Look for the VDF rooms. I have been hosting VDF Infinite and been having a blast. If you anons host any room, add the VDF to it so we know what to look for.
It is! Fun solo or co op. It scales on co op so it gets harder the more people that join.
Owen Johnson
So anyone know if it is possible to mod this game? I want Starship Troopers, Imperial Guard, and Serbian Kebab Removal Mods
Evan Scott
This game really is quite fun, campy and completely serious delivery works well. I am starting to git gud as the fencer.
The fucking tiny textbox for chat is irritating though.
Asher Roberts
Not sure. I was seeing people talking about unpacking the textures. We will see soon since this game just came out on this past monday.
Tyler Green
Okay is anyone playing I wanna play online
Luis Thomas
So I bought this game, is the DLC any good? I normally wouldn't even buy a game with day one DLC but I made an exception for EDF.
William Morris
It's basically stuff that gets outclassed quickly. I'm waiting for the mission packs.
Eli Barnes
this fucking game
Jaxson Evans
They're only cosmetic Mission packs will be worth it though
Jacob Rivera
Liam Perez
Josiah Johnson
oh god sauce please
Ian Hughes
Jace Brooks
its not worth it trust me
Liam Campbell
Sauce ? please don't be a he
Ethan Fisher
i'll decide that
Colton Foster
Is it possible to do solo run on hard difficulty using air radar ? I mean without tremendous amount of cheese. EDF !! EDF !!
Lincoln Smith
What is the full video though ?
David Robinson
I do not know anything else I have that piece of video
Cooper Myers
excuse me, this is a vidya board. go fap somewhere else
Ayden Richardson
the internet is free.
Ryder Watson
I wasn`t fapping before, you made me do this.
Jaxon Garcia
Hunter Howard
Michael Torres
Anyone wanna EDF?
Steam: Mark447
Liam Williams
Kusoge garbage
Bentley Johnson
You can't kill civilians and even if you can they don't really matter
Dylan Miller
say it to my face ben
Andrew Cox
try using 5 way grenade launcher around civilians and see what happens to you and your squad
Isaac Turner
You should try fusion blaster. It melts hectors like knife through butter.
Josiah Cook
Yeah if you aim straight sure, but you should hang back and aim at an angle.
Adam White
except you can't reload it, laser chainsaw does the same at the cost of being constantly at melee range for maximum damage
Parker Thompson
Any pirate wanna play online?
Justin Allen
I hope people are becoming men and not being scared of spiders after playing EDF now.
Joshua Peterson
Yeah, the spiders seem to be less scary if you find out you can just melt them with the plasma launcher or call nuclear airstrikes on them. EDF is a cure for arachnophobia
Caleb Peterson
I never understood the hate of spiders. spiders are cute and friendly.
Jayden White
Spiders are bro-tier and they keep away the nastier bugs
Jayden Ward
fuck i missed it.
Adam Thompson
I'm on to you, This is a human image board. Don't you have a corner of a room to sit in?
Blake Anderson
Jayden Collins
i dont hate spiders, im just really fucking scared of them
Robert Scott
speaking of fapping, any insect porn?
Robert Ward
Probably because he forgot to spoil.
Adam Brown
Holy shit, I got used to play in hard with my fencer, but I was on the mission 23 I think with trapped on a insect nest. That was some PTSD material right there. I had to put game on normal to beat that.
Benjamin Cox
Thanks user.
Ryder White
Evan Long
Spiders are assholes and the only reason they're tolerated is because they eat even worse insects.
Jason Rivera
fucking hell, guess it's finally time to upgrade
Eli Green
??? what? it runs on my win7 just fine.
Carson Howard
I'm a retard i somehow read 12.
Parker Wright
did that potato actually run?
Carson Rodriguez
jumping spider mech best waifu
Owen Morgan
So this is just a warrior game with guns?
Dylan Barnes
It's a starship trooper games with guns. Leave it at that and torrent it if you want a taste. Trust me, it's worth your time at least.
Matthew Roberts
That had to be the most stressful level I've played.
Still feels bad man.
This game is so much like starship troopers, which I've discovered is basically being able to go from being awesome and fun to legitimately fucking horrifying at times.
This is it, what video games were meant to be. At last I truly see.
Jonathan Watson
Ok faggots, answer me this, how playable is this game if you have no friends to play with or want to play it multiplayer at all?
Can you still ride vehicles, fly around and punch Not-Godzilla in a mecha if you play this purely single-player?
Wyatt Foster
I just started playing Air ranger since I always used to play Ranger in every game, and god damn do I love the flechette launcher and the sniper limpet gun. I need to get better turrets though and a better tank outside of the starting ones. I tried to play on hard and got my ass kicked hard, so I ma gonna try to get some better weapons before trying again.
