most pride parades aren't like that, it's just normal people showing they exist and they're proud of what theya re despite people telling them they deserve to go to hell, they shouldn't be allowed to go out with people of the same sex etc…

Identifying with your sexual proclivities is inherently degenerate. On this board, we identify with our genetic heritage and cultural traditions. Homosexuality should be eradicated in future generations through eugenics, not enabled.


You refuse to follow the laws of nature. Mankind was split up into the two sexes in order for them to be together, reproduce, and have a family. All this LGBTBBQ shit does is encourage people to defy this and embrace degenerate behavior.


Look man, one of my friends got kicked out of his home because his parents found he was gay, and that's in a first world country. We don't want to be treated like children, we want to be treated like you, we want to be equal. We want to not be kicked out for the way we are.

You wanted to be treated equally, but you aren't equal. Why should your friend's parents continue to care for him if he will produce no grandchildren?


Into the bog you should go.

I think they recognized their chances of having grandchildren are practically dead in him.

Because there's more to life than being grandparents ?

sorry, my bad. I misread your post.

From an evolutionary standpoint, extending your genetic legacy is the only legitimate "meaning of life." You believe in evolution, don't you? Well homosexuality leads to the extinction of your family line.

Feels over reals huh? But that still doesn't answer my question.

Parents can kick out their kids for any reason, are you seriously going to use the state to to dictate how kids should be raised?
Then stop acting like entitled children. There's nothing brave about coming out as a homo when the entire media machine is already on your side at all times.


exactly. This sodomites parents should be proud that their son isn't going to produce them grandkids and will spend his life taking drugs, fucking strangers and identifying himself by what he takes up his ass.

Statistically, of course ;^)

If you're an only child, yeah. But i believe life has no meaning, you make of it what you want. Of course i won't deny reproduction is important, i'm not a retard. But gay people are born that way, so say you kill them all. Won't stop new gay people from being born. Heterosexuals will always be there.

at what age where you molested? was it by a relative, or just an old guy at the school yard?

The media doesn't represent the truth, you should know that. After all, was pepe racist when clinton said it was ?

It's still dangerous to come out even to this day

Nice b8ing there m8

Are you literally children? If your adult friend was still dependent on his parents, kicking him out is the least they could do to help him grow up.

To me, it's not about being against the existence of homosexuals themselves - my opposition is to our society's adulation and celebration of degenerate lifestyles. Sure homosexuality has always existed and probably always will, but it should also be rightfully stigmatized because it is a dangerous, destructive lifestyle. Destructive to the individual and ultimately, to the society.


they're molested into being that way

Homosexuality arises from abnormal hormonal levels during pregnancy in male fetuses. It can be cured through a eugenics program, if society wanted to go in that direction instead of pretending that what's unequal is equal.

In a way, yes. But only our sexuality is different.

Already adressed this, we just want to be seen as equals

Depends, some may hate us more because changing opinions is hard, i'll admit it first. But just showing that anyone can be gay/bi/whatever

Society encourages this behavior. It's a mental illness, and maybe even a fetish for some. It's hedonism, plain and simple. If you care more for your own pleasure than preserving your genetic heritage by having a family, you don't deserve to live. Society shouldn't be encouraging this shit, it's only bad for us in the long run.

Homos are much like Negroes in this regard. Legal equality isn't enough for them. Since they're demonstrably unequal and even inferior to their counterparts, they need the state to give them undue privileges.

YouTube aren't pushing this on Saudi Arabia, what a surprise. Faggotry only for white people

Then how do you explain people being gay in societies where being homosexual is entirely shunned ? The Media ?

Are we doing it you guys? Are we actually on the brink of returning to gays being persecuted and shunned from society?


So you're saying we need a prenatal test for homosexuality? Good idea. I'd abort a gay kid just as soon as I'd abort a kid with Downs.

Are you fucking kidding? All one of you fags has to do is be TV presentable. Then you call Oprah or Ellen and get an hour to whine on TV about how backwards and bigoted your family is and the media will do their work shaming the fuck out of your own flesh and blood. Getting evicted by your parents, who own the fucking house you live in, you ungrateful cunt, is nothing compared to getting caught being gay in a place like Saudi Arabia, where they murder you in public. Your life is so fucking comfortable, it's absurd. You not only have every systematic advantage there is thanks to liberal policies, but if anything goes wrong, for any reason, you have the option to cry discrimination and watch the system itself rush to your defense.

Fuck you, I'm genuinely angry now.


Well, its more of a social response of humans to end their own genetic line because the 'body' rejected the 'cancer' (Undesirable personality traits) Just a reminder that the human population is an organism in itself and it has an immune system. Holla Forums is the white blood cells

Like I said, hedonism. It has existed throughout time. It wasn't nearly as widespread when it wasn't encouraged, though. We should be encouraging following nature, not hedonism. You people are not equal to us.

Too lazy to find the source but youtube had a blog post talking about their recommendations algorithms. They literally said that they actively make sure that any """"extremist"""" content being viewed is designed to have the recommended videos on the sidebar recommend them videos to try and sway them away from """extremist""" views.

None of this surprised me of course but there are still people who unironically don't think everything on mainstream internet is designed to brain wash you.

Make Degenerates Scared Again


that was a mistake coming here, you're clearly not open minded at all. I do get some of your concerns, but holy shit, you guys just think of me as some strawman gay when i'm not. I don't know, we're just opposed in ideologies. Have fun hating on gays and shitposting(We will. Bye, faggot.)

the only reason people are here is that they were open minded.


Have fun spitting on the legacy of your ancestors, hedonist.

If only you didn't have to derail a whole thread to realize it. Go have fun dying at 40 years old from sexual diseases. It's not a strawman if it's statistically true :^)

How many times are you going to flounce before you actually stop posting?




14 seconds, if you look at his timestamp under you.

This is exactly what you sound like. You can't make a single case in favor of your claims, so you pretend like we're somehow the bad guys simply because you can't manipulate us with emotional appeals.

Gays desperately need validation from being the center of attention m80

Did you forget to include your argument?

So, who is the blonde semen demon at the beginning of the video?

Nah that is just typical gay California liberal mind games in a nutshell.

"We can't hit them with facts, then we hit them with feels."

good parenting tbh. then they can focus on the other kid who isn't a fucked up faggot

Do you have a source for that "over 40% of bisexual people" figure? The only thing I could find was someone's blog that specified bisexual women and didn't cite its sources.

Threadly reminder that a downvote is the same thing as an upvote on JewTube. Both of them basically give the video one hidden "boost" point, because YouTube interprets downvotes as meaning that the video is "controversial" rather than trash. In other words, if you downvote a video, you're promoting it.

That said, with a video like this that's going to be viewed by quintillions of people anyway, go right ahead and downvote, and let people see that glorious dislike-to-like ratio.


Is that not gay Jared's body?

which one of you is this?


It's all Jews down to the last one. Genocide works and hasn't been tried against the Jew yet.

Napoleon freed the Jews from the ghetto and the Jews had the rest of Europe take him down, Hitler wanted to find a home country for the Jews and again they got the entire white world to come and destroy the man.

The Jew comes to destroy the people, he needs to be repaid the same way.


I thought mental illnesses didn't exist

It is really simple, it's simply the jews.

Nature is lawless, dipshit

Are you fucking lost?

Bye, I'll TRY to remember you when I'm shooting gays, niggers, beaners, hajjis and Muslim scumbags between the eyes
Don't let the door knock you on your ass on the way out
4.5/10 for making me reply to you twice

You must be fucking retarded

fucking what

A gay's fate is the bog user.

Mental illness is just another word for acting like a faggot, if these dumbasses were properly bullied maybe we all wouldn't be in this mess. probably not though because, y'know, kikes.
The best thing to do if you have a sudden lust for cock is to just push it down and press forward, and if you can't take it anymore, take it out on a banana, they're high in potassium so it's good for you.

Oh we will. Bye faggot-kun! Ku-ku-ku~

I just understood I got ghost banned. Youtube Orwelian tactics get me fucking mad. I think the fine that got imposed on jewgle is the best chance we get in creating its downfall.

How is it live action role play if it's on an imageboard?

How is this shit related to this thread? It's just some japanese kawaii, uguu~~ shoolgirl photoshoot.

Aww, do you not like anime, goon-kun? Did your waifu cheat on you? You can't even get 2D to remain loyal, what a shame!


Sad day for you that anime posters is all there is here.

You must be having such a terrible day! Poor goon-kun. Hau~

Our efforts have finally brought results folks. Is leftypol forever finished? How can they even compete when the whole world is now against them? Are faggots finally going to be hang from the trees?

Reminder to stop responding to ID: d3f8ba and other leddit cancer in general. Anime has been part of Holla Forums since forever. Only ledditors get massive butthurt from these posts.

He hates anime and likes Holla Forums too apparently. Gee I wonder where he is from!

d3f8ba is the reason this was made

Get out Summerfag.

Name of the comic at 38 seconds please.


Yeah, (((JewTube))) always shadowbans people on these YouTube Spotlight videos. "Problematic" comments disappear a few minutes after refreshing the page.
Meanwhile, "le #lovenothate" ones stay up forever.

Just popped into this thread to say that faggots deserve the bog.
Goons do too, but they can have this as well.

Never fails, does it lads.


There is a second video that needs downvotes

I hope


That one's old user, from CURRENT YEAR. But Jesus, the comments are truly cancerous.

Gonna repost this thread across all chans I browse.

leftypol literally never discusses anything remotely interesting. its boring. everything is just a "spook", whatever the fuck that even means.

it's a go no where board.

The traitors will be shot, the degenerates will be shot, and anyone threatens the safety of our people will be wiped out of existence. ==No survivors==

President Trump said we will drain the Swamp.
Bog and Swarm are similar. What did he mean by this?

