"stiff upper lip" incredible new propaganda video

So this guy named "byron de le vandal" wrote a song about the United kingdom and living under terror and some guy turned it into an incredibly effective propaganda video. Amazing.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/56qh10xyh71zy5z/Stiff Upper Lip.mp4

Fucking good vid.

I really liked the part where the british army was exterminating the muslims

Heard this song today, its a good song

great video, the saxon needs to hate again.

The most powerful part is the footage of the mudslimes walking through the streets with the black flag. Hundreds of people walking through the streets openly calling for the fall of your society, isn't integration. That is the exact opposite of integration.

The best part about the ban on chemical and incindiary weapons is when we totally ignore it in the future

Damn, so good I converted it to mp3. and will integrate it into my music collection.

So glad I was able to go around London/UK and Europe as a whole before all this shit started the last couple years, and to think I only lived there 2011-2013, my how the times change.

Alright niggers, let's start brainstorming. What's everyone going to do to make this go viral?

Pretty much this. Weapon bans are really holding us back.

there is a thread on this over on halfchan

You got a download you're willing to share bro?

Even the non-banned weapons would be fine if we ere allowed to use them.

Come on Lizy, reestablish the autocratic monarchy and lead an army against our true enemies.

i would renounce american citizenship and rejoin the empire

You are right, the rules of engagement are another hurdle in our way.

Here is a link to download the video:

I usually use DVDvideostudio but they demand payment for any video longer than 3 minutes, though I have been using it for so long I might as well actually pay for it at this point, pretty nifty suite.

Link for it here:

I'm not shilling for anything, just saying.


Guy gave out the download before May's internet police knocks it down. mediafire.com/file/56qh10xyh71zy5z/Stiff Upper Lip.mp4

I want as many bongs to see this as possible

Bump for viral

Webm version.

thanks this is great


The footage at 1:50-1:57, when was that? 70s?

60s probly

That shit hit me like a sledgehammer. No niggers, no pakis, no degenerate natives of whatever stripe, no littering all over the place, no overcrowding. Just normal, decent, orderly white people living in a normal, orderly white country.

damn nigga now I know autism.

ya but its so BORING

leaving in footage audio of screaming would've been more effective i think
there's plenty more in-your-face footage out there too, but eh there'll be more

inb4 blocked in uk

Britain has always been and still is the biggest slave-whore for the Jews. The British are just mad because they have to live with inconveniences despite sucking Zions cock so diligently. They want to live easy and nothing beyond that. White bodies with a jewish soul.

True that. Israel, the Bank of England and all Banks today, the situation in Europe for centuries, all the eternal anglos Jew puppet's fault and do the Jews reward them ever? Of course not. Jews are eternal backstabbers and Brits will always be good goyim and now Britain will wait a couple days before their next truck, stabbing, or rooty tooty point and shooty of peace.

When Zionist jews attempt folk. This is awful, and the footage where the people come out the building and they get mowed down by machine guns is more realistic than any of the fake zionist attacks.
inb4 muslims didnt do nuffin.
Yeah they took up the invite from the zionist jews to come here, they got on the boats the marxist jews paid for. And now they are the stinky unwelcome scapegoats that save jews from getting holocausted in the country they have been feeding off like dirty parasites since the 1200s.
Transparent cunts.


usually i'm not one for these songs about [current year] subjects but this one was actually pretty good.

Does anyone know a good store for material that can be used in such propoganda, and military combat footage?

I have a whole weekend, and good cinematography skills, as well as a plan that I developed months ago, which I unfortunately lost the files for.

Fight or die.

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Mirror it with a clean comments section and spread it like a weed over social media. Let the public talk there. Make it seem like it isn't of our persuasion.

Sometimes I feel like making my own videos, mostly documentaries highlighting newspaper articles and books and how there's this eerie cyclical nature to history that repeats itself. Sometimes I can't help but think we're in a simulation that loops.

We are running at top speed towards a world war, user. And it is only up to us to decide if we win it or not. But even if we do, there won't be many of us left to see it.