Jose Robinson
Very and yes. It's still a blast single player.
Some vehicles and equipment can't be used without others though. Like the Brute heli. You can fly it, but won't have anyone to man the turrets.
Wyatt Harris
Every weapon is accessible in both multi and single, though some of them have no driver guns so you can't shoot with it. Multi is fun but it's way better with friends. You still have those moments.
Cameron Peterson
I might be wrong but I recall someone in these threads saying the game would crash if your CPU didn't have SSE 4.1 support
Was that false/fixed or is it true?
tfw Q6600
Wyatt Hill
Iirc it was a specific AMD CPU that doesn't play it. Can't remember which though.
Anthony White
some guy made a patch that allows those amd cpus to run without needing sse 4.1 for edf
Xavier Reed
Depends on whp you play. Some air raider shit is meant for multiplayer while others is not. a lot of tanks are one man vehicles and so are most vehicles.
Daniel Davis
When in doubt, Macross Missile Massacre.
Elijah Watson
I hope I get something like that soon. My tanks and landmines are not cutting it for mass groups. Do you know what other types of limpet guns you can get? I never played air raider before and only have the regular, some sniper one, and some flechette one.
Chase Young
I've got everything from sniper limpet to rocket launcher limpet to chain gun limpet.
And then there's the blue limpet variants that shoot off bouncing bullets in every direction when detonated.
Hunter Turner
Join VDF #1, lets try beating maps with inferno difficulty
Cameron Evans
This was totally worth watching. I don't know why he said it wasn't.
Ayden Foster
maybe because it wasnt the full video
Wyatt Cook
all three slots still free
Easton Gutierrez
How do I join a room? it just shows me OK in yellow when I press ready and else are playing
Lincoln Roberts
My save file got fucked after 20+ hours of play. Can somebody please share their file? I was at around mission 29 brute force, maining Fencer.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Nathan Cooper
You have to wait for them to complete the current game, also join
Jaxon Walker
It's literally not on the list.
Jack Evans
what the hell? do i have to have some ports open or something
Carter Harris
I have no idea, man. The closest thing I can see to VDF is Viper's squad.
Jason Rogers
Refresh the list, see if its there now
Brandon Edwards
fucking bloatware
Elijah Thomas
Mason Taylor
VDF still is not there, sorry mate
Juan Garcia
I know I get dropped to 30fps every time somebody decides to do a fuck hueg artillery strike
Wyatt Garcia
When I get an invite to join a game I join, and when it goes to join, it immediately crashes the game. Intel CPU. Any idea what might be causing it?
Here's the fix. This should probably be in the next OP until D3 decides to fix it themselves (if they ever do)
Camden Morales
Can someone post the pasta that another user made for the Steam Smart Emu thing ?
Luis King
Oh fuck, the numbers are going up. This isn't good.
Alexander Lewis
Gonna eat some ramen. Hope you figured out a solution by then, otherwise I will host a room (although I am not far along on missions, sorry).
Dominic Torres
Bentley Ortiz
I don't wanna be jerked. I can do that better to myself than a girl. I just want to kiss for a long, long time.
Is that so wrong?
Grayson Roberts
That dress is really hot, but also kinda too slutty. 6/10, might buy for my waifu.
Landon Ward
I should be playing a bit tonight, I'll try to keep you faggots in mind before I jump on.
Evan Taylor
Noah Cook
Got a room up, name is VDF Alpha
Levi Cooper
2 spots left
Elijah Turner
I just realized I misread this.
Fuck. I don't want casual faggots playing this game. I was hoping it would stay niche but sustainable.
William Bailey
cant find the room you full?
Mason Hill
You better hope it doesn't become the new Dark Souls.
Carson Hill
What is exactly wrong with a series becoming popular?
Eli Watson
The game made my display driver crash for some reason, fun times.
I'll try to start up another
Jacob Johnson
Brody Reed
Back up
Joshua Hill
Will make a room later.
Ryder Gutierrez
Heaven's Gate sure was disappointing.
Millenials and casuals that want to streamline and simplify the game further, combined with inevitable greed of developers who will lose, or toss the original idea out of the window.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Am I meant to edit some ini or some shit since every time someone here makes a room cant see it in the lobby list
Samuel Gray
Look at all the other series that became popular. Now tell me one instance where it was beneficial (to the game, not to the developer's pockets).
Isaac Jenkins
F Zero became so popular and raked in enough sales that it had sequels, it's own arcade cabinet and was cameo'd in smash and mario kart
Doom and Quake became so popular that the game can survive through fans only, with extreme amount of map making and modding along with sourcing the engine to everyone
I don't see anything wrong with games becoming more popular.