Can we just hijack this for Generation Identity.

Got shadowbanned for posting the truth. Fuck Google.

hi leftypol
all they talk about is pol and how one marxism is better than another marxism or that anarchists should be hanged with the nationalists

Stop breaking links. It's no longer necessary.

if you post images like this among groups of progay ones, how long will it be before anyone notices?

Degenerates getting angry at other degenerates, lol

archiving and webming videos is always necessary
get rekt ive got nothing to hide but everything to lose

I'm totally not gay traps and twinks don't count and I hate these faggots. This shit is a fetish and nothing more same thing applies to furfags, monsterfags, etc the problem arises when these people fail to recognize the difference between a fetish and try to make it into their identity.

I don't care what gets your rocks off but when you're going out and trying to pander it off as an identity and trying to force everyone to like you because you find fucking men hot or like wolves with neon green cocks you should kill yourself.

Or in other words, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

the golems have broken off the leashes

I agree. But as I said breaking is no longer necessary.

so what you are saying is that RWDS cant come soon enough?

*breaking links

Holy shit how is this the first I'm hearing of this? If only someone had posted this 300 times a day for the last year!

DEFEATISM is an inoperable cancer user
take small victories and build on them

Honestly its mainly because the Jews hijacked your "moment" and you let them push you around like a personal pet of theirs.

LGBTQP+ ect is only about 1.5 percent of the population, and Jews 2% but yet its as if EVERYONE is gay these days.

When they do surveys and ask people, what percent of people are gay, they answer between 35%-40% because its pushed in their face all day.

Trump is apparently secretly a goy
His money is by accident and he is the very best goy and his policies against immigration are all lies.
Don't watch the contractors revving up their building materials in the south, that is also a lie and jews are tricky sneaky and always ahead of the game.
That's why pol exists, your own mind is shilling you, you should be out having sex with birthcontrol popping sheboons and other non white girls because sex drugs and rock n roll maaaaaan

Trump is a stepping stone. He's polarize everyone even more causing more radical shifts in ideology same thing that occurred in the Weimar Republic. At this point all we're waiting for is a spark that will finally set off this fucking powderkeg be it a war, economic collapse, food shortages, etc.

Gay people should become Nationalists, you can get your own country and well leave you alone.

All gays worldwide will have the right to enter said country and no one else.

but what if it's feminine dick?

And we need to be ready.

You can't be a nation if you don't share a genetic heritage. Nation does not mean country, never did, and has been forced through history books and makes no sense when in every wrong context used country makes more sense.
Sure makes nationalism easy to distinguish from blind obedience to the state though.


Gas yourself yid.

There will be a rope with your name on it very soon.

of course its not all jews
there are mostly jews though whenever degeneracy is in question

you cant deny that and face the facts

The picture is me, do your best.

Reminder Hitler recruited men and women from across the globe from various ethnic and religious backgrounds to fight for the cause of National Socialism, user.

WOW! You're an anime!? Whats that like?

Just got banned from 420chan and krautchan trying to repost this thread there.

What does this have to do with the fact that liking dicks makes you gay?

I just realized why Timmy is such a shit name. It is similar to "timid". People subconsciously make that connection and think the kid will be very timid.

traps arent gay

I see the pride parade every year and its completely degenerate every time. Don't make shit up. Every time I enter the Castro district in general its degenerate and thats not even during events.
If you didn't want to be treated like children you wouldn't throw massive temper tantrums in the street every year demanding people treat you equally. In fact in almost no situation does the topic of sex come up. Nobody should ever know you are a fag in the first place.

Yes they are and so are you.

you antigun leftists are hilarious

In their own countries for nationalism for their own people. He didn't import every mudblood to the country. Sweden and germany today are incomparable to that thought process.

Please keep arranging these gay pride parades but do one nearest to where I live as I find the logistics of getting all my explosives n' shit all the way to the current nearest location to me too difficult at this time. I want to a heavy concentration of sexual deviants and libtard supporters all in one area so absolutely nobody worth a shit dies from the blasts.

disliked AND reported (as "violent or repulsive content"). always remember to report. we need to use their own censorship tools against them.

You would have to prove the existence of this first. Go ahead and spend hours looking up pictures of dicks for "research" just keep it to yourself.

I'm not a leftist, I'm just making fun of you for being a fuckin faggot.

in all possible realities it is impossible for me to be a faggot
but in every likely reality my very existence is a repellant against degeneracy

Tbh, I'm not "proud to be white," nor am I ashamed of it. I'm really not "proud" of anything that I am, I just am. Even the things that I'm good at, I don't take pride in them, they're just skills that I possess. I never understood why everyone has to be so damn proud of something. I'm still 110% for the preservation of the aryan race, and the absolute dismissal of all jews, blacks, Hispanics, arabs, etc. from our territory. But I don't need a damn pride parade for it, or a day of being honored by YouTube.

Heil'd, but user is technically right. Trump isn't our new Hitler, nor was he ever going to be. His role is instead to be one of the driving forces toward awakening our people, so that the next Hitler CAN come to power. He doesn't have to be on our side to fill that role, and indeed, I don't believe he is on our side. His election was still completely necessary though.


My boy and I at work watch shredder videos because they usually have a baller soundtrack to them. Today he sent me a link over chat to a recommended video of a shitskin making a fish trap out of plastic bottles and pvc pipe that was on our work-only-shredder-youtube account.

Something is afoot.

Raiding the shit out of all the comments on there, more Holla Forumsacks need to add their voice to the conversation.


That's exactly what I mean.

theres 1 million channels or more for you to post comments on that get deleted
theres only about a dozen forums and imageboards where your message will have broadviewcount and less deletions/censorship
choose your time wisely

Is there anything that adblocking can't do?

I have uBlock, and I'm still seeing it. Is there a list that I need to subscribe to?


Checking those digits. You're on a roll, user.

Anyway, I was just trying to explain the defeatist mindset, even though I don't agree with it. When you see the president taking actions against our people, or when you see that the closest thing our ideology has to mainstream acceptance is kike con-op shit like the alt-right, who are actively working to destroy our people, or when you see just how bluepilled and liberal the average normie is, or when you take a look out your window and see nothing but Mexicans as far as the eye can see, it's easy to lose courage, it's easy to despair. But we must always remember that those are two of the things we must never do, no matter how grim things look. When things are at their ugliest, that's when we'll begin to push back.

If all the faggots moved to Isreal i would be ok with that. (Better target to nuke)

Trump may not be the ideal president, but… should people be reminded of who were his adversaries, both in the primaries and in the general election?

Maybe some of you would prefer Yeb vs (((Sanders))), or perhaps El Rato Cruz vs Shillary, or Foam Boi Rubio vs. (((Bernie Free Gibs))).

30,000 Sodomites Converge In St. Petersburg For 'Trans-Pride' Parade

If you were anywhere in St. Petersburg on Saturday evening, chances are you saw the traffic and the crowds.

St. Petersburg police said 30,000 people came together to celebrate acceptance and love for the LGBTQ community.

The St. Pete Pride Parade is the largest in Florida, and this year’s festivities saw something that's never been done before.

A TransPride March was held for the first time in 15 years. It was also a first in the country.

The transgender community says it was a historic win that was a long time coming.

Trans marches are usually held separately from the Pride parade.

“Normally the trans community is not really represented, but today we're going first,” says marcher Jennifer Gulley.

Gulley calls it a huge victory.

Her boyfriend is transgender. She's seen firsthand the hardships hes faces being accepted in society.

“I think it's harder to make that change in the community for some reason,” says Gulley. ”Sometimes you feel discrimination in your own community, which is crazy to think, but you do feel a little of that. So, it's nice to come out here and have our own march.”

Among the glitter and lights of the festival floats, one float was silent, mourning over 200 transgender people who were killed for just being themselves. Some from the Pulse nightclub massacre.

I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

Oh no, like I said, Trump's election was totally necessary. He was by far the most palatable candidate for the average American. That way, it's a win/win. If he was truly our guy, then great! If not, then getting everyone's hopes up and then pulling a 180 will be something that majorly pisses off a lot of people. Either way, change is coming. It had to be him.

you could have at least posted a bird with tits user. that one is far to masculine.


I hope you catch GRIDS and die, you faggots


I guess…

Have furry actually been accepted as part of the LGBT** I know they just added black and brown so i'm surprised Furry (a lot of fags see them as basically being a type of trans ) and pedo, scat (they do have brown and yellow in flag now…) and necrophilia have yet to be added.

better (still no tits)
totally crap

still have to gas you.

Anime is mainstream as fuck you absolute retard.

Nice, (head looks a little small, but its "ok")

hey Holla Forums if you want to trigger the fuck out of them go to each non-white LGBTBBQ deviant channel and thank them for being a sexual deviant and contributing to the genocide of their own race

Why haven't the mods gassed this furry porn poster yet?


Great job Imkampfy.



yes they are (did you change your I.D?)

less gay, still degenerate (is that a shark chick?)

trump has done nothing wrong so far, stop being so obvious lefty/pol/


Alright lads, planning on making a video which is in the exact same style as #ProudToBe but the twist is that it is #ProudToBeWhite and instead of showing degenerates it shows achievements made by white people, footage from say the 300 movie or a movie set during the crusades.

I am wondering if anyone knows the song that is playing in the background, and what things I should add to the video itself, such as Third Reich footage and the like.

This could make for great propoganda if done right.

you should at least spoiler that stuff.

you should at least spoiler that stuff.

you know that's disinfo bs, lefty. we can have disagreements here. unlike you commies.

when was Assad ever our friend? why should we give a shit about him or Syria? (outside of keeping the oil away from israel)

You need to read the book Culture of Critique and then come back and re-read what you just wrote. These globalist ideas didn't just come out of thin air son.

whenever somebody mentions that name, it basically means you have no other purpose here other then shit posting. (could have guessed by the furry porn spam). you could have at least tried.

