O-oh…..oh no

o-oh…..oh no.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, games are spending all their budget on mo-caping celebs now. First the guy from 24 in MGSV and now Bruce Jenner?

Wonder Wo-manface

Batgirl will be cute, r-right?

Pretty good user




she has a triggerable face


That's a five star post right there user.

Netherrealm has never made a good looking woman. MKX Kitana was the closest they ever made I, and even she's… Ehhh.






No, user. YOU are stunning and brave.



I see the thread has already finished.

first post best post

Man this some shit right here




Her name is Kaylin shitlord

Why would you link your own Twitter?

because I'm really fucking mad


But why they can't into women faces? Is it really that hard to do?

Stop Misnaming her you pissbaby.



Just the very first post on the thread and its ogre.

Designers and artists got it well, it's apparently the 3d modelers fault.


I don't see the resemblance though.




bruce looked so much better as a man, he was legit handsome, albeit gay
t. no homo




Is nobody going to comment on the awful twisting her arm is doing? It looks unnatural. That and the face make him look like something out of Bloodbourne.

It wasn't that funny.


Jesus christ, why can't western companies manage to make women in video games anymore?
Western companies need to be rebooted. Back to the 90s. We need to make western games great again.

Calm down Bruce.

You know very damn well Ludwig isn't THAT ugly.



It's mostly just Warner bros owned studios, that and anime fags too used to anime girls thinking their taste in women is in any way valid.

not only she looks like a man, but now with that mustache, she looks like a Mexican.




You know, its almost like they do this one purpose.

It normalizes the idea that women have these disgusting manly features in the minds of western audiences.

Making trannies and etc. easier to accept in the minds of those it effects.

Who could have done this ?

Is the 2nd pic a shoop?

i wish i paid enough attention to the media to get this ebin joke

What's even scarier is people are defending this abomination cause it's "realistic".

No one. It's pure coincidence.

In all seriousness though, given how consistently ugly every NRS female character is, I think it's fair to say they do this shit on purpose by now.




Who gives a flying fuck about realism in a game about super heroes?

I think it's a bad engine (look at the clipping) combined with a reliance on "performance capture" and a lack of real artistic skill.

However the results are often so ugly that it does look deliberate. It is true that Jews are vastly over represented in the ownership of media companies and their disgusting streak of self-hatred does make them tend to revel in ugliness. Modern "art" is one example of that.

No I capped them from the trailer.



it really looks like him. 10/10



god dammit thank you user thats the first thing I thought of

what would there offspring look like?

I've got no preference either way and this looks ugly as sin. It has to be on purpose.

Fucking beat me to it



God tier OCs


But why is there grease all over his face?

Checking my image reaction folder i realized i had this saved for some reason.

Because of course it is.

That's his facial hair.

I thought it was a Mystery of the Druids shoop from the thumbnail, I shit you not


dubs checked.

They should've just hired Sara Jay to be the model tbh.



That's one ugly-ass Wonder Woman.

it would be funny if i followed celebrity shit from the start but have a reaction image anyway, you deserve it champ



Same here.

It was meant to be.

Did you know that first pic is censored to cut off the panties?


what am I looking at


I remember this episode from start to finish. The ending was pretty fucked up. You barely get that in kid's shows anymore.

Wonder woman. I dont know what game. Probably Injustice 2.


I don't get it. Although i know nothing about Wonder Girl.



at least they shaved her arm pits.


funny you say that.

something about that face made me think that she would be hairy too.

For the record, it's all your fault.

Oh My!

What the fuck dude





What the fuck am I reading

how is it possible to go from this to that?
this is almost 3 decades old, and MK4 has female faces than any recent NRS

Its by design. They're ugly by design

Needs problem glasses.

i want NRS to burn into the ground

Maybe you should just flip it horizontally to make it fit more

Capped for future generations

Thanks r/4chan


C'est un magnifique

>Implying I'm from reddit or cuckchan
I'm paranoid too, but not that paranoid

Whether or not you're from there, your level of faggotry is equal to theirs because you include a bunch of fucking reactions instead of just the OP and the reply.
It's like a laugh track in a sitcom. You're telling the viewer what's funny instead of just giving them the joke and allowing them to decide for themselves.

Now that's some autism. The whole point of capping a thread is to remember the entire thing, not just the OP. The only reaction that's questionable as to whether or not it should have been included is "it's ogre" since that actually is some reddit-tier faggotry.

man, you are not half as cool as the guy you are replying.

text replies that actually add content would be worth including. not a bunch of reaction images with no thoughts attached.