Nolan Foster
You are forgetting NuDoom
William Clark
Yes, Doom 2016 wasn't as good as everyone expected but it could have been worse, but just because Doom 2016 exists, that doesn't mean the original doom games disappear from thin air
Liam Cruz
F-Zero is fucking dead.
James Taylor
Those games didn't get popular on fucking twitch
Cameron Jackson
I think the online lobby is region locked.
Colton Green
that is the most retarded thing in the world what the fuck
Eli Long
The developers are Japanese, they're retarded when it comes to computer games. I've heard you can change your lobby region by changing the Steam Download location in Steam Settings.
Jack Lewis
Is this the real life?
Michael Foster
This game is way more fun than it has any right to be. Reminded my why I actually liked vidya.
Ryan Reed
Lucas Long
oh shit nigger that rocket launcher is great, i got it on mission 70 something, you are lucky
Aiden Jackson
Blake Rivera
Its carried me through hard up to this point, now its just ant rape
Nathan Price
You can get this RL much early when playing on hard difficulty.
Jose Collins
Nolan Young
Guess I m gonna download the codex one.
Someone said in an earlier thread that there was a way to play multiplayer with a pirated copy, does anybody know how that actually works? And would someone be willing to play with me if it does? Yurofag here
Henry Turner
just run your game by steam and it will let you play multiplayer, but odds are they will patch it soon
Eli Cox
Eh, I'll probably not even bother then, too much of a pussy to associate piracy with steam.
Michael Richardson
Just finished the campaign on normal, I played EDF 2017 untill I had 95% of everything done on inferno so my body is ready
Jackson Stewart
new room: VDF 100 YEARS
Sebastian Nguyen
Gonna copypaste something someone posted on another thread and that worked for me, using SmartSteamEmu - 1) Download this shit mega.nz/#!oxZkVJrK!UnghkMURcERCBXaOS2zxcumNh3l6hv5ilmT-PXGi7QA 2)Extract it all on your EDF4.1 folder, replace steam_api64.dll 3)Open SmartSteamEmu, and drag EDF41.exe onto it, make sure that "Status of steam_api.dll" makres steam_api64.dll as verified. 4)Type "410320" into Game App Id, then press save. 5) Go to File > Settings, set SteamID to "PersonaName" and Name to whatever you want to be displayed as to other people. Hit save and you're done setting up. Right click on EDF's icon if you want to make a shortcut without needing to open SSE. 6) Start the game and go into the online mode and after a minute lobbies should appear. You can also use Shift+Tab to use invites and what not. Some lobbies work and some others don't, not sure what the deal is, but you're not actually paying for the game so don't complain. It works perfectly in-game. - 2 important things: Of course, if you have been playing it as admin, it wont detect the save files after turning admin off, and i dont know how to transfer them without getting corrupt save errors. Anyway, thats what i have been using and it works, but the lobbies you see are different from the Steam ones
Adam Scott
So does inviting by steam friends bypass the region lock? If so why havent we made a group
Jack Collins
How do I get allies to sing with me?
Alexander Long
I fucking hate flying enemies
Colton Cruz
I just hate those red drones. I don't mind them being faster, don't mind that they deal way more damage, but fuck they take way too many hits to put down
Brandon Young
I'm in support of this. I'd rather have a group of people to instantly play with instead of waiting for people
You have to be their commander, go near them when there's a red arrow over their head. Just shouting 'EDF' should get them to respond with the same
also, shamelessly self-bumping please join my room
Blake Kelly
Segregated pirates. I wonder if they will be able to patch that out for those who keep the release version.
Jacob Stewart
Aaron Allen
Am I the only one who hates this? I hate needless stat level ups. Instead of me getting better at the game I just get more powerful for grinding. It also takes away the class health balance.
Jason Stewart
delete this
Nolan Perez
You can set your own armor to be whatever you want.
If you get triggered by shit like that just take it to the minimum amount allowed ;)
Jose Powell
It doesn't, the amount you get per pickup is based on your class
Logan Fisher
lads where you at
Charles Reyes
Spoilers, of course. It's so much better when it's unexpected
Logan Roberts
I can only put my hope in the Ruskies
Daniel Jackson
Jaxson Robinson
Alright weekend warriors! Your Commander *Spectrumpigg* is back from work and I will be hosting VDF Infinite right now.
Tomorrow expect and entire marathon to finish out normal and onto hard.
Jack Gray
I suck shit at tags.
Hudson Fisher
My save file got fucked after 20+ hours of play. Can somebody please share their file? I was at around mission 29 brute force, maining Fencer. I played it on ps3 before, so it's okay if it's lategame.
Parker Baker
Any tips on dealing with the queen? She fires into the only tunnel in and I get shredded trying to force my way in on Hard.