>Maybe because not turning Syria into Iraq 2.0 and further destabilizing the ME to drive even more shitskins into Europe and allowing Israel to landgrab is good for everyone? What a time we live in when nu/pol/ outright indirectly and directly supports Israel.

that was already done by israel (isis) and obama (saudi's) we had no choice in the matter. and Assad is no better of a leader then sodom whosane. Holla Forums does;t support israel but we don't support shit-skins either. the russians can deal with Syria.


reminder to filter and ignore CIAniggers

These comments are gold. We should also push #MeccaPrideParade2018 for sone laughs in the comments section.

to me this shit always seems like a ploy to get ugly people liad, like (normal) people would have less trouble accepting them if they didn't act mentally retarded about everything, didn't shove their sexuality down everyone's throats (just shut up about who you want to fuck! nobody cares as long as it's not a kid). and if they didn't look so damned hideous. (that rainbow filter doesn't mask all that ugly).


Or it's someone imkikey knows trying to downplay how much everyone hates imkampfy.

Nice astroturfing.

if you try really hard you'll be able to understand it.

we don't actually know what the hell trump is doing, we just have the msn reports .who knows what his motivations are he might be privy to knowledge about the situation we don't or his advisers might be lying to him. it's hard to tell.

you might want to re-read that duffus. at what point was any of that shit our choice? and guess what? it's still not our choice. we don't get a vote on this shit. so attacking us over it is meaningless. why don't you stay on topic instead of trying to de-rail?

You know it doesn't. Its up to you to defend your home Europe.

You just confirmed that the narrative is jewish.

furries don't want to defend Europe. like typical gays and trannys they just want a fresh supply of brown children to brainwash and molest.

sometimes, I feel sorry for you /left/pol shills… then I remember you're all boy hungry pedophiles that need to be purged.

Returning from the front. It's looking good.

you already fucked yourself over with

too late to pretend you have coherent argument lefty-cuck. but keep shit posting your furry pics. (not like we haven't seen them before)



you've already lost. why prolong this. it just makes you look sad.

so was it a traumatic (rape) experience?
being raised by a single mother?
being born jewish?

what made you into such a tremendous homsexual? are you just sort of ugly looking?

Filter and ignore

typos are just part of life on the internet, you still aren't going doing much. hell most of the anons in the thread have already hidden your posts.

so you're a short gay jew?

That's an impressive barf.

I was just curious why this thread was so important for you to spam this hard. jews and pedophiles like you have a thing about pushing the gay agenda. and it makes you so pissed off when anyone shows disgusted.

it's kind of funny (and sad) how insecure you are.

no you don't, thats why you have time to shit post here.

you realized this just now? kinda slow on the uptake. typical.

How can any sane person look at these people and think "hmmm yup seems perfectly sane to me I should treat them nicely"

I bet you don't you even know where he is right now. and with your freudian slip, it shows just how insecure you really are about that aspect. you either don't have one, or you know he's fucking someone else. thats sad.

sounds like a the lies of a very lonely fur-fag, or an ugly fat woman.

these are facts

sure everything is going so well for your "relationship" that you have to beg for attention from Holla Forums. yeah right.

Think of the downvote as an upvote for our dissent. The outrage needs to be visible.

that just shows how empty and devoid of meaning your life is.

Faggots "get a bf" by walking into the nearest public toilet. You degenerates sicken me.

And thus Holla Forums became cuckchan 2.0

its nice that you have to keep to bragging to us about how physically abused you are in boy somebody who "cares" about you in "real life" (or what wish was your life)

I recently discovered that Aloe Vera is really good lube. It also makes your dick and thighs really smooth. I'm going to need it tonight.

Comments disabled. 👎more down voted than 👍up. Mission accomplished.

so loved that get smashed agent a headboard, and you have to tell complete strangers all about it. sure sounds like somebody who's (not) loved. not superposing since most homosexual relationships are abusive

everything you do is a cry for help, and nobody gives enough of shit about you to do anything. that's why you're like this.

You didn't listen.

What the fuck is going on?

Please leave the jojos out of your faggotry

The fuck is this shit doing in the side bar?

does that "boyfriend" know you spend hours begging internet nazis for attaion. when he's out fucking some diseased skank?

Did that image really happen?

I still see the comments, user. We're not there yet.


that's even worse.

They need to be shunned and the support needs to be end. Anyone who knows a faggot make sure to make it clear to them and everyone around them.

at least he isn't a redditor

why tho


ok seriously why haven't i been banned

color me surprised

There are no good faggots.

I reported you just now, let's see how long it takes.

because it continues the cycle of abuse, normalizing homsexualty is the same as normalizing pedophilia.

but i'm a paleocon nationalist, at least let me kill some niggers first before you hang me

i'll report myself

I have been posting comments on there non-stop now for hours but I'm not sure any of them are actually getting posted. I see them as if they are posted; but they never get any thumbs up, never get any replies, never any angry or positive reactions. I think I've been shadow banned or some shit.

Of course.

it's a sign that you have to ban yourself, take charge for one in your life and do something about it. instead of complaining for somebody else to do it for you. (I know you can do it, I believe in you).

fuck no, dont ever call me that again you nigger, alt-right are just neocon civic nationalists

Weaponized homosexuality is a useful thing. Go rape, kill, disrupt, damage, infect, and traumatize as many shitskins as you can. You're already opting out of the genepool by being a faggot, so, get to it soon man and I'll worship you as a hero and make many memes vids out of your manifesto… and please… GET A GO PRO TO LIVESTREAM IT FOR US SO WE CAN SEE THE ACTION AS YOU BLAST THEM AWAY!

i'll ban myself when you give me your number

…and if that proposal doesn't sound go to the alternative is: become a business man or day trader or some shit, and then use that money to fund white nationalist resistance. Cowards can be useful if they'll at least have the guts to fund the fighting men.

I would but shitskins are fucking disgusting and i have a good thing going right now. can't i just like shoot them instead?

you already have it fur-fag user, it was inside you all along. no go and kill that abusive figment of your imagination. and be free.

no i dont you nigger, if i did i would've sent you a dick pic by now

They are actually faggots who also enjoy getting rammed in the ass until unconsciousness, it's their defining characteristic. You would fit in perfectly.

you sound really loyal to that "boyfriend".


Yes you may. Just remember: manifesto and go pro. We need good material to make memes out of.

In a way you're worse than women when it comes to the internet.

Richard Spencer's not really my type user

the way you keep endlessly replying to me makes you think you're thirsty, i just wanna tease you so you can get even more insecure

It's the normalization of perversion. Once you let one perversion go by then they can justify the next thing because the only thing they have to say is I like it and that's why they get away with it.

That video is so great. Those stupid, overgrown children needed a beating. I love the way they didn't even arrest them, they just disciplined them for not acting their age.

ok, i'll be sure to attach dragon dildos to my AR and wear fag flags on my back while fully nude

they mostly do it to stifle discussion. because they know once the artificial push they have protecting them in western society is gone it's basically open season. thats why they pretend to agree with some right-wing policies. its camelflage.

f-fuck you found me out

Exactly. Most seem to have no grasp of how far over the edge we are already. If they made the connection they'd realize that's what happened to our birth rates. We need to back this shit way up because sex is the life giving act, not some harmless passtime.

you already played your hand and lost. why can't you left-tards ever learn to change tactics? you know that shit only works nomies. (and you're the one that keeps replaying even after you've been outed and demoralized)

how big is your nose?

They always have whites as the token faggot/lesbian, even though whites have one of the lowest rates of LGBT bullshit. Blacks are more likely to be gays, lesbos or trannies, yet we rarely see that.

Couldn't be some sort of kike psyop, right?

muh horseshoe

and you keep changing I'D's (ban evasion?)

How the fuck did you even get here? We've been delisted from google for years

"muh dick" kek

did they really make Shakespeare black? for fuck sakes. I gurantee all the people behind google are limp writsted faggot white dudes and kikes controlling them

All the better to harm us with. It's the same with race mixing propaganda, they always pair white women with niggers - the most abominable combination of all abominable combinations - because mixing with nigger genes would do us the most damage.

You call it what it is. A mental disorder

oh, so the whole "why haven't i've been banned yat?" was just more of your kiky lies. typical.

Check the ban list, I swear to ya goy- guy I mean guy I'm not lyin I swear on me grandmotha bless her heart gassed by Himmler himself.

Please do. Also leave a link to /cuteboys/ in your manifesto. Btw, do you have a bitcoin wallet? Do you need me to donate money to you to fund this? Right now I have barely any shekels but I'd love to help you accomplish this and to brag later I funded a hero.

I'd love your shekels but god forbid you end up in jail somehow from the CIA niggers. I get plenty of shekels anyhow.

pick one

hey at least you're spending that jew gold on somthing kike. or does the vpn come free with the gig at tel aviv?

How can tons of furshit gets posted and nothing get deleted, after hours passed?


could also be more then one user. left/pol/ likes to team up when they shit post on pol. they often forget what part of the script they should be reading. not to mention they can't do anything alone (thats how insecure and chicken shit they are).

>Highest proportion in black community, at 4.6%, followed by Asians (4.3%), Hispanics (4%) and Caucasians (3.2%)

Because the mods are in on it. Porn posting is one of the most common subversion tactics, distracting anons into masturbating and draining their energy instead of putting it towards productive means.

the only active mod on this board is some chink that bans everyone who calls chinks subhumans

sometimes mods have to sleep (or go to work, or do IRL shit) and I guess good board volunteers are hard to come by. shit sucks.

