Attack the SJW Right

@CassandraRules @Cernovich @JackPosobiec @LauraLoomer @lucianwintrich They're worthless fucking cowards that'll turn the movement against us. Hate speech is free speech.

Other urls found in this thread:

With the exception of that traitor Cernokike and any coalburners, punch left for now.

What OP is trying to say (he doesn't explain it because he's a stupid faggot) is that Cernovich and Posobiec have gone on a spree to get control and move the Right in the direction they want to. Mike did so on a medium blog post.

https:[email protected]/* *//what-the-movement-needs-and-doesnt-need-368d3e7b1612

We need to start a Super PAC that matters.

A super pac would make sure all eyes are on the super pac - and thus on him. Fuck you Mike. Such a super pac would inevitably become a puppet for (((them))).

Generaal's response (why is he mentioned so many times on Holla Forums in other threads?) is actually the best one.

Generaal makes a good point - internal drama is pathetic, and Soros and his mates are the actual enemy. Stopping Cernovich is key though.

That general fag is clearly pissed about this, he did a lot of shit for MAGA3Faggots during the election and now Mike wants to take credit for everything everyone did for MAGA3Faggots. His own people will kick him from his stupid throne. See attached video.

Mike is digging his own grave, even if he doesn't realize it yet. Let him go fuck himself. The MAGA-3Faggots can and will probably fix this shit themselves.

Holla Forums fucked up. Here's the vid.

Dubs say decent vid.

As someone who was involved, Mike has always been about the money, he's no friend of ours. He wants to destroy the AltRight and create the right into his vision. He does not nor has he ever cared about the small guy. If you knew what I knew you'd as well be angry. Jeff G is a Koch Bros guy, Koch Bros are the reason Trump almost lost but nah let's allow Mike to keep popping up random shills who aren't even Conservative and are nothing more than Twitter stars. Mike is a cancer to the movement and he has to be destroyed.

What would happen if MAGA3X had an interal takeover? as in, Baked Alaska, Generaal and some other first-day folks just ran the whole affair without Mike? A council of sorts?

This is going to be a long summer

user, let that slide. This guy is clearly not a Holla Forumsack, so i really don't give two shits. Its at least nice to know that his supposed "friends" hate Mike too.


Well seeing as I'm the one who dropped the document. What other information would you like? I also actually worked on the Trump Campaign and saw MAGA3X as a true grassroots movement. But no, it was controlled by that piece of shit Mike Thernovich. What more do you want to know? AMA.

Take this meme back to Holla Forums
You can't be an SJW and right-wing.

Who are the guys you would like too see leading the movement, and why?

It should go back to the all the people who actually did the work, created the content and led the movement. Mike just sat on his Periscopes telling people what to do, while stealing content of others and calling it his own. He's a douchebag and instead of being ethical he's decided to attack those on his own side because he can't handle criticism, he's actually a weak little bitch who is a basket case. He's hated by the higher ups and everyone who knows the truth are shocked he's made it this far.

This thread is going to appear in some aut-lite article isn't it?

any names?

I'm working on filtering through what documents I have. I have the entire hirearchy of the movement, once that's posted I hope more come out and fight against the monster that has infected the movement. The goal was to DRAIN THE SWAMP, not flood the movement with THE SWAMP.

Are you going to actually provide real information, or are you just going to LARP. If it is the later then you should go back to cuckchan to do it

>yes user, lets focus on tone-policing Holla Forums even though I could be spending my time on fighting Pizzagate and Soros or pathetic ecelebs who ruin people's work against (((them))) holy shit.

MAGA3Faggot, against my better judgement I'm going to trust you if you actually deliver. I want to see some of those documents.

Nobody will "turn the movement". These guys are faggots but it's obvious what leftists fear. Doxing antifa faggots and sending illegal spics back to Spixico are better uses of time.