That's mostly the cities. The cities themselves are multicult hellholes, cesspits of degeneracy and concrete monstrosities. Its no wonder you see these things and feel that way.

Sadly I feel you're right. At least as far as peaceful options go. I can't see us voting our way out of this mess. Its going to take another decade or two of this shit before we finally see some kind of resistance. Its too good right now, but the cracks are there. Jobs are going to become scarcer with immigration and automation, digitized shopping etc. the money will run out, currency value will continue to plummet. The welfare will run out, the cities will be majority non-white Labour strongholds. Then and only then will we see the fragile chains that hold us back break.

Considering its damn near every city in the west it kinda just makes me want WW3. It'd damn near solve all our problems.

It's normality, it's how things used to be.

Would you like to hear some advice, from someone who used to be in the same situation as yourself?

WW3 would be Israel approved. You don't want that, a bunch of white men going overseas to die in some sun baked desert for our Greatest Ally all the while rapefugees flood into our nations with our women and children unguarded. No, you don't want that.

What we need is a financial crash or fantasy scenario; some kind of solar flare from the sun that acts as an EMP. Things are only as bad as they are right now because of the bread and circus. We're too relaxed and comfortable, enjoying too much easy living and prosperity. I would likely perish in the disasters and unrest, but as long as I could take a few traitors and their pet shitskins down with me, I'd be OK with that.

Though the issue with a financial crash is that it will almost certainly be on purpose, so some kind of martial law or world war can erupt from that.

how about you go be a faggot somewhere else

Yep, Muslims are a decoy, though one that can't simply be ignored even when you realize its purpose.

Do it. Info Wars is a stupid fucking organization, but their name is on point. We need to compete. What is life about, if not competition?

This song sucks hard, let's be honest.

Then again, this particular genre of music (>muh politically motivational ballad_ usually does, vid very related.


Because nothing screams pride and hope like losing 80% of your island in two years to some fucking farmers with guns.

I'm quite certain he was merely joking

Good video editing, decent enough song, but the earnestness in the lyrics will be mercilessly mocked by millennials, white collar types and libshits. Highest effect on the blue collar middle-aged+ normalfag briton masses. Non-british reaction: no one will give a fuck.

American retard detected.

hit me

millenials are garbage who are going straight to the camps

fucking hell m8. I've always dream of leaving this place and seeing a place like England, whites only, first world, etc… By or if the time i ever got the opportinity, it's going to look just like S.Africa & Zim.

t. white

For anyone inclined guitar is tuned half step down and the chords are just G and F.

My advice is very simple yet requires some discipline but it has worked for me. In no particular order:

1. Stop drinking. Luckily for me, I never was much of a drinker so that was fairly easy. Instead drink water (still or sparking, tap or mineral - doesn't matter) and fruit juices (ideally freshly pressed). No alcohol, no soft drinks, none of that bullshit. Water and fruit juice. Also no drugs but that goes without saying.

2. Sleep well. Fall asleep prior to midnight and try getting 8-9 hours per night. When you go to bed make sure the room is as dark as possible and cant the window(s) so you get some air. Some people sleep on their belly, others on their back. Regardless of how you sleep, start by lying on your back and putting the fingertips of both hands together, resting both hands on your stomach and breathe calmly. You will feel a tingling almost electric sensation in your fingertips and will start feeling relaxed. Do this for as long as it takes you to become relaxed (say 5 minutes), then take your sleeping position and sleep.

3. Accept that you right now can't change the situation at hand by your own power. I know exactly what impotent fury feels like as I felt it every day for many months. It feels like the entire world is resting on your shoulders and it crushes you without you being able to do anything against it. You absolutely need to let go - for now (more on this in 5.). This is very hard to do but it's necessary if you don't want to be driven crazy.

4. Exercise. Don't waste your time paying for a gym membership, just do pushups, pullups and some cardio. When you're getting good at them, start adding weight (dipping belts, weight vests). There are shittons of good resources on the internet for this but I can be more specific if you want. You need to be fit. Period.

