The Infiltration of The TRS 504um

I Am In Baby!

I managed to get in this coveted group!

what should i do to contribute to the revolution!

Other urls found in this thread:

Try talking about how capitalism has allowed Jews to control their lives. Then proceed to talk about how capitalism has fucked them over.

nice meme dude


Taking screenshots, will send to the admin. Subversive piece of shit

they know!

you're retarded

oooohhh really makes me wonder

reddit-tier design, disgusting!

do they see jews in everything?

Of course they love the biggest advocate of global capitalism out there without a single hint of self-awareness.

this, they are all wagecucks

get cucked lol

Cry more pls, hypocrites.

looks like Poroshenko

How about instead, you start taking books off shelves and begin to learn about the world.

It isn't as comforting to the knuckle-dragger in their waning era as, say, a circlejerk to attest to why the Jews are one's sole cause for being a robot NEET left alone now that all the kids are out smoking reefer and playing jazz-funk and watching international arthouse cinema in the hep part of town. But, it'll help the world out in the long run - and that includes you, my fellow sentient homo-sapiens!

Damn, never heard of "always operate on the basis that you are already infiltrated"?




What did Adolf Hitler had to say about May Day?

The fuck is TRS 504um?

This is brilliant, if we keep infiltrating and posting screencaps eventually they will tear themselves apart like Holla Forums has (after we successfully infiltrated the mod team there on IRC it's turned into an establishment shitshow).