Doxing antifa faggots switches the normalfag acceptable level. Normalfags look for social acceptability for what they can and can't say. If we publicly ridicule people who espouse cultural marxist faggotry while at the same time slowly pushing the overton window until even fucking Jontron is shittalking immigration, it's a win.
Sending spics back is a win because there's less spics.

As much as I hate those twitter queers, "attacking" them is way less useful. Keep it in your discords if you want to hold a little vendetta, but don't try to drag Holla Forums into it.

Here is just one of them, by reading this you can get a good sense of what I have.

I was the one who dumped this. Plan on dumping more as well.

well well MAGA3Faggot guy delivers. Good.

The writing in that link is actually really good. who wrote that? Is it written by a military theorist?

The General wrote that.

It has nothign to do with tone policing, it is about keeping Holla Forums pure of normalfags and faggot LARPers that contribute nothing, and slide threads that are worthwhile. If the namefag had anything to actually post they would have by now. There is a lot of dirt on cernokike that Holla Forums knows of ranging from his hatred of pepe, to diddling kids along side epstein. There is no excuse for namefagging on Holla Forums

Alaskas last name is Gionet, not Treadstone

Yes sir. All that dirt that has yet to do anything to him. Also treadstone was what he was known by in the movement until he was doxxed. What have you attempted to do, rather than get upset about namefagging lets hear what you plan to do.

Alright. Then I guess posting more dirt on Cernovich and less philosophical talk from General would be in order.

who are you? what is your name? so we can check the great contributions you've made in reflection to your criticism. What is your name?

Ye he just confirmed it.

Enough with the eceleb faggotry. There are no leaders. If they want to claim it and be targets let the fuckers sink.

All of those people are to the left of us you dumbshit.

What else should we call the self-described Alt-Right who frequently profess their love of niggers and faggots?

Alt-kike, they all defend niggers, faggots and kikes

Reminder that Mike Cernovich is a jew. Laura Loomer is a jew. Her boss Ezra Levant is a jew.


Fuck off Mike, go spend some time with your shitskin wife and mixbreed baby.


dude I am not mike, to get to the bottom of a rumor you direct find out who told who something. Are you a fucking child, who are you? otherwise your a fucking crybaby pissing in the wind and no one needs to give you any merit because you are to cowardly to back up what you say by identifying yourself, like men do. I am not mike but I do know this about myself. I am a man, what are you? who are you?

Holla Forumsirgin here. Kikenovich is at it again with his manipulating tricks.




I wouldn't be surprised if people like Richard Spencer or TRS start a campaign to add a white stripe to the faggotry flag one of these days, like the niggers have done.

That would actually be hilarious.

get the fuck out you nigger dick gobbling kike faggots

what's wrong with saying that one should never try to mix Holla Forums with these groups, since they can never co-exist?

Take your kike controlled e celeb faggotry and go suck nigger dick over on trs

so what you're saying is I am right; never mix Holla Forums with eceleb faggotry.

Reminder that this the only fruit of the "redpill XD meme" aesthetic.

How much you wanna bet the brain dead twitter rightists that are going to start attacking cerno are just as gay and bad as him?

Shoo, shoo!

People who are interested in acquiring power have made a power grab, you say? I see this ending in one of two ways:
1) The super PAC gets subverted, and we have extra work to do disowning it while we argue with our normalfag fellow humans, or
2) It succeeds in becoming an Alt-Right slush fund that enriches a handful of fag-enabling civnats. This will cause endless tumult among the Alt-Left, and lots of hand-wringing on CNN, but achieve little in the world except the occasional spread of a meme they steal from us.

Hillary Clinton tried to start a war with Russia on behalf of her kike paymasters. How about we focus on keeping her ilk away from power, instead of worrying about what Cernokike and Spencer are getting up to with their Jewish bankers, ja?

To clarify – I see these assholes as useful idiots up to a point; then it's the gas for them. When Spencer led a "Heil Trump," or when he got himself on camera telling an audience that whites were the most creative race/a race of builders, it was good for us. Yes, they're all huge faggots and we hate them, but there's probably no harm in using them as vectors for spreading ideas like the IQ gap and breeding wars with the spics.

