Hows it going you fucking beautiful faggots.
Lets get some Dota discussion going. If you hate assfaggots stay the fuck out.
Hows it going you fucking beautiful faggots.
Lets get some Dota discussion going. If you hate assfaggots stay the fuck out.
no seriously, no generals here, go to the dead board or don't start a general
Bit late for that, champ.
Just from the first two pages.
ASSFAGGOT generals tend to fill up ridiculously fast and get redone every single day, at least that is how I remember them.
They are more dangerous to the board than an ARPG general or a Runescape general.
Baseless statement of salty bullshit.
Fuck outta here
What's next ? League of legends general ? Heroes of the storm general ?
So is anyone butt mad that Valve put that really swaggin new environment behind level 125 on the compendium thingy this year, what bullshit, I ain't giving them another shekel for Dota 2, although I've made like $600 off of selling my old Dragon Hooks and Timebreakers.
Dota has remained stagnant since Allstars. Anyone who played it in The Frozen Throne has experienced most of what it has to offer, with only the occasional new hero or item giving you something different to try. Then the entire ASSFAGGOTS genre developed around the idea of a 3-lane, 5v5 hero fightan game revolving around farming, ganking and pushing.
And they still haven't released Pitlord after, what, 3 years? Good going guys. You totally have a stable competitive environment when you don't even have all of the content in the game.
No. :^)
Look at this thread Holla Forums. Look at this. This is the sort of cancer you invited by allowing Undertale and Overwatch Generals.
I'm level 17 right now.
Pretty much impossible to get it at this point. Getting achievements is difficult and quests are meant for Carries where I like to play supports.
Are you trying to suggest the game isn't playable without pitlord?
It's funny considering 72 million dollars are going to fall every single year for the simple fact of this game existing.
Waiting for shit to come out from Valve is a meme people love living.
Overcrotch is pure containment. We used to have 5-6 threads before the containment thread was made.
It was similar with undertale.
Or did you forget that ?
The "people" who "enjoy" Overwatch are still invited to come here and post their plebshit in other threads.
Undertale has a board now, and now there's one less general shitting up this one. Other generals should follow suit.
Meanwhile we have
I mean, you do play ASSFAGGOTS, so I can understand you being a little slow.
Guess what fag. This place exists because people got pissed the fuck off at discussion being limited.
What I have said that has clearly gone over your head is that those threads are simply the will of the users, many of whom have happily participated in them.
If you can't fucking except that, get the fuck back to halfchan.
Get the fuck out before I get my shotgun.
I agree with the 4AM and LOL threads, but the other generals are comparatively benign.
Forgot to sage. Brb, suiciding
Why should I go to halfchan? They love Dota. You'll fit right in.
I'm saying for a game that is supposed to be competitively balanced esports it seems like a slight oversight to release it missing a hero that would contribute to the overall balance of the game.
Black Ops 3 made more than 550 million in its first three days. Money doesn't mean quality, so I don't know why you thought bringing that shit up was a good idea. Is this your first day?
Friendly bump, I don't play the game and I don't like it, but at least I'm not a buttmad faggot that won't let people talk about it.
Questfags are cancer.
I like to play initiator/4 and gankers myself, I'm surprised how so many people want to play carry and can't farm or build for dick, I don't play it as much as I used to, no new content and I'm a huge cunt.
Such civility. I commend you admirable user
Is Mirana Ancients still a thing? I've literally only played Supports so I hear nothing about other positions.
Into trash
well im hyped for ti6, pitlord, immortals 3, and a big fucking meta change after ti6.
I'll be honest I play support mostly because I want to win.
Pickup Omniknight or Crystal Maiden and you end up winning so many fucking games. ESPECIALLY if you study the role and play very proactively.
I'll never understand this. Do you watch the games or do you just enjoy using the compendium
That being said, jugg is the hero who can easily flash-farm early on.
But it's so easy to get on venge with early pick-offs.
Is pitlord even confirmed, or is it yet more hearsay?
Watch games
See if RTZ will win this time or not.
Try play as not support or don't hard support
When's Pitlord?
Every time I tried that I got paired with a doofus carry and I've lost almost every game as support unless I'm playing in 4+ stack in captains mode.
Someone posted this thing which is a good enough teaser to confirm it.
