well i finally get the hell out of school and i accidently pressed control so it reversed
so i just closed my pc and run outside naked thanks
I hope you uninstalled it OP
shits gay
just fuck my shit up, i couldn't handle this gay shit any longer
Life is Strange, OP. That is what we're talking about here right?
This is actually the new Telltale Batman game
You don't need to reinstall c++ every time. If you deny Steam changing your computer then you can skip right to the game. Also stop wasting your time, triggered.webm is the only interesting thing to come out of the game.
i guess we all have different type of shit tastes
i was bored desu and i thought that i should try it
Dont forget that there's a LiS general on cuckchan that's gone over 300 threads. i dare you to check it, i once did and the scars…
Tell him to go fuck his selfie
This franchise needs more rape porn.
remember we escaped.
told him to play deponia or something made by those devs, maybe he will get actual fun.
I sometimes go back just because none of the Generals really migrated here
vidya generals though… either 5/5 or cancer incarnate, too often the former.
No. I refuse. I will never go back there, not even out of morbid curiosity. I can't even imagine what kind of depravity they descended into once anyone with an ounce of sense jumped ship, nor would I ever want to.
I still have to go to their /d/ every once in a while to take care of business since ours is dead as fuck, and even that shithole drives me to my limit. Half/v/ would likely kill me on the spot.
Surely you mean the latter? Even full/v/ has/had cancer generals, like Overwatch and Undertale. The only excuse for a general should be the OP hosting a game like SS13.
I just got really bored after two hours. It just wasn't that interesting gameplay wise and the story is to cliche to look past it.
Well, I guess someone has to post that webm now
Here you go
Just admit that you want to see it
Shit, yeah latter… i think.
Me no Engrish main Ranguage me no understandu it veri wellu~.
It's not rape if she's a corpse, ya dingus donger.
literally 30 seconds later…
Corpses can't consent
Dead people's lives matter
a corpse can't consent, so it's technically always rape
neither can a fleshlight
checkmante, athiests
You are a strange man
Kinda surprised i couldnt find that on any of the sfm-boorus i sometimes check out for fap material.
Though checking LiS-content on them… interracial interracial everywhere! i guess the sfm-"artists" know their audience is cucks
I actually can't handle it, most of the time I have to make a conscious effort to not read any of the actual posts on /d/ and just look at the few quality images left
It's just that I've never so much as looked at the front page of half Holla Forums since the first exodus. I'm afraid it would break me. Is /d/ actually worse? Now that I think about it it actually wouldn't surprise me, some of the shit I read on there actually made me wonder if I was on tumblr
No way that's necessary, even if it were all porn dumps and shitposting.
Just be glad to be gone, kid. Just be glad that you escaped.
I played this game through back in like october when all the episodes came out, and I recently figured out a way of looking at it that doesn't make it seem like complete shit. You have to look at it from a more cosmic perspective.
[spoiler]It's not a game about some young adult novel protagonist using bullshit time travel to help her oh-so-quirky friend. It's a game about a trickster demon who gives a mortal the ability to save someone the universe has rejected.
Think about it, the whole game is based around showing you why the universe has rejected chloe: she's a spectacularly shitty person. She's emotionally manipulates you (or at least tries) through every interaction with her, she treats her family like shit even though all they want is her happiness because they're family, she accepts no responsibility whatsoever for anything she does, she's grossly incompetent at what little she does actually commit to, I mean fuck the universe hates her. And it should! The universe spends the whole damn game trying to kill her even up to the end of the game where it decides EVERYONE IN THE TOWN DIES TOO BECAUSE FUCK CHLOE
In the ending where you don't save her worthless life I'm pretty sure it's implied that max doesn't have the time travel powers anymore. In this perspective that's because the trickster demon can see that you have rejected its gift and I guess took it back.
In the ending where you save chloe (I have no earthly idea why you would) then everyone in the town fucking dies. You can clearly see that max is at least uneasy about this but chloe clearly doesn't give a shit because she's a horrible, horrible person. So what if a few hundred people had to die she's still around with her dog max who she can just smack around however she wants without any consequences just like the rest of her stupid life. Plus I doubt that that's where the universe stops trying to kill chloe.
