Why is he talking so weird? 0.o
Ov yey
The real frightening part of that article is they aren't even trying to hide it. They are publicly announcing a propaganda campaign.
Yeah well the Clinton's aren't the smartest bunch of people.
There is no longer a reason to hide it
So they have just given up? Because Clinton isn't going to win the election without cheating and if she does cheat shes gonna be hanging from a lamppost before she gets sworn in.
Corruption runs deep.
And about 70% of the country hates Clinton's guts. If she wins the corruption won't save them.
i want to cuddle that jew
nice try Holla Forums
How am i Holla Forums, HOW?
You have no idea how bad things are, the media has the power to cover up even the biggest shit regardless of a 70% or 99%. Like how they covered up the Franklin abuse scandal and then created a supposed foundation to make the victims of this seem as if they were crazy. They own all of you.
If they owned all of us the second amendment wouldn't exist anymore. I am serious if Clinton wins there will be a goddamn purge of all these corrupt fucks.
Shshshhs don't question Holla Forumsnuts. If you eat with a fork on your left hand you are a Holla Forums and if you piss while pooping you are from Reddit . Just don't do it user, Holla Forums have moved their stair cupcake
Think I'd go with them thinking you shopped it simply for reaction.
why would you do this?
……you know that is impossible to not peeing when you want to poop right?
IIRC the muscle that press the intestine to move the bowl tickle your bladder therefor you can pee without poo but you can't poo without pee.
I thought you were referring to the act of forcing out a turd while pissing
thank you for clarifying
It's in the air so thick even the normalfags can't shake it away. Something is going to snap if they try anything.
It posts the loss in the thread or else it gets the ban again
Damn, learning a language feels rewarding even when it's the most trivial shit
Damn straight!
Could you translate it?
I'm going to translate this for fun now
tl note: I like literal translations
Here you go, amigo.
I see that jew is into /clang/
lay off the coke, Metzen.
"Friki" is "geek" with a mild negative connotation. You could replace with "weirdo" easily.
"Fijo que" is an idiom, where the speaker is so certain on a reason or outcome he would wager on it (as if it was 'fixed'). "I bet they believe…"
Otherwise bretty gud.
I looked through two Spanish dictionaries and couldn't find frikis, so it was a guess.
If I were doing a natural translation I would have said "I bet", but I wanted it to be more literal.
Except in Thrall.
6/10 bait; I replied
That was actually funny
I don't get it.
But user, you can't learn japanese
Watch me fgt
That's supposed to be the Plants vs Zombies flower isn't it?
I think Toby has successfully the association of smiling sunflowers from PopCap, corrupting it in the process. That's actually kind of impressive.
whats with the pokeball on narutos back?
that's a lolipop, ya idyut
It's a ping pong paddle you jackass
His hair is black idiots
What a shit joke
I expect terrible SJW strawmanning or a joke so bad its funny, this one is just 10 year old kid tier
If it taste good and makes you feel better, why would you stop drinking it?
It might have adverse long term effects. Better safe than sorry.
So, what's the difference?
And that's how user died of alcohol poisoning.
It's the kind of joke that Dorkly wish they wrote
All she has to do is get a few judges in Florida to rig it and she'll get in. Worked like a charm for Curious George.
What the hell happened?
What's impressive is that the first thing that comes to your head when you see a fucking flower is undertale
this pisses me off so much
Sick of seeing this shit argument. Your guns don't matter because the battle for hearts & minds was lost a century ago, you will never rebel. You use your guns to kill each other instead of fighting the tyrants who own your country right now.
If guns mattered you'd all be in the streets fighting the banks & the state, the military would have to pick sides, shit would get real. It won't ever get real because you've all been taught to love slavery. Shit like the NRA and "dont tread on me" is just posturing, just bumper sticker fads.
I'm fully in support of weapon ownership, but that's not the issue. The spectacle is a more effective weapon than anything else.
Nice demoralization faggot.
He's still right though, the US government is not too keen on a civil war so they try to stage terror attacks in order to get people's support by having them seek protection, because if they were to go into open conflict then the government would be fucked. You can cry "muh revolution" all you want but even without people in the US using their guns in direct conflict, they still managed to protect their rights far longer than Europe.
underrated comment
You think that's depressing?
You are so stupid it's hilarious.
What's the problem? The one on the right looks way better.
