Film maker Oliver Stone doesn't like Pokémon Go.
Says it's "surveillance capitalism", "A new level of invasion" and that it could lead to totalitarianism.
==heading== ->"It's not funny."
Film maker Oliver Stone doesn't like Pokémon Go.
Says it's "surveillance capitalism", "A new level of invasion" and that it could lead to totalitarianism.
==heading== ->"It's not funny."
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Who the fuck is Oliver Stone and why should I give a shit about his opinions
I think he's the guy who directed the Wall Street movies?(One had Charlie Sheen, the other had some other guy)
(((Who))) the fuck is he?
Film maker. Made Platoon, JFK, and The Doors.
Well, that didn't help much. Eh
So how can Poke Goy actually be used for surveillance? I fail to see what useful data could be gained. I figured the micro-transactions would handle all the revenue just fine. And yes, I know Goog provides the map data. I still don't know what usable data could be obtained.
It gives itself full permission of your google account if you link it. It can go through your emails, photos and geolocation data.
That was only made known recently by some random security expert. Who knows what else they have access to and how they might use it.
Idiots who don't know what the game's data contains think that the game is copying the contents of your hard drive on your phone, taking snapshots of all your photos, gathering saved passwords, credit cards, etc, etc, etc…
The game doesn't transmit enough data to do any of that, of course. The game has some of the LOWEST data emissions I've ever seen in an internet-based game, certainly not big enough packets to map your phone and credit card info.
OF COURSE IT CAN USE YOUR FUCKING GEOLOCATION, what kind of dumb shit do you have to be to think that's a security threat though, WHEN THAT'S WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT. "Oh shit, I don't want them to know where I am." Then you can't fucking play, because that's how they make you encounter a god damn pokemon.
As to access to your email and photos – THAT WAS ONLY ON iOS and if you have an iOS device, you should fucking kill yourself anyway. And they already fixed that one too. They've been scaling back the "allowances" that the app can request, which is definitely not the actions of a company who wants to steal your information.
I used a throwaway account anyway not that I care, but why the fuck would I ever use google mail?
Sounds like another case of Hollywood having a massive hate-on for video games because they're competing for profits.
Based on the responses, permissions used, the way the app works, the kind of data that can be collected, and common sense, I have deduced that Poke Goy doesn't infringe privacy whatsoever and is just a fun little app. I think I'll give it a try and see what I think, I like the idea of the app because it is mostly passive, I like AR games, the battles and gyms seem fun, and I know lots of people who are playing it. I think Ninty has a great app here potentially.
I'd love to be able to do that shit, but I refuse to join a team. I'll become a pokemon master and collect em all solo if I have to, but I'm not joining some RBY bullshit. Apparently, though, you can guarantee your Eevee transforms into the evolution of your choice by naming it after the leader of one of the factions, Sparky for Jolteon, Pyro for Flareon, and I don't know what the Team Mystic faggot is named. Only works the first time for each name.
Teams? There are teams?
Yeah there's Team Instinct, Team Valor and Team Mystic.
Instinct is bout raising your pokemon and having them learn via self-discovery (thus the name), Mystic is about ultimate knowledge of all pokemon and their evolutions, and Valor is about the bond between trainer and pokemon. That said, your team does nothing for your stats or your pokemon, it's just a RED VS BLUE VS YELLOW three-way struggle. It would have made more sense if it was Red vs Blue vs Green for obvious reasons, but Niantic are fucktards and went with Pikachu instead of Bulbasaur for team 3.
Speaking of which if you walk and reset the starting pokemon 4 times, you can choose Pikachu as your first pokemon.
Also yes, I know they went with the three legendary birds, but fuck off any cunt who defends this shit.
Fuck, I would have liked to have been team Bulbasaur. Why not just have 4 teams?
so a tinfoil can still play pokemans if he has a dummy smartphone (no data just simcard) and a throw away gmail account? Oh wow the audacity of ((those companies)) invading our security.
Valor is Moltres
Mystic is Articuno
and Instinct is Zapdos
That's why. Because they aligned the teams with the legendary birds. They could just have easily have made a series of 8 teams aligned with the gyms from the first pokemon game, they could have gone with Ghost vs Dark vs Psychic, they could have done anything, but instead of GBR they went with BYR because of the birds.
You are partially correct. You need an internet connection and a google or a pokemon trainer's club account to log in. You could play it with a tablet and just walk around wifi hotspots with no mobile plan at all, though for obvious reasons this limits your ability to play the game.