Lucas Thomas
What class are you playing? What's the highest leveled weapons?
Jose Kelly
You mean the first mission where you face the queen? I just shot a shittton or rockets down the tunnel and she just happened to die before I did. Use the Goliath D1 or the Stingray M4 to do a fuckton of damage. If you don't have them grind them out on hard/hardest on some early missions
Juan Miller
VDF Infinite still open. Come join!
It's only me in here and I don't want to die alone
Brandon White
Holla ForumsDF group when
Mason James
not showing up for me. you should probably say what region you're in. maybe you did earlier
anyway I made a room for Hard mission 48
VDF and I should be US region
William Rogers
Grenade launcher.
Samuel Sanchez
J-type grenade launchers bounce their shots. Figure out the rest from there.
Carter Harris
Does anyone know, can you transfer save files from pirate version to steam version ? Or game using some sort of cloud saving ?
Michael Rivera
Right now.
I am in the USA.>>10147540
David Thomas
link where
Jonathan Sullivan
You mean on steam? Like a steam group?
I though Holla Forums Holla Forums had a group but I can put one together for VDF.
Also, VDF Infinite room is still up and running. Looking for players on PC.
Cameron Gutierrez
I caught this when launching it through SSE.
Jose Brooks
I got this too.
How does valves fat cock feel up everybody elses asshole?
Asher Ortiz
Actually running SSE as Administrator did the trick, but I don't see any lobby. Or maybe nobody is playing online
Anthony Wood
Ok. Just got the steam group going.
I need ideas and submissions for the group picture and everything else.
Anyone interested in a Holla ForumsDF discord channel?
There's a monhun Holla Forums group on steam, and that's not even a game on steam
Jonathan Price
Ethan Hill
Cool, I'm in
Christian Carter
Is anyone on or not seeing my room?
I have had this room going for a while and haven't had anyone drop in.
Region: USA Room: VDF Infinite
Elijah Gonzalez
Search shows nothing, can't find in browser USA, legit version
Nathan Reyes
room VDF hard mission 50 something room for more.
region usa
nothing popped for me
Julian Thomas
Checked and nothing here too
Ian Foster
guess that balam versus godzilla fight was enough to crash me
going to grab food good games everyone
Dominic Ross
>An army of lizards has appeared in Sydney no those aren't aliens that's just australian wildlife
Lincoln Martinez
I'll put up a room for a bit USA region name is VDF
Jacob Johnson
This is a retarded rocket launcher and I love it.
That shit wouldn't even be too out of place tonally
Elijah Perry
James Roberts
I figured this was just an average day in Australia
Mason Diaz
Luis Johnson
dubs decides what i play while waiting for the download
football manager, ck2, or stalker?
Noah Ortiz
Noah Richardson
You know what I love about this game? Nearly zero hitscan weapons. It feels like forever since I played a shooter where I actually had to compensate for the bullet travel time. One of my favorite things to do now as a fencer is to use the Gaellic rail gun and snipe Hectors from across the map while dealing with the bullet travel time as well as the arc the bullet flies in. Or when I find that perfect angle to shoot the air intake of the dropships. Shit's rad as fuck.
Henry Bennett
Oliver Martinez
I love that the fencer has a weapon that is a giant fist that jackhammers into aliens faces
Jack Sanders
We doing a Holla Forums room tonight?
Whoever was doing that VDF server, shit was not showing up on the server list.
Hudson Cook
kill yourself
Jackson Hernandez
If EDF became popular amongst normals then wouldn't they just make more EDFs in the style of 2017/2025?
Landon Brooks
NuDoom was good though.
Leo White
No dice
Grayson James
If they do I hope they give the ranger the ability to call in infantry support which would make him a lo more interesting
Jacob Turner
I've been without internet for awhile and it has been super fun on my own so far. Currently on mission 9 on the jetpack waifu class. Surprisingly this game even works well on terrible computers, I've been running it on integrated graphics at around ~30FPS.
Isaac Barnes
Joseph Moore
I was expecting a meme like mg13s, not a fucking verse from Revelations.
Hunter Sanders
I swear to fucking god every time I play this game I find something new that makes me want to crank it. Without a doubt this shit's my GOTY.
Jaxson Williams
Or at least give him some flying vehicles that don't feel like trying to drive a bus underwater
Zachary Ramirez
EDF series already went to shit once insect armageddon, 4.1 being popular will only help or uncasual the casuals
Asher Nguyen
I joined some room and they were farming mission 27 on inferno.
Anyways. VDF Infinite is back in action. I have weapons now for hard, hardest and inferno. It will be a cake walk!
