Tucker Carlson on Moral Relativism

Tucker Carlson calls the chinks subhuman dog eaters on fox jews live
Civ-Nat Lolberg Tucker Carlson calls out the chinks for their national dog eating day. He also shits on moral relativism and other marxist ideals while doing so.

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How has he not been fired yet?
He's like 80% there, getting as close as you can get without calling out the genetic inferiority of shitskins.

You ever see that clip from years back when he goes full ZOG in defense of the obvious 9-11 bullshit?
And he's going to stay right there.

He hasn't done anything to piss off Murdoch or his friends in the (((Tribe))). So long as the Chosen People aren't spoken poorly of, the kikes will permit it.


In the segment following he calls out a professor at Trinity for calling for white genocide.


Not only that but during his “rebranding” he was sent to appear on infowars and told Filterman that he had never even seen the footage of WTC7 “collapsing”. He is full of shit, total controlled opposition. Part subversion/ part token gesture offered by Fox to retain viewers.

I think you mean "cultural relativism."

They cant feed our side pure bullshit unlike the commies. We are kept distracted with trivial stories that we agree with.

siding with the gooks tbh, animal kindness is a bridge to furry-ism and that PETA shit

Interesting hot take.

Relativism is used by fags to spread their shit overseas and used by kikes to indoctrinate whites at the homeland though

how many of yous got arrested in germoney or uk because you support the SS?

the only thing that matters is tech, and whites got infrastructure in abundance


nice reddit spacing.
fuck off kike.

Its almost as bad as how the japs are fixated with their katanas in WW2

or how women are given too much freedom and they ended up creating feminism/becoming marxists

no one fucking cares, kill yourself.

Wolf burgers > cow burgers. Cow burgers make people think niggers are humans.

Fuck off microdick chink.

Everyone always says this never works out, it never works out at all


Of course Tucker is right here, but emotional arguments are very weak. It's "your rights end where my feelings begin", we just happen to agree with it this time.

while I can understand how dog eating evolved in China and why they celebrate it I think one can only understand when they are faced with starvation such as the Chinese have been in their long history. This is why a part of me wishes Americans were faced with a DOTR and had to decide between eating their dog or their cat to feed their children or starve to death. Only then would they understand.

What emotional arguments? He's saying China is backwards because they don't have empathy like whites do.

I'm talking about wolves, faggot chink. However, the only animals that are deserving of torture are shitskins

Emotional arguments work, idiot. That's why the left uses them constantly. Use them to your advantage, and beaides, if you don't feel a negative emotional reaction in response to dogs being tortured to death you're a subhuman.

no, traditionally to them eating a dog is no different than eating a turkey. It's not a question of empathy. And empathy can be viewed as weakness.

To be fair, that's also the reason China is a 1.3+
billion ethnically homogenous empire.

We don't torture turkeys to death.
It's a strength in a white society. It only becomes a weakness when you import shitskins who have none.

Absolute madman.
Tuck has supreme power level hiding skills but every now and then a glimmer peaks out.

Incidentally I love dogs but they are animals I don't have any moral objections to chinks eating them so long as they are treated humanely and I don't have to watch them do it.

Think I can take this glancing blow and still call them backwards fucks because they like to torture semi-intelligent animals because it makes their dicks hard. Small ones at that

use this convenient horse to help leverage normies still watching any MSM. Thanks for the lift towards red pilling more white people

user, it's China. They don't feel empathy even for a child of their own race.

why would you post that

So that no more anons ITT spew the bullshit argument that "well it's not too bad I mean we eat turkey!!".

just played 3 times, nothing
the dogs cries makes me violent hearing it in pain, something I'd never feed on the street if free and a stray, still can't watch it all the way twice



It isn't you idiot.


Fuck China and all 1.3 billion of faggot there. They should all be sterilized.

Yet another thing the white man creates the yellow man takes and absolutely desecrates. All of our technology and industry is used in china as a tool for raping the planet. These chinks have absolutely no empathy and no sense of responsibility for anything. A chink would torture and kill any animal if it meant marginal profits, he would turn his own nation into a toxic festering pit if it meant he could see monetary gains. These people need to be exterminated.