Who is Generaal? He's been putting out strange but informative videos recently that have piqued my interest.

It's "MAGA3X Alumni" you dumb faggot.


Sorry for the namefag but its needed for this post.

I'm a Dutch user who started off with GamerGate to destroy cartels based on sjw'ism and then learned of everything like Soros, ideological subversion and so on and decided to help small groups use military strategies for online purpose to make sure big groups (like /r/the_donald and Holla Forums) would be left alone by big paid groups like CTR (letting them go on goosechases and lose focus for example), which I did to some success back in September-November.

Strategy and tactics( Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Von Clausewitz, Robert Greene, etc) always inspired me, and I used it in old vidya games like Runescape (ye ye I was a 13 y/o faggot once) and Battlefield. Everybody listened because using a bit of strategy always worked against groups that went lolz lets just use big guns without thinking. However, autistic 13 y/o me pushed it so hard they called me "general" because I was an autistic faggot and it stuck ever since. During and before the election I instructed people on how to use old principles on the internet to gain an advantage, albeit more mature and less faggotry.

You see, its always mostly easy on the internet; official groups get slaughtered by divide-and-conquer and infiltrators from (((them))). Indirection is what you want, since (((they))) cannot defend against that. That's why I never pursued a pathetic eceleb career or tried pleasing everybody, just tried to be effective against globalist, mostly through joining groups like MAGA3X and Kekistan (ye, ye, I know), instructing them how to be effective in the way they act online to steer something in the direction that suits best for the overall needs. (like getting Trump elected)

Now, I don't particularly care that Cernovich took my work and ran with it for his own interests in MAGA3X. Whatever he wants I do not really care, the problem is the problems that stem from them. As we all know, Sessions (with support from Scalise) pursues Pizza, and the Podesta emails showed us they wanted to get rid of Scalise the moment he went against human trafficking. The problem? Once the deep state and all that are out of cards (like what happened after the Comey and Sessions tesitomoneys) they'll go down, and they don't want that. A coup attempt will follow suit, followed by potential civil war. Once something like that happens, all bets are off the table. All talk of is it good enough for Holla Forums comes second to satanic pedo's wanting to control the nation. That is why I want Posobiec and Cernovich to stop with their power moves, (even though it would destroy themselves anyway because of the opposition they create).

If any of you have questions or want to call me a namefag or idiot or whatever, feel free to reply.


oy vey mr. dubs.

Here we go with this fucking commander super strategist mother fucker spilling his fantasies on the internet.
Useful to who? Who's using them? Not you, you're just a fucking asshole on the internet. You're not using anybody.
Sure thing tough guy.
The super strategist commander has graphs and projections on how much a Heil Trump chant helps "us".
Do you honestly believe you are using anyone? I mean help me understand how you could possibly believe that you are some kind of master strategist pulling the string from behind the scenes.


Although I agree with first two points, indeed the rest needs some substansitation. It may be interesting to look deeper into it. Follow the money.

Interesting stuff. Thanks for the informative post. I only found out and started watching your videos after the Scalise hit, when there was hushed whispers of civil war going around everywhere. Really good content.

While we're on the subject of ecelebs and namefags, what's your opinion of "alt right" people like TRS and Richard Spencer? Are they a serious issue? Are they better or worse than the "alt lite" people like Cernovic?

It is all about intent, and what happens to them after scoring victories and gaining power. See, the characters of people is what you need to look at. If people start acting out of their self-interest in terms of money and power, you know it has gone wrong. Power has a strange effect on people, and most cannot handle it. I keep myself honest constantly by thorough self-reflection and looking at what is needed, not what my ego wants. This is why so many autistic people become e-celeb faggots that think that, because they tasted a miniscule bit of power, they are suddenly important. That is also where the autistic janitor mod meme comes from.

People like Cernovich started out fine, but then got a taste for power, scored a victory and then think they just have to repeat it and become more powerful and victorious.

