any word on this? I just finished Episode 2 and thought it was awesome, can't find this sequel though
Half Life 3?
Have fun sitting in cutscenes, faggot.
Cant argue with those quads.
thanks, dipshit
You cant deny the kek agrees with me.
underage pls go
Nice quads
Half Life 1 was great though, if only for the gameplay and the mods it spawned
The actual game was ok. Quake was better. But i just cannot forgive that whole 20 min opening. That bullshit started the cinematic games trend. i liked the mods
legend has it that it's been ready for while now. Valve awaits for an adventurer brave enough to recover it from the dungeon that is Gabe Newell's anus
oy vey
brilliant, dumb fuck
Youre the only one here bumping the thread. Fuck off back to cuckchan, nigger.
holy fuck kill urself
yeah, sage negated, faggot
choke on that, you dumb faggot
Are you new? Sage isn't a downvote.
Hl1 was one of the best FPS of all time.
Get fucked newfag.
The point of that intro was to show off the goldsrc engine, though not being able to skip after the first playthrough is pretty ass.
And what are you bringing to this thread? Faggotry?
no, just canceling your downvote
he said "one of", he never implied it was better than any of those games. Cool your autism for a moment.
All you're doing is shitting up your own thread. It'd be anchored by now if Mark wasn't a faggot.
go fuck yourself up the ass, faggot
your thread isnt going to get any less shit. Consider moving back to 4chan, or perhaps even Reddit.
How is Half-Life the 10/10 that people make it out to be. It was good at the time but it did something simple that could be easily surpassed. It seems that the love from it comes from nostalgia.
To be fair, you probably would have said something like sage is not le ebin downvote
so why wasn't a third installment ever made shortly after episode 2? Like Half Life 3 or HL2: Episode 3?
How about you stop looking for a 10/10 game and just soak it up
I kept playing it over and over expecting some mindblowing 10/10 game and would always quit at around the hoverboat sections.
But the moment I left those expectations at the door and said to myself, finish it and soak up what is being given to you, I found the game to be far more enjoyable
Am I saying this means it's not a fantastic game? No, it's absolutely fantastic. I'm simply saying stop looking for a 10/10 game and just soak it up
It's a good-to-great shooter that holds up still today, it didn't really do well on the psych horror front outside of a few instances (ichthyosaurs scare the shit out of me) but it was a fun game overall. Half-Life 2 was worse, if you ask me, despite the at-the-time revolutionary engine.
Because Valve didn't want to work on it anymore, I assume. There was a return-to-Ravenholm Episode 4 actually lined up to be worked on by an outside company but Episode 3's cancellation/indefinite delay means it got shitcanned.
Because valve doesn't believe in work ethic, they literally just let their employees do anything they want.
The same could be said for undertale yet Holla Forums would cannibalize me for saying this
I thought Undertale was good for a single playthrough. A solid 7/10 game, although I got the *good* ending the first try and I don't have it in me to play an evil character.
Gabe's a fucking retard for thinking a management structure that works spectacularly for a small group of people (20-100) works for a company of hundreds or thousands of people.
Undertale was a better walking simulator than most, the people who throw fucking shitfits about it on this board are even more autistic than the furfags they bawl about. Remember that a guy spent more than $2000 dollars on commissioned scat porn of Toriel and Isabelle sheerly so he could spam threads with it around the time of the demo and then reared his head both here and on 4chan to cry "fucking undermeme tumblrtale wasted $10" whenever a thread so much as passively mentioned the game.
Someone is mad he got shown to be an idiot.
Link to that?
Dude's in a coma let it go
It's not about Freeman but rather the entities who use him as an avatar.
It's like saying Nintendo's failures make any of their classics absolute shit
Or saying that since Konami are dogshit Castlevania is now shit too
Just fucking end yourselves
fucking second exodus
Unfortunately I wasn't around for the demo threads, other people would be more knowledgeable about it than I would. All I have in regards to it is word-of-mouth about it, but that the autist in question clammed the fuck up here the very second the nickname "Poopy Joe" was given after someone pegged him as the scat commissioner I'd say he was right on the money. Constantly spamming any thread that so much as mentioned Undertale, day or night, on 4chan and Holla Forums, since December of last year and exhausting countless proxies as he was constantly banned, and only stopping once somebody figured out he's the scat guy.
I bet if half life had quest text and dialogue chains Holla Forums kiddies would worship it
are you having a stroke?
Great show of autism gents! Carry on!
You sound like the type of person to forward emails.
hey my dad works at half life he said the game is just a way to pay the bills so he doesn't have to pull the plug on mom
What kind of fucking argument is this?
