What is the actual agenda of the alphabet soups and what do they control? If I am to believe everything I've heard, they are backing White Nationalism, Black Nationalism, ISIS, and every other extremist group trying to prop them up for whatever nefarious reasons. They're probably mostly a tool of the jew but than reason makes me think each agent is an individual and not everyone in the alphabet soups would want to be good goyim slaves for their jew masters. So really, what is the actual influence and power of the alphabet soups? If anyone has any connections to or is part of an alphabet soup agency please tell me, what is it actually like, what are you doing?
Maybe the alphabet soups are just a pointless organization at this point that mostly exists to make money for itself? Maybe it's an anarchy, kind of like how the Russians couldn't understand what the fuck America was doing, because Americans are all individuals acting autonomously with none of the memorizing of a specific ideology or whatever like in Soviet Russia?
I want to know for real what the fuck the alphabet soups control, back, and are responsible for. I get a general impression that there is no centralized control in American/Canadian culture.