Owen Brown
This is the worst part of the class
Nicholas Reed
they're busy being special snowlakes about "hunting their prey" just to catch themselves in the web screaming like a little girl being culturally enriched in germany
William Jones
Same here. EDF 4.1 is really well optimized (except for particle effects, game shits itself after getting close to smoke marker for vehicle drops). Those who whine it doesn't work either have AMD or they're getting a hard reality check to upgrade their pc mustard race rigs that are used to play 10 years old games
Nicholas Peterson
Holla Forums the class then ? Sounds good to me.
Wyatt Morris
Even AMDfags can play it now thanks to some guy who put out a dll mod. I should know, I'm one of them I don't even have any loyalty to AMD, it's just that that's what's been in my computer for years and I can't be bothered to replace it because it still runs everything I could possibly want to play It would also cost money and take 2 weeks to show up anyway.
Samuel Brown
Is there any way to change your name in-game? I thought it didn't matter and I named myself 'Anus'
Kayden Morales
The main thing that tanks my framerate is grass, especially the area at the end of mission 1. I haven't tried using a class that uses smoke drops though, jetpack waifus and fencers are just too fun.
Does anyone actually play ranger though? They just seem like a significantly shittier version of the soldiers that summon vehicles to me.
Joseph Gray
when selecting the save file you can change the name.
Leo Wilson
They get rewarded later on with some obscene scatter grenade launchers and whatnot.
Anthony Rivera
is there a way to transfer a save file? it ends up being corrupted
Landon Thomas
rangers are fucking great, man.
Their rocket/grenade launchers are murder.
Jack Collins
This shit right here This is the true spirit of humanity
Jose Johnson
anyone got a room going?
Charles Ramirez
I haven't signed up for this
Kevin Wood
Bentley Gonzalez
Ranger got me through the first 1/3 of the campaign on hard, he's a pretty cool dude with some of the best guns in the game.
David Davis
Plasma Ram is fucking great.
Parker Foster
The flechette guns and aerial drops get pretty good later. The better aerial drops are usually the ones that require barely any points to do in my opinion.
Mason Parker
Agreed. The single shot 150mm cannon replenishes itself as long as you're actually aiming at enemies, no real downtime.
Mason Myers
That one is amazing. Only rpoblem though is that it can't do much against carriers and needs a few hits to take out some of the larger things. The major problem of air raider seems to be the difficulty in getting some weapons to take out carriers.
Tyler White
I'm enjoying this game a lot.
Brayden Robinson
deja vu
Now I can't decide which of the two is my GOTY
Thomas Long
How do I git gud with the air rider? I can't seem to complete one level with that class
Jonathan Torres
What seems to be troubling you the most about using Air Raider?
Robert Peterson
Setting up a VDF lobby, anyone up for some co-op?
Carson Hernandez
Oh, THAT level. That level is goddamn insane. Here, have A BAJJILION FLYING ENEMIES WITH LASER SHOTGUNS!!!!
Gabriel Jackson
Levels with a ton of those air ships usually need limpet launchers and those flechette launchers. Don't bother with the air drops.Convergence missiles or flame cannons also help against those things.
Jordan Rodriguez
Room name?
Nicholas Hughes
What difficulty?
Asher Sullivan
Hard, gotta get them drops mang
Daniel Bell
mmm well Tank is not THAT effective and you get one every few mins or something Limpet Gun does nothing what else? Maybe I'm not trying hard enough
Nathan Rodriguez
Can't find a room by that name
Jeremiah Garcia
Tanks are useless against flying enemies. Use the convergence missile launcher.
Lincoln Wilson
The idea is that your airdrops are reloaded by killing enemies. Did you just decide to start playing as him midway through the campaign? He doesn't have much cool stuff at the start.
Jason Reyes
Isaiah Robinson
There's someone with a room name "Insert Trump Meme"
Is htat one of oyu faggots?
Brandon Flores
Yes, the thing is that I can't get drops becuase I can't finish a level I will try an earlier level
d-didn't know about this now I feel stupid
Jacob Taylor
Try 'VDF Pest Removers' I had it on invite only like a chode
Jace Thompson
What servers/region do you anons now play on?
James Cook
In extension to my question about modding from previous bread Thanks for answering. What mods do you want to see?
Asher Lopez
mazinger or other cool anime mechas
Jace Rivera
WH40k: Fencers as Space Marines, Rangers and Raiders as IG and Wing Divers as Sisters. Insects could be Tyranids and Ravagers would probably be Necrons, we could pretend that Necrons found a way to control Hive Fleets.
Pretty sure it would fit perfectly.
Lucas Perry
One hitting insects from as far as 170 meters is great.
David Watson
sauce? anybody?
