Alphabet Soups

What is the actual agenda of the alphabet soups and what do they control? If I am to believe everything I've heard, they are backing White Nationalism, Black Nationalism, ISIS, and every other extremist group trying to prop them up for whatever nefarious reasons. They're probably mostly a tool of the jew but than reason makes me think each agent is an individual and not everyone in the alphabet soups would want to be good goyim slaves for their jew masters. So really, what is the actual influence and power of the alphabet soups? If anyone has any connections to or is part of an alphabet soup agency please tell me, what is it actually like, what are you doing?

Maybe the alphabet soups are just a pointless organization at this point that mostly exists to make money for itself? Maybe it's an anarchy, kind of like how the Russians couldn't understand what the fuck America was doing, because Americans are all individuals acting autonomously with none of the memorizing of a specific ideology or whatever like in Soviet Russia?

I want to know for real what the fuck the alphabet soups control, back, and are responsible for. I get a general impression that there is no centralized control in American/Canadian culture.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Asians are the final enemy of the jew. It will take billions of niggers to pull it off.

National Bolshevism (Dugin) = Alt-Right

And the Holla Forums mods are in on it.

Can you elaborate on this?

t. not sure what "Bolshevism" is

The Aut-Kike is more Likudnik than Dugainist.

Is ( ) a trap or no?

We're still going to make fun of you, slowpoke.

Alt-RIght is the American term for Nazi-Bol

Does your conscious bother you? Now tell me true.

Goddamn user, get with the times. This is why leakers and pro-American fed patriots are being targeted.

I love how the archives here show you exactly which posts the 4kike mods delete.

My introduction to the paradigm that is today represented as Holla Forums was the White Aryan Resistance so I don't really know what the fuck is going on anymore with all these kids thinking their very timid acts are revolutionary acts.

If anyone here is curious to know what exactly gets deleted on 4kike/pol/ this is a complete archive of NOTHING BUT the posts that have been deleted by the mods on there.

It as such constitutes a proof of the agenda and mentality of the mods on there and a treasure trove of information that they deem too radical, too dangerous, and in need of suppressing.

to cum inside rainbow dash

This is where I stop listening. The correct term is "learned elders of zion" or "jewish pedo dickmutilators".

At last I truly see.

Why are the filesizes different? In one case it's 94.12 KB and the other it is 94.04 KB. They're not the same files.

No offense, but simplistic answers work best when describing the real secret work of the Alphabets: to start the NWO incrementally in the world by creating as much evil and chaos in nations overseas, and to implement bad policy and treasonous acts to slowly destroy and dissolve away the Christian core of the USA. They also exist to work with the corporations to steal as much mineral wealth as they can out of foreign nations and places such as Venezuela, Afghanistan and the South China Sea to fund the NWO banksters, so they are totally in control and have no competitors. It is all about absolute total tyrannical control of the world to implement their evil agenda (the Antichrist of the Book of Revelations). The Alphabets are also at best an ineffective government largess, like much of the the Pentagon, which exists just for a fat paycheck. Digging deeper, the CIA is essentially a Satanist Colony whose employees willingly work as much evil in the world that they can for their evil master, Satan. The NSA is very evil too, started by Satanists Gen. Aquino and Gen. Vallely to track UFOs and aliens. The FBI exists to further the interests of the Elite Globalists in the USA at the expense of the public, and is incorrigibly corrupt and ineffective in bringing any real justice needed. The FBI also is also working to destroy the USA, and works hand in glove with the CIA to import and distribute drugs all over America. More can be said of other corrupt Alphabets, they are all treasonous enemies of Americans and most all of what they stand for in bedrock values.

I put these archives together for your benefit. Be sure to do your own research also.





I don't believe this part of what you are saying. I think they just want centralized control for the same reason the union destroyed the confederates. They probably think, if it's not us in charge, someone else will do it.

Doubt they worship Satan. More likely they worship the principle of evil; or are blindly following it.

Aquino's books suck though and he doesn't impress me.

NOW this I know. There's a reason why drugs are so fucking easy to get and pedophiles are openly sharing their stuff on youtube right now. It's because the FBI/CIA is the exact same shit as the cartels.

