As the title says, I'm interested in buying a printer that does not have microdots or any other kind of forensic tracing. Can any anons help me?
Pic unrelated.
As the title says, I'm interested in buying a printer that does not have microdots or any other kind of forensic tracing. Can any anons help me?
Pic unrelated.
Just buy one second hand than toss it
I thought microdots were only in color printers? They're there to stop people printing money. If you can perhaps get by with a cheap laser printer (there are some good Brother Printers you can get for little more than $50) that should be fine.
*cheap black and white.
Black and white laser.
There are also office supply/IT recycle businesses that sell used equipment. Buy an older commercial grade LaserJet.CASH. Parts and toner are still available for them.
(202) 728-1600
Wrong millinial. Black and white laser printers have the same thing just in a different format. Just like you can't use a color one to get rid of them by printing in black and white. Either they demand yellow ink be in the printer or it just prints a different scheme.
Printers have hardcoded responses to the images of money, like making the image blurry or other shit.
Microdots in general give identifying information about the image, like computer information, date/time, some will even give IP addresses or GPS cords if the computer printing has the capability.
Most likely you're asking so you can commit some kind of crime.
Unless you build your own or use something like an ancient dot-matrix printer, all modern printers have some kind of identifying microdot system.
Either that or get one of those cnc plotters that draw/write with actual pens.
Remember the pic is unrelated. He probably wants to print fliers in mass for resumes. Lotsa resumes. How would one go about building a printer? I never thought about that. Always figured if I needed to print something I would just suck it up and be aware of the tracking or get a dot matrix as you mentioned.
nice try
All knowing oldfag.. So a 1995 vintage LaserJet 5 has this? When did this B&W Laser jet (which has black toner to work with) come up with a way to print hidden information? How about you post some proof?
*which only has black toner to work with
If you want to print flyers then you should screen-print them. You can build a frame/ buy all the kit needed for about the price of a B&W laser printer. That way you can print on anything, paper, card, fabric. No data in a handmade screen.
Just buy a cheap printer with cash. Wal Mart sells a color printer for about 60 last time l looked.
Only the big boys have the required resources to track you. And they won't do that unless you do something major. Like try to print sheckles. And even then. It's more location + lucky guesswork.
Buy a used office black and white laser printer with cash. Or go check our your nearest E-waste recycle center.
My cities dump has a large building you pull up to and unload your old E-waste with no one really watching.. Ive gotten free PC's and other equipment that way before. I always see tons of old printers there. Grab a commercial looking B&W HP/Xerox/OKi/etc. The expensive ones you can get parts for if its broken. Consumer grade ones are just throwaways.
COLOR is going to have the yellow dot system. And you are CCTVed to fuck at walmart. It would be nothing to track that printer to the store then to the cash register then you on the CCTV.
some user in a past thread documented microdots in a B&W laser printer
they are everywhere
from personal research, there are hints that they may be caused by a component in the printing head, or immediately before the cable that leads to it
Could someone potentially make a program to place random microdots all over a piece of paper so the actually code be unreadable?
They're only in laserjet printers. Buy an inkjet.
Link to some that do or don't here:
As addendum to my previous post:
(Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color laser printers entered a secret agreement with governments to ensure that the output of those printers is forensically traceable. Although we still don't know if this is correct, or how subsequent generations of forensic tracking technologies might work, it is probably safest to assume that all modern color laser printers do include some form of tracking information that associates documents with the printer's serial number. (If any manufacturer wishes to go on record with a statement to the contrary, we'll be happy to publish that here.)
This list is no longer being updated.
There is none.
Now you discovered a new hobby into electronics.
However you got those epic pics and link delete them now. We don't want to rattle the hive more then we already do.
Fuck yourself nigger with aids.
Don't encourage him to be a hero. The second he started making stuff he would be (((silenced))). Knowledge is power if you act on said knowledge. Otherwise a wearying of the flesh.
Fuck you schlomo i did not meant anything about it you lying shit.
Great idea, I bet it would be fucking easy too. The problem is that is would have to be tailored to your specific printer, so if you have coding ability this is an option for you, but otherwise it won't work. You'd also have to be careful that what you did really did make the code indecipherable regardless of how much effort your adversary put in.