All of those different ethnicities look and act almost identically, all subhuman insect people with flat faces, squinty eyes, yellow skin, and a complete lack of a modicum of empathy.

What on earth are you on about? I did the opposite of worship and Cucker is not an e-celeb.

fucking checked.

I couldn't have said it better myself. They are nothing more than a vile parasite race.

I'm honestly more worried about the chink question than the mud question. If whites leave muds alone they revert back to their tribal, primitive ways while keeping their numbers low. They're too stupid to actually destroy anything without outside influence.
Chinks can be left alone but will steal our technology and live like niggers in modernity. They've padded their numbers to the billions without any gibs, and are destructive enough to permanently wreck the planet's ecosystem.

They don't even care enough to stop and reflect upon their apocalyptic policies. They're like kikes, but will actually put in the effort to destroy things themselves instead of parasiting off of whites. Once they rape their continent they will move their way into the white world, they are already colonizing Canada, NZ, and Australia. They're preparing for the future, the kiked future where whites stop existing and their lands are ripe for the picking.

Have you ever considered the fact that you're maybe paranoid and over-thinking things?

Well, they aren't called the Oriental Jew for nothing, user. Chinks may not be as pernicious as kikes, but they're not far off.

They are worse than kikes, the only reason kikes have the edge is because they developed parasitism as their survival strategy, where chinks have not.

everybody agrees with you, no one has anything to say other than what you say.

In reality I see Chinese display more empathy than Americans.

This board has really gone to shit. I swear, you can have someone who traveled the silk road and wishes to explain what it was like and instead of people wishing to learn a different viewpoint than their regular everyday boring lives listening and then using their own minds to think about an issue it's 14 year olds posting memes and calling people queers like niggers reveling in not getting an education in public schools.

Tell me more about Chinese empathy, user. I'm sure that your contributions to this thread are certainly of the highest merit. Tell me all about the great deal of empathy for all men inherent in Chinese culture. Holla Forums is a multicultural society free of hate, after all.

So go ahead, contribute.

You could tell us what it's like traversing your shithole country.
Or you could bitch and cry because people bullied you on an imageboard.

You probably think all Europeans look exactly the same even though they're different ethnicities. While I may not be the best at telling where and Asian is from I at least know the differences in looks between North-Western China and Eastern China. Shit dude get gud and learn to differentiate between different ethnic groups, I mean shit Tajiks aren't even the same race u dummy.

Does he call out King Nigger for being a dog eater?

Friendly reminder that Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer is a dog eating piece of shit


Skinning dogs, torturing endangered animals to farm their body parts, poisoning the air, turning rivers into green sludge, purposefully exterminating species of birds and insects, breeding like rats, so much empathy. Yes, we must interact with chinks in order to make a CLEAR judgement on whether or not they are shit, not look at their nations and the plethora of damning evidence available in our media. All white people must lower their defenses and offer themselves to the multicult god in order to determine that chinks are chinks, and if we're proven right… OOPS too late they're already in our societies!
Let me guess, you think Americans are ebil because ZOG does ZOG wars in the middle east.
Fuck off chink.

I shouldn't have to determine the difference between this and that tribe of chink peasant. All I have to know if that they are soulless chinks and should be removed. If I determine if someone has squinty eyes, yellow skin, and a pan face I am fully prepared.
The only skill your average white man needs to develop in terms of distinguishing minutia in ethnicity is spotting rat kikes in our nations.


Although I'm seriously impressed with what Tuck can get away with. Isn't Rupert Murdoch married to a chink? If he can call her a dog eater to her face and say Murdoch married a dog eater and probably rapes little kids and eats dogs himself one lol

Fuck Murdoch though. He should be dead by now.

If you go to China and somehow get outside a Tier 1 city you will see hell on earth.