At one point in time I thought about building a 4 mile wide wifi mesh in my town years ago, but I never bothered, the circuit boards to do that though are only like $5 a piece so it's pretty cheap, but then you need to add your programs to the boards and do a little modding, and provide them with power. The project probably would have cost a few hundred dollars, and of course, if anyone ever found one of your circuit boards you'd have to replace each one. But they had a huge range to them.
I suppose if you had a sufficiently big enough property, you could run power cables all along your property and set up a huge acre-wide pokemon field and play the game using your household internet with no cell phone plan.
Anyway, just food for thought.
Does this need to be a thread?
Look at the trouble someone would have to go just to play this garbage without being tracked. Just reading that gave me a headache.
Are you stupid? You don't have to do that to play "without being tracked," you can do that already with wifi hotspots. My idea was to set up a wifi grid so that I had internet everywhere I went in my town.
So wait we can't talk about e-celebs related to games, but we can talk about celebs that have nothing to do with them?
How do you do a heading?
No, Poke Go does not and can not track you (at least, if it did, it would get nothing useful, thus they certainly don't bother). This has been established constantly. The tinfoil is getting really obnoxious. And, for the record…
What the fuck?! user… are you ok? Do you need help? Please don't set up an acre-wide wifi network. That is an extreme waste of time you should spend fixing your autism.
He's probably right, but nobody gives a shit. At this point, bashing Pokemon makes you a heretic/social pariah. He's also obviously plugging his new film about Snowden.
Jesus Christ. Natural Born Killers, The Doors, Platoon, Wall Street, Born on the Fourth of July, Salvador, JFK, and he wrote the script for Scarface and Midnight Express. Get cultured, faggots.
You can't fix autism.
Also time is all I have. I made a bunch of money once upon a time, and now I have nothing but free time. Everything I do nowadays is little more than a hobby or special interest project, or alternatively plain wasting time playing video games or pretending to talk about them by posting here.
It is video game related.
it's not
Brb, gonna make a thread "Christopher Judge has no clear opinion on Team Fortress 2"
I could you could say that Oliver Stone should Pokemon GO fuck himself.
well its true
And no one even cares. It's apathy that brings despair.
got something to hide goyim?
…its an AuR game with a server for the map.
shit's connected to both jewgle and the CIA, its been funny but this shit is very much a tracking device you download.
In murka can you shoot people in some states if they get on your private property "because they're looking for pokeymen"?
What about Lugia?
Okay I'll explain how the game works for anyone who's on the fence, so you can decide.
The way the game works is you create your avatar as either a boy or a girl, now if you use the other gender, other players can see you on the map, so it could create an awkward situation where you need to tell them why you're a loli, so just consider that before you start rolling up a loli. When you start out you will have a choice of the starter 3 pokemon from gen 1, i.e. Bulbs, Squirts and Charred. If you reset your starter pokemon 4 times by walking away, you can get an electric jew. Okay, we're off. So you start off with a few items, you get 50 balls, 2 incense, an unlimited use incubator and maybe some other shit, I can't remember all that you start with.
Anyway, from levels 1 to 5 it's the same game play for everyone, all you can do is walk around and collect pokemon, doing both gives you experience points, when you turn level 5 you are now able to pvp. Keep in mind that level makes it so higher strength pokemon show up, rarer pokemon can show up, and it makes it easier to catch pokemon, but pokemon in the game themselves have no level, instead they have CP or "Combat Points" and this determines how strong their base damage is, this is factored in along with the strength of their attacks. The higher your CP, the better off you are in combat, and even a weak move PKMN can overwhelm a strong move PKMN if the CP is far enough apart.
At level 5 if you click on a gym, the game will give you a prompt telling you about the three factions, Instinct (Yellow), Valor (Red) and Mystic (Blue). Other than being a PvP faction this has absolutely no bearing on your pokemon at this time, it won't do anything for you either way, if you choose a different faction from your friends, however, this can mean that you can feed each other. There are two ways to battle, first is to place your pokemon on a gym (or invade a gym) and the other way is to challenge another trainer directly (I think this requires a team affiliation to see other players, however, so soloists who choose not to choose a team- such as myself -are invisible to other players and can't see other players until they choose a team.