Alright. Want help writing the manifesto and getting in all the material, facts, etc. needed to be spread? I recommend to have a summary at the start of your manifesto and to keep everything very well written and presented and to release it as a PDF in multiple places at once. The summary should concisely explain what you're about. Then you can expand on that later in the manifesto if you feel the need for it by writing in depth diatribes and whatever else about your experiences, your metaphysics, your ideology, and whatever else. It's important though at the start to have that summary as not everyone will read the whole thing. A few predictions would be good too, especially if they're based on statistical trends that are definitely going to come true, just so people remember you for having predicted such and such.

You need both a video manifesto as well as the PDF.

Make sure to upload all your vids either moments before you carry out the attack or as unlisted on an account with no subscribers and no attention coming to it, and then make them public just before the attack, and make thread to link us. Also put all material up on a mega and give the link moments before the attack. Look at how Ember's Ghost Squad did stuff.

Also if you're a white nationalist like me, I recommend to stress that the NUMBER ONE ISSUE that comes first before everything else, is the demographic issue. Right at the start of the manifesto tell what the birthrate is, mention you're a fag and you feel this is the way you need to serve the race since you couldn't do it the other way (traditional family), blame the jews for your faggotry, and make the case that for whites to exist a thousand years from now they need a white nation for whites only.

It's true. Faggots ruin everything.

not to mention all the domestic violence and inter partner sexual abuse among gays and dykes.

hahaha holy shit imagine what the nu male faggot guys at google are going to think when they have to go in and delete all these comments

the same shit they think every day?


There is indeed some good ones.


And a opening like this can attract tons of "We Wuz Pool" furfags, beast loving subversive faggots

amazing, the normalfags are waking up

looks like the mods finally got (((him))) (or at least his first few ip's according to the ban list).

keep lying to yourself faggot, it was fun. (for me)


f-for you ;3



is it just me or do they delete all comments every half hour?

I think my comments aren't even getting through and no, they're deleting comments much faster than that.

it's not just you, it's the same with how twitters owners only show the top negative replies to trumps tweets, they manipulate the algorithm and delete anything they don't like. Remember liberals 20 years ago were supposed to be the "free speech' party and now they are the most anti free speech

they might have an algorithm trained to detect negative comments or and they might have profiles on users that don't swallow normie shit so those are always the first ones deleted. since its a high profile video they might being paying a (((human))) to moderate. or it might just a brigade of quer "youtube heroes" doing it for free.

Liberal (noun): One whose mind is so open that their brain has fallen out.

Also, why don't you open your mind to Hitler? It's much better than opening your anus to AIDS.

(((they))) are likely using bots, just the same way they get millions of views on shit nobody likes or watches in the (((trending videos))) section.

They do profile people. I know for sure mine are profiled. I wonder though if they have selective viewing. I know that when you visit duckduckgo's about page and read their fact stuff, Google does some kind of bubbling shit, where it basically augments the process of putting everyone into a hugbox. So what people see depends on what they've posted in the past. How the comments looks when you're on tor, when you're on another browser with a proxy, or when you're signed in on various accounts; it looks different in each case. My libshit dad could probably sign in on his account and not see any of the stuff I see.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you sign out of your account, come back, revisit the same video, and your old dislike is GONE and you have to dislike the vid again?

Happens to me all the time.

I have had this happen many times

sounds about right, corporate jews and left-tards love to build echo chambers. its makes them feel in charge.

yep, i've seen that.

isn't it funny how lefties call conservatives close minded when they literally surround themselves with people who think exactly like they do?

They're such drama queens.

it's all thanks to the magic of doublethink, self delusion, hypocrisy and outright lying. (in other words, typically kikery)

You can tell who they are when you argue with them. They very rarely make any logical or coherent arguments, it's always shit like "ew you really think that?" or "oh boy, cringe!" and shit. Because they don't argue to be right, being reasonable to them is secondary to being part of the in-group. So all of their arguments hinge on implying that they're part of the in-group and you're some fringe loser.

((They)) seem to have a few other channels sponsoring this same #fagshit vid.



Fucking faggot propaganda, here's one trying to say Christianity is totally okay with faggotry.

Lets find the family of this bitch and tell the family she's a sexual deviant so she doesn't get the opportunity to come out the way she wants but rather gets to come out because Holla Forums informed on her.

They've deleted a ton of comments, the top ones are mostly positive now.

This actually is why right now they are so buttdevastated I noticed some posting about how they're breaking down into tears right now – because for the first time ever they aren't the majority and it's not an echo chamber. These faggots in all their videos have a 100% echo chamber and literally have never seen anyone disagree with them. The combined shock of actually seeing disagreement and the overwhelming amount of it to the point where they can't just gang up on one guy speaking out against them but the other way around is making them flip their shit right now.

Can anyone even see any posts being made by "Fringe Wizard"?

t. been posting for hours but get 0 responses still and feel like none of my posts are actually there even though they show up for me as though they are there

They made all the (male) characters black. They made Shakespeare darker than he was, but not quite black. Still bullshit since he was 100% white.

What I don't understand is why don't they just flip the likes and dislikes or rig it completely from the start?

>They made all the (male) characters black

do they just need to make up important black people in history because they have accomplished next to nothing in thousands of years?

They might get in trouble with Russia or China or whatever and have to perform their jewry within certain bounds.

They resort to what they do best. Stealing.


Didn't they just get fined like 2 billion dollars from the EU for fucking with their search results?

here it is

good going

Everyone I know is getting genetic testing videos recommended and the ones in the videos are all blacks and arabs.
Makes ya think.

Normies are fucking retarded heh.>>10162750

Still just a drop in the bucket. These fines are pocket change and they need to go harder.

they definitely like making them the most visible/promoted

C'mon man. That's as laughable as the Conservative Party (UK) throwing out all the (((refugees))).

I don't see shit, I have the same problem, with the amount of hate I've put out I would a shit ton of replys .

Ghostbanning aka shadowbanning is clearly in use

What's your account? I've read every single comment posted on there so if you can state your account I am damned sure I would have seen it, especially if you do what I do, which is comment a reply to every single top comment.

Clock work elves. 🐸

Not a good sign.

Youtube you fuck, kill yourself and put more pointing into reading comprehension next character.

Haven't seen a single comment from you.

Also right now, I just refreshed, and I see my comments up as replies in each of the top comments right now… but they're still getting NO replies and no thumbs up.

Can anyone see a single Fringe Wizard post? e.g. right now I have a reply to Jacob Jdro's comment does anyone see it?

I should mention: I regularly get censored with gmail. Many of my emails I sent out over gmail, or that others send to me, never see the light of day for some reason.

So both youtube and gmail I'm getting fucked with somehow.

Maybe the NSA has special access granted to them by Google and special tools that let them do this shit?

Is anyone else experiencing a weird glitch where you click on "View all x replies" where x is the number of replies and it doesn't succeed in expanding and showing you all the replies?

This keeps happening to me over and over. About half the comments up usually fail to expand the conversation like this. Somehow I'm being prevented from seeing the replies in this way. Every single time I've encountered this issue; it was never a comment that was in favour of the LGBT agenda, it's always anti-LGBT comments where for whatever reason, I can't expand the convo.

e.g. this one right now. I keep clicking on it and trying to expand it and it NEVER WORKS.

For fucks sake (((JewTube))) stop shoving all this PC bullshit down everyone's throats.



Only time I experience that glitch is when I have javascript turned off. Have you installed or changed settings on NoScript, uBlock, or uMatrix recently? If not then no I am not sure why that is happening to you.

Nah and I even restarted my browser now.

I have uBlock on but didn't change anything.

My initial guess would be that the comment you are trying to expand replies to has been deleted, or that the replies themselves have been deleted. No idea other than that.

Also I cannot even find that post, assuming that it is in the video linked in the OP.

I left a simple message that will probably still get censored: "You're not welcome and you're not wanted."

An outright rejection and disagreement with the entire premise. It will probably be censored.

It is.

Seems like there are definitely some sort of strange algorithms at play, weird comment distribution rules, or something of that nature going on.

The top comments that I see do keep changing, and rapidly, but I'm not sure if they are being deleted or just switching out to make room for newer comments that are on the rise - or perhaps both.

But 90% of the comments that I am seeing are antagonistic of the video. I barely see any supportive comments there.



why? Shouldn't you atleast be used to them?

It is sliding around a lot, a few minutes ago the top was about it being Veterans/PTSD month.

There's always going to be some stubborn faggot that hates anime and then 5+ faggots that spam a thread in response.

Make sure to save the memories, because they like nothing more than holing everything they can.


could be any one of these, the youtube profile pic is of a celeb not Emma

How the fuck do I make a youtube account without giving it my phone number? I always want to join in the Holla Forums shitposting extravaganza but can't because jewgle demands my identity.

should've just linked to here tbh:

You give it someone else's phone number or you use a kind of spoofing thing. There's sites I've used before where new phone numbers come up and you can have the codes texted to those numbers. However Jewgle combats that by only allowing x number of accounts to be made each year per phone number. You can also buy a burner phone thing, the same kind ISIS and such uses. It's really fucking difficult to make jewtube accounts these days.

for half of jewgle service they want to verify a credit / debit card now, even if it's free, and prepaids won't work, not even the ones that are meant to be used like a regular debit card

Oh wow. I have a lot of extra accounts I made awhile in preparation for this. Soon though I'll have to go to the local google building and talk to employers and bribe them in order to get enough accounts to continue my trolling campaigns, fuck.

Are there not still a number of free burner VIOP numbers to grab? I did that at some point.

seeing way more of that shit lately, it's like the latest fade among lefty women. but it's dangerous and has potentially irreversible side effects. so much stupidity.

and yet I bet a bunch of them will still slut around and get pregnant on fake male hormones (i've seen this happen) and give birth to an even more fucked up generation of mental cases.