Those pics were from Diablo 3 before Activision gutted the company to give us always online Diablo 3.
I never played Diablo 3 because the always online. Are you saying that the ones on the right are the before, and the ones on the left are after?
If anything if he was really a Holla Forumsack he'd fucking cheer even without the archive, but I guess when someone pretends to be Holla Forums he really is Holla Forums
No, i'm saying we went from that to this.
Friki is from freak, the wetbacks love to take english words and fuck them up
To this
I'm shocked you even gave that low tier b8 the time of day.
As a Portuguese fag who has had to endure BRs turning English words and "portuguesifying" them, I understand what you mean all to well. We have plenty of fucking words in the Portuguese dictionary and Hues have to go and try and make English words sound Portuguese instead of using them.
i remember that site
didn't a "popular" 2006'ish youtuber used to say the ps3 was more powerful than a 360?
Holy shit that's pathetic. Looks like WoW.
epic undertale reference xd
more like evil smart
You useless fucking sack of shit. Read before replying.
Have you already forgotten how salty that show made Bush Senior? "We need to be less like the simpsons and more like the waltons!"
Please shoot yourself in the head immediately.
Kill yourself before we do, Marxist.
Technically it is slightly more powerful than the 360, but none of that matters when most publishers are lazy and just make a quick port of the 360 version.
But he is talking about the jews who own this land isn't he
ok, sorry, i should have used shitskin or mudskin.
really? what episode? i want to cringe
Hey man, like I said, I haven't been watching this shit.
I feel like this is actually funny without the last panel.
Haha ebin "germans are the only true whites" maymay
Pick one, faggot.
But that's wrong.
In season two, Bart was the typical mischievous son/brother, Lisa was the goody-two shoes daughter, maggie was a baby that constantly latched onto her mother. Marge was the typical house wife who constantly tried to put up with her incompetent yet dedicated husband who she loves dearly.
I'm sorry, last I checked I can still buy guns and silverware. :^)
I agree that Andalusians are misgenated though.
Only the very northern part of spain is still white.
There's plenty of shit that shows he is smart when he puts his mind to something and only seems like retard because he lacks the motivation. The old writers added plenty of references to psychology and wrote Bart as the id, Lisa as the ego and Marge as the super-ego, Bart and Lisa even mention this at one point early on. And that is ignoring the episode where he gets put in medication for ADHD and eventually steals a tank in order to shoot down a satellite spying on everyone, ADHD medication may make it easier to concentrate but it certainly doesn't magically create new brain cells from scratch.
Whoopty fucking doo, what is the point of guns if you don't use them to protect your right to speak freely?
Americas pride themselves on "muh ferst amendmant", I just find it ironic that Americans are ok with not being allowed to speak their mind.
No, thats what they want you to think. I have been taking 5 pills a day and I can make shit explode with my mind.
This would suggest a Homer centric Simpsons which didn't occur until around season 3.
That's from season 11 and goes completely against Season 9 episode 17, where Lisa finds out that there is a gene on the Y chromosome in the Simpson family that makes all the men dumb. This is also an example of why the Simpsons started going to shit long before season 10
Not an argument. Plenty of salt though. :^)
That's just how you get pregnant. Anyone who took Biology in college knows that.
Don't remind me.
No clue but I remember one of the really early episodes in the first season having them read out the definition of the id, ego and superego from a dictionary. Quite an interesting coincidence considering the fact that dictionaries are generally sorted alphabetically and not by content.
There are plenty of situations where contradictory shit has been added in just as a joke.
super late but here you guys go
notice how in the scene, Homer actually feels sorry for getting drunk, making him a more believable and human character.
dont see that very often today
You're in denial.
Seriously though, I'm glad he's still getting work.
We're being psyop'd to hate Holla Forums, pretty simple
Almost european portuguese-level of uselessness
what a silly man
Uhh yeah? That's my point.
Any image of a smiling flower, particularly in vidya related media is going to make people think of Undertale instead of Plants vs Zombies now.
But that flower looks nothing like the flower from Undertale.
Come to barcelona and say it to my face aee what happens fucker
They're both golden flowers with smiling faces. How much more similar can they get?
The smiles are different and so are the colors and eye shape, but the smile is the main clue there.
It's some retarded old media reference.
Which in turn goes against the existence of Homer's smart and successful half-brother herb from Season 2. Who manages to regain his fortune in Season 3 and consequently contradicts any future plot which depends on the Simpson family not having a wealthy relative they can turn to when in trouble.
