Rogue Cartoonist Sketches Message of Hope for America, Especially Generation Z


Motivation can come in many forms and is usually most powerful when arriving unexpectedly. That is exactly what happened when rogue cartoonist, Ben Garrison stopped by The Scott Helmer Show on Thursday, June 22, 2017. Calling in from his Lakeside, Montana studio with faithful companion Boogie, a 27-pound Shitzu nearby, Garrison shared his personal story of overcoming great obstacles and setbacks, and how together with his wife, Tina, has been able to turn darker times into success.

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Remember when Ben was an interesting novelty people cared about?

Oh no, some high functioning autists on a Etruscan wall painting forum photoshopped previously unknown lolberg me in 'Gnatzi' regalia and spliced my radio interviews into antisemitic hate screeds. I better go work with anti-white anti-internet freedom groups to SHUT IT DOWN!

How about letting your art speak for itself, and letting your personal drama take a back seat.

Confirmed for not having the faintest idea about how you make money with art.

I bet the original is crazy.

That was when his persona was aided by Holla Forumsacks and Joshua Goldberg alike.

Happy merchant head on Rahm, merchants emptying the pension chest, nigs raping in Chicago…

Yeah, I always care about the personal drama of artists before making an investment.



While you guys complain about personal life of people who check personal life or artists, you miss out the big picture that Ben's original source on the Fed is the same guy who gave us the Bezmenov Interview on Ideological subversion.

Holla Forums has fallen.

I'm not complaining about Ben Garrison, he was inspired by A Wyatt Mann. We're just helping him go all the way.

8/pol/ fell when Jim banned the original BO. You're a bit late to the party.


Yeah kid, but who "redpilled" A.Wyatt Man?

Funny how this question is sort of Taboo on Holla Forums itself.

I think another group is to blame.

Who did that?

Well we know he was very active in the old National Alliance, so it may very well be that Dr. WP redpilled him.

Wasn't the original BO a jew?

Zyklon Ben is /ourguy/

It's always staggering how much presumption and misinformation becomes associated with folks who keep pretty much to themselves. The other day, some lunkhead bellowed on an Holla Forums thread that I was a "Satan Worshipper" who was paid by shadowy (((figures))) to fool Nationalists into wasting their time fighting with liberals and minorities, so they wouldn't be free to advance their agenda. That goofy guy sure assigned more "devastation capability" to my output than I ever did. On top of that, I'm about the most "earthbound" individual on the planet and not in the least interested in Occultism or any other form of religion. I made a video documentary about Anton LaVey around 25 years ago … I also made one about Circus Freaks but, mercifully, nobody has yet accused me of being a "Sideshow Attraction". Now tonight, I learn that I was "very active in the old National Alliance". Would you believe I had to actually go do an online search to find out who they even were? Oh, I've often heard about Dr. Pierce, but knew nothing about his organization. I was never a 'joiner" … I just
paused to lend a hand to some dynamic personalities on occasion and moved on. My heyday well predates the home computer. Things were "analog" back then and took time to develop and share … now it's all digital and instantaneous. The Internet is indeed a marvel … the world at your fingertips. But it can also be a major brain and spirit deadener for those who allow it to consume them. When you float bad information about folks you don't know personally, you become as loathsome a liar and thief as the (((traditional enemies))) you incessantly rush to condemn. I know a lot of the bad info initially comes from malicious shills, but there are some of you who run with the unfounded crap that circulates here and I'm merely saying you should demand more of yourselves. Like the fellow who made the National Alliance claim. If pressed, could you provide any reliable evidence of that? You said "we know he was very active …" as though it's a well documented fact. Can you find a single reference ANYWHERE to prop up that claim?
You might as well have said, "it's well known that he was a Polar Bear wrestler in the Antarctic." … it would be just as accurate. Why present as fact any statement that isn't in the least bit true? You should strive, at all times, to be a credible person whose words have value. Gossiping like silly schoolgirls is an unworthy endeavor and you know it. Sure, It's just idle prattle for you, but for the target of your libel, it's ammo for detractors who may try to use that seemingly petty little falsehood to make some kind of substantial argument or case against them. Those pusillanimous slugs at (((Buzzfeed))) do it all the time. Mendacious meddling is the prime preoccupation of those deadly insects we all detest. If you engage in it, you're doing their work for them.Well, 'nuff said bout that. As for the question, "who ushered AWM into the hallowed realm of "awareness"? Well, hate to disappoint, kiddies, but it wasn't any particular person, event or organization … it was just learning, early on, to rely on my natural instincts and having always possessed a gift for properly processing what I see and hear. If any of the resulting work has served to inspire a chuckle or help you kids put some things in perspective, I'm gratified. Just don't get too bogged down with all this murky "keyboard warrior" stuff … get in the meadows more and bathe in some naked sunshine … the fresh air will do ya good.
Finally, I've tried to reason with the human harpies who have long tormented Ben G. and get them to quit with the incessant pranks and harassment to no avail. He's doing important work and deserves honest support and not a deluge of distraction. I can tell you with some authority that political cartoonists come to their own conclusions about where they "need to be" at a given time and follow their hearts. All you guys who are thumping your chests and declaring that it was your haranguing that "nudged him into being more daring and radical" are giving yourselves far too much credit. I've watched the flow of Ben's presentation … it has always been an inevitable progression, fueled by the shifting social climate, unfolding quite naturally on it's own. The pranksters only made the path more painful.