Isaac Sanders
Trying my hardest to get fortress bot for air raider by doing mission 1 and 2 on inferno. No dice, same with Fencer, I want better artillery pieces.
Dominic Scott
Hunter Brooks
Give the D for the ants.
Aaron Morgan
Do mission 29 online if you want to farm items
Eli Price
I am a dirty lazy pirate
Thomas Rogers
Pirates can play online. You're dumb lazy pirate.
Isaac Robinson
I know man, but just does not feel right. I want to buy the game and then play it online. Game is gud and deserves muh dosh.
Cameron Nelson
If you find that good then you should try the CQC Vegalta with shotgun cannons on the shoulders or the Fencer who also get's shotgun cannons and the automatic shotguns for each arm.
Nathan Moore
Benjamin Martinez
Armored Vehicle Grape RA is some good shit
it tears through ants like butter thanks to penetrating bullets and goes fast
Grayson Davis
Cooper Hill
I know what I'm playing today.
Christopher Carter
Then send dosh to devs directly. By buying from steam you'll give them about 10% of money you spent. The rest goes to gaben, publishers and other scum.
Everyone should play EDF at least once in their life.
Jonathan Rodriguez
have we started the fire?
Jackson Cox
totalbiscuit praised it in his podcast
Andrew Torres
A couple of my more normalfaggish friends saw me playing and asked me what the fuck it was, so I steamed myself playing a few missions to show them. All of them bought the game the same day and already have like 20+ hours logged. Word of mouth spreads like wildfire when the game is actually good.
Wyatt Jenkins
what would be the hardest class to start a hard playthroug? raider?
Ryder Stewart
Air Raider is always technically the most difficult class solo because if you don't balance your points properly it's easy to end up a creek without a paddle. Especially if you're an absolute madman and don't bring any actual weapons which is usually what I do
Brandon Torres
My butt was unprepared.
Nicholas Phillips
Same, I get overwhelmed every time on hard.
Jason Foster
Why doesn't completing missions in Inferno give us a completion in the lower difficulties? At this rate I'll never get to the 70% to remove the weapon limits so I can Rule of God entire maps.
Luis Thomas
Dominic Myers
Hunter James
Just so you guys know, Balam's P function does more than just look cool. Use it after being knocked down to recover faster, or before being struck to prevent being knocked down at all.
That brute force mission ran smooth like butter for the most part for me but whenever some big building gets blown apart my game shits itself and my cpu almost catches on fire.
Jacob Bailey
Air raider is a support class, the only weapon they have is limpet gun which is shit as fuck and not design to fight a horde of enemy. Ranger is an all rounder class that have an arsenal weapon for every situation. Not to mention in order to call of an air strike, you need to fill in a gauge by killing enemies. Lancer with javelin is OP as fuck
Jason Bennett
How do you taunt in the giant robot?
Carter Brown
>mfw i got to the first dragon mission. The absolute madman. Now i understand anons who were posting about how they rediscovered why they love video games.
The second level is actually better to get drops.
Jacob Diaz
All future EDF generals should have this info.
TF u talking about ranger has imho the best weapons in the game, for constant firepower without losing mobility and the obscene explosive power of later weapons. Air raiders barely get any weapons on their own and are almost entirely a support role.
On the surface it doesn't look like there's much to the game. But the missions just suck you in with all the glorious destruction.
On the keyboard, press "P". In the controls menu, its under "Special stance." It lets you take a hit from the Godzilla expys without falling over, if you can time in right, like Mentioned here.
Joshua White
Rockets and bouncing grenades are your friends. Air raiders use limpet guns and that works out ok.
Isaac Long
I just woke up. This is the user that runs VDF Infinite. I am starting right now and will be running HARDEST all day today. Come join!
Isaac Bailey
So is nobody hosting inferno?
Juan Brooks
Alright I just installed and played the first two missions. How do you play online with the pirated version? Server list just stays empty.
Matthew Taylor
Charles Wright
How do I find you?
Kayden Perry
Brayden Reed
First time on Mission 29 and OH FUCKING BOY. Defeated it on Hard with my Air Driver and his tools. I and that noice bainblade were only ones left. And here I though 26 was "fuck!"
Grayson James
There are 89 missions and it keeps getting worse
David Bennett
worse like in "this is glorious" way you mean? or boring?
Juan Scott
The entire game is just one long downward spiral into despair
Logan Robinson
Worse in a glorious way
Caleb Kelly
Jason Gomez
Really wish vehicles were more resilient. They just melt in seconds on any difficulty, the higher you go the worse it is.
Some vehicles should be super fragile sure, but shit like tanks and big mechs, especially the shit with close combat weapons, really should be able to take a pounding.
Justin Wilson
I'm kinda hoping someone fixes the fucking helicopter controls. Those things are pretty much unusable.