Will come through an announcement>>10138674
at the TI and someone will play it, probably RTZ.
Great, another reason to reinstall Dota 2.
I'm excited for the shitstorm that all internationals bring really.
watch the games of course. i dont like the compendium much.
yea its confirmed. they teased it multiple times recently.
most likely after ti6. theyll likely show him at ti6.
theres also a tease in the legion comic, they say pitlords full name at the end
also forgot to mention a slardar remodel was found in the files too.
what shitstorm?
good one m8
Is Pitlord the last unreleased hero? I thought there were more unreleased heroes.
So a few weeks ago I gave Heroes of the Storm a try just for a laugh, it's absolute trash on just about every level, and the only thing that's cool about it is seeing all old Blizz characters in high detail graphics, especially The lost Vikings.
You just need to find a good stackmate - and the bigger your stack, the more likely you will be paired against veterans who play with their set stack every day - so they will know how to communicate. So often it can be harder if you're just doing a casual 5-stack, even in unranked.
I have my one regular carry, and I go as support/core, mostly support. Trained up pretty much solo-queueing 5th slot support forever before finding this person.
Solo queuing in general can be hell. Supporting even more so, given most of the time you're the only support/semi-supports or cores won't help to pitch in for the occasional ward or support item.
Playing support is barely related to the carry in lower MMRs. As a carry you should just be ganking. f
You should buy everything yourself. No reason to even give a fuck what your team mates do.
Just ward and gank as much as possible. Encourage them to do roshan.
Support is pretty fun especially if you use a mic and lead your team.
HotS is an experiment in design and could teach us a lot about the genre if it wasn't so bland and basic. The entire thing could be seen as a playground of innovation that's just waiting for a better game to capitalize on. Changing maps, the talent system and some of the heroes (like the ogre comes to mind) are all things that could really benefit other ASSFAGGOTS, but they'll be ignored because its basically a flop.
I meant as a support you should just be ganking. As a carry you should be farming and getting kills.
I chuckled
1. People hated the talent system
2. Multiple maps ends up with a forked playerbase who like one map over the other. Also less focused development on balance and engaging gameplay.
3. Any game can learn a shit ton from any other in terms of its heroes. Look at Gnar from LoL. Or Lee Sin. Very well designed.
Meme marble will win the arcana contest.
The talent system was flawed, but it allowed for in game customization of your character to fit a more specific role based on how the game was going. I think its biggest failure was a lack of diversity, the inability to respec and the generally bland game mechanics resulting in the talents having low impact.
The variety of maps also had problems, sure, but the alternative of one fucking map to play that still fails to be properly competitive balanced from year to year… There is a middle ground in which you can intentionally have some picks that are stronger on some maps than others, which again HotS fails because their heroes are so lackluster.
You take that back.
No one will ever be able to convince me that Icefrog does any work on DotA anymore. I firmly believe he's been pushed to the back in the past 2 years (he's become like Guinsoo at Riot, there solely to try and cash in on having someone from the old days) or so while Valve does all the work on the game. Nothing else could explain the absolutely bone headed changes this game has been getting like the still ridiculously op slingshot mechanics, the nerfs to minion gold, the buffs to passive gold gain, and the introduction of int scaling on abilities (we League of Legends now).
Doesn't he still maintain Dota?
Dota receives the same changes as Dota 2, although it is late now.
This is a hard argument to have. Like, at a basic level Dota is about picking a hero and supplementing them with items, and sure some items are cheaper and more about helping allies than taking on a carry role, and same for some heroes, but largely I think the creators still want everyone to get items and have fun.
If 0-gold support is a mandatory role, then it makes sense that they would nerf minion gold and bump up passive gold gain. It also hits back at any people who haven't played the game and don't know any better about snowballing. Unfortunately it also looks like the game has become more casual.
Medallion + ult is ridiculous though.
i came here to laugh at you
i mean it's nice of you to just say it outright instead of the usual but fuck off will you
People who play the game don't want the game to turn into something else. Just like people who play chess don't want to have their game "evolve".
Yeah, Valve is pretty slow, but one out of 100+ heroes not being in the game yet doesn't have much impact. Pitlord isn't all that popular anyways. There are better things to complain about if you want to rationalize your not so rational hatred of the game/genre.
Why is Faceless void so perfect /vg/?
