German Newspaper SZ is having a drawing contest on "what has to change" in Germany

German Newspaper SZ is having a drawing contest on "what has to change" in Germany.
You know what to do, Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


skin color obviously






I am so edgy I cut myself.

Shouldn't you be drawing the thing you want removed? By drawing anti-muslim sentiments & national socialist sentiments it makes it look like you want anti-muslim sentiments & national socialist sentiments removed.

What is pictured is what needs to change. Should be muhammed raping 7 year old german girl, the press telling lies, handouts for parasitic invaders, etc.

I just want that to show up on the page and annoy people tbh mate

This TBH

i dont understand what we're supposed to put on there then srs

perhaps. still fun to draw it by mouse hand regardless





How can you find Jesus after you've removed him?

I'm scrolling through all the signs posted so far and Germans seem like they care more about legalizing weed than they do protecting their wives, sister, mothers and daughters from being raped by nigger muslims.

Mine are not as subtle as that 14/88 math reference, but here goes.

Free Bavaria


There are a few non-pozzed signs, mostly AfD support but some quite subtle, and some so terribly pozzed you can't help but think they're secretly an user.

I just go for edge, user. I'm not really a christian, but I'd rather fight for christians than let these faggots win.

Keep the message simple and in a way that can't be deliberately misunderstood.

meant for:

Fucking kek.

Yellow fever faggot gtfo


Nigger that approach is always worth taking, because it helps redpill people on race. It's a shift that's rarely talked about, but the questioning normalfag is bound to ask himself: Why is it only niggers, sandniggers and spics that dees ebil wayciss gnatzees have a problem with. Why aren't they just as vehemently opposed to pajeets, nips and chinks? What do some minowidees do, that others don't? At least not nearly to the same degree? Then they start reading into numbers on nigger crime, and the cracks manifest.


user you inspire me


Made this one.
Cause we really need to give more credit to our (((greatest allies))).



good shit

I just hope its not too "poes law" though…

looks like they are (((reviewing))) the submissions before they publish them on the website.

see if you can make something that might slip through. like irony or subtle things

This one has my vote.

It's always fun to spam the reviewers as well. Might just redpill a German through brute force and humor

Needs more vibrancy and enrichment.

Made another one.


a good one

Pretty cool.



Really awesome drawing style.
You got skills.

a lot of labor, too.
The brushes are ASS tier and he probalby had to erase shit a billion times.


Very nice user, this is good


Me and my lad took a stab at it.

i hope they do a compilation of all the offensive ones

Right on, thanks

Yep, like painting with bingo hall ink dabbers. Spent more time erasing than drawing.


You know, with your drawing skills, we could all conspire some pretty taiiight memes.
You looking to get into the game, son.

How did I do?

This is the Bob Ross of threads

99 red balloons? And one grey one.
Awfully german of you.

Holy shit I fucking died

i trid mi best

I was just about to draw this


Like this?

they'll have shit like this up but not something advocating the protection of their people. germans are lost.

Mine's an abstract kind of jew.

kek, this one slipped through

If i were in charge of "reviewing these" then you'd only find our shit on there.




I haven't spoken German since high school, but these look…interesting.



anyone want to post to cuckchan







from the front page
just another reminder that pony fags need to be gassed




saw someone calling out /deutsch/ on their front page


holy shit this made it through

I went a little more minimalist with mine


few more that slipped through
also people shilling rome and mentioning /deutsch/




what does this say?

i assume it says german-jap friendship with the old imperial japanese flag. its a slightly subtle axis reference



Looks like mine didn't make it.


I just got banned from halfchan for this, I think.

hitler dindu nuffin

Someone got Goatse in there. But somehow Piccolo Dick is too much for them.


What could it possibly be?


(((OY VEY!)))

You think (((WE))) will allow that filth to grace our propaganda?

They are going to have a fit when all the data runs through Tel Aviv.

deus vult






god damnit






user, is that you?

More immigrants and sharia


Now, can Master Haku infiltrate the contest and defeat the astral Jews plaguing Germany?

is this good Holla Forums?

Germanons tell us German things to write.