Simpsons has shit continuity.
I don't consider any lisa centric episodes canon from the single digit seasons. They always felt like some dream sequense or some Lonely NEET's pshycotic pipedreams
I see superman had shit writing even in the older comics
The similarity is eerie.
You know the rules, faggot
it is.
When people said we were living a monty python sketch they weren't lying.
Welcome to the Berenstain Universe.
At least we're slowly drifting towards the berenstein univere maybe
Meme magic is a byproduct of the incoming fusion of the two universes. As the laws of physics are different, there is an excess energy coming from theirs into ours which expresses itself in an explosive and dramatic manner. This means that once the fusion is complete and the energy levels stabilize, there will be no more meme magic.
I'd give away meme magic to go back to a universe where shit makes sense
Lol 3rd worlders shouldn't be able to afford that kind of tech.
There was no link at all because it's been in the news non-stop. The Super PAC is called "Correct the Record" you ignoramus; calling out jewish tricks doesn't make one leftypol.
Take a hike, kike.
You're a special type of retarded, aren't you?
It's not illegal to say that in America.
I can only imagine you angrily jotting down the image name while cursing under your breath. Why is it always commies that are so assmad?
there are a lot of fake news pics floating around, so adding a archive link to pics is a must this days.
You do, but instead of shooting people like an autist, you show it off in your belt and call everyone a bunch of bitches and they have to sit there and take it or walk away from it.
Guns are very effective at quelling violence, just by the sheer image of one. And if someone decides to attack you, then shoot in self defence.
Communism eats at the soul until there's nothing left but a heartless propaganda machine. The guy's basically nothing except minority worship at this point.
except then, it was funny.
It makes me feel slightly better knowing we have Wimp-Lo as our Prime Minister I'm still appalled and filled with hate that this ass-clown got in over Mulcair or the even the Kike-lover again
When can we get a Betty to run? Where is he?
Also covering the other Kung pow poster
The point is you aint killing nobody. jesus these stormcucks are worse than a paper tiger.
Suck a dick, faggot face yankee gookfucker.
Joggers in a mine run deep
Hey shitlord, it's 2016. Use a flag more accepting of equality and diversity. :^)
You do know he was an ethno-nationalist, right?
Lies, just like about Che Guevara. Fucking racists saying he hated africans!
Game is awesome, but the comic is bullshit.
Par per course, I guess.
"B-but muh revolution"
And let's not forget the fact that Nation of Islam had many Holocaust deniers. Sure, it isn't stated anywhere if he did hold those views but it shouldn't be too difficult to imagine him doing so, even if only to himself.
Shouldn't you be in your indoctriantion center learning that you are so different to the rest of the peninsula, faggot?
It's loss, satan.
sounds like youre triggered. thats not what i think of at all. ever play yoshis island? of course you havent
"the south" is notorious for its density of homos, what are you saying?
oh boy, that ms paint bone guy sure does his research
I know the situation is exaggerated but if you were to take the law to the word then that would be illegal, since that is a public intentional insult to say someone is gross rather than saying that he personally finds it gross.
Well our comedians still joke about literally everything, including gays and islam, no arrests have taken place as far as I know.
These sort of laws are only applied in "extreme" cases, and even then they're controversial.
user you accidentally your text! Hahahahaha I remember dead memes from Holla Forums
Kill me pete
Nigger the PS3 had an 8 core CPU called the cell and an actual Nvidia 7800GTX, the GTX 1070 of it's day except slightly less jewish
Fuck they were daisy chaining them to make clusters for research uses till like 2009
"they're fighting again"
"that music always sends a chill down my spine"
"The majority of Iberian paternal lineages are of Indo-European (R1b, G2a3b1, J2b2 and a small amount of R1a), which can be attributed to the Proto-Celtic and Hallstatt Celtic invaders, and to a lower extent to later Roman and Germanic settlers. In total, these amount to 50-85% of Spanish Y-DNA and 60% of Portuguese Y-DNA. Maternal lineages, on the other hand, appear to have a mostly Neolithic and Mesolithic origin, notably haplogroups H1, H3, HV0, K1a, J1c, J2a1, J2b1a, T2, U5b, V and X, which make up over 80% of the mtDNA in regions like the Basque country or Asturias, and always over 50% of the population of any region."
