Should we encourage this war, and what do we have to gain from it?
Seems they are no longer focused on Antifa.
Should we encourage this war, and what do we have to gain from it?
Seems they are no longer focused on Antifa.
Source? Proof? Context?
Or did they not teach you what these words mean in school yet?
Watch video?
Who the fuck cares?
WTF are you talking about? Not EVERYONE… is a Jew. What kind of deflection is this shit?
Pure d&c just like the kikes wanted when they created both of them in the first place.
That's not the point, numbnuts. We're not either and they're both controlled opposition so why care? You don't.
divide and conquor, don't waste time on the alt light, they will come over to our side eventually.
With the Alt-Right and Lite are made and controlled by kikes. It's controlled opposition
You're a shill.
I love watching all these faggots implode on themselves. This is what happens when namefags think they can co-opt Holla Forums for their own bullshit.
Sage goes in all fields
We get Moe? Ok. At least he packs heat
Not everything is controlled opposition either: you sound like Alex Jones (no rationality combined with no nuance). The Alt-Lite is simply a group that is afraid of being called racist, so doesn't embrace white identity. The Alt-Right however is more aligned with us than Trump (who's supported by many here), even though again he aligns less than with us than the Alt-Right.
Everything is about degrees, and what is useful to us, and to what point it is or isn't.
Saying EVERYONE is a jew or controlled opposition is simply deflection, or retardation.
No, you don't get it. 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ are united on this and both laughing as the namefags tear each other apart.
4/pol/ has surprisingly actually improved since last year. Sure, there's still shills and those cancerous /ptg/ threads, and being a bigger faster board always causes a slip in quality, and the mods are still fags, but it's beginning to recover. Most of the redditfags and civic nationalist cuckolds have been either converted or driven out, for example.
Spencer is alright, but Holla Forums is right to eschew the silly histrionics of name fag drama.
The whole e-celeb thing is understandable; however, the goal must always be how things effect us. This thread doesn't focus much on the names of any specific individual, and more on what impact a war could have.
I guess I forgot how stupid Holla Forums has become lately when I created this thread. It's hard to tell though if it's really stupidity, or that calling everyone Jews and controlled opposition is simply done by the actual opposition? It certainly isn't a well reasoned response.
Mike Cernovich's controlled opposition vs Mike Cernovich's controlled opposition?
They mention him by name in the video, and are opposed to him. Again, no well reasoned comments here at all.
Hopefully they mortally wound each other, figuratively speaking. I see this whole thing like how sometimes you need a fire to burn down a forest in order for new seeds to grow.
It's weird to go there and actually see intelligent discussion occasionally, instead of just having a good laugh at their expense.
I guess this proves, if nothing else, that anonymous image boards will inevitably self-correct to eradicate false doctrine.
wtf I'm a TRSodomite now…
Think of it more as in ingrained resistance to eceleb (be it individual or group) drama. These squabbles are petty and distract from making any real progress. At the expense of contracting myself, at least the alt-right is concerned with developing a coherent ideology, whereas the alt-lite really is an endemically cancerous network comprised of disgusting opportunists like Cernovich and Posobiac. I think some of the work done by people like Spencer is quite good. He's publicly pushing issues Holla Forums supports, in ways we could not expect any other personas, and certainly politicians, to do. It can be juvenile at times to throw that away over small differences in style.
You don't think one of them is a greater evil than the other? Also how does Trump have so much support by many of us when he aligns less with us than the Alt-Right does? Certainly something strange is going on here.
Precisely. It only really becomes a problem when there's a huge influx that pours in faster than they can be converted. But even when that happens, if the faucet gets shut off, they come around eventually. I remember after the election is when everyone there was arguing about ethnic vs civic nationalism, and now anyone who is even slightly civic nationalist gets shitposted out of existence and told to fuck off. It's good to see.
They also implemented that /bant/ board, which takes away more of the non-political shitposting and risk threads.