Teach immigrants english or german and intern them on jobs. Espiceally on what is in demand.
Build more homes then parks.
For kids emulate a similar esl style like in canada to encourage graduation of immigrants.
Learn japanese effiencey.
Quit bailing out southern europe.




I'm actually seriously impressed by some of these. Looks like we got some real artists in here. Uncle Adolf would be proud.

thanks doc


Nice time preference user.

Are you an übercuck? Why the hell would you want to make it easier for shitskin immigrants to assimilate into white countries – that'll just make it messier when it comes time to remove them.


Piccolo dick


Am I an oldfag yet?

Remove rabbit



Last one from me.





I know that 99% of these masterpieces will never get published by this newspaper, however, I can only hope that we've convinced a handful of libshit journalists that there's a massive natsoc, anti-jew sentiment growing in Germany right now.



Did my part.

I bet this one doesn't make it past moderation either.


Do you know how to crop gfarri?

Opsec, you retard, gfarri.



Tragic boating accident in 3. 2-


i don't see anything that' isn't pozzed looking through their site, they must have a whole team of people 24/7 filtering this

free palestine is acceptable to the muslim german majority though

very nice

ultra cucked

Meh I was being careless because I'm on a friend's laptop and he doesn't know. He's a cuck and not-natsoc, but don't dox the fucker, he doesn't deserve Holla Forums's wrath.


someone should flip that to a muslim woman and white man, that'll be censored though, this angers the muslim




Totally just your friend's laptop with his email open completely normal.


He doesn't but you do. Christ there is a download button right there



slava europa :::DDD

Nah kike and fuck Ukraine

nice D&C, lad

Here's another swastika that they will have to look at before deleting.


wonder if they'll be cucked enough to publish this


Hail Hortler


why did you write public in chinese?


I'm disappointed I missed the opportunity to have an outer swastika, but the "Hail Hortler" next to the image sent my sides into space.



At least we might get to the reviewers, unless they are all Jewish and already know.

Fucking kek, this thread is glorious!

I can't believe corporations still make the mistake of allowing people on the internet to enter their stupid competitions.


Holla Forums activities are so much fun

I tried.


>not jewish
pic related

Breddy gud, better than mine was

ITT: plebs

just saw one of my screwup drawings show up
bout a 20-30 min delay

referring to by the way, VPN got reset

Here's a really obscure reference to turkroaches



jew noses with red cancel/stop signs over them

my sides have been liquefied

is this a reference to kek being memetically hijacked and turned into satanic worship with equipment from project bluebeam

Let me guess: Traitor?

That was way more fun than it should have been. My admittedly weak drawfag powers are tapped out. But I still managed to capture this Zyklon Ben sighting.

I tried

Well done user!


Should send them innocent looking links that lead to redpills or just straight doses. Maybe you guys can redpill their hotpocket.

Some more shit I churned out



Cuz german women are ugly. They can get black dick if i can get slav or gook puss.

1000 hours in mspaint
should i add a caption too it, or is it fine?



Glad it's good enough for you to double post about it.

Close enough.


dudcode acting up tbh





Damn that's good!

One more here. Got to practice if I'm ever going to do excellent graphics like that Totenkopf.

Nice one. This one better passed through


Who is the artanon that made this beauty?

There is some few gud memes that seems to have made though on that stupid site.




You get b& for saying OP is a fag now?

Why can't I stop. Like a runaway turbo diesel.

Heiko Maas is an SPD politician. That's the party of that jewish guy reddit loves - the guy who hates White people even more than Merkel does.

That picture might've been made by one of our guys, actually.


I tried

I think i put alittle too much effort into this

u dun good. it is great oc and will live on after this thread dies

Looks good mate.

It's pretty good

Rate my OC

Good one.

I realized that this thread has resulted in some Germans seeing more swastikas in a day than they usually see in a year. This hastily scrawled drawing should send the number up considerably. Hail Hortler!





They're censoring massively, deleting all the redpilled or edgy ones. I just checked within a timeframe of 20 minutes.


I know it's a cliché, but I like my classics.

Fucking amazing.


I tried


You cheeky fucker!

have a chuckle, i think this is an emblem of some serbian city


Wrong colors you fuckwit.