VAST majority of Spaniards are this very day, still purely 100% European genetically.
You clearly do not know European history much if at all - because the Moor conquerors did not force race mixing on the Spaniards like the Turks did on the Greeks - secondly they failed to convert the populations into Islam, which is why the reconquista was so easy, vast majority of the population was still white and Christian even after many hundreds of years.
Speaking of clusters, did anyone tried using that to boost the framerate on games? I've heard that MGS4 had support on that but that's most likely a lie.
Something on the size of two universe combining would take Billions if not Trillions of years so we don't have to worry about Meme Magic Going away
8 core CPUs are pretty common these days though, aren't they on PS4s and XB1s
You disappoint me.
I still think we should stop the meme pump before it's too late and our imageboard explodes.
Reading this thread sure made me appreciate the relative quality of 4chan Holla Forums lol threads.
He's too busy learning to mind his pronoun's by Colau's decree.
i like how they have the aids ribbon on the aids graph. as if it wasnt aidsy enough
LOL threads are little different here. The point isn't solely to laugh at bad webcomics, that's just the "appetizer" if you will. The real meat of these threads is to see who can derail them the quickest. Then at the end, the "dessert" if you will, we talk about fetishes.
What are you actually saying here? I know its fun to pretend they are one and the same, but american liberalism is not a left wing political ideology, so Malcolm X rightfully hating on liberals doesn't make him a non-leftist.
Until he went to mecca and saw that nationalism was retarded.
Also, the fact that Homer's only retarded because of a crayon in his brain, and is well above average intelligence without it.
Him being an ethno-nationalist on the other hand does. The liberal part is only a fragment of the post to show that although he saw conservatives as shit, he was more closely aligned to them, which is further shown by the quote that came after that.
I don't know about you but promoting the idea of businesses and praising being a business owner as a good thing doesn't sound very Marxist to me. Marxists talk about taking control of the means of production (ie. businesses) but I am pretty certain they don't see the existance of business owners as a positive.
And then this one which very clearly is him holding a view that is generally seen as racist, which is being against racemixing. Except in this case it isn't about saving the white race but rather preseving the black race. And I doubt I need to explain the importance of the last one.
After reading his letter from Mecca, it seems like he simply dropped the supremacy part, not nationalism altogether.
its almost as bad as the subtle difference between 200 different punk rock genres that people get bent out of shape over if you misidentify something
Reminds me of when I got into an argument with some bitch because I didn't know what the fuck "djent" meant. I thought there was only metal, heavy metal, and screamo. I didn't know there were a million different subgenres I had to know in order to like music
It's already been ruled illegal to boycott Israel in the UK and Germany?
This kind of makes Malcom X a lot cooler honestly.
yankis de mierda
Congratulations on your first time using Gimp.
See, all Mexicans are stoned idiots who have no comeback other than threatening you with a gun.
Feels old man
We lack sufficient data for any analysis. All we knoe is that thr Egyptians knew about it, and that they build the pyramids.
Today all we manage, even when using the Internet, is crashing a plane with no survivors.
We know that it is decreasing in power every second, but we are not sure by what factor.
I always like to point out that the original version of this comic is pretty funny
I don't think those picture are accurate.
los americanos son derechistas jajajajajajajjajaajsja esos miserables parasitos harán lo que sea para satisfacer a sus amos los yankis
The only ones who are crying about the wall are leftist cucks and wetback cholos.
Just enjoy these coming months, shits going to change very soon.
Anything north of Barcelona is a German-ethanol-colony.
Great place to go, you can get 48 cans of beer for 13,59€.
What, another happening?
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Keep an eye on Hoover Dam
What a loss.
Wow, what an original idea that no one thought to do for that specific comic, truly your obviously new sense of style and elegance show themselves through your creation.
your edit looks better than mine.
I used krita, it's like paint except you can draw things other than pixels.
The animations features still need work to be viable. So does the text tool.
Well, I don't really do much drawing since I don't have a tablet, but I'll keep that program in mind if I ever do venture into art.
Does Krita have something similar to quick select tool in Photoshop?
Does it really? I would've thought that was California.
Fucking newfags….
I honestly thought it was an SJW comic.
The spanishfags do that a lot, they pronounce "video" english-like when its also a spanish word that is written the same way
Not all spanish-speaking countries do the same tho
Funny how only leftards were the ones calling for a boycott of israeli imports because muhpalesteeneans and yet I don't hear any of them complaining about this law
Let me guess: because that would be raaaaaycissss!