Reddit Spacing bad. Paragraphs good.

A pleasure to have you here again, Mr. Bougas.

"A cynic is someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing".

Sorry, Cupcake … I've never looked at Reddit, so I haven't a clue about their spacing … silly old antiquated me, I figured the content was the more compelling factor here, but apparently that aspect isn't noteworthy at all to those who glory in displaying the nit-pickery of a prig librarian. Hey, all I know, pal, is that some guys here were wondering about something pertaining to yours truly and I provided a prompt answer. Those who can read it, will … those who can't overcome the spacing dilemma will just have to remain woefully uninformed on the host of pressing issues I addressed.

Thanks, Podnah.

Benny G, the libertarian civic nationalist cuck, would have gotten to kosher conservatism eventually? Wow, how fucking incredible. Shove a dildo up your ass, m8. Ben's comics suck, that's why we fix them for him.

Typical crude, blustery, oaf eeking and ooking like a ghetto dweller and mindlessly spewing venom at someone for whom he should have at least some regard (since you're largely using my images to do your vapid vandalism). Here's a novel notion, Buckwheat … why don't you quit defacing another guy's work like a boneheaded darkie tagging a billboard and come up with a body of strong, compelling original art that has something to offer on its own?

People who make their money from social commentary will never be capable of telling the whole truth to their audience. The truth is nasty and uncomfortable things, and people don't like to read nasty and uncomfortable cartoons, articles, or watch similar videos. People like to have what they think they already know reinforced even if they're not sure about what they do or do not know.
I know that.
Hey yeah that makes sense! Fucking bankers.
INDEED! This guy is great!
We need to stop this!
NOOOOOPE! They're our greatest ally! Nothing wrong with that. Nope!

People don't want to question what they know because that would force them to reevaluate their identities and intellectual abilities. Ben Garrison seems like a decent enough guy, but he exists by attacking socially approved targets. Ben's journey isn't any different than the journey of the average lemming. Theirs is a quest of social acceptability and finding a niche within the noise without going into an area that allows for everyone else to turn them into a target, and the most difficult job for us will be breaking them of their old habits regarding what is acceptable.

The social climate is what shapes the commentary of the media personalities, not their own views. Those who push farther than the public can handle don't usually make it as media personalities, and it doesn't matter which media (MSM, alternative, conspiracy) we're referencing.