Is there a single Yellow ethnicity other than the Japanese that face any kind of slander at all on Jewish media? There is your answer on any possible "allies"

Any non white in a white country is an enemy. There is no reason to know the ethnicity of any 'ally' because that ally will be in his home country surrounded by his fellow piss skins

Me too. It's something we don't pay near enough attention to.

Like I said, they all have slant eyes, yellow skin, and flat faces. Do I need to go into more detail than that? They're all enemies. I don't give a fuck about learning their stupid rice culture.

Absolutely disgusting. We need to rule over the world and stop these shitskins from ever doing this again.


It's because the kikes pump money into their mud golems and force them into close proximity to us, causing the animosity. However the chinks on their own do just as much if not more damage to white nations without having any outside help. Without the kikes the muds are useless. Kikes and chinks should be priority no.1 for whites, but the sea of brown shit we're drowning in is a huge ever-present problem.

It's nowhere near as bad. Also take into consideration that what you're referring to as (((American))).

I know it's called an imageboard but you can just post a text reply.



A lot of them don't even speak the same language. You have Mandarin which is the main chinese dialect, but a lot of them speak other dialects and they don't understand each other. China is like India, it is not homogenous, even though it looks like it is from our point of view.

Goddamnit Reddit leave

Whites don't normally torture animals purposefully.
It's only because of endless population expansion+consumerism and stuffing our meat industry with spic slaves that inhumane things happen.
The chinese go out of their way to torture animals before they are killed and eaten, for superstitious reasons.

You're a subhuman. Aryans love animals and treat them with respect.

Fucking stupid subhuman, you are wasting something insanely useful for a quick meal.

This really does disturb me. The greatest Canadian prime minister knew what would happen if you let the yellow insects in.

So are pigs yet we in the west have no problem farming them for food.

Pigs are foragers, and they are as smart/smarter than dogs.

Nobody here debates that. We just recognize trends.

I disagree. Whites are clearly talented in many ways. While they may not be as grindy in their mathematical skills as asians, they have a certain je ne sais quoi that you can see in their art and literature.

We give you the bantz because we expect you can handle it like any normal person. Are you telling me you need special treatment?

Just like a heel on a wrestling-show.

Controversy creates interest, which increases the cash-revenue.

You can't be this stupid to fall for the tricks of the talmundvision?

The difference being dogs were purposefully domesticated and bred by humans to serve and protect us. They have a genetic bond to us where pigs do not. I know that animals have intelligence, but using using dogs as a food animal seems sacrilege. We have been compatriots to them for almost 20,000 years. They can understand our facial expressions and even discern our tone and some simple phrases.

Sorry but if you think dogs are for food, or are equal to pigs, you are subhuman.

You're either a christcuck or you're a chink yourself.

So, the latter then.

I don't give a fuck if chinks are racist towards me. I don't give a fuck if they are bigoted against my race. I do not expect kindness from any foreigner, the same way I don't show kindness to your kind. The best thing the races can be is separate. The only reason you nag whites to be empathetic to you and your people is so you can take our shit, so fuck off.

Fuck off.

Other races do not argue anti-racism in good faith. This chink wants you to be open and empathetic towards his fellow rice people so he can weaken your race while his race takes advantage of yours.
All non-whites do this. They guilt you for being racist in order to take down your defenses.

This. Europeans have ancient tales of battling giant wolves, and yet we tamed them. The wolf and the dog have been a part of our culture for tens of thousands of years. Dogs are to the white man as cats are to Holla Forumstards.
bitches love dogs too, so everytime a dog heils hitler, a crack is formed in a catlady

Looking at his post, it was almost all emotional. They argue like a spurned teenage ex.

Cats are pretty aryan, too. Not as smart or useful as dogs but they are good companion pets and mousers. They're still a few thousand years behind dogs as far as animal husbandry goes. iirc, the orange coat phenotype in cats was specifically bred by vikings, because they liked orange cats.
Chinks are much more emotional than what they like to portray themselves as. Most chinks are very conceited and prideful. They percieve everything that doesn't go their way as a personal slight, and hold grudges. Very passive aggressive and whiney when confronted.

Well put.

