
i was arguing with somebody on Holla Forums yesterday saying that automation is inevitable and anyone that doesn't embrace it is not going to be competitive.

my argument against this was that it would kill small businesses, create a bunch of impoverished welfare states, and and lead to a complete economic and societal collapse

So? The goyim exist to be our slaves, why keep obsolete labor saving devices around?

Identical thread there

check the catalog next time faggot

Tech is a bit more complicated. As of now it can only replace the most rudimentary to more complicated task that can be PROGRAMMED. Eventually it will be able to do more which means people will also no longer need to work as much to survive.

AI learning bots and droids are longer periods away. People will always need products they need to survive. So there will always be jobs. Some jobs will simply modernize such as farming to make the job easier.

automation is a meme, at least to the degree of making manual labor obsolete, you guys are just idiots.

Automation isn't inherently bad, but (((they))) will use it as an excuse to bring in (((Basic Income))) aka being a slave

Not like the robots are doing anything that matters, like laying carpet.

Why are you spamming the exact same thread on both Holla Forumss?

i posted it once on 4/pol/ and once here

differing views and discussion

OTOH, economically revolutionary changes have occurred in the past. What happened was that menial jobs were eventually replaced by more highly skilled ones. If you're a white man of average-intelligence or better, then this trend for automation ultimately can only be beneficial.

If you're not, then ofc we all expect you to demand basic income for free and eventually to start burning shit. Good luck with that, Detroit.

Either way, it's a BFD in many ways and lots of ppl are thinking hard about it.

Wow, that's a stupid board that's mostly dead too.

Automation can also create jobs depending on the situation. At my work, a particular task became automated, but the automation still required human assistance and monitoring to work correctly. This actually opened up new positions where previously they were considered fully staffed.

Shit like cashiers getting replaced with kiosks certainly doesn't create many jobs though, aside from some IT work maybe.

Do you actually have an on-topic point to make friend?

… aaaand reported.

Robots will eventually easily be able to lay carpet and other construction type jobs. Actually, in the future I expect that most houses will be assembled in factories and just plopped on site and be up and ready in a matter of just a few days if not just a few hours.

I totally agree about the removal of easily disgruntled and low-intelligence workers from low-end restaurants though. Total win-win-win (stockholders too ofc).

TBQFH I'm pretty much grateful every time a new opportunity opens up for me to inch Capitalism forward w/o having to deal with an angry, cunty teller or cashier. For example banking is a far more relaxed experience dealing with an ATM than a snotty woman on the rag who likes to LARP that my money I lend to the bank actually belongs to them instead of to me. The machine does it's job simply and efficiently and I'm out.

If your job is simple and menial enough to be replaced by a robot, maybe you should just get a better job. You'll never replace qualified electricians, plumbers, construction workers and other healthy blue collar jobs. The first step in automation is going to be replacing the disgusting cashiers at Burger King with touchscreens where you place your order. They're already doing it at Wawa and it's fucking great because workers don't have to deal with scumbag customers.

You saw they built a house with a 3d printer, right? What do you think they'll have 5-10 years from now. And after that? Any job that doesn't use serious critical thinking will be be done by a robot. All drivers are going to be replaced soon. Every fast food and reseraunt will have ipads doing a servers job soon. The population is fucked.

Automatic cars are a gay meme and I'm embarrassed that you think otherwise.

hey nigger check the catalog. No one cares about your rambling.

The sad fact is that all wages should drastically increase in line with (((inflation))). If fast food workers make 10 an hour and want 15 an hour, all other hourly wages should probably also increase by 50% or more. I'm not sure why people never understood that.

This issue with replacing these low skilled shitskins and other undesirables with automation is that it's going to get to a point where we're either going to have to give them universal basic income or let them die. You know which option I prefer, but it's not going to happen. Those of us who still have jobs will be taxed into oblivion to pay for all of it.

The only thing robots will ever be good at replacing is niggers, and wetbacks.

No we're not. At least white men aren't anyway. There will be literally more than 1001 new careers open up to the lower middle-class workers supporting automation and technology that demand for doesn't currently exist in any large degree.

In fact, this is a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor while the getting is still good user.

Granny, pls. Things are already working out for them to quickly be a reality now. There are many more companies than just Google and GM working hard on it. In 10 years they will be easily available to a sufficiently employed individual to purchase down at the Chevy dealer. You can already buy one now in high-end marques. In 20 years even low-end wage earners will have them.

Find tax shelters then user. Just pretend you're protecting your assets from your harpy 2nd wife.

Not any of the things YOU want them to have, you 'muh singularity' lolberg scum.

You have two choices.

You can side with the Jews, who will use what little technology can be created without white men to automate and secure their ability to enslave the planet and drive you to extinction.

Or you can side with us, and we're going to make you do your damn job with your own two hands, because work is good for you.

This liberal utopia dream you have of sitting on your fat ass raking in cryptocurrency farms while your harem of robot waifus impregnates themselves on your dick is absolute and utter nonsense.

You are the purest and simplest form of sucker. You actually think you'll be allowed inside the ivory tower if you help them build it. You really believe that the technology being used to replace and murder you will be cleared for helping you, if you just throw enough political capital at it.

Useful idiots like you are the most dangerous traitors of all.

For all the posturing of lolbergs and ancaps, at the end of the day, you're no different from the Communists you claim to despise. You're still playing with sticks in the dirt, arguing that if you arrange them in a particular enough pattern, then the gates of utopia will open up before you.

The replacement of all labor with automation is nothing more than Soviet era Communism rebranded for gullible idiots. "If the working class would not side with us in the name of our glorious utopian vision, then we must simply replace them!" The fact that you swallow that rhetoric hook, line, and sinker simply because it promises you infinite cummies shows you for the untermensch you really are.

I'm not sure how much of a fucking idiot you'd be to drive a computerized car that monitors your location at all times and probably comes with a kill switch that the police can use when they pull you over.


who says I'm driving it user? I like building things with my own hands. But the simple fact is that self-driving cars are an utter inevitability the world over, and will easily happen in your lifetime. whether you like that outcome or not is irrelevant.

Those two statements are not mutually exclusive.


