John Kelly Flip-Flops, Will Expand H2-B Visas

The number of additional H2B visas is being determined in coordination with DHS and the Department of Labor. These visas may not be issued until late July, at the earliest, because of the lateness in passage of legislation granting the Secretary discretion to grant additional visas to businesses with truly seasonal needs, the need to coordinate with the Department of Labor to identify businesses truly at risk if they do not receive additional temporary workers, and the myriad steps required under federal rule-making before DHS can issue new visas. The Secretary did not make this decision lightly and is exercising his authority in an effort to help businesses around the country at risk of failing. He is concerned that Congress is passing the buck by not clearly legislating the H2B visa numbers, and expects that this one-time occurrence is an anomaly."

So it sounds like John Kelly once again back stabbed us and has given into the cheap labor lobbyists. Now he's going full on ahead with H2-B expansion. Why the fuck is Trump allowing Kelly to do all this? Why hasn't Kelly been fired for betraying not only us, but Trump as well? Worse, what the hell did Trump even see in Kelly that he liked? He needs to be fired as soon as possible at this point, its clear he is the real threat to Trump, not Kushner or McMaster.

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Wanna know what's worse? John Kelly is on record saying he supports Britain's censorship of the internet.


Honestly i'm getting sick of this faggot.

likely he did it so he can get the guy he actually wants to have in there without too much opposition
hopefully trump finds an opportunity to rail against H2B visas

Kris Kobach was supposed to be /ourguy/. Instead we got stuck with this cuck. McMaster might be a problem as well, but Kelly is clearly showing he is against Trump on every position and is undermining him at every step. Trump needs to get on the ball here and fire his ass.

We need to find out exactly who in the business world Kelly had spoken to. Its clear that he's being bribed big time by people in the cheap labor industry, possibly from Silicon Valley. Wasn't Trump supposed to be cleaning house once he got back from Europe? Why did all of that fall through?

Think I found one of our major problems. There are literally 21 Republican senators who are all calling for an expansion on H-2B visa's. Keep these names in mind next time.

Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
John Barrasso (R-WY)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Mike Enzi (R-WY)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Tim Scott (R-SC)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
James Lankford (R-OK)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Mike Rounds (R-SD)
Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Dan Sullivan (R-AK)

Is this really a big deal?
Hipsters refuse to pick strawberries and stevedore warehouses anyway.

There are a ton of people who could use that work, and yet Kelly is fucking all of them over to please business owners.

Fuck off, retard

I asked a pretty simple question: will Americans do shit seasonal work?
If they wont then wages will not be depressed; shit simply will not get done.

They won't do it for 25 cents an hour, which is exactly the problem that is a result of these visas.

Americans did that work for hundreds of years, what do you think has changed in the last 60?
Why would they want to do it for an under minimum wage??

Do you understand how supply and demand work? There's no such thing as "jobs Americans won't do". What this really translates to is "jobs Americans won't do at the wage (((we))) want to pay". In an actual market that's not being manipulated by importations of shitskins, what would happen is that the employers for these sort of jobs would need to raise wages to the point where people are willing to do the work. That's how all wages are supposed to be determined.

I don't have time to make such a list.
I'm sure you can think of a few things yourself.
The USA is a big country.
There's lots of opportunities that require nothing but manual labor to fulfill. Pajeets and beaners can make the equivalent of fortunes back home doing work that the vast majority of US citizens consider beneath them.
If you want to waste opportunities by not having said niggers in the country temporarily then that's fine to.
At least admit that it's throwing away money.

Trump needs to fire Kelly's ass and put Kobach in. I don't give a fuck if Kobach doesn't want to. He's the only man for the job.

Kids used to do a lot of this work, They'd get the summer off and take up the seasonal jobs to earn money for a car or college. These companies want to get away with 3rd world indentured servants. Its another way to take away the ability to sell your labor cause you can pay them a fraction of what you'd have to pay an American and if they fuck up they ship em back.

Reported. Fuck you and your kike dialectic.


>"jobs Americans won't do at the wage (((we))) want to pay"
There's a limited number of people who'll spend $200 on a punnet of fucking strawberries. Even they would rather spend $5 to have them airlifted in from Iran.
I certainly do.

Child labor is illegal in the USA. I'm quite sure.

Biting analysis.

DHS controls how much HB-2 visas we get?????????????


"If the free importation of foreign manufactures were permitted, several of the home manufactures would probably suffer, and some of them, perhaps, go to ruin altogether, and a considerable part of the stock and industry at present employed in them would be forced to find out some other employment"

Shut the fuck up kike filth, importing foreign workers who become assets of the state and undermine domestic products in favor of their people is "throwing away money"

this. visas are issued by the state department, not DHS. unless Tillerson says something, it's not worth getting too riled up about.

Then their business model is not sustainable. I also have a lot of business ideas which would work if I could import a cheaper workforce, unfortunately I'm not a part of a special interest which can proffer me such a workforce at my neighbors expense.

Strawberries picked by beaners in the USA are not foreign manufactures for fuck's sake.
Adam Smith says you're a mongoloid who'd put domestic agriculture out of business for want of cheap labor.

That's fine.
The US resource will lie fallow, your ideas will be implemented abroad and you'll send $ to foreign businesses to buy the product.

do you see whats wrong here?

There are nuances in H2B that people dont seem to understand.

Through the 90s, H2B favored East Europeans for example.