I used to be able to find some and but everyone I can find now always has maxed out on the number of accounts that can be created.>>10163104

What's the best option to pay for? Somebody in another thread recommended , but it's $5 monthly and you're only allowed to change your number once per cycle apparently.

That was an actual female? What?
Anyway, the only problem I see is they're picking up actual disenfranchised young anons and netting them into this SJW shit instead of seething against normalfags, identity politics, and whatnot. They know how dangerous user life is because it creates individuals. And, psyops they'll never be able to reproduce or afford.

I don't know, never left a paper trail.

Continuing on from this, I spent a good part of my late teens and early 20s roped being the class of '99. Not all are beyond salvation, because the pill can hit hard. One of the biggest flubs they made was around the fappening. It was all displayed outright, like a giant pile of cokehead pornographers and hollywood execs running around in circles trying to figure out which of their kikey associates was doing it and trying to plug the holes all over the internet.

Hey guys I've been trying to buy a bitcoin (I have electrum as my wallet) for awhile but don't know how. How the fuck do I actually buy a bitcoin?

Here's my address btw: 1H2rCmFytMkpcFZ6EqNmcVjTzPHBjADXzW


I must say that bird is breathtaking.

Gonna post on there but also going to wait for a response here as that board is most likely dead. It doesn't have a high post count.



It is, I'm too detached from Europe to have seen one personally but it's associated with my family. Everyone knows what a jay is, though.

Considering how many homosexuals are in Veritas videos, especially the most recent one, one reason (of many) is you're fucking garbage at OPSEC and have no trouble betraying your employers if it'll satisfy your ego. And possibly your anus. You love dick more than anything else by far and don't give a shit about what you have to step over to get it. That's why you're all going into the bog.



You just did exactly what you claim is why you hate faggots. Also traps and twinks is extremely gay. Get that shit out of here faggot.


Never ever forget the (((kind))) are attempting to shift your focus.

saudis are owned by jews,

I didn't want to believe, and then I searched on my own. We are fucked.

Wanna know how I know you don't belong here?

There are likely many anons here who like traps, but they don't fucking say it. Because they know that it's not right. It's not good. Once National Socialist march in the streets, you might still want to look at those abominations. But don't try to procure rights to protect it. It's not right, and it's not good. You should constantly speak against it, don't let future generations fall victim to it.

The BBC pull this shit constantly. They're going to make one of Henry VIII's wives a nigger before 2025. You can screencap this if you like. Less realistic "historical" shows like Doctor Who are already far down the rabbit hole.

Erm, isn't that just a Jap idol video? And not even a very good one.

Nobody should care what you masturbate to on your computer. It's irrelevant. Masturbating is a harmless activity, and there are people who get off to tiles, the State of Ohio or dragons fucking cars for fucks' sakes. You can't ban imagination or activity that doesn't hurt anyone.
That said, spamming threads and ban evading is 100% bannable faggotry. Moralizing gets us nowhere and only serves to d&c the community.

Why don't they push this shit in Africa instead? Last I heard homos still get the machete there.


Because that's exactly where it ends right? Faggots fuck each other's assholes in the bedroom, and BAM back to normal just like everyone else! No. No they don't. They're just as genetically different from straight men as niggers are to white men. They're more likely to have depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, autism, etc.
Of course, that is to an extent what I said, that he needs to keep that shit to himself and in his room. I think that there are some anons who can quell the daemon of futas, traps, twinks, and every other creature that /d/ can cook up.



All sex is disgusting. Your brain literally disables its "disgust circuit" when you're aroused because it has to.


Is that the argument I made, you subhuman sex-obsessed degenerate?

Is this a new drawing?

Pretty much, unless you're advocating celibacy. You're between a rock and a hard place here.


Everything else being equal, I'd take an enema'd anus over a roasthole. Do you know how much blood and mucus that thing secretes? Visit a woman's bathroom sometime.

The sole purpose of sex is to make White children.


Then go knock a bunch of them up. They don't mind being in Chad's harem. Hell, they prefer it.

The Greeks had the luxury of not being a dying race. We don't.
𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕭𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝓐 Ⓕⓐⓖⓖⓞⓣ ∀uou


its literally complacency with them
get complacent and watch them destroy everything you ever cared about

really makes you think

You realize this is like having a schizophrenia parade?
Its already been scientifically proven that non-heterosexuals are mentally ill.

The yellow bastards have no creative drive to solve their problems. All they can do is copy whites poorly.

China's entire culture relies on use it til its broke and dont innovate
they're never going to develop beyond what they copy from the west
the only strides they'll make headway in is in unethical areas we wont be able to touch because of bleeding heart liberals and christcuck/mudshit interference
ironically Rothschild might be responsible for finding the cure to aging and death with the amount of money that parasite is throwing on life extension technologies because guess the demon doesnt want to meet his creator

I remember watching a TED talk years ago where the speaker said "The first 200 year old person is probably already alive, he's just not 200 yet". Not hard to guess which group of people that person belongs to.

Fuck chinks

anyone got the one wheres he's shitting his pants?

Proven? As far as I'm aware they still argue about this. I think it has more to do with Nature and Nurture.

A creature with well developed useless tendencies over all others is destined to die having achieved nothing. You don't need a goddamn laboratory to settle faggotry as something to fixed or destroyed.

Wow, you really take homosexuality too seriously.

why does he cover his face if he's blowing himself up?

A strange thing I've noticed in the last few years is that when a video advertisement portrays people with traditional values like a father and son of the same race having a family moment, it is always niggers. I first noticed it when some major retailer was promoting father's day sales. I first took notice like "hey, they pushed the women shit so far that they've finally had to try and make it look like they aren't biased". The second thing I noticed was that it was a nigger dad and son, which obviously made me think of how funny it is that is the race to pair with father's day.

You are such an irredeemable faggot.

Should have sued them for false advertising.

I'd send you faggots some of my old accounts, but it's not like I can post passwords on Holla Forums otherwise Holla Forums will start huffing and puffing with excitement.

Unless you're from Reddit, you really should be used to the smug anime girls by now.

What are the odds one of your ancestors sucked a dick once? Probably 100%. What if he decided that was his identity, that sucking dicks was "who he was"? You wouldn't exist. Meditate on that.

Faggotry is is like masturbation or drinking or gambling - a dangerous addiction that shortens your lifespan and hurts those who love you. Now you're being encouraged to identify with your addiction. You've got one of the worst monkeys on your back, miswired sex drive, and instead of support the culture is encouraging you to give in to it.

This is what lead to the alt kike wanting niggers banned from their gay orgies rather than sending them back to africa

this is 100% the main problem with faggotry and the reason why commies suck up faggots by the pride parade into their ideology

Even faggots hate faggots. Colour me surprised tbh.


On average 1 egg contains 6 grams of protein, 10 eggs would be 60g of protein.
I'm not saying masturbation is good, but there's no need to lie.

Nope. They are just mentally ill. Don't try to rationalize their behavior with logic. Its likely they want to be the center of attention like always.

The faggots still don't realize that they are the aggressors in this situation. It's really fucking funny. They try to usurp society as the new normal then play the victim when society doesn't want to go along with it. If you don't realize that the proper response to this should actually be a violent purge and you're LUCKY you're only reading negative "hateful" (truthful) comments, there's no hope at all for you. The (((LGBTQ+))) "community" has become an aggressive enemy that cannot be reasoned with, and the fact that they still see themselves as the victims only tells me that a purge is coming soon.
Their lack of self awareness is going to get them all killed and I cannot wait.
If the mudslimes do not toss them off of buildings, we will.

They want to normalize this in your children as well, do not forget. One hair touched on my child and I will flay the whole rainbow of faggots in this town.

All they know is rape so they don't know how to go back to normalcy. Their whole mindset is stuck in a groomed pedo dick/cuntlust storm.

It's funny. Holla Forums has the same views as the conservatives from the 70's.

What a nice time, even on a color grade. Pulled all the wanton faggot color out of everything to fuck with the hippies.

It is.
It is.
Who said that?

Now, would you kindly, Fuck off, kike.

Niggers never cared about this shit.

lel, have you seen how the future was depicted in the X-man film "Logan"? It's like 2029 but they show the technology as not really having changed much. Everyone has given up on a better future and now thinks the most realistic future is one full of muds and 1984 style themes.>>10163510

Tried doing that, it wouldn't select the flag.

Holla Forums constantly pushes people to produce more white children.

I always wondered… Would you also consider fetishes of any kind a mental illness? Because I think Homosexuality develops like a fetish.

What do we do?
their movement.

#ProudToBe White
#ProudToBe Male
#ProudToBe Straight/Sane

Mental illness is not real. Fetishes however are not good.

Homosexuality I believe primarily is a result of molestation as a child, some form of psychological trauma or developmental problem (you can look up the statistics on that). Its basically a result of problems in early life that shift you away from the normal developmental path. It also can come about like fetish as well. at least sometimes, I think, like someone that is addicted to porn tends to gravitate towards more and more extreme fetishes over time to chase a high, and eventually homosexuality can be one of those fetishes,

Masturbating is a time and energy.
Homosexuality is indeed an illness.
No one is saying that sex is just for reproduction.

And what is wrong with that? That doesn't mean we only think sex is for reproducing. We simple want more whites, idiot.

You're exactly right. They don't need this shit anymore . Who the fuck is actually discriminating against gay people anymore?? They only people who would go out of their way to harm a fag would be closet fags or ironically the sandniggers they want here so badly. Seriously there have been gays for eons. Wasn't Alex the great a queer most likely? These pride 'parades' are disgusting and even disgraceful too now. I personally know straight women that go just to dress up like freaks. Yea you really care so much ya cunts. I hope the more hardline Muslim immigrants just decide to leave because they can't believe how fucking loony our country is getting.

is just wasting time and energy*
Also fucks with your dopamine, a lot.

Better option: they all blow themselves up at a pride parade, thus riding us of both shitskins and fags in one move.

