Democrats behind Trump poo poo pee pee dossier

This has been a good week

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Links because I'm a faggot

It wasn't that long ago they were saying Fusion GPS were Russian spies.
The Federalist

Makes sense. The (((Dem))) M.O. has always been to accuse others of exactly what you are doing.

It's not out of the question that Putin wanted Killary in office either.

Not if he gave a shit about Syria. Hillary was going to go balls deep on Syria. Her and Jeb were ready to nuke us all over Assad.

Well, it's certainly likely he would prefer Ms. Uranium over Trump.

Well you're assuming Hilldog and ¡Jeb! were telling the truth there.

It's not so much that they wanted Assad out as they wanted ISIS in.

Wasn't this originally manufactured by someone at cuckchan to troll Rick Wilson? Holy shit, I think everyone is about to get the great reveal and see how hard they've been trolled. Democrats dumb enough to pay 250k for a copy pasta report and use it as evidence to take down the president for the better part of 8 months. They're fucked.