I do not follow Spencer and TRS so I cannot give an opinion, but I recommend to look at how they operate; do they actually practice what they preach or are they only in it for power and material goods, like how the FBI is now pursuing Bernie Sanders?

Got any tactics for use in FPS multiplayer like TF2 or Battlefield, or Chivalry? Childrens Online Daycare doesn't count due to the rando nature of enemy spawns behind your own lines.


I see. Thank you. Anyway, keep up the good work.

the dagger is set time to turn it.

work in small teams, each group acting indepedently and share goals (like capturing a flag or the objective, or flanking from a side to help another group). Have each group have 1 leader and replacement leader who calls the shots and everyone listens, even if they do not want to. Moves like basic encirclements, flanked attacks, feints and tricks are what you want against other clans, especially those that go lol lets just rush in. One important hint; mobility is the greatest force multiplier of them all. Being able to move around as you see fit (and not allowing your enemy to do so) is key. Move yourself and bait your enemies to move in such a way you have already beaten them before the shooting starts.

also: use what is called "calculation". Calculate your plans beforehand and have a couple on hand for each map/game type to switch if needed. Attached is an example on how not to do calculations. (from 8:40)



the fake-right needs to die they already set there self's up to be exploited.

don't call them SJW Right just call them what they are The Fake-Right


the alt-lite is cringy as fuck.


Alright listen here, "general". First of all the namefag is not needed for this post. Quite frankly it would be lot better if you remained Anonymous but with your USI you just couldn't help yourself. What mostly annoys me is the bullshit you spew on your post. Fucking Machiaveli and Sun Tzu have nothing to do with spergscape or battlefield so stop acting like you used "advanced tactics inspired from great strategists for games" in order to further inflate not only your ego but also the validity of your words, even in the small fucking case that you did somehow, NOBODY FUCKING CARES. That's fucking stupid and you come out as disingenious because you didn't fucking do that you lying piece of shit. So many times i've heard this fucking bullshit from USI riddled aspies.
Now let's move on further down your post since we are done with that.

>You see, its always mostly easy on the internet; official groups get slaughtered by divide-and-conquer and infiltrators from (((them))). Indirection is what you want, since (((they))) cannot defend against that. That's why I never pursued a pathetic eceleb career or tried pleasing everybody, just tried to be effective against globalist, mostly through joining groups like MAGA3X and Kekistan (ye, ye, I know), instructing them how to be effective in the way they act online to steer something in the direction that suits best for the overall needs. (like getting Trump elected)
First of all it's called misdirection, second of all no fucking shit there is shilling and misdirection destroying groups on the internet, and to conclude you claim to have infiltrated and joined a couple of groups and given some instructions and "strategies". Alright i believe you. From what i've seen you have done next to nothing of significance, definitely nothing of impact, you could at least attempt to subvert them to the right instead of reinforcing them like this with your "superior tactics" which are probably basic bitch copypastas everyone already knows. These groups keep getting gayer and gayer if anything, so good fucking job there Napoleon.
What work again ? And if you did do "work" that Cernokike uses shouldn't you care about that if he did since he now is against our cause and our "overall needs" ? You can score some redemption if you post what "work" you gave to cernokike.

With what ? Their BLM niggers, Oathcucks and lefties led by cronies even these leftards hate ? They don't have the people to pull such shit.
The left and the kikes sparking anything other than small skirmishes and riots is an impossibility so this shit falls flat. Besides that, if they somehow manage to do that they put a whopping big target in their existence.

PS: You are still that autistic 13/yo faggot, take that as you will.

All this e celebrity faggotry / coordinated campaign to kike up /8pol/ is really pissing me off.

This is supposedly the "alt-right" group while the "alt-light" group is having an even more cringy rally at the same time. So far this "alt right" rally has had a faggot and a BLM supporting ex buzzfeed writer as speakers

meant to sage

Misdirection was definitely part of it, but it was more than that. It was finding weak spots for the Trump campaign and trying to get people to notice them to fix them, like with the Amish-drive-in-to-the-polls that then got wind from CTR. No, I won't tell how it was done, since other may be listening in and I don't want to spoil some secrets for some lausy internet points, that would be retarded. Take it for what you will. I also don't really bother with drama since it is a waste of time, unless it actually fucks shit up.