5. Understand that what you're witnessing everyday is only temporary. In the future whites will rise up again and we will take back our countries. We will win. Be ready for when that moment comes and reactive your anger then, not earlier.

thank you

It's like Serj Tankian.
But actually good.

Not for nothing, but isn't "London Bridge" in Arizona now?

Notice the left has completely given up on the "integration" line. They simply ignore it, like they never promised that mudpeople would become just like white westerners, now they're assertive enough to say openly that the demise of european and anglosphere culture is a good thing, and to be celebrated. They know there will be no retaliation now.

That's also why they are more hesitant to pull their bullshit in the US.
We will.

Queen is a kike.

Unless this is a just a name coincidence, the "vandals" are a TRS affiliated group of guys and the song is being spread mostly on TRS affiliated twitter accounts. I don't actually know much about the Vandals or how they are connected beyond common views and possibly veteran status.

I'm not saying this because I'm critical of the fact. I'm not saying I have a problem with TRS. I'm simply making the observation that Holla Forums and other subversives don't know this, hence the lack of shilling in the thread. The shilling against TRS and the "Vandal Brothers" may now commence. Screen cap this for future reference as it happens.

i don't see anyone banning smoking, drinking or overeating any time soon. how exactly do you ban terrorism? there are four ways:

>erosion (consumerist capitalism) elimination

Super sad video. The children of men movie scenes don't seem like they work at all though.
Maybe it's good for a reprieve so normies don't disengage from too much emotion. But they might just get bored and checkout at that point.

It's happening. See attached.

Fuck off you potatonigger, this is a great song.

I can throw a pack of cigarettes in the trash instead of smoking them. I would get arrested if I threw a muslim in the trash.

I mostly agree with your advice, except that I think 8 or 9 hours of sleep is too much.

give this a try: take that 9-hour window you're currently using for sleep, and cut it down to 7 hours of sleep plus an hour or 90 minutes before going to bed where you turn off all electronics - no computer, no TV, no music and definitely no video games (they're the worst at keeping your cortisol up). The house is quiet. You can read a book (paper or kindle, just stay off websites), or just sit outside and contemplate life.

You might also like 30 minutes after you're supposed to wake up where you sit in a chair - that is, don't just hit snooze. You wont fall asleep because you'll have gotten enough sleep already. You can just meditate and bring your brain online more slowly.

Gee, I guess it's really unfair the way those muzzie cunts are allowed to use napalm and landmines and we aren't, huh?

You fight with what you have. 9/11 was done with boxcutters. Multiple attacks have been done with trucks. The question is, do you have something in your possession as potentially lethal as a truck or a knife? Because if you do, it's the lack of will that's holding you back, not some bullshit law.

Do you own a few bicycle locks? I'll bet those are good at closing fire escapes, aren't they? Do you have access to gasoline and a gun? Can you drop one inside the doors of a mosque during Friday prayers while using the other to keep them off of you? Got a book of matches?

Congratulations, you are now ten times more dangerous than any individual member of ISIS.

But remember, fam. . . Don't do anything illegal to avenge your tribe for these many insults. That would interrupt the smooth flow of money into the banks and might make a few gated communities nervous.

A movie about how a negro is the last fertile women…

Getting real sick of this shit


dont listen to the shill

Get the fuck out of here you filthy kike.

deserves a bump, tbh fam.

Standard Rebel media agitation.
All "Islamic terror" attacks in the UK this year have been Jewish Zionist hoaxes.
London Bridge.
No one died at any of these incidents as anyone who has done cursory research would know.
Sorry that this fact takes away something you think you can use to "red pill" people on Islam, but you are unwittingly being used as useful idiots by the Kikes.
Do some research.

Thanks, Muhammad! I almost forgot Islam was a religion of peace and no Muslim could possibly hurt another person.

You are truly our greatest ally!