I already downloaded them like a year ago except those last two.

Where are the download links for your last two archives? I can't find the download links.

Divide and (continue to) rule is probably the main reason. Have everybody sperging out at each other = not keeping eyeses on prises. Not focusing on goals and policy goals. Ultimately not winning shit.

Cont. Further, if they plan on possibly taking the President out at some point, having months or years of strife and civil unrest would create consitions where a "lone nut" assasin might not seem so out of the blue suspicious, if not actually trigger a legitimate lone nut to try it. Not that they haven't already. But if the keep pushing, the greater the chances one gets through.

Personally I think the big guys for you are all just Discordians and their policy is to hail Eris.

MI6 had a great psyop called the CBC which was pozzed around 2005 by a labour dispute. Everything was then (((contracted out))) to SJWs.

That's simply an issue of your autism.

The kikes are the ones that actually live out all the negative occult stereotypes; the ones who actually sacrifice children, drink blood, perform depraved sex rituals, etc.

Aquino was 6 when the NSA was created.
The alphabets were pro american and anti everyone else entities. They have been infiltrated with most recently goons and their kind. Prior the cancer that infected them was mainly at the top levels. Men who had seen what power J edgar hoover weilded. Any stupid goyim that think intelligence gathering alphabets stopped blackmailing and pushing american politics then is completely handicapped. Currently the alphabets are truly split into factions. Pro US do anything to protect the image, new age goon faggots, with much of the high level infested with power grabbing fags and kiddie diddlers. You can imagine that the goons and ancient kiddie diddlers get along most if not all of the time. In essence the alphabets deal in weapons and drugs for what used to be pro american agendas. These included stirring the middle east anthill enough to prevent them from uniting under some charismatic religious turd. Now I have no idea what their agenda is other than they both covered for and pulled many of the strings during the last administration.

The plot thickens…

This is the key to taking down the whole pedo system.

Uwi Boll was right all along.

There's clearly a relation indicated by the filename but one file is modified from the other. Perhaps anons should find that pic in the brony thread and examine it closer. It's very much possible it has another, different message sitting inside of it. *wink*

You have to read a lot on the history of Western deep politics to really grok this. The short version is that there are at least 2, maybe 3 or 4, alphabet factions. Those 2 obvious ones would be the descendants of the Paperclip wing (Nazis, with allegiance from Malta) and the (((Rockefeller))) wing. Read about Le Cercle and see what split them up.

Dulles made a deal with surviving Nazi scientists in exchange for all of their technology in missile development and mass control. It's pretty well known, Paperclip is an open secret. At that point the IC began to split because the Nazi wing and the Rockefeller wing did not get along, for reasons you can imagine. This led to the division of the mind control programs into MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE. MKULTRA was openly funded and managed by the (((Rockefellers))), ARTICHOKE was run by it's counter faction. The Paperclip wing won that round, and ultimately everything was laid at MKULTRA's feet during the Church Committee and no further inquiry into ARTICHOKE was made. Most of what we know about mind control tech is from a combination of the Church Committee and CIA torture manuals. The full extent of what was developed is unknown. The (((Rockefellers))) formed MKULTRA long after ARTICHOKE had been underway, it's generally assumed they got table scraps at most. It's one thing to make a person do something against their will, it's another thing to make them believe that it was their own will all along. Think about it.

Later the CIA itself was handed over to the (((Rockefeller))) wing, in exchange the Paperclip wing got JSOC and most of deep private.

The Masons have always had a strong lower/mid level presence in the CIA because of their language skills, a result of all of that "missionary" work. However, I doubt they control the higher levels much. Supposedly the CIA was so internally divided during the split point that there were "Paperclip" operations that weren't terminated. So, who knows. I think it's safe to say that the (((Rockefeller))) wing never got itself into JSOC though. The military has always been better at defending itself from the political winds than the IC.