Michael Foster
I just love it when Holla Forums unanimously loves a game. It's like a party.
Jonathan Cox
Anyone playing online on the pirated version?
Noah Sanchez
I'm not seeing any rooms online here.
Justin Williams
what steamworks are you using
Camden Davis
Fucking WHY
I'm making a room because that's bullshit
Name is Videogames
Julian Harris
I just did what was said in That's all I know.
Evan Martin
Wait, can you not play online missions with others that you yourself have not completed?
That would explain why I keep getting booted
Brayden Watson
that's a bit old. I am using the new ftp://revolt:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */.V2-RVTFiX.rar it fixes a lot of crashes and problems. I have my lobby open there. just copy paste and open from game exe (you need steam open)
Ryan White
probably my fault I fucked up every VDF game I was in with 200 armour
Asher Morris
If you see a room "Exterminatus", it's me.
Cooper Hernandez
Don't think so, you're probably getting kicked because the niggers that started the rooms you're joining don't know how to make their room private.
Parker Price
Well, I'll play with any of you faggots because that's hot garbage to do that to someone
I searched for your room , but couldn't find it. Trying again, but I'll make another one if I can't
Aiden Butler
Dear mother of god. I just can't do it. Those red flying motherfuckers are just too tough.
Sebastian James
Just not make shit games duh
Isaiah Mitchell
hey I surived for atleast 20 minutes, I just really wanted to play with some niggas
Hunter Martinez
Me too mang, me too
Name is "JUST"
Get in here niggas
Hunter Diaz
Colton Diaz
Liam Myers
If EDF could go Souls, it would did it years ago. This shit will never become mainstream.
Isaac Parker
I'm trying to get it running using SmartSteamEmu and it just gives a white screen and then a crash.
tried reinstalling it, using the CPU fix and most of the other shit you can think of. halp?
Ayden Allen
Eli Richardson
use this ftp://revolt:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */.V2-RVTFiX.rar Currentyl playing the game fine
Oliver Barnes
By not being a bitch nigga. Because you a bitch nigga.
What's the room name?
Kayden Howard
how do you change your region settings? I want to play with you burgers
Tyler King
Bug Holohoaxers
Benjamin Turner
i'm guessing that is singleplayer only?
Brayden Thompson
Ok i just started playing and I'm having fun playing the ranger.
The fencer looks like the coolest shit on the planet but i don't get how to play him, can someone explain to me what i should be doing, i figured out i can dash cancel with a shield and spear, but i just cant outdmg my ranger, should i farm for more weps? It just feels like I'm missing something.
Angel Garcia
jesus christ how do you move in this thing?
Benjamin Turner
Sorry mang, It's not showing up for me.
You don't. Choppers control like ass.
Jaxson Thompson
no I am playing online.
Daniel Brooks
FPS drops to single digits there
Mason Allen
cucked by being an europoor again
Jose Peterson
go switch your download region to LA worked for me
Liam Flores
tried it and looked at the ingame people's steam profiles. they are all american. fucking gook coding
Robert Martinez
Everything is just fine.
Ryder Carter
Copy everything lol. even the .url
Eli Howard
What the fuck dude.
Juan Garcia
I remember toggling caps lock in some other nip game gave me extra fps too
Eli Wright
Who cares, single player is literally 4x easier since I do all the work anyways in multiplayer.
Carson Wood
Seriously. Alright now I get a regular "stopped functioning" crash even when launching as administrator, the game was working with the CODEX crack.
Jose Morgan
Is there a max armor amount?
Ryder Butler
Do you have steam opened? The game is working fine for me.
Joseph Thomas
Does this game have Lan and Direct connect?
John Price
Lobby system
Jace Parker
Yeah I've got it open, gonna check their forum.
Jack Nguyen
Jayden Roberts
well I went to their forum and looks like a lot are having similar problems as you. Some suggested to do a clean install because some files may interfere. I am not sure if this is going to help much might be the crack's fault;
Julian Evans
Alright fresh install, still crashed, launched steam as administrator and it worked.
Connor Wilson
Liam Smith
If no one is hosting, I will Look for VDF pass is gonna be fun
Jason Diaz
does it unlock that shit for everybody?
Lucas Hughes
So if someone wanna play in a pirated room, yurofag available.
Juan Sullivan
Elijah Cruz
Tyler Price
Man, I can never find any of you guys' rooms, I can find tons of random rooms but even searching for the exact names nothing ever shows up
Jacob Brooks
Server still up or is it full?
Kayden Morales
Internet gave up on me wait a minute or two
Camden Morris
Server is up room is VDF Pest Removal
Carter Smith
Actually fuck it It's VDF REMOVE BUG I am stupid Also why can I only choose mission 1?