Most of it is up in the thread. I rarely saw Mike and BakedAlaska and worked with other lads. I got in because of Mike tho - that was before he got a taste of power and went nuts.

Not everyone is an overt crybaby that get all the attention, Don't forget (((they))) have billions and loads of people under NDA's. If Seth Rich's murderer was a paid gunmen, who knows what else there is we do not know.

Ah! But if that is so, then why push for it? Like I said, there is likely more than we see.

Won't argue with that.

however cringy, follow these events. They will tell you how the (paid) left acts with the dems losing more and more cards. Sometimes there are nice nuggets of information in there.

my VPN location changed IP.

get the fuck out you stupid nigger kike

Nope. Nice try tho shill.

Also my apologies that I do not frequently post on Holla Forums and that my vpn often flips to other IP's, creating new ID's.

Oh holy fucking shit. "Secrets" , give me a fucking break nigger you have no secrets to present which is why you avoid this as a whole. I dismiss this claim since you have nothing to offer faggot. So basically you did nothing , you have no secrets stop acting like you do. At best case scenario you realised your bullshit wouldn't fly here and you are reluctant about reposting some infographics and pastas we have already seen and posted ourselves.

Most of it is up in the thread. I rarely saw Mike and BakedAlaska and worked with other lads. I got in because of Mike tho - that was before he got a taste of power and went nuts.
There is nothing in the thread you lying kike.

Oh so you worked with other TRSodomites mostly, did you go to their gay poolparties as well ?

>Not everyone is an overt crybaby that get all the attention, Don't forget (((they))) have billions and loads of people under NDA's. If Seth Rich's murderer was a paid gunmen, who knows what else there is we do not know.
You have no idea what you are talking about nigger, the numbers you present are bullshit and you just talk with air and numbers that you pull out of your asshole.
You certainly don't, it is evident by your own words.

Paranoia and panic, not to underestimate them but they are not as smart and as all planning as you think they are, especially when they see that it's not so easy to get their way after this many years.
And you have no idea what any of that is, again.

think what you will.

Cernovich wants to control what people do, which makes everything an easy target. powerhungry. What I gave Mike? See , which was for the entire group. It was a loose draft I wrote in 2 hours but was told I didn't need to do rewrites or edits.


Is it, now? They did get their way - generation after generation slowly building up (Bezmenov). But Trump and Sessions changed this dynamic. First it was thought that through diplomatic means this could be thwarted partially. when that failed, deaths started to mount, like with the prosecutors ending up on the beach that looked into DWS as an example. And then there is Indivisible, the "Climate Alliance" (give me a break they don't make an alliance for the fucking weather) and so on, and God knows what else.

You are 100% right. I don't know. But why would (((they))) want civil war if it is futile effort done by fat landwhales who screetch 24/7? That doesn't add up.

I'm unconvinced.
Baked Alaska has let it go to his head as well. He is an absolute moron in a crowd situation - to the point of arguing with allies.
If you really want to be taken seriously then you'd best select leadership and figureheads who can behave in an adult manner rather than the Patreon-grubbing filth of his ilk.

I completely agree. We'll do a review and see where this all leads us.


user, you're a pathetic little derailing goy.

I agree - it doesn't make sense how everything is going right now. I can get why libtards would go into political suicide mode, but not really for pizzatards. Be careful.

Also MAGA3Faggots, get your shit together. I don't really give two shits about your little campaigns, but Cernovich needs to go before he undoes everybody's good work.

And there we have the reason for Cernokike's powertrip. He wants to become a congressman.

Generaal, you've been completely right you autistic faggot. He has had so many fuckups he'll be easy picking for (((them))), but he's so full of himself he'll just drag all his fans with him.