Mentioning by group (rather than individual) should be fine otherwise conversation cannot even occur. Besides, wouldn't Trump on his Twitter be no better the representation of the ultimate e-celeb? Yet that is allowed. I'm just looking at the comparison of what seems acceptable, and what isn't.
This. It's a distraction. Let the useful idiots squabble among themselves. They will be crushed under heel in good time.
typical kike disinformation. either you're on of them , or an idiot who fell for their shit.
if you wanna know how the alt right views the alt lite, listen to the several speeches held in from of the Lincoln memorial this past weekend.
god speed. kill your ignorance.
No, Trump could never be considered an eceleb. He was a real business-celebrity and household name back in the 80s, with an impressive body of work behind his name. His biggest strength is actually being effective in person, as the man in the arena.
Jesus christ, do I really have to explain this out longways to you alt-right faggots?
The problem with alt-righters is that they are completely disingenuous. They are liars, hucksters, and snake-oil salesmen. Say what you will about people like the water filter salesman, but at least they're actually honest and forthright in what they believe and what their intentions are. At least with those types, you know what parts are bullshit and what you can discard. With the alt-right? They pretend they're on your side and say all the right things, but their real selves couldn't be more opposite.
Here's an analogy: alt-right is like the neoconservatives. alt-lite is like the liberals. As with liberals, their ideas are wrong and bullshit, but at least they're upfront about it. alt-right are like neoconservatives. GOP/Tories/etc will say all the right things that their voter bases want to hear (small government, anti-immigration, do something about the illegals/refugees/etc) and then when they're elected, they do the exact opposite and don't do any of the things they said.
Same with alt-right. They pretend they're against jews, when the head of their main website is a jew. They pretend they're against faggotry, when their groups are infested with closet and open homosexuals. They pretend they're right-wing, when in reality they're just "racist liberals". They pretend they're for the 14 words, when a huge portion of them are middle aged and childless.
They are just namefags trying to co-opt Holla Forums for e-fame and influence. And BOTH sides are trying to sway Holla Forums to help out their side in their little pissing match. Fuck them both.
doesn't mean it's controlled by another (((Jew))), drama is a serious business both sides will ask for donations in a months time keeping the users distracted and cashless. I've seen it all the time in podcast jewtube and reddit before I came here
So? Sage for insufferable laziness
but OP is just wrong. Tweets and a handful of IRL jabs and jokes are nothing compared to the vocal activity of these alt like guys.
at least listen to what they subjected the normie tourists to before making threads like this.
I forgive you OP, or you neither know who nor what you speak of
Spencer is always playing catch-up to Holla Forums, he used to be pro-fag but when he saw that wouldn't be possible he's played that down. Then it was pro-Israel but that to was met with resistance so he moves to denounce the so called "Alt-lite" after he CivNats again like he always does.
He is no leader of the Germanic Peoples.
The fact that you accept Alex Jones over the Alt-Right explains why people answer with things like "controlled opposition" all the time; and why Holla Forums is almost dead intellectually. There is no way Alex Jones is more "honest" and closer to white identity. People here have lost their fucking minds now.
If anyone destroyed Holla Forums, it was probably Alex Jones.
it's just a bunch of retards yelling at each other in the streets
For fucks sake, I never said I accept Alex Jones. I said you know what you're getting with him. Just like you know what you're getting with, say, The Young Turks, or lots of other people I don't care for.
How about you actually respond to my comment again, this time arguing with the substance instead of misconstruing a single sentence out of it while ignoring the rest.
I used the word "over"
Just like many choose Trump over them.
Night of the Long Knives when?
alt-right are trying to make themselves the centerpiece of white nationalism. Trump is not doing that. You're reducing the issue in order to make a flimsy comparison.
Trump is not trying to subvert white nationalism.
more like Night of the Long Dildos. It really started with Kike Enoch being outed as a jew with a marxist b'nai b'rith wife, and it's only gotten more cancerous for all these faggots since then.
The alt-right seems to categorize itself as TRS, Spencer, Daily Stormer and groups like American Vanguard, Identity Europa and Trad Workers Party. A varied bunch. There are also twitter "journalists" that hover around it like James Allsup or Baked Alaska. They're all more or less explicitly white nationalist.