Chinese are ant people and they create nothing of value. Look at their country. they just copy everything from western countries. They all need to be gassed. Like pouring hot water down an fire ant hill.

It's their culture and their tradition. It's got nothing to do with the bleeding hearts in the West. If they want to show the world their true nature, let them.

White people are extraordinary though. They're accountable for 97% of the world's inventions.

No, they need the gas. For this and many other reasons.

Friendly reminder that orientals look and behave like insects and should be dealt with and disposed of like insects.

Tucker Carlson is intellectual relativism.

Nobody here uses that term unironically.
nobody is "lamenting the lack of empathy we receive".
All we care about is the Truth, as harsh as it may be.
All we want is fairness, even if that means that some have to lose out because they are not fit.
We don't ask others for or expect their "empathy", we are not gaylords like yourself.
So fuck right off you faggot, this site is not for your kind, you do not belong.
GTFO and kys.

Absolutist subhuman scum. Its also my right to kill all chink subhumans who murder the pets European peoples domesticated.

No, I actually don't want fairness. I don't want shitskins and chinks coming into my nations treating me "fairly". I don't want the multicultural utopia rainbow nation where all of the different races get along by all agreeing to be materialistic cogs in the machine. I want them out. They can be as bigoted and resentful towards me and my people all they want, but they're going to do it in their own damn country.

This is how all muds feel towards outsiders. Chinese people don't start caring about white racism until they want to move in and exploit us.

Genociding non-whites is a moral imperative as far as I am concerned. Chinks, niggers, Arabs, Jews. None of these subhumans have the right to inhabit the same universe that we do.

Fuck off then. Chinese aren't fit for life and need to be eradicated. If you have a problem with that, then you can join them.

Sounds like you were led around by your nose in china, happen to be a girl you were fucking that was a full on communist?

But moral relativism is a real thing. Niggers can't abide by white morality. Every time some white missionaries try to tame the negro it inevitably backfires and you end up with some niggerized version of what the whites were trying to teach. Different races have different moral standards. That's why they can't live together. Niggers function at a lower level than whites and so they create a morality and culture their shitty minds are capable of understanding.

Can someone help me out with the Pepe Tucker?
And not this one.

Just because niggers and chinks have shit for morals doesn't mean moral relativism is a real thing, it just means their cultures are objectively inferior to others.

This video should settle all the discussion with the chink apologists. They are most likely kikes and shitskins anyways.

That's moral relativism. Their shit cultures don't function without shit morality. They can't function in a white society. It's why you always end up with microcosms of their native societies within white societies.

i completely agree with this post, but what about the japanese? are they the same? maybe i'm just more inclined to accepting the existence of the japanese because they're isolated on an island, but from what i've learned about their past they seem decent enough to be left alone and treated as an indigenous species or whatever, whereas i really dont want china to exist at all because they're ugly and a danger, while i'm not sure if japan is either one of those
and i'm not just saying this because of anime

Nips usually do their own thing. If the JewSA didn't fuck with them during WWII we wouldn't have the problem with have today with China, and Germany would have saved Europe.

Kikes ruin everything.

Should just let the Nips somewhat civilize east Asia, wipe out all chinks.
It is interesting that Nips are one of the few Asian peoples to actually have a dog culture, seems to be pretty clear divergence in comparison to their ancient Chinese origins. Also believe the Mongolians have a dog culture as well.



Not defending dog eating, but didn't they technically invent gunpowder? Ancient China was pretty cool I admit.

>will NEVER EVER deride the Jews' kosher slaughter involving throat-slitting & the slowest death possible
More like Cucker Kosherson.

It's about the only thing they're good for.

Irrelevant. Your/his point was that the Nips should have been allowed to civilize East Asia. Mine is that they aren't civilized.

Gee, what a knucklehead, eh?