The NSA is a black hole and I have no idea what happened there, my guess is that they weren't split given the reliance by (((certain parties))) on Google and Microsoft. However, Trump relied heavily on Palantir so, again, who knows. The NSA may even be working for GCHQ, which is another big can of worms. Hence 3 or 4 factions and not just 2. The FBI certainly has at least some GCHQ affiliation since they had a British national in a special position last time their employees got dox'd. And there's a "secret agency" that was once leaked in a Congressional hearing, but nobody knows anything about it, not even it's name. Not even the relevant Congress people, which is why they were pretty pissed.

As far as modus operandi goes: Le Cercle pioneered, at least in the modern era, the use of pedophilia as blackmail / political control. They have ties to the Maltese (Catholics) and the (((Rockefellers))). I haven't been able to tie them to the Masons or Venetians, but a tool is a tool. You should look at the Boston Globe / Catholic Church incident in a new light given this information. By that I mean, watch the movie and see how the (((new editor))) is portrayed / who his allegiance is to. That whole thing was arguably one of the first major shots across the bow in the current "deep conflict".

The CIA is internally divided, JSOC does not appear to be. The NSA is a mystery. They call it the "deep state" for a reason, but at least 2 factions can be discerned from studying some history. I'm certainly open to other people's learned interpretations here.

Trump is affiliated with the Maltese Knights and their local offshoot, the SOSJ (Sovereign Order of Saint John) (See: Breitbart). A fair number of Holla Forums's "handlers" are Order members, sometimes they out themselves. The British faction / COL (Venetians? See: Henery VIII's divorce lawyer) sincerely believes it can make Trump bend the knee for reasons beyond my ability to work out, which is why I'm not entirely sure they are a separate faction. The (((Rockefellers))) are clearly losing their shit, but still control China, many of the most important media and financial conglomerates, as well as the Petrodollar. They aren't going to get their TPP, but their massive Silk Road project will go straight through to Israel (look it up). The Mason/Mormons, Ron Paul's faction, are laughing at all of this as they slowly march to their graves. Or they run the NSA and have enough blackmail on all parties to pull a fourth quarter surprise. The Cicada is famous for hibernating for long periods until it surfaces in unexpectedly large numbers. (Yes, that Cicada.)

Every deep faction has some associated form of synarchy, which is where the "Satanism" charge comes up. But the truth of synarchy and what it believes / represents is more complex than "Satanism." If anything, it's the surviving descendant of the ancient priest-ruler class with all that entails. For example: banking, debt, initiation / religious experience, king-making, drugs and the drug supply, etc. Some of the "nicer" ones see themselves as shepherds of the unenlightened masses. Some of the nastier ones venerate Alexander the Great and aspire to global conquest. Some of the stuff presented publicly is tongue-in-check "Typhonianism" (where up is down and good is bad, a la Necronomicon / Neonecronomicon) which seems like "Satanism" if you can't get the joke. Some of the synarchists themselves get the "joke" a bit too well and use that as justification to do all sorts of horrible shit.

Common Evangelical Christianity (especially in it's post-mega church pablumized form) is the discarded bastard child of the "Masonic/Templar" synarchic faction, which is why they can be hard to tell apart from Mormons on the surface. Protestantism was created in retribution against the Catholic Church. The Canonical Bible itself is a chimera woven together by Roman Mithraists (Constantine). It's contents are mostly Jewish/Egyptian/Greek mysteries Romanified and simplified for the masses once it was determined to lend itself better to empire and conquest than the prior Roman religion. Constantine's rival faction in the nobility hewed closer to the Greek mysteries and the concept of Platonic Rulership after this imposition. They would later openly practice this in Venice. Most of the "original Christians" were banished (Some fled to Islamic territories. See: Druze), and their practices would be completely unrecognizable to a contemporary Evangelical. An Evangelical whose understanding of baptism in no way has any cognizable relation to the mysteries of Osiris. Which is pitiable, but don't take your rage out on the messenger. Use that access to the original text in your own language to do more than just "personally interpret" and learn some goddamn history.

As far as the NWO goes, it was always a pipe dream. The second the throne "ruler of all mankind" was carved from the bones of the Earth it became unattainable. No one will tolerate another to sit there. The desperation and conflict in the deep state is the direct result of the perception of the current attainability of the throne. It is what sets Gog and Magog against each other. Whoever wins, wins everything, and whoever loses, loses everything. The second a man "rides out to conquer" it, he divides the world.