Couldn't you just print once, then put the paper back in, but move it over 1mm and print a blank page, so the microdot tracking overlaps?
They may still be able to work it out, or to narrow it down to a few possibilities. You might need to do it a few times and/or be very careful about how it lines up.
It's okay goys BW is safe
That was me and my OC.
The area to left was a very, very faint grey shade. It was intentionally printed this way.
The area to the right is 'blank' paper.
As you can see the grey area is very sparse.
Now spread that out even thinner/further in a few white areas of the page and you have a water mark that can be explained as a 'finger print' or 'dust' or 'residual over spray' to normalfags.
HP 5P or other mass printer might work but it'll still have a signature most likely. 5P was not listed on affected/known list though and is/was very widely spread. OP I would test this and learn more about these methods yourself or stick to stencils.
Interesting about component where/what as you said. It makes sense it'd be compartmentalised away from the main schematic/control system to avoid minimal engineer contact/knowledge.
Forgot to mention.
Just go oldfag and buy an old printing press.
No microdots there…
Don't exist. Unless you buy a literally antique dot-matrix printer, which would be even easier to track down due to their comparative rarity now.
This is the way to do it. Buy them second hand, in cash, at garage sales in the next nearest town to yours. Print what you need, and then throw the printer out in a dumpster back in the town you bought the printer in, after giving it a scrub to remove your fingerprints.
Just print light yellow random noise over everything that would otherwise be left a plain white area.
Also note that printers may have hard disks or flash memory inside that keep a copy of everything that you've printed on that device, ever.
If (big if) you trust the EFF then get a second-hand, old printer listed here as not having microdots:
Then break out your microscope to make sure.
So don't even throw it out; burn it or otherwise destroy it.
OP here, btw.
Couldn't you just put the same piece of paper through the printer multiple times upside down and rightside up in order to obfuscate the dot pattern and make it unusable? Or multiple printers even.
Maybe you could learn how to do screen printing. There are pretty inexpensive kits available at most art supply stores.
I want this "store everything for forever" infinite printer SSD that you seem to think exists.
Fuck, it's almost like any old dumbass can post in here.
We have something called Google which is useful in these cases:
https: //
There are plans and source code all over for these. Unless you are actually interested in printing money or other (((contraband))) information in very high quality, it is probably enough. Admittedly he did say "buy", but in this day an age any device you do not control the source code and hardware for fully should be considered potentially hostile.
How to test if your printer is printing secret tracking dots.
MIT Media Lab has a page up about this called Seeing Yellow
A hacker news post about tracking dots. One user speculates that printer makers have moved on from using yellow dots and now have much harder to detect tracking methods.
Interesting post from the HN thread.
Print sensitive documents at FedEx Office or Staples and pay in cash. It's the only way to be sure.
There were magazine articles, newspaper articles, and news site discussions about this years ago. They covered it being added to stop color laser printers and dye sublimation printers from being used for currency counterfeiting. That the tech community has this short of a communal memory astounds and saddens me.
Even beyond the public knowledge of this tactic, that Reality Winner was working at an intelligence agency and was silly enough to think said intelligence agency couldn't track what had been printed in its own offices is laughable. Either she had no business working in that environment as she clearly doesn't understand their mission and methods or she's a scapegoat.
* 2014 - PC World -…
* 2004 - PC World -
* 2005 - Washington Post, stating it had been in use at least ten years, and that at least one version of the yellow dot code had been broken. -…
* 2004 - Slashdot -…
* 2004 - -…
nice links nigger
Exactly this. Every goodwill accepts cash and I've yet to be in a goodwill that doesn't have them. Go to a goodwill that's not near your home and buy one.
Good luck finding a Goodwill outside of some leftist hive that has anything more technical than a pile of old computer speakers and SCSI scanners.
Here's an idea: get your shit printed in China if you must have color prints.
Could printing on yellow paper screw the system? Or doing BW photocopies of the original print?
Where did you get the idea that you'd need an infinite SSD? A couple of GB will store many thousands of documents.
no you don't
Look for yourself, you lazy fuck:
No one has an appreciation for the classics.
That would make it easier to find you, because they'd just need to track down whoever bought a fucking printing press themselves.
aw fuck, here
You could make a simple one. Just need to find various sources for the letter blocks. Get multiple sets so you can randomly change out the characters.