A mongolian girl once told me that their culture is the 'least asian' of them all and after hanging out with her I'll have to agree. It seems counterintuitive since they're so isolated but, for one they actually enjoy drinking and having fun. They sound like they grew up in the states once they learn English. They do not usually associate with Chinese but make friends with other asians like pakis and Indians and especially Russians. All in all they just act more
western as far as asians go. Seem to ditest being descended from Ghengis too. China otoh may as well be another planet. Some of them eat bugs. Mongols still love horses too, which is cool.

Found the chink.

more like: found the nip.
Nice non-argument.

I bet you think niglets are cute too. What are you doing here?

I bet you think Koreans are based and civilized too. Are you Hapa, user?

Nah Koreans suck. Still crying about chink babies?

my plan (implying i would be the one to come up with the plan for the white race costanza.jpg) would be to eliminate every nonwhite all over the world (except for japan) and then once they are all done the soldiers/purgers/whatever would return from their crusade back to europe & america and then we would start to colonize all of those foreign lands by sending in groups of the very best aryans and pretty much just letting them spread naturally.
but for some reason i feel we might as well keep japan around. we could probably also keep some niggers on madagascar too, although they dont really produce anything good at all. maybe it would be good to save them for their dna that we can do stuff with later on? idk, but once theyre gone theyre gone and they wont really do harm to us if left alone on an island. what harm could japan do to us on their island? especially if we confiscate all of the technology of theirs that came from whites. we can always keep a close and careful eye on them

Lol kys gook lover. Gooks aren´t different from chinks in any way. I bet you jerk off to Anime and now feel the need to defend muh based slants.

Nips arent different from chinks in any way*
Every non-white needs to be purged. The Americans shouldn´t have stopped at two nukes.

We need to take this fucking planet back.

Gooks are Vietnamese/Korean. Nips are Japanese. You don't even have your slurs correct you dumb nigger.


Go fap to your degenerate anime porn from a degenerate place inhabited by degenerate, uncivilized, soulless, slant-eyed creatures which deserve nothing but death.

Still gotta love this obsession with jap culture. I can't stand their culture. Markets for used panties? Wtf all the weeaboos are literally dregs of society. It's the same thing all the time here. Kill all nonwhites except my precious Tojo! I bet they themselves would hate your fat lardass too.

It's definitely summer.

Shit, you don't even know what a typo is. What are you doing here?

Why? There was a yid a few weeks ago who kept making that same argument for kikes. That's what initially gave him away–the adamant insistence that they be kept alive for no real reason. Just eliminate, unless you have some 88D chess scheme that we're unaware of. Any stance or plan less than that is suspect.

What are you still doing here, subhuman? Go jerk off to japanese perversities, babykilling apologist.


You're just repeating yourself now. Would love to see that post history.



look at how successful Australia is, and these people were supposed to be the bottom of the barrel of whites. now imagine if we had sent the purest and brightest of our whites instead? we can do this to the entire rest of the world

seems like you missed the point and misunderstood my reasoning.
that's a nice implication you've got there. and what about my proposition of keeping madagascar for the niggers? where are the accusations of me being a wigger?

unless you have some 88D chess scheme that we're unaware of
i have none, and i really dont see how they would help us to be left alive, but like i said, once they're gone they're gone, and if we eliminate them now then any potential use they would have in the future will be gone with them. i'm just saying why not, and if i am convinced that it's a bad idea i'll change my stance - i dont have any attachment to them or anything. it's just two islands that we dont really need, and if they wont cause any harm to use if isolated and left alone then that means there is only room for our benefit, right? i really probably would prefer to just get rid of them all so that it wont be an issue. me advocating for keeping them around is more of a devils advocate kind of thing. i wouldnt make the same case for kikes for obvious reasons

Or was I? IP hopping?

Possibly because you learned that doing so last time outed you. Even if you are a different user, you're still retarded. "Just 'cause" and "devil's advocate" are not good enough reasons to stop short of victory. That's a pernicious mentality that must be eradicated.

You mocked someone for repeating themselves, while verbatim echoing the same phrase within 10 mins. So not only are you a hypocritical faggot, but you're unoriginal to boot.