Of course that makes the current era supremely dangerous. The strides of giants care little for the lives of ants.

Their financiers and enablers agenda.
Consider them as state sponsored bureaus that achieve certain goals, some of them conflicting with each other at steps.
Follow the money.

Speaking of Cicada, there is a guy who goes by the moniker "DHS Insider" over on (a place where they supposedly get interviews from insiders who are willing to leak info). In his most recent interview he used the phrase "beware false paths" which is a very commonly used phrase in the Cicada lexicon. Deliberate of course, but genuine? No idea.

I'm not sure of the validity of that site, whether it is completely fake, a limited hangout, or something else altogether. But that phrase caught my eye, as I used to follow the Cicada hunt closely years ago. If any of you guys have more info on the vliberatas site, like whether it is real or not I would like to know, as some of the interviews are interesting.

got that part right, what a lot of bullshit.

Nah he mix conspiracy theory, not in the pejorative sense, with actual factual information. It is just crazy complex and you need to be well versed in the military and private world to get a sense out of it.

You are on the right track, if I ignore all the conspiracy stuff. NSA is simple really, they want power and blackbudget and will side with anyone who gives it, put one of Trump's puppet master want to scrap ALL public intelligence and give it to the private sector, the sector he is not only heavily invest, but pioneered a lot of new tech, and owns a lot of companies by shadow investing. Thiel also hates Google.

JSOC wants to grab all the CIA power to itself. They aim to control all paramilitary ops, all gray, all black and all wetwork.

MKULTRA is the Counter-culture; the Counter-culture is MKULTRA.

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Their overarching purpose is control of the civilian population. Different agencies have different mandates. NSA is more soft power and disruptive technologies. The CIA has no problem killing those who can't protect themselves. Black projects are frequently employed to varying effects by all actors.

http :// Level Insider/page/83/

This guy explains everything quite succinctly. It's actually quite a fascinating body of work even if you do not accept all of his assertions.

The secrecy involves legal clues like City of London ownership of STATES


HEY Holla Forums! be on the lookout! bookstores are pushing the book "the rainbow fish" really hard right now! I dare to you go read your old copy from when you were a baby! it's disgusting globalist propaganda! make people aware of it's disgusting message and expose it for what it really is!

America is governed by a shadow government known as the Deep State.

It consists of Jews and Zionists. Their goal is to prop-up Israel to such a prosperous position in the Middle East, both financially and militarily, that Israel no longer needs the United States. America has become both the strong-arm and financial tit Israel relies upon, but due to the arrogance of the kike, they're now transitioning to total independence (pic related), for the eventual purpose of world dominion.

But first der Juden must place their own allies in key Middle Eastern countries to rule: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, ET AL. (((They))) do this, with the assistance of the Deep State and unbeknownst to the American military, for the sole purpose of establishing a ME peace treaty, which you may call the Desert Flower Treaty. What the People won't know however is that this treaty is destined to fail. There will be a Great War in the ME, staged of course, between controlled opponents to show the world that the only possible solution is war. Israel will then secure the ME and soon form Greater, as by that time the People will have embraced Zionism. And then soon after the kike will betray both Europe and its Greatest Ally but we'll come to that in a moment.

America and Europe, thanks to their efforts in the war, are exhausted. They are over-extended in every way. Now, the propaganda campaign begins. The People have racism and anti-Semitism injected into their brains. "America is on the edge of death because of Jews!" "Europe is no more!" And they will be right. Hatred for the Jew and non-white will engulf the white world. But hatred is the tool of the Jew, so let me show you how he wields it. Under this scenario, you would have every right to despise the Jews, this is true. But isn't it also true the Jew himself loves the persecution? The Jew benefits by your hatred by becoming the victim in everyone else's eyes, by making you the enemy in those same eyes, and most importantly, by feeding their persecution complex which is the first motivator behind their Satanic behavior. The Jews want to Return Home. They're manufacturing the Exodus-bet (second Exodus). Israel will show America had been devastated not only by liberal degeneracy but also the war, meanwhile Israel will begin releasing cures to various diseases, new technology and theories on reality. Israel will become even more wealthy – It will now lead the world. Why wouldn't the Jews want to return?