There's two "common" methods of capturing pokemon, first is to throw a pokeball directly at the pokemon and the other is to do this ridiculous swirly motion to rotate the ball in midair as you throw it, and people claim that this increases your chance of capturing a pokemon. This may or may not be true, I'm not going to speculate, don't care.
To get items there are three ways, one is to level up (not sure there's enough women to rape for this strategy, so moving on), tapping pokestops every 5 minutes and swirling the picture then closing the pokestop (or play the bubble popping game, I don't care), and the third is to buy them (if you're a total fucking faggot). Pokestops are universally regarded as the best method to replenish your items which includes balls, potions, eggs, and revives (there might be other shit, I don't know).
To evolve or strengthen your pokemon you need to spend a combination of stardust and candies, which are associated with the base type of your species (i.e. nidoran male, nidorino, nidoking all give nidoran male candies). The more powerful a pokemon, the more expensive it is to evolve it (Gyrados requires a massive 400 Magikarp candies but it can raise your PKMN's CP by 650 or more power, which is the strongest evolution in the game), and higher evolutions require more candy to power it up as well as more stardust.
When you defend a gym or invade a gym and defeat your opponent you get prestige, you get some poke coins (normally they cost real money to get) and you get experience points. If you get enough prestige you can take over a gym for your team.
Battling is as simple as either tapping for your basic attack,or holding the button for your charged attack. The charged attack of course does more damage, but it's easier to dodge too, while the basic attack is possibly unavoidable. To dodge an attack you shake your phone left and right when an attack is coming your way to make your pokemon dodge. Subdue your opponent's pokemon by reducing their hp to 0, yadda yadda, if you played pokemon you know this part.
Wild pokemon do not currently battle player pokemon, but they will use their special moves on pokeballs to prevent them from capturing them. The game used to have a meta where you could tap a pokemon while moving and then when you stopped battle the pokemon at your leisure, but this has been patched, if you go too far away from where a pokemon was first encountered, they automatically break out of your ball and then flee, which is obviously a waste of a ball and your time.
The most effective places to find pokemon are in areas where there's a lot of mobile or wifi data, such as near a wifi hotspot or at a pokestop/gym. The more players in proximity the faster pokemon show up (I've had pokemon show up nonstop over and over when walking by certain areas, but I didn't stay because it defeats the whole getting out and walking exercise thing).
The top level is either 30 or 50, no one seems to know for sure. So overall is this a great pokemon game?
I want to say that it's an awesome pokemon game, but this is not an awesome pokemon game, I wouldn't even say it's an awesome game in and of itself, unless you're really into the idea of pokemon battles with TWO moves and one pokemon, the servers go down a lot, if your mobile data or wifi goes out then you will either crash the game (it harmlessly closes) or your game will become unresponsive (which you can harmlessly close, but is more annoying). The game has some serious need for better mechanics, and QOL features such as the ability to reconnect instead of expecting that you are connected every second.
When the game first launched people were abusing the fact they have cars and driving around to get the walking exp fast, so Niantic quickly patched that and now the game normalizes your gains based on your movement speed, so you can't level up super fast by driving, and like I said they patched being able to snag pokemon to catch when you've parked/stopped as they'll automatically flee. So the game really does require you to either bike, walk, jog, skateboard, inline skate, or buy items.
There's three items for lazy fucks, lucky eggs (double exp for a while), incense (increases your chance to catch shit for 30 minutes) and lure modules (increases the chance to catch shit for 30 minutes in an area around a pokestop or gym). Lures and incense are all cumulative, so you can get a lot of pokemon really fast if you put 2 lures and an incense on and with the lucky egg you can gain up to 50,000 exp in an hour.
Evolving pokemon gives you 500 exp (1000 with the egg), and transferring pokemon gives you a candy (to help evolve pokemon of that genus).
All in all, the game is just an excuse to walk around for people who are unmotivated by health and need an alternative reason for exercise, but pay to not move items kind of sully that.
That's it?
There's some very basic customization, but no you can't be a fucking potato or a tranny or a fucking dickgirl or whatever, you're either male or female. THIS GAME CAME FROM SAN FRANCISCO, so there ya go, THE "DIVERSITY" CAPITAL OF THE WORLD AND EVEN THEY WERE LIKE "NO, FUCK YOU, BOY OR GIRL."
Yeah, you really have to be a security expert to read the permissions the app is requesting.
Also: Alexander. I don't know about anybody else but that was the only film I ever walked out of for being so bad.