You're pretty much on the money watch video related.

I agree with you on that, and that is mostly true for women. I have met a lot of lesbians in my time and every single one of them had bad experiences with men before they became lesbians.

There are a lot of things people link to homosexuality. I don't know what to believe anymore. But when I look at it from an evolutionary perspective, not being attracted to the opposite sex is an impairment and could be described as a disorder.

Kill yourself alt-kike cancer, fags are a symptom of a diseased society.

Holy flyin fucking hell.
These people don't seem to realize they are the aggressors.
They already have equality under the law and almost complete normalization as well.
What more do they want but dominance?
These people need to be killed.
How do they not see that they are the bad guys?

This is like claiming only christians could possibly be against this bullshit. There are plenty of secular reasons to not want mental illness to become the new normal.
You need to fucking die.

"Natural" homosexuality only arises in men for basic biological reasons. Female homosexuality is always psychological or trauma-based, again for basic biological reasons.

Kill yourself, faglover. No, Alexander the Great was not a queer. That's kikes talking.


There are no 'biological reasons' for faggotry, it is a mental illness that spreads through child molestation. Kill yourself faglover.

Before your gender is assigned (for real) during pregnancy, your brain is fundamentally female. If you are to become a male, your brain has to "transition" from a female brain to a male brain. Complications in this process leads to homosexuality and other sexual disorders like gender dysphoria and hermaphroditism. Those who remain with a female brain (females) have no such trouble in their fetal sexual development.

To put this into evolutionary context, men are expendable and it doesn't really matter if some turn out defective. A majority of men throughout history haven't even procreated. Females, however, are "precious" and their sexual urges are not biologically tinkered with. "Lesbians" and "female-to-male" trannies can truly be said to have a mental illness; male homos and male-to-female trannies have more of a neurological disorder. Notice how the former are comparatively rare to the latter.

This is a secular ethno-nationalist board; we believe in scientific research. Degenerates do not "need Jesus" but eugenics.

stopped reading there, gender does not exist and is a term made by kike psychiatrist John Money. Stop believing in jewish pseudoscience.

Hmm, they aren't letting this one go.
They are astroturfing the fuck out of this in the comments with sock accounts, deleting dislikes and adding likes.
We have to defeat them.
They took down the flag but it isn't enough.
These people need to realize that society is turning on them.

shit forgot pic

Show me scientific research that proves homosexuality is not a mental illness that spreads through child molestation.
Fags were all molested as kids and seek to emulate that molestation on others.

The humane thing to do is actually kill all of them, and they're pushing us to it day by day.
They're already equal under the law.
Everything further is an act of aggression.

Their existence is an act of aggression against the nuclear family.

Excuse me for using colloquial terms. You might as well have corrected a typo. Not an argument, m8.

I won't bother digging up anything for a roody-poo like you.

You're still here?
fuck off

'gender' is a subversive term, nice damage control kike.

Depends on the source, if you pull up a bunch of psychology bullshit that exists to validate the emotions of the mentally ill now that it suits the government to do so but if you provided scientific evidence I would look at it differently.

I find it funny that both the faglovers here post seasonal moeshit they likely have have not watched and some fake AI that exists to pander to lonely mentally disturbed weaboos.

I'm not even arguing that traumatization and psychological issues aren't a part of how people develop homosexuality. It's just that this tends to be the case for females, not males. If that user wasn't a literal bigot who can't entertain even slightly differing viewpoints, he would appreciate my point as confirming Holla Forums's world-view.

So in your opinion male faggotry is fine? I have a feeling that is because you are one yourself. Kill yourself you genetic dead-end.
You just blew in from reddit.


Himmler's research showed German Pagans just threw fags in the swamp. Christians had them hanged.

Faggotry is a crime against nature and these cucks ITT just excuse it as 'they were born dat way' and 'b-but they're just like us'

Holla Forums is getting more alt-kike every day

"born that way" assumes that there's no such thing as worth-less human life

It says someone born without a leg is just as healthy as one born with one, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is just a 'quirk' of an 'equal human life'

Now just about all of the new comments are positive shit coming from obvious sock accounts.
We can't let them fucking win.


Male homosexuality isn't "fine." We can find a cure through eugenics; but first we have to acknowledge its origins. The problem begins during pregnancy, often due to abnormal hormonal levels in the mother. It is obviously a disorder, and I should refrain from calling it "natural" in the future (as opposed to "naturally-occuring").

I am not a homo, but I can tell you that homos laugh at your allegation that they were all molested. It's kind of like how antifa laughs at the insulation that they're "fascists" and democrats laugh at being called "the real racists." Stop being boomer-cuckservative tier and update your rhetoric, and base it in reality.

fuck you.
this isnt about fighting the kike.
it's about demoralizing these fucking faggots and showing them society isn't going to roll over for them, especially since they are already equal under the law so yes, really, you piece of fucking garbage.
If you're not gonna help, go away.


In other words they were 'born that way'

It is neither natural or naturally-occuring. It is a result of being molested as a child and seeking to emulate that molestation on others. It is pathological not biological.

Because you are a fag who doesn't remember being molested,

Boomers and cuckservatives support faggots though, they all think it's a spiritual poison rather than a pathological disease. They are sick in the head, eugenics will not fix this, persecuting fags will.

YouTube's fucktarded (((algorithm)))

honestly I like Milo's article about faggotry. Basically he recommends that homos stay in the closet, get married, and have children, and do gay shit on the side in secret as they did for centuries.

The rationale is that many homosexuals are in above average intelligence, and it is their intelligence which allows them to view sexuality in an abstract way and thus engage in non traditional sexuality. Think William S Burroughs, John Waters, Douglas Murray, Christopher Hitchens etc. Smart guys who happened to be fags.

Their intelligence could benefit humanity, thus they should reproduce even though they are gay. The modern idea that being gay means you can never have a family with a woman is the true abomination.

top kek


>implying the (((employees))) at YouTube would take any action instead of clicking "ignore" on the report
lol at that video. Here in burgerland they'd all sue and cry on (((MSM))) about misogyny then get book deals and appear on TV shows and shit. Then they'd start Patreons and write feminist blogs bitching about "toxic masculinity". Fucking day of the helicopters when?

Hitler dubs of truth

It's a leap, but especially within the realm of the arts I think homosexuality is fine. If some faggot makes some good songs I don't care. I'm not going to forbid myself from listening to Queen or Elton John or James Hetfield just because they are gay.


You're having trouble considering that homos can be "born that way" because you fall into the fallacy that this justifies their existence. But it doesn't. Even if male homosexuality is naturally-occurring, it should still be stigmatized. But hopefully one day it won't have to, because through eugenics there will be no male homosexuals.

Those pushing homosexuality are not threatened by people like you, who attribute it to "reprobates" or some sort of pathological possession. The way you shut them up and destroy their narrative is by saying, "yes, homos are born that way, but they shouldn't be born in the first place. Homosexuality is degenerate and we have to find a cure so as to stop its manifestation in future generations. Homosexuality is not a valid identity to be proud of. The inborn characteristics one should be proud of is one's genetic and cultural heritage." This is unconscionable for "pro-life" Christians who worship Israel and other boomer offshoots, but not Generation Zyklon.

It is clearly demonstrable that homosexuality isn't all about molestation. "Not all homosexuals remember when they were molested" is an absurd explanation for why not all homosexuals report having been molested.

So we're just going to let (((them))) win this one?
If you look at the newest comments, they are ALL positive.
They are also all 0 sub sock accounts with beaner names.
What the hell is going on here?

Incorrect, I am arguing from a classical psychological point, fags were molested as children and seek to emulate that molestation. This is a fact.

This is the truth though, and even though your pseudoscientific views it does not change this fact.

I am fine with eugenics and think that it should be used to weed out genetic defects which you seem to think faggotry is. The truth is contradictory to this, and supports the notion that faggots are all pathological deviants who both were molested and molest.


You're really going to concede once they start their usual kikey bullshit?
The like bar just gained 10k out of fucking nowhere.
You're really going to let them have this…

Some of them, but not all of them. If you don't believe homosexuals who say they were never molested, how about people who were molested who aren't homosexual?

Yes, yes, Shlomo, I know that using scientific research to find solutions to social problems is "Nazi pseudoscience." I mean, come on, eugenics? We're pro-life Christcucks who keep retarded babies and adopt niggers from Africa! We should just autistically screech about Jesus and strawman all homos as pedophiles! That won't accomplish anything (just as planned *hang wringing*), but at least we still have muh Bible and don't have to weed through a little cognitive dissonance that way.

Most, if not all of them are homosexuals. Some of them are able to control their behavior better than others.

Eugenics is not pseudoscience, and I already agreed with you that it is needed. The point you are missing is that I am positive it will do nothing to combat faggotry since faggotry is a social mental illness with pathological roots. You think it has neurological/chemical roots - this is the pseudoscience I refer to.

Read Himmler you faglover.

Since when does Holla Forums let (((them))) come back like this. Victory is not achieved until they are forced to shut the comments down. Where's the god damn vigilance?

They are though, pedophilia is the root of homosexuality much like schizophrenia is the root of paranoid delusions.

I'm really disappointed in us right now.


So you literally believe that all homosexuals were victims of molestation and most, if not all, victims of molestation are homosexual. But I'm the "pseudoscientific" one.

I like lolicon but I am not a homosexual. Checkmate.

Yes, and you have nothing that refutes that so you mock me. Typical kike tactic.

You are a sick pedophile but you are a heterosexual pedophile. Not all pedophilia and molestation is fag-oriented but is likely tied to a past instance of molestation. Who touched you as a child? I seriously hope you never reproduce.


Oh by the way, they're just about up to 140k likes to our 180k dislikes.
I guess this was just a Holla Forums raid and society isn't really getting sick of this shit.
I'm fucking blackpilled now.

fuck it.
I'm done.