The Jews will leave but so will every Asian, African, Hispanic ET AL. And the naive whites will celebrate. They will shout:

The DOTR will happen, not only in America but throughout the white world. But this is a strategic mistake. Even Joseph Goebbels said: Do not be a hooligan (degenerate) anti-Semite! But be ware the Berliner Tageblatt!* For Israel, when it suits it best, will convince the Israeli People and the Nations under Zionist control that war with the white world is the only choice in stopping the racist, bigoted, xenophobic and antisemitic white man: eternal enemy of humanity. And now, my friends, Asians are in Asia. Africans are in Africa. Jews and degenerates are in Israel. And whites are all alone in our poor, war-weary, hateful Nations – no less than sitting ducks. And the world will attack us. We will be decimated. The few survivors will be brutally murdered: men beaten and killed on the spot, women and children raped before their nigger-rigged crucifixions, babies dashed on concrete. But that won't be enough for the Jew. He will not settle at just wiping out whites. He will target for destruction the entire Aryan race, and all the non-Aryan people who are the majority on this planet will accept the Plot, because they will be told, "After this, we rule the Earth together." And Israel wins.

Please understand, my friends: white genocide through forced mass non-white immigration in only and all white countries is just the beginning. What is the solution? It is neither terrorism nor violence. Disagree? You've learned nothing. The first part of our strategy must be education. You cannot win a war without first winning the hearts and minds of the People. The People, and I don't just mean white people, must come to embrace National Socialism in place of Zionism. They must accept Nationalism and racial pride in place of Globalism and assimilation. the Jew would make our enemy the whole world, let us then make the whole world our ally.

*Berliner Tageblatt was a German newspaper popular at the time, and alike the fake news outlets today. Here Goebbels was saying, "Don't be a hateful degenerate who only froths at the mouth like a rabid nigger spouting out slurs and merchants. But, also at least, try to educate yourself and others as to what the Jews and Zionists are doing, so the world may decide how to reward them. Quote is from Nazi Sozi pg. 1.

We don't need magic tinfoil explanations. Jews are just psychopaths. They were born that way as the genetic group most prone to psychopathy and insanity in the world most likely a result of all their inbreeding which is a result of their extreme and insane tribalism. They're a danger to mankind and padded rooms are too good for them. They have to go and the few sane Jews could get the fuck out of anything to do with Judaism or Jewishness while they still have the chance. It doesn't belong in the current year nor does any Abrahamic religion period.

what about my claims seem impossible ?

And that is not all bad, as they started the Nazi revival on pol in order to have support for the Ukraine coup, a revival we coopted, and turned into the pro-white movement. (with a little bit of help from Trayvon and the nigger agenda in the media that brought in tons of newfags to Holla Forums)


jews are infiltrating and coopting white nationalist websites and forums (like Holla Forums) to push their zionist agendas (like trump!) on unsuspecting nationalists. it's almost guaranteed this site is run moderated and populated by JIDF, hence the huge trumptard culture pushed by this board. pure kikery

Yes and boo hooing about the same people different name is autistic. You being right does not make me wrong. We are BOTH correct autismo.

After the Cold War the alphabet soup agencies have struggled to remain relevant, so they have to constantly do things to continue to justify their budgets. Not for any nefarious reasons though, these are well paid jobs with great benefits and they get to play secret-squirrel special agents.

The entire first page of posts is garbage shit that should have been deleted. What are you high on?


Nice catch user.

More of the same ol' alt kike piggybacking on groups like IE and TWP what get shit done.

The political class and economic elite want all of the lower castes to fight and destroy each other. Kikes and shabbos goyim encourage divides among regular people to distract them from the crimes and conspiracies they plot against everyone. It is about exhausting and misdirecting your attention to their enemies until they are ready to stab you in the back when you wont have the energy to resist.


Since you just outed yourself, give us a little more of the "ok to tell Holla Forums" file.


CNN must be the Brony wing of the CIA

Transparency Toolkit- IC Watch



I don't understand why they think the cia posted the cat picture.