Holla Forums homework assignment:
- research effects of different color backgrounds on microdot legibility, publish microdot camo background pattern
- hack printer firmware so it doesn't print microdots, publish new firmware
Fucking slant eyed nigger
btw this thread is about microdots, not eurion dots. totally different. also counterfeiting money is degenerate.
triggered? :1)
But seriously you won't be able to print any sufficiently real looking money with normal consumer hardware. Microdots and Eurion dots will be your least problem. Go ahead and try faking some pre-2002 european currency. Ask a friend what he thinks of it before telling him they're fake.
You're a moron. Only color printers do microdots. The EFF maintains a list of printers that are verified to produce microdots.
Only copiers and workflow systems have SSD's big enough to do that, and some of them can even offload on your network to some other device. A baseline Canon B&W LJ MFP will not be able to do that. Any HP B&W LJ would be fine too. Just double-check the EFF list.
So you are saying WLP, Bob Mathews, David Lane, and the rest of The Order are degenerates.
not saying you shouldn't, just saying you should know what you're doing and do proper research before.
Literally whos. Do something useful for your people. Get a real job. Faking money is slightly better than drug dealer tier.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. David Lane coined the 14 words.
Motherfucker should get banned.
Thought about how I would defeat this. One possible avenue would be equipping gloves that do not leave finger prints and raid a recycling dumpster full of paper and magazines. Use a stamp press or use cut up letters w/ glue. This would only be good for singular messages, and not posters, without being traceable. Of course you still need to watch out for security cameras and guards while getting materials, but that and the time you should get them should be obvious. All of this is in theory, of course.
We could also make our own stamp sheets w/ 3d printers.
Why waste time with the ins and outs of paper trails when a piece of lead works better. Just put your message on one of those and express mail it directly to the offender. Also you shouldn't even be posting about help online unless you're simply passing the information off to a friend for educational purposes.
Holy shit that turnip is going to go to the state fair if it keeps growing.
It kinda bothers me how many photos she has. Fucking parents using kids like props
Some people paint vegetables and fruit, some photograph.
B/W laser printers haven't been shown to insert any tracking information. Only color printers are known to do this
What is cash shopping a thrift store
Remember before Snowden's leaks, when people used to say the government was spying on everyone, and people called them paranoid crazy? Learn the lesson. EVERYTHING is already pozzed user. Even your food and (government supplied™) water, you just don't know it yet.
There is a reason thermal printers are hard to buy, and the new IoT versions connect to the (({cloud})).
Go look up what a ditto machine is if you want the old school route.
That actually looks more like background color was not solid white so the printer had to put shit ton of tiny dots everywhere to make it look darker on paper.
At that point you might as well just put in it a firmware that doesn't puts any dots to start with.
You could just as easily cut up ads that come to your house.
Besides the obvious, do not connect them to the network in any way. This includes "smart features" like suites that you install on the computer. Ideally, the printer should work without installing crap from the manufacturer. To be on the safe side, also print with your router turned off.
Also steganography is a thing. Don't think black and white is enough, and instead just print with a machine that can't be traced back to you and has no network connectivity either.
Welp, time to make DIY printer. Good thing with all the 3d printing around, all the components are readily available.
How does food spy on you? Little rfid chips in the meat tracking your bowels?
Could also make own paper with bits of fine crushed ash. Hand made paper has blotches, small defects, etc - would not be difficult to layer 'defects' in. Especially if using scraps printed with microdots from various sources to further obfuscate.
It's pretty fucking easy too. A few servos, an Arduino with GRBL, G-Code to move the printing head, a RAMPS-based setup and a bunch of other off-the-shelf parts and presto.
I'm in the process of making a "printer" out of CD drives and a pen just because it's cute to see and fun to mess around with, it's the sort of hobby any of us can pick up easily.
Wasn't that already done user?
Also, for those interested in printer stenography…
STEGANOGRAPHIX Creating a Yellow Dot Template User Manual
Bill Wesselman , Louis McHugh , Maya Embar , Steve Martin
Such irony of typing too fast, like stenography (sic), causing the mistake in typing the word steganography (sic)
Depending on what you're using the printer for, you should consider building one yourself from parts.
why don't you fuckers do your job and start arresting these pedo-pizza-devil-worshipping-moloch-dick-sucking-retards?????????
yes I mad
Someone is using an excuse to browse Holla Forums on company time. His breast investigation work eva.
unchecked for hours?
would serve
Goddamn Slovenian thots.