Void is the new 1vs9 offlaner.
So should a singleplayer be made to entertain storyfags and help casuals understand what the fuck is going on?
The game is pretty well balanced at the moment. Icefrog did a crapton in 2015 and earlier this year; I'm seeing more variety in it than ever.
Doesn't his ult make a portal to somewhere else on the map that could be pretty useful.
Yep, it's pretty useful
I very ocasionally play dota, and certainly not on a high level (and usually on 10v10), but if you look at the hero pool used in the current meta by pro players, as well as how much the meta can evolve without patch, I would say all the changes did something right.
Very few heroes are totally out of the question and many heroes can be played in a number of different roles. I wouldn't suggest balance always makes a game fun, but in this case I think they did something right. The changes the current meta has gone through on its own, without item or hero changes is very nice to see.
Void is best dota.
I really really like ta
So here is my ranking of most OP characters
Most OP: Batrider,Omniknight,Broodmother(if not countered by kunka or earthshaker),Enigma,Sven
Okay tier you can pick them to counter: Axe, Tinker, Invoker, Kunka, Silencer
Shit tier: Everyone else
Why does EarthShaker's Fissure ability have such reach? It's like out of nowhere you get slammed with that shit.
It's better than nep-nep
I haven't played dota in like a year. The only thing I have any amount of interest in is Pit Lord.
Should I give up hope now or is their any chance Pit might be fun and not total trash?
You should find a niche hero and master him. I only played with pit lord once, can't say anything about him.
The worst adivce imaginable.
Play all the heroes and see which ones you like the most. If you start off by paying only one hero you will have a lot of problems understanding what most other heores do.
1st Overwatch, now this? Fuck off, cancer.
so what makes you prefer dota over lol, smite or whatever else? i havent played dota 2 since around the time it first came out. it felt more like a cleaned up warcraft 3 dota than an actual "2" which was interesting but i didnt feel like getting back in to it.
LoL turned all my favourite heroes into shitters with 4 skillshots and Smite is only fun with friends.
dota is a much more competitive game with much more depth, everything is free, a lot is community driven, etc.
league of legends, hots, etc. is kind of like comparing smash bros to street fighter. dota is a real moba, lol and hots and smite are more like phone apps or apps meant to appeal to women or something.
Your one of the good ones
Everything essential in Dota is free; the only paid content is aesthetics, some of which can be randomly earned. You can try every hero and enjoy the custom games right off the bat.
The characters are just more interestingly designed to me and I enjoy the mechanical depth. Despite always being on the same map, no game ever really plays out the same, and each character can be built differently.
thats a good point, even if the game is more punishing it might end up being more inviting when you arent barred off from content, especially with all the interface tweaks since warcraft 3 making the game far more user friendly than it once was. a good thing in my opinion
What exactly is the problem here? A busy general means thay people who like things that you don't like will probably stay out of your threads. They literally put a sign on the door that said "STAY OUT IF YOU HATE ASSFAGGOTS". I would understand this behavior if it was shitting up another thread, but I am failing to see what problem you have here other than hating it when other people have any fun.
I've never seen a non-shitflinging assfaggots thread. It's existence is enough to cause/attract cancer. If you want assfaggots you might as well bring toddgoty4, undertale and other shit too.
Because the point of Earthshaker is to be a map landscape changer and that means making fissure long.
Fissure blocks your own teammates too so they add the stun to make it actually good.
Good job, we finally hit a new low.
We have to go lower.
Honestly I think I'm done with Dota until pitlord comes out, and then after that maybe forever.
I'm just tired of only ever have spanish speaking retards every game that refuse to work together on any level for months on end.
I can deal with shit heads, I can deal with smurfs, but I can't fucking deal with a team that literally never works together or groups up on any level. I can't fucking carry 3 feeders EVERY FUCKING GAME. I'm not good enough. It is fucking miserable to lose every single game because you are a human and your teammates are literally monkeys mashing at their keyboards typing "jajajajajajaja" every time they die.
And you're probably palying with south americans. I tell you, spaniards are worse
Even russians that speak english are good. When you find a lc jungle that feeds first blood and says something on mongolian you know you lost
Fuck off back to reddit
I'd sooner argue that IceFrog was never particularly talented in the first place and making slow changes is the only way he avoids fucking everything up too hard. People talk about IceFrog like he invented DotA. He didn't. IceFrog just made DotA Allstars 6.0 (and there was a DotA before DotA Allstars), and for the longest time people continued playing 5.84c instead of IceFrog's DotA. There are a lot of gay as fuck changes IceFrog made too, like the no backdooring rule.