Saved in my Hitler meme folder user. That is art.

I have an honest to god right mind to submit this.

It's all controlled as fuck, no need to be surprised.


Cleaned it up a bit. Well done user.

All right, i've officially decided, Germany isn't worth saving.

You gave me an idea.


don't try to write anything in german if you don't know how to. You're making us german nazis seem illiterate.

But now I'm only getting errors when I try to submit one.

You're National Socialist, stop using the word nazi.

top kek

Without addressing and removing the jew first, then everything else will simply be working for the jewish agenda.

address the jew and your normie audience will instantly dismiss everything you say
extremism like yours is d&c 101

n.b.: not saying the jews aren't at fault


Top kek, best post here

Protip: keep the Shift key pressed if you want to draw perfect lines.

Apparently it doesn't work that way lel.

Tell me how many normies you have redpilled by naming the jew :^)

Maybe a little too straightforward but if it goes through it will cause a lot of butthurt among turks.

For decades.
In fact i speak daily with people from all over London about the JWO and that the jewish narrative about Hitler is a jewish lie.

Did you know, most street ghetto kids in Inner cities are open to the system being one massive lie.

Only middle class faggots in England shy away from 'conspiracy'.

Instead they only follow jewish random conspiracies that make no sense whatsoever, like an islamic caliphate taking over Britain, one with jews at the hands of every lever of control.

At this point only cowardly ineffectual poofs cower in fear at the notion of jews being criminals.

They are the only obstacle to our freedom

Is Irving lurking Holla Forums?

They took it. Wew lads

Someone draw this.

Please rate my abstract OC.

Bernd here. What does "t." mean? Honest question, pls no bully.

It's short for
To go back (you have to)



Some constellations line up or something to make it look like a woman (europe) is standing on a crescent moon (islam).

Change it to "Judaica No!", and it might actually make some sense and not fall into the jewish narrative


Cossacks > Serbs

How do I write: "Germany for germans, Europe for europeans" in german?

Why has nobody drawn merkel in a noose?

that one made it…

Deutschland den Deutschen
Europa den Europäern

I don't even


Apparently EU flag, with text: Europe for europeans is verboten. forbid-sign with Lügenpresse crossed out was also over the line apparently.

its japanese slang for jew (because it looks like a jewish face)


You could almost hang that on your living room wall, user. Nice.



That's pretty good

Made like a dozen but I only saved two.

Of course they didn't upload my others, which included incitement to murder Merkel and all traitors.

Cocksucking powerhungry jewmerchants!

We did it!

Of course /int/ is trying to claim it.

fucking hell user, learn german or use goygle translate
that is fucking autistic


I DID use jewgle translate, you kike.

I don't speak German.

Should be "refugees rape your women and slaughter your children, arise! Arise!"

the best honey pot ever

it is short for tfw or terkkuja, its not short for terveisin definitly not short for terveisin

Will this one go through?

Didn't get through unfortunately.

If you have no opsec at all, maybe.


Now that you got yourself caught, what's the next step in your master plan?

Flüchtlinge vergewaltigen eure Frauen und schlachten eure Kinder, erhebt euch! Wacht auf!

Not a 1:1 translation, but, you know.
Once you go even slightly archaic (arise) and German turns into (verbose) poetry.
Which can look akward in some contexts.

10/10, do more art in a freer medium.

The old ways are best


How to write: "asylum for volksdeutsche"?

"Asyl für Volksdeutsche"

KYS soros fuckboy.

Unless you're german you have nothing to worry about.






we wuz anti-gay nazis n' sheeeiit

But why did you draw a nigger family?

If you only knew…

I've always drawn stick figures as black. When I first realised my mistake I couldn't be bothered to change it, so I gave them blond hair and hoped that no one would notice.

Top kek.



This thread is breddy gud.

Their list seems to not be updating
Did they shut it down?




this should be subtle enough to slip past





breddy gud user

Kill yourself






This is really good.

Both are great, first one might be ambiguous enough to make it through as well

ITT Holla Forums honors Hitler both in shitpost and in artistic effort

That butchered translation sounds more menacing and funny



I tired to honor the great man, but I think I accidentally made a modern art



you're fine user, you're fine

I chuckle'd

well shit, I guess my portrait was too good, and Süddeutsche Cuckning didn't accept it.

rope is hope

Top tier user.