Didn't know about those, thanks user, what I used to use was free for years

I loved it user, it was so nice being able to see so many whites everywhere I went, and the smaller areas of the UK and Western/Central Europe was incredible. But nowadays, it would be something I would hesitate to do unless it's Eastern Europe again or Ireland or Scotland and Wales (all the non-whites in the UK seem concentrated in England and the cities).

Keep a stiff upper lip as it's the British way user, and have hope that the fire has been rising and the Western Europeans are waking up, right along since America.



David Duke, please stop. Just because you hate Jews, doesn't mean you can't also hate Muslims.

Are you joking? A white girl was raped in the U.S. and her parents aren't allowed to talk about it. The entire white world is done for, and in turn all of the West is done for. It's apocalypse time.


The United States is exactly the same as Europe.

The Vandal Void network is made up of Right Wing veterans, started by Sacco and Vanzetti Vandal (their legal names). They produce media (the American Militant Manifesto, various songs, the War Room and VV podcast, blogs, etc). and participate in various IRL operations. They consider themselves Alt-Right, and are credited with starting the White Sharia meme. Their podcasts are hosted on Vandal Void, The Right Stuff, The Daily Stormer, ALCMedia, etc. Anyone having a problem with this is free to debate them.

One can simultaneously remove rats and roaches.

I would suggest removing the clip in the warzone, it's impossible to tell which side is Muslim, and it sticks out from all the clips in that it doesn't obviously reference England.

Holla Forums has at least three types of cancer. You are the Kaposi's sarcoma one.

OH, I see now.
Jews are promoting immigration of peaceful friendly muslims, then they dress up like muslims, stab people, get shot, and blame it on loving and caring muslims.
After all, we all know a sexually-frustrated shitskin semite would never attack a white woman.
Today I am truly #woke.

Thoughts on this fellow?

Why? 8-9 hours is generally regarded as the ideal amount of sleep, even more so if you exercise.

Sounds interesting. I'll try that out, thanks.

Great writings, awful nerdy voice. Also he used to be a commie, but people tend to be more left wing when they're younger.

Most NatSocs today are millennial though. Boomers and Gen X are kike lovers and Gen Z is still learning.

Well yeah. Aren't we having a conversation about things that are actually different from conventional wisdom?

The function of sleep is to let your brain perform maintenance on itself, right? What you actually need is a certain amount of REM sleep. The amount you need is definitely not 8 or 9 hours. Most people are playing games or watching TV or doing something that keeps them hyped up right until the moment the lights go out - some people even sleep with the TV on.

So whatever amount of time that regular people are attempting to sleep - some portion of that is not sleep, it's coming down from the sensory high of modern life. If you actually needed 8 or 9 hours of REM, then we'd have to tell people to get 10 or 11 hours of sleep, in order to ensure they get 8 or 9 hours of REM.

Bottom line, we tell people 8 or 9 because you actually need 6 or 7. What I'm suggesting is that you sleep more efficiently. Bring yourself down to a lower arousal state before laying down in bed. Then lay down for 7 hours.


they're controlled opposition and by watching this you'll turn into a jew. perhaps you should kill yourself before you do

I like the song, but that "London Bridge" line repeats too often.

The feels

cucks gon cuck

top kike

Care to explain?

This video got mirroed on BPS

Currently at 50,000 views in less than a day

suprisingly good, I disregarded because of the muslim in the thumbnail

stick with the real poem that says English when that is the case

Is there anything besides 'vandal' that links that and this?

This (the video, anyway) seems to be an appeal to the Queen to stop the madness, but I'm pretty fucking sure that if she ordered this shit to end, parliament would just chuckle and signal for security to escort her back to the palace.

We'll see about that, you pube-bearded animals.

nah, note the part where she asks (if real) the girl if she enjoyed the concert

Dude this song was featured on Fash the Nation and The Daily Shoah, which are TRS' two biggest podcasts, and "Byron" is a regular contributor to the War Room.


did you use the embedded version or the one linked in the description? video says it has an error and the link is version 2.

They won't.
The jews have been occupying jerusalem for over 70 years now.

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