It's pretty easy to look amazing in comparison when your opposition is "2 second blinks for everyone and 3 minute Doom" Morello.
That said, I think he's actually a pretty competent dev overall. Simply by implementing small and relatively minor changes, "slow" to use your words, he's already leaps and bounds above the rest. Small tweaks here and there is how you are supposed to do balancing. Or at least he used to be. I'm not so keen on how he's been changing things up in the last year or two and using the sledgehammer approach.
I blame Valve influence.
-Pit Lord will never be released.
-TI6 will be ruined by SirActionSlacks acting like the shit-stain faggot he is.
-Dota's new meta will be a million times worse than the current meta.
Again, fuck that fat piece of shit faggot SirActionSlacks.
Who the fuck is SirActionSlacks
Why do second exodus fags shit up vidya threads so much? I don't even like DOTA but I knew it would be like this.
It looks like he is a DOTA 2 player for a North American team.
assfaggot fuck off
It's weird. Second exodus was caused by the censorship of free-speech on Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Now we have faggots here saging and shitposting for dubs on threads they don't like. It's embarrassing.
It's also pretty annoying how a thread like this is saged to oblivion, but weeb threads and waifu threads are just fine for some reason. I hardly ever go on this shitty board nowadays. Not even Holla Forums is much better. Holla Forums is pretty good, though. We don't even have those cunnyposters anymore.
Like stated, Riot ruined so many things like queuing for games, forcing a meta they'll gladly ban you for not playing by their rules, and all the forced SJW shit they try to pull (Gay as fuck Taric, CaitxVi shit, giving more skins to champs who have 50+ like Sona and Ezrael, etc.). Taric was supposed to be an eccentric guy, but his remake is full of sjw-catering bullshit.
They ruined a lot of champs like Twitch, Jayce, and Ryze (they just hate Twitch), while they force champions they want you to play down your throat (Gnar, Ashe, and Azir when they were really shit-tier, Braum, etc). Also, Riot is a very sleazy company that supports scum bags like some shady streaming company that got a guy shut down.
Smite is just unstable on my PC, and I didn't dig it. HoTS is LoL, but a thousand times shittier and sleazier (charging a retarded price for incomplete, half-assed skins/models, a roster more retarded than LoL's with characters no one wants, shitty maps, etc).
I tried to get into Dota, but leveling any compendium felt like I was pulling teeth (it didn't help that most of my games all had weens who thought trolling games on purpose would make them internet celebs). Also, rank mode is literally cancer, and not fun at all.
The funny thing about mmr is 5-7ks are just as shitty as the 1ks they make fun of. MMR means jack shit to me.
Some youtube faggot who is getting attention by acting like…a meme-spamming faggot on Youtube that does a lot of yelling. Valve thought he would make a great analyst along with some Norwegian slut Sheever (who sucked pro-player and commentator dicks to go anywhere in Dota, since no woman let alone girl takes Dota seriously).
Slacks is really painful to listen to. For some reason, I noticed most of the Dota "celebs" barely get 1000 views on their streams unless it's someone like Sing Sing (Some Proplayer who doesn't give a shit about Dota anymore) or a lolcow like Arteezy (Arteezy really is the lolcow of Dota).
Slacks is ok.
Him and GranDGrant talk shit about getting triggered and faggots who say "cringe" on panels all the time.
He's a commentator/entertainer not a player.
You're thinking of Purge, who is an interesting guy. He knows what he's talking about, yet he can't fucking play Dota 2 worth a fucking damn (like…99% of the Dota celebs out there like Pyrion Flax and Slacks).
Can you think of a more cancerous build for any hero than this?
My mistake then
The mute button exists for a reason.
The moment you hear that voice, you press mute. Problem solved.
Rushing rapier as support is pretty fun
Speaking of ASSFAGGOTS, it's a damn shame Strife flopped (although it's not much of a surprise if you know how shitty S2 is).
Support Sniper (it works…if your team isn't retarded).
Max Q and E
Get shit that slows down/stuns opponents with an aura thing or two.