Shit that takes me back.

This looks nothing like her what the fuck? How did they make her look worse than the first game? The pissing movie did a better job of finding someone who looks like her.
At least Wonder Woman's rebirth plot is looking interesting

You probably have a point there. If I were to do it again I would probably wait longer for some posts with actual substance, but what's done is done.

I'd still fuck that armpit tbh.

Derailed on the first post. Well done lad.



Wait wait wait… thats supposed to look like the actress? you kidding me?

I love you faggots

Are they competing with Bioware to see how ugly they can make video game characters?

Yup, at least this is passable though, she is just too skinny, honestly in the movie she did a good job too

step up, senpai

this. the second imageboards starting to do

was when plebbit started to use halfchan.

Fortunately I have no plans of posting the cap to plebbit or halfchan, can't speak for this faggot though

If posters here stop making OC or screecaps just because other sites repost it there would be none at all. All those moments lost in time like tears in the rain.

You must be new if you still haven't grown accustomed to content theft.
It has been happening since the beginning of the internet.

Go fuck yourselves. You are anti-OC. Every interesting post will be lost forever because retards pushing this "no screencaps!"' bullshit.

Still not as bad as Super Girl.

This trans thing ain't funny no more.


Did they just directly copy a womans face or something?

Why does it show a woman when I googled bruce jenner?



i never said that there should not be screencaps i'm saying the way they are formatted is retarded and reddit tier.

He tried to dodge a murder charge so got a sex change.

Too bad as soon as he starts drinking alcohol he drops the act and becomes violent.

They should be though. It should be a priviledge for those who witnessed the original event to remember it, not share it around which ruins the event.

you don't fit in, sorry bra

So it's like a shitty tranny orange juice simpson?




According to people who have met him, he drops the act as soon as hes inside and rants on about how much he regrets doing it.

this is just too delicious, got any more about it?

I try to reverse search this fucking image and all I get is this.

Quite a bit is around


Dodged a murder charge via sex change and got so much more popular he has panic attacks in private and is the black sheep of the kardashians.

Forgot to mention

DC continues playing catchup with Marvel by not only doing cinematic universes but now their tumblr lookin art style!

All that money spent on graphics and they still can't make good-looking models.

Honestly this event isn't as incredible as some of other caps floating around like the floor tile user or the super-obsessed /sp/ user. So it's not really worth recording.

That looks slightly less awful than Wonder Woman.

fukin savage m8

does anyone have the screenshoot of the guy who liked to have his nipples twisted and then was suspended when a teacher caught him and a girl licking his six inch long nipples

That just looks like a standard Poser model.

I read that slow, looking for the punchline or bait that everyone who replied was taking.

I was not disappointed.

Lazy tracing.


Nice post bro, that annoys the fuck out of me too.

The format is shit for reasons that were well explained already. If you want plebbit then why are you here?


That isn't how you model a fucking armpit.


Fuck, now I remember what this reminds me of.

Wonder Woman?

you posted the same image
is there an edit I'm missing?



That can't be real

Thread saved, or maybe over where do we go from here

Can we get a picture with the finger length ratio? I want to know if he/ she

uh oh

Typically speaking, anime art styles make characters more expressive, not less.

Injustice gets Simon Belmont as a guest fighter?

I think the modeler didn't connect muscles correctly. The artist knew about the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi, but he/she forgot about the teres major and teres minor muscles.

this is why I come here

for the community

Sounds about right.

I'll actually agree with what they said about DOA but lumping every Japanese fighter together with that shit is incredibly dumb. Street Fighter and KoF have some of the best animation and character design in the industry.

thank you

Being a cuck doesn't help him have a good opinion.

The faces look like shit and something you see in shitty movie tie in games. I wonder if it will even be possible to find a single frame that makes Jenner even look good.


I wouldn't there are differences in the characters.

Also, thanks for the new Dukat.


All right fine

include me in the reddit screencap


tbh not funny fam -downvotes-

google spelled abomination wrong

I keep trying to find that monobrow guy from ScrewAttack, but I can't.

but that's joker


i guess we both ourselves in a similar position

i guess we both find ourselves in a similar position

whats a bruce jenner


I'm just replying to this because everyone else is

well meme'd, my friend


I thought I was the only one to catch that! Shit is too coincidental to be an accident




But then we wouldn't have memes.

if the only quality it has is that "you were there" then its nothing special at all.

I've seen you use this a couple times really badly but now, this is why it was made.