It's good because it doesn't?
It's like saying "I bet if this good game were shit then you people would still say it's good", that doesn't even make one bit of sense. What kind of mental gymnastiics to you have to do to get shit like this into your head?
not even white+asian mix but a fucking nigger
And lets not forget both EP's had the worst Final missions ever.
>>>Holla Forums
wasted trips
How about you go fellate a shotgun?
You have to be a poltard to bring retarded poltard tier arguments into a discussion that is completely unrelated.
So as I said:
>>>Holla Forums
just what are people expecting out of source 2 anyways? the first source kind of hit me by surprise and it was interesting but "whatever" was my overall reaction.
why would halflife 3 even need the source 2 to work?
The best parts of HL2 where Ravenholm, driving along the countryside doing all sorts of shit in the wasteland, and the very beginning.
Everything else was shit. The prison antlion shit was shit, the lab was shit, the nexus was shit. I barely remember anything from the episodes other than they forced alex on you and it was annoying as fuck.
Holla Forums false flagging again.
Mainly because Source 2 is so old that it's starting to run worse on newer machines, or is just not able to be optimized for newer hardware as it should. I played dota back in 2012, and when they re-released it in Source 2 I got 20 to 30 fps more.
Also for some reason Source's shadows don't work if you have integrated graphics, even if you have a gpu on top of that.
it's called making a save right after the tram ride, dumbshit
you want valid criticism? the weapons are fucking shit for starters. there's no point in using anything but shotgun+combine rifle and then rocket launcher for the obligatory flying shit parts.
level-design is mediocre, only few maps like Ravenholm were actually good and interesting and enemies? where's the fucking fun ayyliums to kill from HL1? I dont want to shoot yet another metro-cop or combine soldier i want more headcrabs, zombies, those weird ultra-sonic bulldogs, those tentacle shits that shoot green goo and such shit
Once you go Holla Forums which you clearly are, or Holla Forums it doesn't really matter, anything you post will still be retarded.
Also your points are extremely subjective or straight up wrong.
Touch my penis and call me a big slut for masculine dicks violating every orifice of my body, I want my virginity all over my stomach and large men covering it with their sticky wet cum.
could be. or could be a legit shitter, every board has em and most of them end up on Holla Forums
wait halflife 2 was running source 2? and its been out and dota 2 is running it now?
i have no idea whats going on anymore
DOTA 2 runs Source 2 or some variation of it, HL2 running Source 2 was a typo and it still runs Source.
People like you are the reason Holla Forums just keeps getting worse
I don't think I've ever said that user
Please just go back
cant i like videogames and post on videogame boards if my views offend you? Is this a safe-space? Am i triggering you?
You're just shitting up the board. Separate the arguments. There's a board for being a shitter and screaming that it was the jews and one for talking video games.
If you don't talk about video games on pol, please don't talk about whatever it's talked on pol here.
Or fuck it, you could make /polv/ and just do both there.
Please be considerate of the amount of shit you spill on the board, it can only take so much.
have fun!
On a different note, how retarded is Valve not to have made Half Life 3 and make it a Steam OS exclusive ( or at the very least make it exclusive to steambox/pc)? It would have pretty much guaranteed the steam box to be a success, but, no, Valve is doing more important things I guess (more than likely fucking with DotA2). Funny part is the game wouldn't even have to be good, storyfags would still eat it up anyway ("Y-you just don't get how deep my virtual toy's story is!")
This just feeds into my theory that Valve, not Icefrog, is at the helm of DotA2. It just doesn't make sense to me that Valve has become increasingly greedy over the years yet won't make the game that could have guaranteed steam box sales. This is more than likely due to the fact that The International can rake in shitloads of money with less effort than it would take to make a game (Pffft. Make a game? Why do that when we can make some "inclusive" changes to DotA to try and catch some of the rats fleeing the sinking League of Legends ship and then sell them the chance of getting a courier?!)
id hit it
The steambox/steamos really demonstrated how incompetent valves new employees are.
"Lets try to get the console market by making an affordable PC/console to simplify the process so they don't even have to worry about specs like with prebuilt."
Would you?
The intro is exactly 5 mins long. maybe 7 with old loading times.
If you can't level skip or leave it running in the background then stop playing videogames.
Also SteamOS in general, a fucking Debian fork that can't run almost all of the Steam library natively.
Wait, SteamOS has been released?
How the hell did I miss that.
Normalfags don't know that, which is what the console was designed for.
0 marketing
They actually did try to do marketing, the headlines of every video game sites were filled with that shit, but unfortunately as you said, if you make 30 different consoles that are all overpriced and ship with a really bad OS, no console faggot will be interested in them.