Jaxon Lee
Is EDF modable or are we fuck just like every fucking japanese game ?
Evan Young
I-is anyone coming?
Sebastian Mitchell
search function is broken for me, gonna restart my game.
Evan Hill
wont show for me even after changing download region
Jacob Russell
w-waiting for you then :3
Easton Ross
m8 I can't find the server, fuck my interent.
Elijah Bailey
okay guise changing my download region to Lan Event (Europe) try doing the same see you in a minute
Owen Diaz
Finished my nest raid, those 3 missions with queen. I was not even able to see the queen because the fucker kept puking shit on the doorway and all those brave EDF men and women kept running to their deaths. So I did what I do best, double miniguns to that bitch face. Anyway, was spooky as hell and died couple times, played on hard. But my Fencer loadout did the trick in the end. Sweeping those tunnels with big ass guns and not letting a single bug trough.
Colton Reed
okay server is up again as VDF REMOVE BUG Now everything is set up perfectly Still can only choose Mission 1 dunno why
Daniel Torres
nobody can find me, right?
Eli Cruz
I just searched using the filter, nothing came up. I searched for VDF REMOVE BUG exactly.
Evan Green
Julian Jackson
Can somebody else host then this is ridicolous I think we should contact the devs about this they seem helpful
Logan Roberts
Brandon Gutierrez
I can. Which mission would you like? I'm going to do hard
Luke Perry
Nevermind, doing mission 15 room name is 'VDF 100 YEARS'
Caleb Ross
I'll join in 10 min
Ethan White
Owen Morris
have to restart steam again joining in 1 min
Aaron Hill
well nevermind can't find you what the fuck
Ryder Watson
Can't we just make a group on steam and use invites maybe they fix the problem
Gavin Howard
we were in game, try now
Gavin Jones
Put a DEF pack on em. Anything with decent health will just shrug off even the heaviest of hits.
Brandon Clark
I wanna mod female voices in >.> I long forthe day to hear the girls sing!
Tyler Williams
Kevin Allen
Jaxson Butler
nice shitpost
Adam Watson
Ravager-posters trying to shake up the EDF, but their tricks wont work on us! EDF! EDF!
Nathaniel Cook
Also, I found this thing and thought you lot could find it useful.
this shit it's not working anymore I click on the buttons and NOTHING happens why why is the online region-locked why did I spend 20 pounds on this pls help me
Blake Young
I really hope they someday make a spinoff where you play as the EDF airforce flying bombers and jets around shooting at UFOs and being the air support Air Raiders call in.
Aaron Bell
Change your download region, I've heard that will fix the region lock.
Ethan Roberts
Just kill them at range with double shotguns.
Leo Rogers
it doesn't it just changes which people you can "see" so unless everyone on Holla Forums has the same download region it won't fix anything
Colton Butler
Well, that pretty much seals the deal for me, the only thing that could be more revolting is if it's an awful port like earlier EDF games.
Why do publishers insist on taking games that would be downright incredible and dipping them in a vat of diarrhea before release?
John Allen
Andrew Price
Ranger wins Hunger games with Massive amount of kills.
Cooper Sullivan
no u
Nolan Hall
I wish I was there to watch it.
Ranger is master race.
Christopher Howard
The DLC is either content in the base game that is soon outdated by later drops, or skins that do absolutely nothing.
Asher Wright
said "IF". I didn't make it, cause I ended up playing with some randoms
Jacob Johnson
You know all that DLC was made years ago for 2025's release, It isn't like they just now made it all for the PC launch to jew you out of your shekels. Also, what fucking ports are you even talking about? This is the first EDF game ported to PC.
Daniel Wright
Playing multiplayer on hard, room open on LA download region
VDF Battle force
anyone wanna join
Blake Martinez
There was IA.
Jack Baker
That wasn't a port though, PC was one of its original launch platforms.
Logan Lewis
Wasn't it released for consoles and PC at the same time? I realize that doesn't exactly exclude it from being a port, but with a simultaneous release you can't exactly pinpoint one version as the original and the others as ports unless the developer outright states such. Excluding PC ports, every ported version of older games to newer systems has been fantastic, including the stand-alone expansion ports such as EDFP2V2 and EDF4.1
Christopher Perry
Aww yeah just got the Lyzander Z, thanks to guys who were playing in the JUST room
Asher Flores
Isaiah Hill
Someone make a new thread.
Hudson Rivera
Oh one's up already.
Jaxon Morris
I have no idea what this game is, but anons here seem to be having a lot of fun with this. Would anyone care enough to shill it to me?
William Gomez
THe most apt description Ive seen around is "Japanese Serious Sam"