Some of the edits to Ben's cartoons are hilarious though. There's nothing wrong with parody.

our own stuff is memes. our body of ideas are easily compressed into fewer words because our language has evolved on this board beyond comprehension for most normal people, like you, who resort to shallow mockery and pseudo-intellectual posturing. concise language is paramount for imageboard discussion, simply because getting too TL;DR without incredible content will bore other people.
you don't understand what memes are or how they operate calling memery vandalism
you don't understand half of the words we use on a regular basis because you have no intellectual grasp of the meanings behind them. example: cuck. you still think it's only used for shocking "respectable" people like you by talking about pornography.
you've been left in the dust. we care nothing for your popularity, public image, clicks, or really anything beyond what you produce, because your content will be assimilated and used to further our own ends. no amount of kvetching or victim-playing will sway us. there is nothing you can do to stop it.

if you'd like to learn more about imageboard culture and how our language operates, i'd recommend reading Amy Vaughn's thesis "We Are Legion: The Linguistic Construction of Communities On The Internet" if you can find a copy.

What will they do when he finally comes in contact with the uncatchable and deeply nefarious terrorist responsible for all mass murder events of recent years Sam Hyde? Nobody will be able to touch them then.

You…uh…know who you're talking to, correct? I think the guy does get a little bit of earned self-importance.

I agree that people don't change unless they want to. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think." Changing his work (on this board) is not done to hurt or influence Mr.Garrison. To the people doing it, they are simply showing the truth behind the represented images. I know that doesn't help anything- since art is subjective and truth is not. These people know about memes and their effectiveness. But a truly effective meme isn't a lie. [The only reason the holo-faux is still standing is due to government intervention.] Hence why edited Garrisons are almost never a precursor to "people waking up." Subtle and outstanding memes must be crafted with the truth embedded into them. The truth that Garrison is about as racially aware as a brick- means his comics [and edits thereof] aren't even ideal as a serious method of sharing non-kosher information.

Anyway, it was nice talking to a well versed person for once in a blue moon.

ah yes, I see the authority he wields here now. what a fool i was for questioning his demands. far be it for someone on a taiwanese sheepherding e-shop to criticize him.

So that's a no.

wow start arguing anytime

You're all bluster, son … no substance … sure, memes are cute but whether they qualify as "heavy artillery" remains to be seen. You're taking some kind of perverse delight in trying to stomp down this old soldier with charges of being out-of-touch and irrelevant … chiefly because I'm unfamiliar with a few standard imageboard terms that I could learn in 10 minutes if I felt it mattered. On the other hand, I'm generally considered a fairly sharp and accomplished guy who has probably lived many decades longer than you. I've stored a treasure trove of fixes and workarounds to problem that still plague the populace. Vital solutions that you'll never have an opportunity to access or fathom. Only a certified maroon would paddle away from this fully stocked lifeboat, youngster. If you had as much brains as blather you'd be respectfully trying to pick my noodle instead of foolishly tryin' to look "edgy and uncaring". My work has stayed strong and useful for a full thirty years now … that's undeniable and quite a feat, whether you're capable of appreciating the fact or not. So when you puff out your little bird cage chest and squawk about how your "stripped down" methods are superior to my ancient ways, I can only chuckle because in your stripping down process you foolishly tossed out some of the best elements. For instance, the ability to be suitably civil to those who paved your path and open to learning from wisdom that is born of experience. Without those things, you're just a joyless, soulless ingrate and then, what does any of your effort matter?

Ben said he had never even heard of A. Wyatt Mann until trolls began 'editing' his work. A blood sucking insect is a natural idea for a cartoonist. Drawing a train? What cartoonist hasn't drawn a train? The shrine one is quite different from AWM's and shoveling money into the government hole is a common element in many cartoons.

the operational landscape has changed. we're closer now than ever to Huxley's distopia and so the methods of information dissemination and meme propagation have changed. brevity is crucial. we have adapted your "ancient way" to suit.
even your own work is full of memes. not the fagbook/plebbit variety of impact-font text over a funny picture, but actual ideas.
you could contribute information from your vast treasure trove and help the lurkers here, or dangle it in front of me if i cease my criticisms. withholding that oh-so-valuable information as punishment for this slight like a schoolmarm spinning tales of the candy she was going to distribute to children does nothing for us.
either you elaborate on the vague treasures you're peddling and we (and therefore the rest of the internet, because we reach everywhere) benefit, or you withhold it and we've lost no progress. you've only stunted the impact you could have. and for what? pride? are you so concerned about your own image that you'd silence yourself out of spite for someone on an anonymous imageboard? yeah, quit producing. you'll sure show me.