The Alt-Lite seems to be mainly Cernovich and (((Rebel Media))), Jack Posobiec, Milo, Gavin Mcinnes(sp?), and a bunch of miscellaneous spics, nigs and kikes. They're all explicitly civic, if not outright cuckservative or muh freedoms libertarians.
It's useful if the "alt-right" suppresses or edges out the "alt-lite". It's gotten to the point where white ethno-nationalism in the USA is actually a thing that the public are having to decide over.
It's good. And we need to be here to push these fags further right when they cuck, which they will.
They are simply white nationalists. How successful they are in promoting it is a different matter. Everything is about degrees, and the AltRight is more aligned with us than Alex Jones and Donald Trump; hence better.
Because he doesn't agree with white nationalism at all. He's directly opposed to it.
Do you know why people here don't attack Sean Hannity? Or Tucker Carlson? Or plenty of other people who clearly less aligned with us?
Because they don't pretend to be. alt right faggots do. Saboteurs get the bullet first. If you don't see why the alt right is cancerous, then you should just gas yourself on the spot.
Tell us who created the term "Alt-Right".
Tell us who spammed the phrase "Alt-Right".
Tell us if "Alt-Right" even makes historical sense.
Tell us if the "Alt-Right" adheres to our overarching philosophy.
Tell us the names of the figureheads of the "Alt-Right".
Tell us the cultural backgrounds of "Alt-Right" figureheads.
Tell me why I should care about golems.
I go there when this place is slow. They go through cycles.
Because they're not considered ecelebs (TVcelebs get a pass), because they're also cuckservative and defend Christianity, and because people just wanted their Republican party to win (Trump), and support the people who cheerlead for them.
But sure, that's better than actual white nationalism… Riiiiiight.
alt right isn't actual white nationalism. they're nothing but hangers-on, sodomites, and they're led by a jew.
both = nazibol
Then give your definition of white nationalism for comparison between them and Trump; who aligns better?
Anchored…. Fuck Holla Forums now, it sucks.
You can all go back to watching Alex Jones.
I suppose Trump because he's not a jew
I'm sorry your alt-right proselytization attempt failed, sweetie :^)
Don't forget to donate, fellow goys
Fuck off. Alt-right are on board with nationalism and anti-islam. Not everyone is as pure as Holla Forums, not everyone has sacrificed years of their lives to learn about the vile enemies who seek to undo us. Many in the alt-right today are destined to become future Holla Forumsacks. We should definitely encourage them to purge the less radical elements from their group, that way they can continue growing until they become something genuinely useful.
In Holla Forums terms; normalfags are asleep, alt-fags are waking up, Holla Forumsacks are wide awake.
You are retarded. Holla Forums is dead
I'm Irish - does that mean I can't be Alt Rite? Bummer.
I think it is now:
Holla Forums is asleep, normies are blind, and the Alt-Right at least knows what direction to head.
Mike Cernovich is a supplement salesman. Gots to make $$ to pay Thai ladyboys.
kikey and co. are against us, and there are a lot of shills here - but there are still a lot of 'awake' people that can best be defined as Holla Forumsacks.
Don't worry about direction of AltRight. Just keep the Jooz out. Do that, and you're good.
No Shlomo, No Homo.
Now that the Aut-Kike is forced to go to war with their Aut-Lite brothers under the big tent, will they finally see why we reject them?
Of course not, autists and sodomites lack self-awareness
I bet you do, so that is why you get paid to D&C?
You have taken it too far, as this kind of shilling will only red pill more lurkers that White Genocide is state policy rather than conspiracy theory.
We have known that you reject them for money for a long time, as no sane pro-white will try to attack ALL the public pro-white faces, and still claim to be pro-white.
Why would anyone that's jew-wise support a man like Richard Spencer who claims the Holocaust happened, denies the jewish Holodomor, supports the existence of Israel, and claims jews can be our allies?
They only self-correct because of the ethnicity of the members. Imagine one that was used only by kikes or niggers.
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