That moment an entire Sonic event was less cringey than E3

How in the world does that happen?

Other urls found in this thread:



And that was all I caught before I needed to sleep.

Who are you trying to fool?

That's because E3 is an industry Circlejerk and this was planned to be this way

might've been less cringey, but it was straight up fucking boring.

40 minutes late, then they played shitty music, then an announcement for two seconds, then there was like an hour of shitty live performances.

I mean at that point I was fucking asleep, I couldn't even be around to see the new trailer for the new actual game they're releasing.

Fucking terrible organization, you'd think they would've learned something from Nintendo Directs

I missed the announcement, what happened?


all in all it wasn't bad. Way better than this.

But that's wrong.

I don't think anyone gets hype for E3 anymore, you just watch it for the laughs at the industries expense.

though this E3 was particularly bad with every game looking the same and the old games being "re-imagined"

I like this new self aware sonic.


Great thread OP.

Robotnik has always been the best part of Sonic, all the way from the beginning.


fuck you

I don't know who that is. My internet is too slow to make a webm.

Fuck off never post here again.

I'm thirding this sentiment.

Let me guess, he's still trying to be edgy and contrarian by shitting on Sonic, especially since both the company and the twitter guy told him to suck a fat one time and again?

Nope. He's just showing the clips. Only talks in the intro.

Sorry, right.

Fewer cringey.

I'm pretty sure i see a shit stain over Sonic in that video thumbnail, keep trying.

holy shit you people are full of mental disorders.

Fuck off Jim.

may Mark ban you and delete your post.

So I went on Holla Forums's favorite website to find out who he is and why he is hated

Gamergate creepshows derail yet another thread. :/

Mike Pollock a fucking best.

I would say it's less cringey because at least we were able to see Jun rock on guitar and Johnny finally got his voice back for WIMO.

It wasn't less cringey at all. Did we even watch the same event? It was worse than Ubisoft this year. HOWEVER, it was more fun and funnier than the entirety of E3, specifically because it was so botched.
In other words, it was so bad it was good.

Who thought this was a good idea?


Totinos-pope has born.

fuck off Jim


This guy burned his tongue big-time.
Who /stuffednachos/ here?

It still hasn't come true yet

What was so great about the Chao Garden mini-game? I always thought it was weird and out of place, but faggots here eat that shit up all the time.



Damn shame

what have you done you fucking sociopath

Damn shame.

Not into Kemono.

Those goddamn Goofy Goobers.



I want to have sex with rouge.

I want to have sex with tails

Had this gem in the hungergames last night

The birth of a legend. Checked

Nothing annoys me more than tentacle porn without penetration.

Post feminized Tails with a cock


Fart porn, kinky

here you go, you can have this one.

Because it was surprisingly deep and rewarding.

Did you watch this years E3? They did a livestream for a fat, ugly Asian woman with no bra buying games on steam.