The image has triumphed over the word. Since time immemorial the iconaclastic Jews destroyed any representation of physical beauty and excellence as idolatry. The Jewish impulse here is defeated less by ideology and moreso by technology. Online media call for imagery that can be quickly consumed. Luckily for us our truths can be stated more simply than our enemies' lies.

Despite the bullshit, I hope you keep up the good work. Your work was legendary even in the early days of the web.

Can't you stop posing with the corny robotic delivery and psycho-babble … you sound like one of those tiresome Anonymous reels. Just be an earnest person seeking to engage in a healthy exchange … All that headache inducing piffle is unnecessary … just try this … "Hey, guy .. thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for me … I've always wondered how you …blah … blah … blah … and then I share a surprisingly insightful story or two and then it's a wrap. Simple and painless. Leave Huxley out of it. That's the general formula, kid … but not for tonight. Yours truly is callin' it a day … G'night.

What a legend. Even leaves us with some polite dubs.

The ten ton terror of Tel Aviv always has interesting things to say.

What's there to argue? Thy guy is responsible for more memes than you've ever produced. Not sure why you believe you're entitled to the level of arrogance you're exhibiting.

I don't think I need a lecture from an unseasoned upstart about the virtues of "brevity" in memetics … I invented it, junior.
You'll be damn fortunate to ever have a single of your own creations resonate like the few I'm posting here. Lest I remind you, there are hundreds upon hundreds more. You're much too heady for someone who hasn't got a solid body of work to point to and there's a lot you can learn from the tried and true veteran craftsmen still operating in your midst … but it requires shutting your mouth and opening your eyes, ears and mind.

lurk more my man

I never said that the "altered" Ben Garrison works weren't funny or more truthful than the originals. My point is that Ben is serving a vital function by propping up the flagging spirit of the besieged Trump supporters and he needs to be free to do that work without distractions. We all know that the White birth stats are plummeting while the individual dusky females are spitting out sprouts at a dizzying rate. Nationalist sentiment is slowly growing but they're still hanging by their fingernails. If they can't rely on a baby boom in the next two decades, they really need to get to work at swaying the vast horde of mindless White Normies. For the first time in decades, the Normies are beginning to sense that they actually have a stake in the huge cultural rift that's occurring. Ben's work is ideally suited to keep those folks trundling in the right direction until they can have their "breakthrough moment". You might think it's absurd to hang the movement's hat on such a spongy nail but, honestly, everything eventually comes down to numbers and we desperately need every body we can muster to form an effective meatwall when needed. The Mexcrement alone will drown us by their biological output if we don't start seeking to draw new sheep to the fold. And the sheep are out there …they just need to be rounded up and fed with the doctrine. Not everyone engaged in heated battle is a crack shot happily picking off the enemy from the fortress walls. Sometimes there's a more delicate creature below loading muskets and passing them up to the marksmen. They're all important in the grand scheme if Victory is to be had. A lot of the restless souls on this board scoff at Ben's work and feel it's too soft … I say he's loading muskets and let him be.

Didn't say you did. I was just throwing that in there because they were the first things that caught my attention back on 4pol. I remembered seeing that march of tyranny cartoon and thought he made a good point with it. Then I saw the edited version and couldn't figure out why they edited the Jew into it, but it made me question and dig. Ben is really talented, but I don't think he's quite loading muskets yet. He's sounding the alarm, but he's identified the wrong threat, or maybe he had the wrong threat identified. Some of his stuff is a lot closer to the truth now than it was, but I think that also goes back to the shifting of what is acceptable social commentary.