So you unironically have no nuance on the issue of homosexuality? It's all environmental, not hereditary? Hey, maybe incubus/succubus demons penetrate and possess little boys and girls and turn them gay - that's why most can't remember being molested. Lel

I'm mocking you because this is Holla Forums. We believe inborn traits have a primary impact on personality. We can agree with leftists for the wrong reasons. Just because they say "born that way" and "therefore gay is okay" doesn't mean we agree with the latter conclusion, but the former statement is fundamentally true.

It's like with niggers. Leftists say "niggers have low agency" and "therefore white privilege." We agree with the former statement - we don't call them "the real racists" for noticing that niggers are inferior - but we reach a different conclusion on the nigger problem than promoting niggers through affirmative action. We want to be rid of niggers. Likewise, we don't want to promote fags through pride parades, we want to destroy them.

Great, so the faggots can give their wives and kids GRIDS. Fucking retard.

Digits confirm you should kill yourself.

It can be hereditary in the sense that fag fathers molest their children often, then those children grow up to become faggots

Most can remember, many can't because traumatic early-childhood molestation can lead to memory repression.

Of course they do, however homosexuality is not one of these acquired traits, rather it is a pathological behavior that is leaned.

It is not, you only believe this because you are a mentally ill pedophile who has bought into pseudo-scientific neurology and chemical theory because it makes you feel better about your own sick desires.

And you will not unless you acknowledge the root of the problem - child molestation.

Yeah, just like the low-IQ of niggers "can be hereditary" in the sense that the racist trauma a baby mama absorbs throughout her life will rub off against her niglet after birth. Niggers have a low IQ because they're born in the hood, they're not born in the hood because they have a low IQ. Got you.

Do you have modern surveys to back this up? Particularly surveys of male homosexuals.

You actually believe that what sex you're attracted to is not a product of the brain? It's some spurious (((Freudian)))-tier psychological "projection" of stuff that was done to you as a child? I don't believe in Jewish science, Shlomo.

You call me "pseudo-scientifc," you're Judeo-scientific, user.

No, IQ is something that is directly inherited from one's ancestors. Faggotry is a learned behavior that is not biological in origin. IQ is biological, faggotry is learned. Most traits are biological including many behavioral traits. Faggotry is not one of them, much like pedophilia.

I've already posted it and you've ignored it like the slippery kike you are.

Yes and furthermore I believe that it is but there is only one proper configuration that leads males to be attracted to females and vice versa, faggotry is not a product of biology though, rather a product of pathology.

And yet you're the one using jewish "science" to attempt to both disprove me with jewish chemical theory and discredit me with jewish 'projection'

Neck yourself pedophile.

Don't let the demoralization-Jew get you down, user. These people are still thinking in the classically liberal personal-choice mode. Our big job is to get them to see the yid agenda in pushing this filth, and how it's aimed at degrading the white family. Until that little fact heaves into view, opposition to literal faggotry will remain utterly mystifying to the normalfags.

Heck, it even seems to escape some of the newfag commenters here. See for an example of the kind of enabler I, personally, will drop the gas on when we have institutional power.

no* forgive typos pls

I love how the commenters call people homophobic.
Phobia = The fear of
Who would be afraid of a flamboyant, anorexic, AIDS ridden, antifa fagot?

No, look at this shit.
Comments are being flooded with nothing but this now.

Intelligence is not just inherited, and sexuality is not just learned. They're a mix. This is what you and other "nature vs. nurture" paradigm-obsessed people don't understand.

When it comes to sexuality, I believe there are two layers: what sex you're attracted to and what fetishes you may have. What sex you're attracted to is hardwired in your brain. And fetishes are acquired through a search of novelty. To use myself as an example, I like females because this is hardwired into me. This branched out into liking 2d little girls because it's a form of forbidden fruit (lolicon for people like me is a fetish, it is not pedophilia; pedophilia is an inborn condition; basically, the neural wires dealing with loving/protecting children and lusting after [your preferred sex] are crossed).

For a male homosexual, his desire for other males is hardwired into him. This may branch out into fetishes like scat, because of course anal sex leads to poopdick.

Uh, that YouTube video is not a scientific survey. Inb4 you post an infographic next.

Yes, goyim, neurology is a Jewish science. Here, read old-school Jewish psychologists with Judeo-Christian values making silly generalizations, they're so much better than the new ones.

Incorrect. Intelligence is directly inherited and sexuality is another jewish myth you've bought into. Funny how you are using jewish pseudo-science then claiming I am doing that.

Correct, this can only result in one pairing though. Anything else is learned behavior and anything that ends in a dead-end like pedofuckery or faggotry is pathological in nature.
Nice justification, you are just like all the other psychology kikes trying to justify their illnesses with muh chemicals and muh 'it's naturally occuring'

Incorrect, it is learned from being molested as a child. This incident instills a desire to emulate the initial molestation.

The chemical theory stems directly from (((Freud)))'s "research" whereas the faggots are all pedophiles comes from basic behavioral observation which has its roots in almost every school of philosophy and psychology.

Read Himmler, Germanics throw fags in the bog whereas christkikes hang them because christkikes secretly want to put fags on display since many priests are fags and kidfuckers like you.

Nice racemixing image, btw. Really suits your jewish viewpoints.

Jewgle literally controls the narrative, they're starting to fuck with the numbers and they've probably removed 10,000 comments. Don't get blackpilled when the jew controls the narrative on the jew platform.

I'm suprised they've let it go this far.

Homosexuals are more likely to have been molested as a child than heterosexuals.
Homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals.
Your faggotry sickens me and you don't deserve a waifu.

No one knows if the sex you are attracted to can be changed through environment, there's an awful lot of gays who have been molested as a child, but who knows, any research on this subject is prohibited. Electroshocks may even work, but again who knows, we cannot apply the scientific method on it.

Nice appeal to authority, most 'scientific' sources justify faggotry with bullshit kike psychology and social "sciences" which you seem to love. Get fucked you fagloving pedophile sicko.

kek, you've just gone off the deep end. This is as unscientific as its Lysenkoist inverse ("intelligence is all environmental"). No well-read HBD racialist believes this. Intelligence is an interplay between one's inheritance and influences (if you will), and sexuality is similar. The only question is how much each factors into the equation.

I believe intelligence is overwhelmingly inherited, but not entirely. I believe male homosexuality is mostly inherited, but not entirely. These are reasonable perspectives. Yours are "all-or-nothing," and fanatical.

This is how it should be, not how it is. Learn the difference between morality and reality.

On sexuality, you're more similar to a boomertard Christian than a young redpilled secular NatSoc. We accurately access social problems so that we can fix them; we don't believe in moral-scare propaganda.

I'm scared of catching their AIDS.

Would I be "appealing to authority" if I cite scientific racists showing how IQ is both hereditary and environmental?

The only solution to the blackpill is abandoning Christianity/other Abrahamic cults… If you do that, your purpose becomes clear and easy.

Otherwise you can just say that they're right and the kikes will have a wonderful and jolly time laughing at you while you give up. In fact, the thought of them laughing at my suffering is the only thing that keeps me from letting them win.


accurately assess* moral problems


Pick one and only one.

But we do know that male sexuality can fail to develop properly during pregnancy - leading to homosexuality, other neurological disorders, and also physiological disorders.

Yes, homosexuality was babby's first fetish and they never got over it. It's plausible in some cases, but this is not the case for most homosexuals, who really were "born that way."

They got a shota fetish instead of a loli fetish, I presume.

Change "with" to "over".

I love when these leftists open up these normalfag meme generators for the stay-at-home activists.

that first one is killing me

It's like the equivalent of saying "What is physics?"

You're right. There's more, like Civilization.

I don't call faggots errors of nature, you are commiting a natural error, and this is what is wrong. This is what you attack. We don't give a fuck if you exist, we just don't want to see your decadence being encouraged. If you do not deny the importance reproduction, you should understand this. If not, you're exactly why we fight against it.



He's right though.



Children are very, very impressionable. This was made by a child, right?

The user who thinks IQ is 100% heritable must totally have the right idea on sexuality.

Just because you disagree with him on some things, doesn't mean he's not right on others. I can understand it hurts to get btfo though. Don't worry. This is an anonymous imageboard! Nobody knows it's you! :)


You were bitching at people for lacking nuance, now you're counting percentage and dismissing everything a guy says because you disagree with one thing.

I don't just "disagree" with IQ being 100% heritable. It's embarrassingly false and indicative of that user's lack of knowledge.



POL ALERT - - - - - - - POL ALERT

Holy shit you're the biggest kike in the world. You're such a fucking Jew, I have to autistically parse your post to reveal the maggot in this carcass. Fellow Holla Forumslacks, pay attention – this is an educational shitpost.

This was the whole post. Now, it is absolutely typical of the Jew to insert little propaganda nuggets in his lies, disguised as something else entirely. Think of how a woman might tell another woman her outfit is "daring," which is a blameless way of making her feel fat. Well, Jews are humanity's women, so the most surefire way to spot the kike is to ignore what the surface level says and parse the Hebrew underneath. Really dig and extract the core points that your subconscious is supposed to take away from the message. In this case:
Disarming statement to weaken your defenses.
Implying that they used to need it, just like feminism "used to be good, but it's gone too far," huh Moshe?
Misdirection to make us think you're not circumcised/silent blackpill at our degenerate society/private triumph at faggot victories
Ignore the typo; "takes a fag to hate a fag, amirite, fellow Nazi goyim?????"
More kosher misdirection, plus the semite's innate hatred of other hooknoses.
Gosh, Avram, I dunno. . . I guess it's never hurt anybody before, huh? I'll bet even some animals are gay, isn't that right? We shouldn't be uptight about them.
Misdirection setting up the next statement:
Which proves it's all harmless fun, goyim! Stop threatening to firebomb the faggot parade; they're EXACTLY LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Closing sleight of hand to distract us from the last sentence's whopper.
So. . . No need to deport them then? They'll probably just go and the issue will solve itself. I'll be watching Sportcenter then.