Why did they think this *wouldn't* backfire? Heheheheh…



the faggots are just going to delete our posts anyways.

they needed to be purged yesteryear

I saw it on the page ye

Quick and dirty.

I tried


Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.
Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.
Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.

Ok, tried drawing an (admittedly crude) german in a stocking made of solomon stars, and it got "errored" 4 times.
I even drew the chains for the manacles.

Luddite site. Can't appreciate my art.

Site doesn't support https, really makes you think


thanks doc

I wonder if one can write pixel data to the memory directly.
I'd rather spend my time writing a little tool that does that than trying to draw something that gets irrevocably deleted upon a failed submission

the thousand-reich stare


Should be easy, will give instructions in a minute.

To paste own image convert your image to data-uri (with ) and then run following script in console replacing PLACE_FOR_YOUR_DATA with the data-uri

var myCanvas = $('.withInput');
var ctx = myCanvas.getContext('2d');
var img = new Image;
img.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(img,0,0); // Or at whatever offset you like
img.src = strDataURI;

Keep it simple.


gfx.sueddeutsche. de/politik/2017-btw-wahlplakate/595252b85d39e300118e19b2-496804572.jpg

Typical liberal outlet expects its users to be capable of crayon tier illustration.

I didn't had tried to fiddle with the code much, it's not complicated to change it but it's full of closure with variable set at that loading time.
I think it will probably be faster to just hijack the events and set a new bunch of UI elements to draw in it.



Doesn't quite work.
It gets erased the moment you enter text and it also doesn't seem to trigger the submit button.


think this is retarded enough to escape detection?

user, you know the board automatically breaks links now, right?

All the same, tob geg.



My thread is still online and successful ,nice
Danke Leuts

omg this thread KEK

I threw this thread up on half-chan yesterday as per the following request

Now it's a full blown thing there:


Ostland bitte

my contribution.





My contribution.



What would pepe do?

Jontron was right.

Okay, last one.

We should be subverting shit they have already accepted.

E.g. make the most bix nood looking niggers and push ISISrael+nigger mixing

Open borders for ISISrael like germany etc etcetc

pleb please.


Here is my contribution and a closer representation of what I mean. I had fun doing this between work lol.

How do you submit?

bottom right but be sure no ublock/etc running. It comes up with a 2nd server once you hit submit, that's not part of the first page and it will cause submission error.

I did another one

Komm, süßer Memes. :^)

there was an attempt

Traditionally the law says you can't work for x years when you come here as a "refugee". Everyone is talking about "integration" in Germany but that's bullshit because "refugees" aren't supposed to be integrated, they are supposed to be sent back. But of course the laws are ignored and so many "refugees" end up being trained for jobs they then aren't allowed to pursue. People have gotten training to be all sorts of professions only to be sent back at this point and it makes the local news every time. There's a severe confusion on all levels of politics what we are supposed to do with these niggers flooding our country. It all started when the Merkel government told police to ignore the law and let the niggers in. They had no right to ever come here so obviously our laws don't have precise guidelines for what to do with a bunch of people who shouldn't be here in the first place.

and asuka a slut

Age of consent should be marriage age.

If you can graduate an fuck at germany then you should marry

Spam this message boys

Instead of making pro-white ones (which will just be deleted as "hate"), it's better to false-flag as a violent nigger to show people what they are encouraging:




At least it's an excuse to shank some shitskins in prison, user. Every cloud has a silver lining :^)

Pigskins are minority in prison youd be gangraped an killed

I sent this article to my german friend. He goes how did you ever find that? Was it on 8 chan?
I said sure but he goes I am afraid to put anything on that website a man was fined 5000 euros here for talking bad about "refugees" in Germany.
As a burger it is hard to even think about such matters that affect other people on a daily basis.

I don't see any of mine up there. These Germans have no sense of humor.


There are cucks on there calling for a 120 km/h speed limit on the Autobahn. Fucking seriously. Germany is in a bad, bad way. Lend them all of your swastikas.