It's definitely not wrong to recognize the need for white normalfags to vote in favor of their own race. There won't be a baby boom from nationalists to the level we need, and if there were it would take 20 - 30 years to really start seeing anything from it. A lot of the push-back against people like Ben probably has to do with the last election. We managed to open the gate to the pasture. The sheep are loose, but now the risk is from the opportunistic rustlers looking to build their own businesses from the escaped flock, and doing so by offering comfortable reminders of the previous pasture.

not worth effort, but would love to see daki shoop of that image

Keep up the good work. I was just sharing a booklet of your cartoons with some friends the other night.

You newfags really really need to return to halfchan posthaste.

When someone first pointed out to me that some of Ben's work looked like it was lifted from mine, I perused their evidence and thought it looked pretty convincing. Especially since those particular pieces were rendered in the very same perspective (identical angles and image framing, etc.). That rarely occurs when two individual artists happen to depict a common subject. Then, I went to his site, poked around for around 20 minutes and found several more images that looked remarkably similar to stuff I've done. What does it all mean? To me, not a thing … whether or not Ben based some of his work on mine doesn't matter … I view it as just more ammo in the big fight. Besides, there are far more compelling cases of Manntoon image piracy … like the neo-Nazi shooting range sequence in last year's film "Imperium" (pics attached). In online statements and interviews, Ben has made it clear that he absolutely despises me, due to all the guff he's had to deal with from folks using my artwork to "transform" his. It has caused him major problems with his career, clients and reputation … not to mention all the time he's had to fret about the public misconceptions and assumptions born of the altered work. I fully understand his feelings and personally consider the situation quite unfortunate. I wish him only the best and am happy to see
his work growing in exposure and popularity. Sad thing is, even a glowing endorsement by yours truly is going to be considered poison in Ben's camp. Funny how the climate
that we all share is made so toxic by the nefarious forces at play. Two artists, with much
in common, who individually strive to be honorable and tell the truth, are forced to be at odds due to pressures that our common enemies create … as the Big Boss would say … "Sad!"

You take this all in stride and I respect that. On a more personal note I have been a fan of your work since before I awakened. Your work is well done and enjoyed even by those who disagree with you. 1488

"Reddit spacing" means double-spacing every line

Like so.

Reddit and some other detestable sites turn single line breaks into spaces, and double line breaks into single line breaks.

So it trains users into the habit of double spacing.

The oposite, no paragraphs, is what we call "a wall of text".

It is tiresome to read, since the blank lines between paragraphs work as reference points when scrolling the page and when switching to the next line.

Pretty sure it's just one or two fags who either get a kick out of riling up awm, or have some agenda. It seems like 4/5 times one shows up with their bs when awm posts. But they never show up until after he posts. Whatever their goal is, I pay them the same amount of attention I pay to the ashes sperg.

Yeah, this is something I've been thinking about lately. Or at least along those lines. There are stages to the redpill, and I think some here are a little too quick to criticize or attack anyone who is seen as less than full 1488. I don't think that helps us at all. Few people are going to see an infograph or meme and think "Well, I guess that's farewell to thirty years of brainwashing!". A lot more people might think "Huh. I never knew that. I wonder why no one ever talks about that."

You're right about this curious syndrome where anytime I post there's always a few early replies where folks posing as Nationalists are in full attack mode. I find it comical because if I'm "the enemy", just who do these goofballs consider allies. I've seen loads of evidence that there are professional shills poised to feverishly condemn anything I share here, including lone cartoons. During the election cycle, the hordes of paid CTR type meddlers were really swarming, hitting me in tag-team style. I actually had a ball razzing them back … I don't think they figured I'd dig in and launch my own torrent of stingers. They weren't tough to topple … once engaged in battle, they quickly went through their stockpile of cut-and-paste insults, would then began sputtering and ultimately had to flee.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

Thanks for the kind comments.