Look as far as I can tell this is the only explanation of max's sudden time travel powers that makes any sense with the rest of the story. I hope the sequel is hawt dawg man travelling the galaxy searching for time criminals who took the trickster demon's gift for selfish purposes. But then again that sounds like it would actually be enjoyable to play through.[/spoiler]
Generals are weird.
Most are just the same posts every single thread because people just cant accept that it's time to let go, the game is absolutely devoured, picked to it's bare bones and there's just nothing left so it's time to move on.
I wonder if they still have Katawa Shoujo gens…
So what's the more impressive scenario, the creator of the game had this kind of lore in mind or that the dev created this explanation accidentally?
well crap looks like it was too long for just the one spoiler wrap, I should have used one per paragraph. oh well
I'm not really sure what you mean by "impressive", but whether or not it's the dev's intention? that's the sort of question that would be answered in the sequel
Life is Strange is actually incredibly wellwritten.
Just not on purpose and not the TIME TRAVEL shit, just how aptly it shows self-centered idiotic entitled teenage hipsters are.
It is HELLO FELLOW KIDS, but actually pulling it off.
Horrible game though.
They do.
I checked last year and it was just less than a dozen of cucks avatarfagging.
Not on my fucking watch goddamn it.
I used to enjoy triggering people in the ks general when i pointed out the devs don't know dick about japan.
the writing is shit too
Why is there no porn of the christian girl?
Yes. I don't know what would be more interesting, whether the dev created a game with a story on the surface appears like a Disney Channel teenage sitcom with occult undertones purposefully or accidentally.
I even know a tumblr tranny who thinks this game is garbage. The only good thing to come from this shitshow is best girl Kate Marsh.
There's plenty if you look for it.
Comparing to most of the shit stains in this game, is that character decent like the art teacher?
You'll want to protect her smile.
Why does she look like a cancer patient with a wig?
Because no on this development team knew how to make hair. Same with Mass Effect.
Seriously, there are free hair models on SL that look better than that.
How decent are the options in this game?
I was watching someone play through part of it, and I got tempted to download it in order to fuck everything up.
Can you choose not to reverse time in places where it tells you to, to let stuff like the blue hair be shot and deal with it?
There are only two endings decided by a choice you make between two options at the end of the game.
You can let the scene go for the bit, then it stops and you HAVE to rewind.
This game is obvious shit but god damn this OP made me check if I was accidentally on halfchan.
What the fuck is this shit? Was it unspoilered or are we starting to be censored now?
The second one does not appear to be deleted.
It was unspoilered.
I have absolute shit taste, so I enjoyed the first 3 episodes but 4+5 are shit (I know all of them are shit but the last 2 are really shit)
Wait, I thought we were joking about how real life was a videogame.
And they can spoiler it instead of deleting it, faggot hotpockets are still faggots after all.
But looking is hard.
I called the hotpockets because the video was disgusting and incredibly triggering. Deal with it fuccboi.
936614 deleted the file himself.
A+ story writing there. Deep choices matter
Why are they playing with soccer balls?
Just admit you're a buttblasted yuricuck who loves this game.
Damn it I was having fun with that
I pirated it long time ago, couldn't finish episode one. I know that we as players supposed to have a sense of disbelief but this is too much.
no thanks
He played it multiple times, cried every time, and earned every achievement.
He's since denounced LiS, and wants more good games.
Give a sane person good alternatives, and at least sixty percent of the time, they will realize what fools they've been.
Holla Forums is tsundere for this game because of the girls
what a bunch of slack-jawed faggots
It's better than this tumblrshit, you know that much is true. :^)
Nothing worse than that retarded egg tooth style.
Actually horrible. It says how many choices you can make, but as another user said, none of it matters in the end.
It forces you to rewind and save or kill people to railroad the story along and the only "real" choices it gives you are weather you open a window or not so a bird can avoid smacking into it.
Well I wasn't the one that made it so here have the one without it.
game is awesome!
agree, a must play!
Stop it.
All me
all me
Have three consecutive (you)
This thread is older.