This picture is right in so many levels.
This picture is right in so many levels
Good for you.
Rorona thread post Roronas
Someone call your taste shit for buying Overwatch, OP?
is tru
I'm going to use this thread for shitty Obama Pixy posting
ok anons, which one you want me to post?
This artstyle looks familiar, reminds me of that guy who did some sort of magical girl cop comic/manga. At least that's what I think it was.
You came from reddit, didn't you?
Did someone say yuri?
These numbers are right in so many levels.
Yurinterested, aren't you?
I got a suggestion for you OP.
Instead of giving a single flying fuck what other people think about something, no matter where you they are from be it a chan or a review site or whatever, you should just watch some videos of someone playing the game, showing the systems of the game, and then coming up with your OWN opinion.
Stop being a faggot that complains about shit that doesn't fucking matter. You don't need a game review to see if a game is good.
Now fuck off
It's ok, OP, not everyone can have good taste. Some people enjoy eating shit.
Yuri is boring. No dicks.
Dicks are gay
This is a hundred times better. It's shit like Fallout 4 an Uncharted that get 10/10 reviews.
wew lad
Yuri posters in the middle.
Yes, Holla Forums doesn't have a common opinion you little shit.
Pinkie Pie please.
Yeah amirite? I LOVE IGN, and I can't understand why people say is a bad reviewer xD I also used to like kotaku but that racist Hulk Hogan has shut it down :(
This was all-but-confirmed to be a ruggarell thread on OP's second post yet it's being bumped.
Does no one know how to sage?
Yeah. You press a,b, start, and select on your gameboy.
You know what user. Sometimes, I don't feel like saging. Like right now.
What say do you have in how I choose to post?
Go fuck yourself.
Why does the K-On in the back have muscular Brazilian legs in the back?
That's a big dick
The purest form of thread derailment.
Did I sage right?
national consciousness
OP has no anime reaction image and doesn't contain a leading rhetorical question, not his style
kill you are self
gr8 contrarianism, you sure are special!
Post more cute lesbians
remember that girls can kiss girls
Thanks Satan
This artist does some of the most kawaii yuri I tell you hwat
A fairy in love with a gatekeeper.
The softest.
name one example of a 1/10 game thats "too deep 4 u"
all of them
I love you too, sweetie.
this entire thread
its like im back on 4chan
You did SEGA wrong.
Yeah, fight the power!
user, I'm going to tell you what your mom should have taught you: Don't be so easy or no man will ever respect you.