>who was paid by shadowy (((figures))) to fool Nationalists into wasting their time fighting

It was me. You still did not answer the questions two days later, you fucking coward. And I never said you are paid by somebody. You might be also plain stupid and instructed by assholes. I find it striking that you behave exactly like the plants and agitators the Feds sent out to frame people and to radicalize them. Also LaVey was a plant. And the occult has a well known agenda. So what stupid excuse do you have for all those "coincidences". Tell you handler he is a fucktard too to allow you to write such BS over here.

The cancer that is NEO-AWM once again derails a thread and makes it about himself. You have you own fucking boared faggot. Go take your fan boys there. You are irrelevant, and the more you try to make yourself so, the worse you look. Now fuck off forever. Fucking namefags will be the death of Holla Forums god fucking dammit.

Ben got woke in 08'

Damn son, he's been redpilled longer than I thought. Fuck the IRS.

Prime example of one of those Shillbergs I was speaking of above … this demented clown has followed me from thread to thread screeching about me being a "Satan Worshiper" and "Fed Plant" … rather than being a paid meddler I suspect this one may just be an honest-to-goodness lunatic as he tends to post walls of pointless conspiracy theory garbage when he really gets wound up and a shill probably wouldn't be that ambitious … at any rate, ladies and gentlemen … welcome to my circus … I'm responding to the head clown now.

You're not redpilled if you aren't jew-wise.

Yeah, accusing other people of what you do and never respond to the real questions. What kind of pussy tries to form a bandwagon and to direct the opposition against the people who call them out by writing up some ad hominem and playing the victim. A fucking, useless shill that can not hide that he is a shill by chance? It seems so to me.

I'm often surprised at the way user delivers

Is Ben a baldie or why is he wearing a hat inside?

G. Edward Griffin ?

I hate you dramatic cunts that constantly spout off shit like this.

Let's not forget when he first graced us with his presence and instructed us to spread his new meme to any meme makers and alt right site managers you know
pic related

I really don't understand. While Holla Forums does a good deal with booting out namefags and general distrust towards any e-celebs. AWM is allowed to shitpost and turn any good thread into an AMA. Anons constantly call him out for his blatant newfaggotry, and his pandering to newfags, mods don't do anything? He has his own board! Here in this thread, is just one of the examples of how cringy he is.

Doesn't have a damn clue of anonymous culture and just spits in the face of it. There is a reason we operate anonymously and post alone should shine a good example of why namefaggotry should not be permitted.
Thanks for the memes. But kindly gtfo.

I suppose the hat is grounding him.

Maybe, since there are posters here who think Ben reading "Good Goy" Edward Griffins kosher plagiarism is an amazing breakthrough that we should be celebrating. Embed related.

You're almost as pathetic as the TRSodomites.

That'a a pretty lame attempt to rally the board regulars to your lost cause with an unconvincing "HE'S not one of US" ploy … I believe you imageboard folks call that "D&C" or something. Isn't that recognized as being a a prime tactic of the ummm … (ahem) dreaded Chosenites?

Holla Forums is lousy with D&C shills and their useful idiots. Just try saying anything positive about any pro-White activists and you'll be swamped with photoshops and rumors "proving" that he is controlled opposition. Holla Forums is useful for memetics, investigations, and general information dumps, but it has not utility in organizing any sort of movement.

*no utility

Look at the impossible questions I asked him. He never delivered.

really just the egregious ones, if they aren't bad you won't hear much. We just don't praise them without cause

You are a namefag
We are Anonymous
You are not one of us
If you comment Anonymously and contriboot OC Anonymously
You can be one of us
If you come to our board and are not one of us
You are a threat to the board.
Got it?
How that is D&C btw? I would really like to hear you elaborate on that and no doubt embarrass yourself once more

Damn, son … you're not even GOOD at being a lunatic … didn't you see me warn the people here that the thing that most points to you being an honest-to-goodness loon is that you often "post huge walls of loopy conspiracy theory crap" and now, on the heels of that, you go and DO IT. I'm sorry, but points off, cupcake. The ONLY thing that makes maniacs remotely intriguing is their unpredictability … you blew that one big time … a boring maniac … how utterly tragic. For shame.