This goes way beyond the typical tricks, Shlomo. You write like a Moscow Center-trained pro. Did you used to write for Pravda? Because this whole thing was textbook psyops/neuro-linguistic programming. If it had worked, we'd all be pregnant with Somali babies right now. You just forgot one thing:


I believe he was arguing for the inheritability of an IQ cap. Your thinking lacks nuance :^)

Nice try.

You and all those who support Christcuck moral-scare idiocy are unwitting fag enablers and will be beheaded on RaHoWa, just like any boomer.

Calm down. You got btfo. It happens to everyone.

Christcucks like you BTFO themselves.

No, you've just shown you have no idea what IQ is. IQ is the potential for intelligence which is entirely hereditary, the realization of said intelligence can have environmental factors.

Sexuality does not exist, you are still spouting jewish pseudo-science.

Incorrect, faggotry has no biological component and is entirely a learned behavior.

They are not, this is simply the truth about faggotry that you refuse to accept. Likely because you want to justify your illness in a similar manner

Also nice fag meme, lol butthurt guy 'daddy howard' was spread exclusively by 4chonners smileberg and chemfag. Kill yourself twice for that.

I actually still have smelly's folder saved kek, if anyone's butthurt here it's the pedophile spending 41 posts trying to convince people faggotry is naturally-occurring*

Good job pointing out of the most successful ways of manipulating people. It's the next one up from the typical 4 truths 1 lie used in (((controlled opposition))) and operational sabotage.

You're like a "based" Orthodox christcuck repeating the same mantra over and over again because your Jewish g-d demands it.

How do you explain homosexuality in other animals? Do they get molested by furfags or something? Or do you not believe in any direct connection between humans and other animals, because your Jewish g-d doesn't endorse evolution?

Oh yes, it's just some abstraction that doesn't mean anything. You Jews love making everything vague. Sexuality can't be something simple and straightforward like "your brain dictates what sex you're attracted to." No, no, the goyim need to knock themselves out thinking that homosexuality is some big conspiracy by child molesters to perpetuate their own kind. It's like the script to a (((Hollywood))) movie! I don't really see empirical or statistical evidence for this, but I guess I need to just "have faith" in it like in your Jewish g-d, huh?

You do, because you not effectively oppose fags. You promote clearly false yet unverifiable theories about faggotry to gaslight its real opponents.



Thanks. People tell me I have a gift for naming the Jew.


I'm just glad 130+ IQ people still come to this board. Makes for less hand holding and more conversation.

Your post reminded me of explaining to some good goy ® I know that the tactics he was using were (((straight from the playbook))). This scared him more shitless, as he has no desire to be a kike pawn.


I never said that homosexuality isn't degenerate, just that they're naturally-occurring.

Niggers are naturally occurring, but that doesn't mean that you can wallpost tons of negative stats about their criminality and sexual diseases and early puberty, etc.


Is your love of lolicon naturally occurring?

>the goyim need to knock themselves out thinking that homosexuality is some big conspiracy by child molesters to perpetuate their own kind. It's like the script to a (((Hollywood))) movie! I don't really see empirical or statistical evidence for this, but I guess I need to just "have faith" in it like in your Jewish g-d, huh?

you're down to they're born that way and the adult fags know it and rape them" for a natural" reason that fits your theory. by all means, continue ironicallybutnotreally jewposting to hide that your 'trauma doesn't make fags' argument is going nowhere

Lolicon is just a fetish; desiring men is a whole sexual orientation.

Usually women will acquire the social orientation of desiring men, just as nature intended. But sometimes, in the wound during pregnancy, a male brain will fail to develop properly, and will retain certain "female" traits. This can give rise to males lusting after other males, just as they would if they were born a female. In other cases, the male brain will retain more fundamental "female" traits, and hence you have transsexualism - men believing they always felt female. Even further, you can have males born with female genitalia and other physiological confusion.


So are people who sexually fetishize children naturally occurring, or is it a learned behavior?

I make a distinction between mere fetishes and whole sexual orientations. Fetishes are something you learn during life, while sexual orientations are acquired at the beginning of life.

With regard to people who lust after lewd little grills, some are fetishests, others are sexually-oriented pedos who were born messed up. I think the same concept applies with homosexuality - you have homos who were born that way, and others who came to fetishize men, either because they were molested or they fell for the "feminine dick" meme.

but you spent many posts saying how laughable and wrong that was, do you just shift definitions by how ever you feel in the moment? 'fetish' meaning anything not inborn is fairly arbitrary

I just don't understand the trouble people have admitting the possibility that homosexuality is inherited. Just because something is (in part) natural doesn't mean it's moral. I smell a Christcuck influence behind this obstinance.

It's not like I'm inventing "le christkike boogeyman" out of thin air. Look at this post This secular ethno-nationalist board is infested with many of them.

This is what happens when sjw's infect history.

I had to wrack my brain for a second on this one. I can't think of a time were it was EVER okay to accept faggotry. Not bashing faggots is a relatively new concept.

It's laughable and wrong that this is the only reason male homosexuality exists. I never denied it could be a factor, but focused on how homosexuality is primarily inborn.

Well, it's an important distinction because in my case, I like lolis but I'm not a pedo. Pedos are those who can only get their dick wet over little girls, and it's not because they've fapped so much that nothing else can get them turned on. They were basically sexually-oriented that way forever.

>fags are just Born that Way(TM)

If it talks like a kike shill, walks like a kike shill, smells like a kike shill…

Whereas you get your dick wet over little girls AND adult girls? That's still being a pedo.


Why is it that the anti-Christian shills are always, always the sickest most degenerate people?
They hate Christ because he doesn't condone their lifestyle and considers them reprobate maybe? Or in the case of this pedophile user, Jesus wants him tied to a mill stone and thrown to the bottom of the ocean.

pretty much. faggots and LGBTPQJ people are always the most rabbid atheists and gays make up a massive chunk of the MGTOW movement. Throughout history it's always been the same spirit that poisons the well.

>"Natural" homosexuality only arises in men for basic biological reasons.
all the same shit we've all heard before and probably believed ourselves, plus dysphoria nonsense
don't try to weasel with "natural" because you inserted quotes, you consistently used it to restate your own position\

If it's primarily inborn, how is that process of switches gettin flipped wrong in the womb, it just makes you attracted to the wrong sex, the same one that also basically turns them into turboniggers when it comes to all other degenerate behaviour.

Big coincidence.

you said that 3 times

say god

I hope they make Catherine Howard black, then I can sue them for rewriting my family history

I meant that females cannot be naturally homosexual, only males. It doesn't mean that males cannot be homosexual for environmental reasons. It's just that this tends to be true for "lesbians," not male homos.

What other explanation is there for why there are so few "lesbians" compared to male homos, and f-m trannies compared to m-f trannies?

Since male homosexuality is a sexual aberration, it easily leads to other aberrations. For example, anal sex leads to licking shit off poopdicks and eating da poo poo and getting STDs. I think it makes sense. No additional flips are switched, homos just acquire additional fetishes beyond their base homosexuality.


more like the 1470's you tremendous fucking faggot


remember those replies with all the links? go pick some that sound interesting and start reading. You've got bad data so you are holding onto a theory for no reason. Did you do something you'd be ashamed of if it was a choice and you weren't 'naturally inclined' perhaps?

and say god

The comments section has been totally frozen. The most recent comments were six hours ago.

I guess on midnight fag day was over, so they closed the comments.

they haven't closed comments, it's more jewish than that, it's just frozen.

does a regular jewtube channel have the ability to freeze comments instead of closing the comments section? i searched around briefly, I don't think it does

If you set your video to "approved" comments only, that effectively freezes it.

muh jew ghost


I see they just gave themselves a ton of likes to counter act the dislikes..

They've also been cancelling dislikes. Lots of people reporting that their dislike 'disappeared' when they rechecked the page. I reckon the number of dislikes on that vid is at least double what it is showing.

Just tell them so are psychos and murderers.
For fuck's sake, a child rapist is technically a person. That's like this "love is love" shit, what does that even mean? it's such a vague statement like water is water or air is air.
It's fucked.

Most white gays seem to be loyal to the white race unlike the general population of self-hating race traitor whites but until they prove themselves by some great public action instead of pure pride faggotry they are not welcome here.

Fuck off, Spencer


No they're not, you closet faggot. Degenerates will fuck anything that stands still long enough: niggers, midgets, niggermidgets, you name it. If there's even a 1% chance of acquiring poopdick, they're on it.


I agree, the video they put out last year got demolished and now they're trying to cover the fact people despise the sodomite agenda.

This is likely. When I searched the hashtag on startpage I got a bunch of articles from 2016 talking about "The Most Hated Youtube Video EVER".

Mentally a child, yes. Looks like regular tumblr trash.

Sauce? I can't find this nigger's twitter.

Judging by your other pro-racemixing pedo image I am left to assume you are nonwhite.

No, I am repeating the same thing because you are a completely retarded anti-white shill trying to spread the jewish narrative that 'sexuality' is real and that fags are 'born that way'

No, I explain it the same way - learned behavior. Animals see poopdick so they emulate it because they are animals. We do the same only with a more malicious twist since it's spread mainly through child molestation.

It's like the script to a (((Hollywood))) movie!
Seeing as Hollywood is ran by jewish pedophiles like yourself I can certainly see it. I doubt they would ever expose themselves like that though.

Basic behavioral observation backed by the entirety of history and legitimate science not enough for you?

White Genocide, obviously.



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