Fuck you, who made this?
I've been to argentina, no
The point is to make retarded Burgers think they have power and they could take down the government any moment, which makes them complacent.
Guns are, if anything, currently a hinder to any sort of revolution in the US.
id Software.
It didnt happen, homer was daydreaming.
Marx intended for the workers to be armed. Anything anybody else does is irreverent. If I write a book, I am not responsible if you edit it and call it something else and act upon it.
No, re-read what I said; It's not illegal to SAY you want to boycott products from Israel nor encourage others to do so.
I'm not a communist I just think marx had some great ideas.
Not at all like Holla Forums, right? :^)
Wow, that sounded really retarded. What are you even trying to say?
sage doublepost
that's a big wall.
How is one man always so right about everything
He might as well be describing hillary and every BLM nigga out there
Those PA strips are just cancer, they stopped being funny so fucking long ago I don't even remember when it was good
Anyway, they are 42? damn….
Like what? Abolishing the family? That nobody could criticize his ideas because their criticisms are based in reality? The belief that people wouldn't have to work since machines would do all the work? Taking everything you worked for and giving it to people who never work?
oh my dear user, if only you really knew
and pic deleted
Leaving your children to die of malnutrition is a great money saving idea.
This will never not be funny
All those screenshots are extremely clearly from the same game. If from nothing else, you can instantly tell from the HUD.
You are permitted to vote.
My friends begged me to play the last few seasons. We played it for free in vanilla to help Blizz inflate numbers at launch.
There were builds that were prolly the best build in season (multiple times) but in groups or sometimes even in solo would cause major framerate dips for people. Some fire crusader thing and some witch doctor build that were all particle effects.
Anyway the game is cancer, and I'm surprised Blizz even keeps a team on it. I hear they make dosh from micro transactions on the Asian servers though.
are we posting things that make us lose faith in humanity?
Isn't that the main purpose of L*O*L threads?
I've been avoiding these threads over the past year or two. But that caught my attention.
Let's do it homie.
Is this a joke? The mouth sync is way off, and how they get from each area is fucked just as much. Am I retarded or is this just a voice over of an already existing cartoon.
it's a dub of something far worse
tumblrina original production. The less you know the better
Well since you asked
That's pretty gross, bro.
This hits too close to home man.
The feels…
any fucking language can be a front-end.
She sounds like she never wrote a code, but read a ton stackoverflow threads.
I don't really disagree with her though. Job adverts are often pretty shit.
I have no idea what any of this means but I assume she's angry she learned she's not as good as she thought
I read this but I honestly don't get the whole FizzBuzz thing. Is this like some kind of John Carmack-level test of coming up with insane math algorithms on the fly? Or is it seriously just a test of your ability to write, like, three simple lines of code?
even your id has Fizz.
It's a test of your ability to write, like, three simple lines of code.
And there are many, many people out there who apply for positions while claiming to have at least a few years of experience who can't even manage that.
Wow, I was not aware of this. Thanks for filling me in user.
How the fuck does someone become a professional Interaction Designer without knowing the basics of JS?
I mean holy fuck FizzBuzz is entry level shit
You don't even need to be taught how to do it, it should come with normal experience
The part about being able to do it at home is proof that they were willing to let it slide as long as she pretends she did it herself and she had proven herself to be too retarded to do even that.
It is a basic problem solving question and an even easier maths question. There are plenty of ways to approach it, for example you could make it into a time-dependent function but most times I have seen people simply do it by checking if the number gives an integer value when divided by 3 or 5.
Yes, it's literally a test to see if you can do anything past turn your computer on. It's a test to see if you are able to exert any amount of critical thinking - and an unbelievable amount on people fail.
I don't have the screenshot on hand, but I remember an user having to interview a woman who had to do a fizzbuzz test and she was sweating the whole time - and when time was up it turns out she was clicking on a visual studio shortcut that wouldn't open for 10 minutes or so, even though it's such simple code you could just do it in notepad.
scenes from a multiverse is literally like a 4-year old drawing pictures of themself beating up people they don't like
how is this shit on gocomics
Holy shit that's an apt description.
to be fair though most webcomics these days are the same way
So when is the Simpsons going to end?
What is the source of this midna?