Deny the enemy creeps, but kill the ones your shit carry can't get to.
Pray to god your team is good at team fights for Q to work.
You can't do that on Twitch sadly.
Which is ironic because Slacks is just as bad as the people he talks shit about. Nothing about Slacks is likable.
I think he must have a pretty reasonable understanding. I am sure he can't forsee every change anything he does makes, but there are few patches where it feels like a hero is really unintentionally extremely broken. I think he understands what the changes he makes do pretty well.
Wut? You click on the speaker icon and you have muted the stream…
Are you talking about the in-game match, or Twitch? You can only "mute" via ignoring text on Twitch. In-game, you can switch between different commentators.
You misunderstand - I'm not looking for viable builds. I'm looking for things that are polar opposite to the hero, like the clinkz build I made.
I was going to build a refresher too, but I ran out of time.
Sniper Support will make anyone act autistic especially when you make it work.
Oh, I just mute the full stream when he talks. Yeah, ingame its even easier if he is just one of the mics for some reason. But last major events, he seemed to mostly be doing things around the game, not casting or anything, but player interviews, I wasn't too interested in that anyway.
Btw, favorite teams everybody?
Personal favorite is empire (although they been fucking up lately). OG, Liquid and Wings next.
And does anybody know any other good custom games that I might not have played yet?
I've been partying with purge the past couple days and he doesn't get irony. It's pretty frustrating.
How to stop getting matched with peruvians?
Blitz is that you?!
But really, Purge is frustrating. He's so bad at Dota, yet he knows more than most players. Honestly, nearly every Dota "celeb" is a douche bag spare Dendi and Sing Sing (Sing doesn't even give two fucks about Dota anymore). Bulldog isn't too bad either.
You don't stop it. You're destined to play with them.
Na'vi for life. I tried to cheer for EG, but EG is so fucking sleazy.
get matched against peruvians.
im not sure if im on halfchan or not.
some of the better memes recently have come from Holla Forums, and they seem alright as far as conversation too. but a lot seem to not for some reason.
You know user, you could make generals about games you like, instead of shitposting.
What games do you like?
mark please if you're going to hotpocket it up and delete threads at least delete the cuck-tier ones like this one.
Fuck man, I hate Dota and opened the thread just to get some info, but you don't see me shitting up the place because I hate it.
It's repetitive, it's boring, and it's more meta-game than actual game. But some folks like that, so let them have their fun.
You know the worst thing you can do to stop these faggots isn't responding to them, it's talking more about the game.
Sadly, I don't play Dota 2. I like HotS better.
Just saw some people posting builds, and I got a friend who likes to try diferent (read: dumb) builds every game and see what happens.
But that could help me too.
Post builds that you find funny/retarded but still somehow work. Wether they win the game or not makes no diference I think.
EU isn't any better, here you'll just get ruskies.
okay well here I gotta stop you and tell you you're a massive faggot
Yeah, I know.
I don't like to follow the meta of games, and I'm not looking for anything serious since I like to play many diferent games over playing the same over and over again until I'm good at it.
HotS feels that niche, since it's just casual fun that I don't need to put much effort into.
It also completely skips the laning phase of traditional Mobas, and for me, that's the main reason I like HotS and I don't like other Mobas.
Even Smite put more emphasysis on ganking early game and teamfights than the laning itself.
its the moba for people who dont like mobas
i don't play it any more
down to keep on the front page for awhile though>
lol I like it.
it's kind of harder now that vlad's does offer lifesteal to ranged and hardly anything native to a hero's kit is an orb.
Troll Warlord with e-blade, blade mail, mana boots? some other shit idk. dragon lance and battlefury?
thanks for the rare fieri
Russians are far worse than peruvians tbh. I remember the dark days when Valve didn't limit the servers you could join, so you got russians every fucking game even in the US. There was no escape from the darkness. Shit, I even had a guy with 600 ping said he joined US servers just so he didn't have to play with russians.
Russians are bros, great players all around if you don't fuck with them
is there any way you can itemize Troll Warlord to be a viable hero this patch?
You are absolutely full of shit.
Dude there is absolutely nothing wrong with russians, I've had so many positive experiences with russians I can't this stupid meme that somehow became what everybody thinks.