Valve should've partnered with anyone, fuck even Alienware since they're pretty famous around semi-normalfags, and sold steamboxes for a loss since they would've earned that money back anyways if they had gotten new users that bought new games.
It's fucking stupid, steamboxes really were the proof that Valve had gone maximum merchant. And it was only then confirmed again by the Vive, which was sold way over what it should've been sold for.
And you know, fair enough, they're new to the market so they don't know how it works, but a quick survey of the market would've showed them that consoles are always sold at a loss.
It amounts to little more than base-line Debian with a couple settings tweaks and Steam pre-installed, what little reputation Steam Machines had was fucking crushed by the fact it can't play video games out-of-the-box.
Proven to be fairly bullshit.
"Anonymous source"
Also, they claim that only a few people are working on HL3, but Valve doesn't have managers. Everyone works on what they want. If people want to work on HL they work on HL, if people want to work on DotA 2 they work on DotA 2.
Honestly it shouldn't matter if they're new to the market. Valve is suppose to be the best of the best, always picking up game celebrities and shit. Then they shat this thing out with 0 common fucking sense. It really shows how far this company has declined.
trips of truth
Again I think it's because of them having been outside of the community for so long. They haven't made a proper game since 2011, they've only had to deal with the autistic dota fans up until know who just aren't the same audience they had before and are mostly composed of normalfags.
It's clear from the additions to Steam that they just have no idea what they're doing. I'm still hopeful that once Source 2 is finally completely done, and they go back to making games, which I'm kind of sure they will at some point, maybe they might get better and we'll just look back to these years as a once in a lifetime slump.
I remember when it was touted as a brand new OS based on Linux solely so it could be distributed freely.
Valve really hit the bottom with this and the Steam machines.
Not to mention the controllers, although you don't hear much about them nowadays.
Controllers are mostly fine. They're solid and they're different enough to work well for both console ports and some pc games.
Pretty comfy for playing stuff like Civ in bed I hear.
What I remember hearing is Steam controllers still aren't a replacement for a mouse and keyboard setup but they do a better job at it than typical controllers. Worth a look into if you don't want a 360 or PS3/PS4 controller.
Well yeah of course, nothing ever will. But if you don't want to go to your desk and just turn your monitor towards your bed and play something not-online from there they're pretty much 10/10
half life 2 originally ran on "old source" or source 1, it got updated by steam to run on orange box engine aka source 1.5. The new source they are working on is source 2.
source engine runs bad on geforce 900 series for some reason.
If you're going to complain about niggers, at least talk about the intro valve guy being replaced(right when valve started to suck) and the demoman getting "blacked" in early development.
In half life 2, multiracial society makes sense since it's oppressive 1984 trans-dimensional aliens owning your ass. You're all bags of meat to them. Everyone on earth has been scattered from the 7 hour war. Teaming up with the other races to take out the bigger threat makes sense.
You're just a right wing version of virtue signaler. You will complain all day but I seriously doubt you even have a job, nevermind taking any action to make a "difference".
i had this nasty bug on a 9800 where my source games would sometimes minimize and never let me back in but i could still hear and interact with the game yet never see what im doing.
this is kind of late but i was making a morrowind joke you ugly kike retard
also here's your bump I hope you read this you dumb nigger nerd
Out yourself more newfag
Im trying to decypher this.
Steamos failed because even valve took forever to port its own fucking games to linux and so at first you didn't have anything but indieshit and ancient games like quake3 to play in it, that was a letdown
Then the steambox, another disaster were valve basically told OEMs to do all themselves with no guidelines. Even fucking google gives android OEMs more guidelines than valve did
Fat fuck gaben should have had a proper lineup, have all his games already ported to linux before launching steamos and making one valve-brand steambox as a baseline so other OEMs could follow, sort of like google did with the nexus phone
Too tell the truth HL3 if it ever does happen will either be co-op or multiplayer oriented as Gabe suggested. He has already said Valve is done with making single-player only games.
FUCK VALVE and its CS:GO skins
The sad thing is that I'd say at least half of the games now on Steam have no reason to exist and porting them would be a total waste of time. It's a shovelware service now.
Yeah lots of trash, but I meant the valve-brand games
When steamos launched the only valve game was fucking HL1, and then TF2 but is was broken as fuck and barely worked at all
Again, you don't half-ass like this and expect it to be fine, steam was broken as fuck during launch but people needed it to play HL2 so they used it anyways
There was no reason to use steamos though, is not like they launched an exclusive for it
Oh fuck, I had no idea. I can't believe I used to like this company.