Also tank god Bryan Hitch is off JL


Friendly reminder

How do I look for Wonder Loli Art and porn without getting in trouble with the FBI?

too late friend you're already on a list just by being on this site.

Top ten

I'd rather have a qt like Chun than a Wonder Brianna Wuman.

Are Netherrealms' 3D artists the most mysoginistic people on earth?

now why did someone feel the urge to mspaint edit braces on that first image?



A lot of western 3d modelers are just really lazy and rely far too much on facially scanning their mo-cap actors.

>tfw wonderloli is the only loli you fapped to
>tfw she gave you a smug fetish
those bedroom eyes and that smirk broke me.

She made me think more of this guy.



So where does Xir fit in?

not even 5 minutes out of the bed and somebody already made my day, thank you user



Thats not even human anymore

Goddammit user. You made me laugh.


Please kill yourself reddit.

Are they copying whatshername from the tv show?

These documents depicting realistic anatomy and biology are SEXIST

god is SEXIST

nature is SEXIST

Welp, she makes Mileena look all the more beautiful

Supergirl is a bad show that I dropped quickly but they look nothing alike. I don't think anyone considers Melissa Benoist to be ugly or masculine.

What is going on in this comic?

Hillary Clinton is getting a cameo?

why do they keep doing this


3D was a mistake

looks like frank

It's not just manly, all the proportions are fucked up. Tits shouldn't be that low. shoulders shouldn't be twice the width of thighs on either sex. The neck is too long. The crotch is too low. What the fuck am I looking at?

They picked the perfect suit to shit herself in.

A tranny

I wish I had shoulders like that.


The body is like a slightly deformed nigger body builder's.

Is that still being wished and prayed for? because that would be fantastic if it comes true

Do they not have artists or art directors that understands basic proportions. I'm not asking for 100% anatomical accuracy, but some basic propotions would be good. Sheeeit, Bruce Timm does very stylized designs and uses stylized proportions, but it still works visually.

They're putting Lena Dunham's kike face all over every female characters now. First on Halo 5 Cortana, now this.

People should post this pic every time when some retard will try to use "realism" excuse to defend this shit company.

Good thing they don't consider PC version, the less retards buy it the better.

Is he triggered by s&m being similar to slavery and he's gittanhos flassbaks of he's annsistahs?

She is too damn cute.

… video game character models don't have muscles, bud. The joint limits were just set poorly, so the model twists up like a candy wrapper instead of rotating as it should.

Having a bicep bulge out a little when bending the arm is still well beyond the skills of 99% of video game animators.


So tolerant and progressive on NRS part
I wasn't expecting anything better to be honest, i am also expecting some marxist-themed story in it: maybe WW is really a tranny, and the story is about fighting the evil white cis-scum "bigots", meanwhile superman comes out as a gay zoophile and everyone else will cheer them shouting "down with bigotry!"

I actually burst out laughing at this part of the trailer, it was fucking surreal

Who even buys comics? Or enjoys the worthlessness of them anymore.

daily reminder, let's see if it holds true

what the fuck even is this. It looks definitely like a tranny, is this supposed to be wonder woman or some other shitty superhero? What game?


Most replies to this are just

I remember that thread

good times



Did they even have a budget to make female models? This shit doesn't even look like they tried to make a woman

Holla Forums crosspost

Compare NRS trailer to this trailer!

I don't care if faces look together as long as they don't look like they belong to a mechanic named michael


The mechanic's name is Jorge.

It wasn't that funny…

almost forgot mugen was for something other than anime and tentacles

oh man, fucking jaime, i didnt know he made it in

Jesus christ did they hire Liefeld to make these models?

I found it but it was from reddit

I don't see why anyone is surprised. Western characters IN ANYTHING are designed to look like 30 something single moms who have given up on life.

too fucking bad, welcome to a place where reddit can spam reaction pictures ruining any good joke because the first 30 replies of LOL didn't get the point across

I lol'd.

i want to fug nature



Who is that chick on the right in the 1st image.


Big Barda.

Why can't we have a cute or loli wonder woman like in the cartoons.

Wait, couldn't a fag see the screencaps picture made by somebody completely innocent, save/copy it, and then upload it on whatever cancerous website he goes to? Couldn't that end up with innocent user blood on our hands?

Go to a Roll thread user, unleash the demon.

the back of my head will look so bad

why are people so afraid of lolis?

Could be worse, you could have hips as wide as a woman's like I do. It's embarrassing.

And the world would be a better place.