This guy sucks but it's Trump's responsibility. Most of his appointments are garbage. Dude needs to figure out why he was elected and start taking the immigration situation seriously.

Except US agri-business is in absolutely no danger of going into the Red.

To be fair, a large part of the problem is that DC is so fucking corrupt that even if you were to have a theoretical president who's full-on 1488, he'd still have an impossibly tough time because he somehow has to find people to fill these positions. It's almost impossible to find outsiders who are still capable of running things. Even already, there's a huge problem with tons of positions remaining unfilled due to no one suitable to fill them.

I really want Kobach to take over. Kelly has always been a piece of shit cuck. But IIRC Kobach said he didn't want the job because he doesn't want to be in DC and doesn't want his family to have to move away from home. But I mean… come the fuck on. We need a guy like that in there. He really needs to take one for the team, suck it up, and live in DC for the good of the nation.

The working class, generally speaking, want affordable shit and will buy chink tat electronics and African vegetables whenever they have the lowest ticket price.

True in the case of battery chickens or dairy where 1 man can wrangle 1,000 birds or drain the titties of 500 cows.
Picking strawberries, which defies mechanization, not so much.
Warehouses that can't meet Christmas rushes can be easily relocated to some 3rd-world shithole too.
These are temporary, seasonal workers.

Probably means the bosniaks, kosovars, and other assorted kebabs that clinton brought in. And even then, I'm just going to assume that this is no longer the case in the modern day.

And even if it were whites coming in on H2Bs, that's still not benefiting us. White people EVERYWHERE are experiencing a demographic problem. Importing a bunch from eastern europe to america isn't solving the problem. It's just shuffling them around. You're accelerating the problem elsewhere. And even if they're whites coming in, foreign labor STILL depresses wages that would be higher if it were just natives competing for jobs.

As others have said, a lot of the jobs these companies allegedly "need" foreign labor for are low skill summer jobs that SHOULD BE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE KIDS. This is just a case of industries being run by kikes who refuse to accept basic market principles and raise wages to entice americans to sign up for the jobs. They think they can just cross their arms and "cross the picket line" so to speak by importing foreigners.

You need to fuck off and sort yourself out if you honestly think you can come in here and shill your neoliberal bluepill bullshit.

There is no Exit system currently so there is no mechanism to actually track if or when they leave and the vast majority of illegal immigrants are visa overstays.

Yeah but there wasn't anyone else he could have chosen over Kelly? Why did he pick him?

I'm pretty sure Kobach is running for governor of Kansas or wherever.

I think America needs him much more than Kansas.

dorothy and toto

The problem is that these people always overstay their visas. If we could ensure that guest workers would be kicked out after they are done and not become permanent anchors pulling our country down to hell, then it would be one thing, but at this point in time we need to cut off all pathways these people have for invasion.

Pretty sure Canada has 3-6 month visas specifically for crop picking mexicans.

Replace Kushner with Buchanan. Trump is a charismatic face and knows business, but he needs someone on his team who understands how DC works.

I'm honestly sad that Pat isn't part of the administration.



Fuck all non whites and foreigners.

WTF even is seasonal work that is non-aggricultural? Are these the resort staff positions?

hmm.. I'll be the judge of that fag… Holy shit.

democrats need their slaves, man

don't, you'll get nasty STDs

Yes, retard. Do you think America was in the stone age before the shitskins arrived to feed us?

Of course.

H1 and H2Bs are fucking over Americans and everyone knows it now, but I have a different vision for immigration. I don't want to shut it down entirely.

I assure you this is because I care super deeply about feminist issues, and not because I want hot young white women outcompeting fat american cunts and making their up their game. :^)

I'll give you a hint: you can't

My hot Ukrainian wife is in the kitchen making me lunch. Somehow I'm still ok.

Actually yes. Summer tourist resort communities where the majority of jobs are service industry. Because of wealthy faggots the cost of living is so high nobody working service industry can afford to live there, especially when half the people are laid off after summer because winter is dead.

Fucking racemixing degenerate… (((Yes goyim, there is one white race, doesn't matter at all if you mix Anglos, Slavics, Germanics or Romanics. One white race!))) Die in a fire, you're only barely better than a nigger fucker.

Americans would do that work if they paid more. The work would pay more if the debt system started working in favor of the people and not a bunch kike pigs at the top.

And when those seasonal jobs are gone, the laborers can live on welfare the rest of the year. How lovely for the businesses. I'm sure there are loopholes that allow pretty much any company to be considered "seasonal" too.

Order some of the tens of millions currently unemployed here to apply for those seasonal jobs.

Trump's entire cabinet is against him since he filled his administration with establishment faggots to do all his hiring for him. Of course rather than fire them all and actually bring in people who proved they were loyal to him and his agenda during the campaign, he just whines on twitter when another one of Paul Ryan's friends leaks embarrassing shit about him to the media.

This. Why bring in visas when there are people unemployed in the state already?
It's a fucking joke.

If certain fruits are not profitable to be harvested paying a fair wage, then they no longer be a product. The market is amazingly coy and a better mousetrap will be invented.


So you believe in importing what is essentially slave labor to save money, ironically because you think it helps beaners (I'll leave the fact you completely contradicted the premise of your beliefs for later).
It doesn't, all the new money entering their economy causes inflation, which caused the gas and food crisis their.
Your 'help' will see their country eventually drown in civil war. That's what you get for trying to play hero without taking risks and being corrupt as in you only care about your benefit.

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