GET out

Ben was also interviewed by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, the author of The Synagogue of Satan.

Y'know, You're really making
some serious headway with
that message of yours …
It's sharp, meaningful …
delivered with undeniable
passion and verve.
Just keep up your noble
crusade and I predict by
around the year 2097
you'll have about a half
dozen people calling for
AWM to be banned
from these pages.
No kiddin' …
you've got somethin'
real hot going on, Buckwheat.

GET milk

… got milk?

Embarrassing, as predicted.

Some like your crappy made memes, but there are intelligent people who like to read walls of text and appreciate real knowledge they can use to help their lives. Oh, I am a loony conspiracy theorist from your point of view. No problem, help yourself. Tell me what kind of argument this is and how that kind of knowledge improves the quality of your life.

You're dumber than I thought … it clearly says in my reply (that you left in plain view) that, due to your spreading lies about me, I had no intention of chatting with you. That's when you stupidly decided to post your questions. Now here's the rub, nitwit … had you approached me like a mentally stable individual at the outset, you would have gotten all queries promptly answered, but instead you behaved like an utter moron … not much incentive there for dialogue, Mabel.

(Yawn) … something about "fracture points" …. tension … zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ !

But true … and you know it.

(Tee Hee)

I knew this was coming since you post it every time.
Like clockwork. It's just as much bs as it was when you first posted. But now the other shills have gone. It really is just you left isn't it.

Thank you, sir, for all your great work.


G. Edward Griffin was a shill for Jews though. He plagiarized Eustace Mullins' work on the fed and made it kosher. That was the entire purpose of the John Birch Society, to deflect from Jews and instead blame "communists" or "Anglo bankers" or whatever. JBS was basically the original Infowars, peddling kosher conspiracies. WLP was a member until he realized that they were a cover for Jews.

Thanks, guy … appreciate it.

Yeah you guys seem super authentic. I'm 100% sure you're totally not Holla Forums or kike shills.

You mental gymnastics in order to not clarify or refute the points speaks volumes. I am afraid I will call you a Satanist every turn you take, because obviously you can not be asked to answer simple questions although I asked you in a rather civil manner.

Man, I have pity for you. I hope Jesus will save your soul some day and teach you to love yourself and the people around you. I honestly hope for a better future for you. I am a loony, you are right. You are a wonderful person that needs some admiration too, like every human being. I understand, but the lack of love and attention that you suffered when you were young will not go away on image boards full of crazy people like me.

Can you love your enemy? Have you learned to criticize your friends yet?


The hat is part of his meme. He probably is bald, though.

Shills never come alone to disturb a board.

Oh no, a batshit insane christcuck doesn't approve of my posting ability whatever shall I do?

All Christcucks are race traitors.
All trace of Semites must be removed, including those who worship a Semite and a Semitic tribal deity.

I think when a christcuck tells you that your memes belong on cuckchan and to go back on reddit then you might have done poo poo.Image board culture is hard.

i love his dog though

When I first posted what?
Are you really defending a namefag?
This is your new namefag home.
You can jerk off all the highest post counters and karmafags there.

If Hitler himself resurrected and started shitposting, derailing and being an attentionwhore namefag, I would except Holla Forums to call him out on his shit too. One of the attributes to imageboards is that the field is leveled, and only posts that resonate with truth and or quality are considered. Namefags expect special rules and lust for attention. That's why we are here, and namefags have their namefag forums. Don't like it? Leave. Want to talk to AWM?

Countersignalling Hitler and A Wyatt Mann in the name of "board culture"? What a fucking joke.

gas thyself, hitler would never side with you



Well, mein Bruders …
there's a lull in the action here …
even the shills and cranks are
running out of steam so I'll
take my leave. Sincere Thanks
to those who offered kind words
… and for those who are disturbed
or even triggered by my occasional
appearances here … serves ya right
… you very likely don't belong here
Support Ben Garrison … he's making
superb headway and his best work is
still on the horizon.

Bestest, AWM

The pomposity is staggering.

Respect your elders.

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