Worst players are Germans, fucking full of anger 95% of the time, screaming at you for every single thing you do.
Yes someone on leddit used him to get all the way to 5k.
The meme is from the ones that joined the US servers so they could have a 1 minute shorter queue time for 1k ping. They where the worst.
I don't play EU, so I have no clue what other Europeans are like, but I can easily say Russian are some of the worst players I ever played with on the US (Although it's been years since I've seen one). They would flame everyone around them, sometimes it would have been THEM who fucked everyone over and they will still flame other people. They throw a temper tantrums all the time at the smallest things and start doing shit like fucking with the courier. If there where 2 of them that could not speak a word of English, the second anything went south they would both pick the person who was basically around them the most and start flaming them in russian and fucking with them.
I don't give a shit what you say. I remember playing with those children.
go back to cuckchan.
You're a little late, you missed the rest of the hivemind.
Sorry I'm late, I was the last in line to fuck your mother.
Russian-tier burns komrad.
Octarine Core on Night Stalker. You now cause night 50 seconds out of every 60. Make sure to build a basher when you do this because it lowers basher's internal CD and consider getting a Mjollnir to go with it. This build is actually super fucking obnoxious because his Void becomes a 4 second slow on a 6 second cooldown and his Crippling Fear is an 8 second Slow/Miss on a 9 second cooldown. You fuck shit up surprisingly well with an Octarine Core, along with driving the enemy team crazy from your perma-night shenanigans.
I've also done Night Stalker with Dagon and then Ethereal Blade. It worked surprisingly well since NS can frequently double void enemies for 670 damage so with a dagon and auto it's an easy kill.
Dagon Riki. I actually end up doing this a lot because after Orb of Venom I get my Diffusal Blade then I build Ethereal Blade for the sexy backstabs then I decide to build Dagon because fuck it lets crank that laserbeam up yo my auto already rapes anyway.
Dagon Spectre. This build is fucking dumb but you can pick off faggots better than Zeus.
Carry Clockwerk. Just build Mask of Madness and Armlet and Orb of Venom.
Carry Bane. Mask of Madness, Phase Boots, Blade Mail, Orchid, Heaven's Halberd, Bloodthorn. Bane basically carries by making everyone on the enemy team useless. Make sure to banepost hard while you do this.
Carry Rubick. Again, Orchid/Halberd/MoM/BM/Phase.
Carry Ogre Magi. Battlefury, MoM, Bloodthorn, OCore, and BKB somewhere in there. By the way, OCore heals you off of cleave damage.
Also, consider building Midas on everything.
Does anyone have the mspaint comic of Naix about to be ganked by someone, but then he pops Rage, starts screaming profanities and insulting the ganker, before slinking into the forest?
I've scoured the internet for that fucker, but it's pretty tough to search for when the keywords include "rage." Tons of stupid reddit-tier ragecomics.
HoTS is also the sleaziest Moba out there.
Here, have some (you)s. It's on me, sweetie.
git gud
neck urself
I used to play all the time with friends but I haven't in a couple months. It's a genuinely good game but only if you play with friends that want to have fun.
yes well Dota is more fun than any other co-op/team game I've played. People here only hate it because it became popular and they're too casual and lonely to get what makes it fun.
If Dota was as niche as something like EDF and didn't have a billion overrated clones there would be nonstop threads about it.
I could stomach most of my losses because chances were I made mistakes too; however, even with that mentality, the autism found in the Moba community will get to you (I wanted to slap people who kept yelling at me to buy Shadow Blade on Sniper because it's his worst item).
At least you can see why you might have lost in Dota whereas HoTS and LoL really scream, "YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY BY THE META?! WELL…FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! GIVE ME MONEY AND BUY THIS FLAVOR OF THE MONTH WHILE YOU SUCK MY DICK!"
Then why the fuck are you even playing ASSFAGGOTS? Go play something like Team Fortress if you want to play a MOBA with none of the aspects that make the genre fun and only the shittiest surface elements of it (hero structure, RTS controls, focus on mindless creeps).
That's why I only play with chill friends. As soon as you get a tryhard on your team the game is guaranteed to be shit. I always go ethereal blade sniper on the first game I play with a new friend to make sure that they are okay with playing for fun rather than strictly adhering to the meta.
