The identitarian movement started a campaign to raise funds for a ship, fuel and equipment to reduce the influx of refugees over the Mediterranean Sea, as you might have heard, human traffickers made a business out of the refugee crisis, and the NGO relocates refugees to Italy, instead of transporting them to the nearest safe zone. PJW actually made a good video describing the situation:
Now, many SJWs like Sleeping Giants do their best to defund them, contacting banks and telling them that DefendEurope activist are "Nazis that chase and destroy boats, drowning refugees" (like that's a bad thing), and PayPal for example closed one of their accounts. Still, DefendEurope already has a boat and still gets donations. Here are some links:
Well Holla Forums, what's your opinion on all this? Do you think the Identitarian Movement can do anything at all, even when they reach their donation goal? Are they trustworthy, should I spend my money on them? Any projections on the future of DefendEurope?
Identitarians are hipsters and alt-right cucks at best and controlled/kosher opposition at worst.
The boat thing is a neat idea, but I've heard if them blocking a ship full of nogs exactly once and only to slow it down. They sure as shit won't sink any traffickers or let niggers drown so don't get your hopes up.
Ryder Jones
Nice boat.
Daniel Cox
This thread is about to be shilled so fucking hard. Every time anyone even hints that people who do things IRL get swarmed by Jews, FBI, JIDF, leftists, and every other subversive piece of filth under the sun.
Lincoln Edwards
I meant "Hints that people who do things IRL are good for our cause"
Which obviously they are. But the Jews want us to stay online. So your thread is about to become shill central.
Parker Wilson
No, shit just see this obvious shill-post:
Asher Wood
It's better than nothing but all the ones I've met are by far the best of any of the alt-kikes. All redpilled deep, kosher, believe fully in no such thing as good x and ys. Beautiful.
Isaac Price
Actually what they do is stop the ships that are going out to ferry these "poor" "refugees". But these actions are in it's infancy and will at the start mostly amount to pr and donation drive.
Don't see why you shill against this really, perhaps you need to fuck off back to JIDF HQ?
Leo White
I knew such bullshit would be brought up. Explain this then, cucklord.
Ethan Ramirez
You do realize that they are advocating for white people in white countries and other people to go home?
Nothing racist about that tbh, they are just reframing the most common counter-"argument" our opponents use. That you are too stupid to understand what they are really saying and just take it as: "muuuh anti racism, whites bad" prove what an idiot you are.