So Holla Forums Who are your favorite creatures in games no matter what purpose they served in the game. (Bonus Points) The creature is actually part of the story in a major or minor way.
Beast thread general
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The horses in the Mount and Blade games are fun to shoot to death, and are decent target practice to boot. Only horse-fucker Swadians, Sarranids and Khergits use them en masse though. Cows are are absolutely worthless unless you can bring the beef to the goods merchant before it rots and before your party starts nibbling on it.
In zelda I loved to go to the farms, and get milk from the cows it was free health any time. as for my favorite kind of creature to fight. Bloodsuckers were the most amazing thing I fought, that first impression was what sold me on them, to love them forever.
absolutely supreme taste
Oh my, well thank you very much user.
Why would you run away from the perfect made moth girl It's clearly she's not heartless and not wanting his soul or like eat him, just his love I question the man clear lack of common sense.
I'm confused. What happened 10 years ago?
there's a second part to it, I don't remember if they address what happened 10 years ago haven't read it in ages
This happens a lot in monster stuff I don't know why. How could you reject someone who loves you so much?
he got raped. what is there to be confused about?