It's not as terrible as it sounds but it's still pretty terrible. The limited range of eblade makes the big advantage of assassinate useless but you can do some pretty decent burst damage. Just get arcane boots and another mana item and do nothing but push all game while using eblade/assassinate/dagon to force enemies back when they come to deal with the push. This worked better when shrapnel still damaged buildings.
These generals are fucking cancer
Overwatch,TF2, MMOs, Undertale and ASSFAGGOTS ones.
Absolutely fucking awful
The irony in people yelling at Snipers to buy Shadow Blade is that it's his worst item even if you have the lead (Get a blink dagger for mobility). You deserve to lose if you pick that over something like Dragon Lance.
People pointing out cancer are cancer.
So we both are cancer.
Let's leave.
Cancer doesn't go away voluntary. So I know you won't.
the truest way to play
Thanks for the (You), buddy. Stay #Triggered.
One day, Dota just wouldn't start for me. I verified the integrity, tried reinstalling it literally 6 times, and attempted every fix I could find on the internet. I just can't fix it.
That was four months ago; Since then my hairline has been completely restored, got a decent job, signed up for college, got a girlfriend, had some retard total my clunker, and then bought a much better car with the insurance payout. Also, my dick doubled in size.
That happened to me when I dropped fighting games, and knew it was possible to call out companies like Capcom on their bullshit.
I bet you don't even stick exclusively to the tryhard lane and your inventory isn't filled with ironwood branches. Learn from the pros, lad.
You should play with other heroes and lanes. The only way you can get away with maining is in HoTS and LoL because you're mandated to play by the meta unless you feel like getting banned by Riot (they have banned people if it felt threatened by someone who took the time to know a character's full potential because god forbid you prove their meta is shit).
Yes, Treads into ring of repick
someone set up a fullchan chat ingame. I'm tired of the cucks at the halfchan /vg/ chat
Don't think the people here would be any better
I kinda like him as a Wraith.
daily reminder:
Why? Io requires effort to be good, and most people are terrible supports (like me).
Oh…the compendium vote? It'll be interesting to customize wisp (how would that work?).
Disco ball, billiard ball, soccer ball, polyhedron, and with color combinations.
In addition to this, Legion Commander is connected to "The Abyss" through her lore and in the comic released recently for her there is a nod to one of Pit Lord's abilities. Plus he's now referred to as Abyssal Underlord.
That alpha model of the Pit lord looks like complete shit. Here's hoping Valve went back to the drawing board to fix it up.
There is some decent looking concept art so I have some hope.
Too bad they wouldn't fit the game "thematically" (See Psycrowpath Pudge).
That model has been around for months. If Valve botches any Pit Lord stuff like last year, they'll never hear the end of it (We were supposed to get him and Arc Warden before TI).
Most alpha models always look like shit.
It's nice that we'll have another hero with four legs. I look forward to seeing if he'll be changing the meta. Maybe bringing ratting back.
Bulldog is still waiting for rat dota (and Sheever) to come back.
I'm actually really excited for him too, I can imagine a good amount of utility with his ult, mostly for ratting as you said or forcing teamfights. In addition to taking/ contesting rosh.
I want an offlane hero that's as fun and tanky as Space Cow (and can gank). I hope Pit Lord can play a decent off lane or even support (I heard he could play a support role in dota 1 if he had to).
I always wanted to make tutorial/story missions for a few heroes,shit like NS SP stealth game where you have to learn about sight and timing and singling the targets out,a Meepo Zelda-Dungeon esque game to teach faggots to micro and shit like blink-poof and a invoker game where you enter a battlefield,where remembering the spells is crucual for the latter parts of the game because the enemies and their commanders get fucking savage.
However I don't know how to even get hammer to open on steam,because every time I try to open that shit some error pops up or fucking nothing happens.
All this talk of Pit Lord made me go look him up on the wiki. Apparently Valve changed his title to just "Underlord" yesterday. No Abyssal.
Lame as hell.
That would actually be really cool.
If any of you want to join a channel, I'll create one. If you have got some catchy names, please name them.
dead game
Have you tried the workshop, and guides lurking around? Custom games that actually help you learn how to play Dota 2 would be awesome.
He could be called Jinkies the Clown Lord, and nobody would give two shits. All they want is Pit Lord.
I just hope to god he won't get fucked over like Valve fucked the Techies.