Fuck off back to Something Awful.

Some avant-garde shit right there.

I never knew Holla Forums was so artsy.

It would be very anti-semitic if it didn't, kek.


Try it.

Just tried it. Yes you do. The 4mods have an autobanner.

i miss him lads

Copy this, paste it into a local .html file and you'll have all published drawings on one page.

If you want it to be correct German, replace the dem with der, also writing Lügenpresse with a capital L. Keep it up user.

looks great

Twitter banned me for posting these. Sent me an email in German
top cuck

Can someone do an outline of Anders Breivik with "Freiheit für politische Gefangene fordern"?

I think it might stand a chance.

Why do they always mean "…on the part of whites" when they say shit like this? How about more kindness from the fucking shitskins that are raping and murdering everybody?

Or maybe it would be a kindness to deport them all because they are being forced to live in such a racist, islamophobic country.

tried to send this, got "an error while sending"

The Führer's eyes were blue.

Please tell me Germany isn't so far gone.

I would like to remind you that german lawmakers approved a bill on Friday aimed at cracking down on hate speech on social networks

My contribution

But is this a (((social network))) or a community service?

Did I do it right?


t. dugin

From my ban message

Let's not forget that Germans have gone to jail for Faceberg posts about the rapefugees

Like this?

Hopefully, I don't speak German.


Great job user


I figured we have to be subtle.

These two got censured. The only posters that are allowed trough are the extreme leftist ones with anti-white messages. God, I hate Germany so much.


An attempt was made

That's not very democratic.

Too bad i couldn't upload, i've had an error

the nose knows….

remove tolerance


one man klan" can sort this one out.


Did I do gud?

You did your part. Nothing get's past the moderator. The page updates so slow that I suspect more than half of what is submitted is from us.

I'm not much of a drawfag but I contribute what I can.

How do you like my swegstika?



user PLS





Good to see that anons are still donating swastikas to needy Germans. I offer a gift of gas.


This is a job for Moon Man

this one's pretty good


In '87, Huey released this: quads.

well done, translation please?


You all don't seem to be practicing your swastikas enough, most rabbis probably practiced more than you.

Hail Hortler

Some good entries in those. Cuckchan is holding on to some talent. Pics related.

Art -Adolf Hitler

of fucking course rabbis have practiced drawing swastikas, who else spray paints them onto their home and temples? Nobody but jews care about jews.

you'd be removing just his vessel, himself as a Godly being will be completely different than that of a giant nose, read the bible.

Honestly surprised by the lack of Finns shitposting Spurgondola memes. It just seems like something they'd jump at.


another "error", this time I saved the draft.

good to have you fuckers around

How do you say "Deport all Muslims" in German?

According to my dictionary they don't have that word in Germany. Kek!

This works:

Schiebt alle Moslems ab. (deport all Muslims)
Alle Moslems gehören abgeschoben. (all Muslims must be deported)
Deportiert alle Moslems. (deport all Muslims)
Alle Moslems gehören deportiert. (all Muslims must be deported)

Different ways.

German does actually have the word "deport", it is possible that you simply got a cucked dictionary.


Damn this is some good drawing for a limited web painting.


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Nice one!

cheers mate

No matter where your car came from, I can guarantee there are parts in it made by pic related. If we can't save Germany, the world will grind to a halt. Either that, or we pay Hitachi even more ridiculous prices.

That's a lie and you know it.

Guten Abend, Toranon!

Nice work


Holy shit that's excellent

Pretty sure you spelled BMW the wrong way.

I made some simple 'ironic' ones.
Maybe they will pass the filter.

gotta be smarter guys, gotta get through the filters. gotta be sneaky, subtle and smart

how did i do?

Really good drawing user

will this make it



Only because Hitler had that V16 dual driveaxle Mercedes. BMW in all other cases. Nissan was best German car company, but their shit's too expensive

Hell yeah


Didn't have that animation in a rear transaxle Porsche. Besides, all the best Porsches are longitudinal FR. Pic related

The first one made it through.

Looks like this is about done, so going out in a blaze of glory.



This shit is old as fuck stop bumping it.
Mods bumplock a PDP thread but not this old shit? ffs