Funny how they got those "microdots" to align perfectly with the grain of the paper. Those printers are high fucking tech.
print your own posters / t shirts / etc
Buy an older laser printer from the thrift store, pay in cash. Don't go to Goodwill, because fuck those jews. I got a solid Brother laser for like, $3 at Salvation Army. Even if the drum is bad in a Brother, fuck it, you're only out $3. If you get an HP one cheap, you won't have to worry about the drum because they're built into the cartridge. Fuck giving HP money too, buy chink toner off ebay or amazon. I'd rather give a chink money than HP.
Alternatively, if you are shit out of luck, you can buy one of those cheap $40 HP or Canon pieces of shit. Cut the sealant tape on the cartridge right at the edge of the circuit board, so that the printer can read the board, but the printhead is still covered. If my retard customers can manage to do this idiotic shit every fucking day, I'm sure you can figure it out.
Wtf are you printing OP? Classified info? CP?
That's an extreme precaution.
Surely that would print obvious counterfeits.. you would need a specialised printer for that.
Infact most countries use a special substance for their money. Australia apparently makes money for most countries nowadays. We make hard to counterfeit money.
Take it from me.. someone who had a counterfeiter as a great great grandfather.
You might want to know windows log the serial on every single USB device you ever connected to your pc (and probably report it back to ms hq)
So linux or a permanent disconnected pc is a must
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yea but,,, there's very very few of them still in use. and they need special ink and the original paper to be used.
,,,in a BIG emergency it would be expected that the [US] govt would just call around and ask every domestic supplier of ink and paper for a list of any recent new customers.
and commercial printers on Windows ALL phone home, kids. you could not ever have them connected to any PC with online access or OS updates. Microsoft knows everything you've ever connected to your Windows PC.
if you wanted a real black-only "inkjet" printer, what you could do is use an arduino as a PC interface to operate a black inkjet cartridge. I've not done it myself,,, but using an arduino as a PC interface card is pretty simple. and the printer doesn't need to work like a normal one, all it needs to be able to do is print text. I've heard of people doing this to do inkjet printing on unconventional surfaces in industrial uses.
and if you refilled the ink yourself, you would use your own home-made ink (food coloring!) because they can ID the normal ink to a manufacturer as well…
you'd get busted if you got caught tho, becuz nobody else would have a similar one.
Almost everything you produce is fingerprinted. Cellphone pictures can also be fingerprinted by the noise level in the sensor, kinda like scratches in a gun barrel. The only way to be safe is to buy used and very carefully ensure you never use a device that produces LARP material to also produce something with your name attached to it.
ycombinator always has the best comments
While it would be limited in what could be printed, I have seriously considered designing a 3d printed printing press for this sort of thing. Printing photos would be impossible, but illustrations and text would be an option.
actually, 3dprinting a stamp with Pepe and a qr-code with links to redpills, and stamp it like mad on any libshit/cucked poster may be an excellent idea
and 3dprinting lithographic negative plates would bring a renewal of the art of drawing and lithography
good sketch artists would be hot again
sage for double post
be a white man and build a printer
>(((ebay))) or (((amazon)))
Are you kidding me? Go to a garage sale, buy one there. Goodwill, thrift, etc. If you wanna get autistic about shit you shouldn't have ANYTHING printing-related bought for with an e-payment method. Straight up cash is king. Some hole in the wall thrift shop with no cameras, pay for it in cash, if you need ink — go to a store and pay with cash. Leave the phone at home, have a bot play WoW for you to simulate online activity. Print out your paper —- then physically smash the printer "office space style", down to the last bolt and wire circuit. Then burn the entire thing until it's all an unrecognizable puddle of plastic, then dispose of the slag down sewer culverts a few pieces at a time, shawshank style, as you 'walk your dog' around the neighborhood.
Read the thread, nigger.
Easy to see BW pozzed no different.
P.s. they're not all yellow in colour printers either ;)
This. Fuckin aye
Damn, I need a fuckin' usury stamp pronto anons. Do this.