Nips are still conformist passive aggressive yellow people.
But they keep themselves clean, have enough empathy to not torture animals, and plan for the future long enough to not turn their nation into a toxic dump.
Still not one of us. We should ally with them when they nanking the chinks.

Why waste our blood? Chinks really aren't that bad. They have a long and cultured history. It is their leadership that has made them this way.
It is like blaming Russians for being backwards savages under communism.

fuck off wang

Chinks are not human. They are insectoid jews that haven't learned how to parasite off of whites as efficiently.

fair enough
i honestly would probably be more ok with the idea of keeping some niggers on madagascar as a kind of preservation or something since they're more like animals (maybe there's research potential?), and japan would be much to worry about since they have some intelligence and i feel like that could easily come back to bite us later on. niggers would probably end up destroying all the trees or just dying though, and if global cooling caused madagascar to reconnect with the african mainland then that would of course be a problem

we wouldnt really waste any blood eradicating the japanese. it would be more like slaughter. and what benefit would we get from keeping them around? they would have to be treated like a contained virus. is it worth the possibility of having another multicultural problem? the white race certainly doesnt need them and will no doubt be completely fine without them. do they have value that is any more than just pure novelty?

Nice job, ching-chong.

Call me a pansy but I won't watch

Irrelevant whether you were "speaking to the same person". And you didn't address the main issue here. You are embarrassingly dumb.

Oh fuck that was fun.

Is there a single comment in this thread by you that isn't a complete shitpost? If/when I find out, that's ripe for a filtering.

If your race goes unchecked then your kind will literally rape the planet earth to death. A world full of chinks would literally create hazardous gas planet with oceans full of sludge, with all animals and plants dying a slow agonizing death, if they are fortunate. If they don't die of radioactive cancer, they'll be tortured and ground into dust for Chang's erection pills.

Then once all of the resources are used up, the chinks will use stolen aryan technology to build shoddy spaceships out of asbestos and literal garbage to shoot as many chink drones into space as humanly possible to find some random rocks to planetcrack, but the only thing guaranteed they will find out in space is some sort of object they can grind up into dust for more superstitious chinese erection pills when all of the endangered animals cease to exist.

Other than a brief mention of moral relativism:

What the fuck. That's the shittiest piece of propaganda I've ever seen, it's even worse than Holla Forums "memes".

the way i think of it is this, any decision we make about the japanese doesn't need to be permanent
let's say that Holla Forums gets its most absolutely ideal future where we cleanse the planet of all non-whites, but we left the Japanese alive.
leaving them alive isn't some sort of promise that we'll leave them alone forever. it's a trial run to see if we can peacefully exist on the same planet together. if things work out, great. but if they're seriously stupid enough to fuck with us after watching us kill every other non-white on the planet then they completely deserve what they get
personally, i think things would work out, but who knows

You probably haven't seen the original.

personally i don't think it's a good idea to keep niggers around, but they could be used as a sort of biological weapon if we ever got into a space war or some shit

And they go out of their way to make the animals suffer. They can't even be half-way humane about it.
Adrenaline spoils the fucking meat but they get more sustenance from hearing anguish.

They should all be skinned alive.

that's what i was thinking. it would not be a bad idea to confiscate all their white technology and more or less revert them back to when their best technology was the sword, and then we would just see what happens. it wouldnt be so much to worry about, but is it really worth the risk? we know what can possibly happen when other races exist along with whites.
what if future societies become lax and decadent in the good times that we are currently struggling to bring about and they do some dumb stuff like allow japanese to immigrate into white lands? and once that happens we're in trouble - it's somewhat of a slippery slope as we've seen. better safe than sorry
and again, what benefit do we get from allowing them to stay? is there not only danger?


It is interesting to watch the attempt at consensus cracking when the fucks are replying to themselves. Posting styles are very telling.

Or maybe, he was just like you and wasn't born giving a roman salute. It's not unexpected that someone who makes a living being surrounded by yids and lies would eventually see through it, what's surprising is that he's now actively attacking them instead of keeping his mouth shut. Tucker attacks far too many important talking points to be an elaborate controlled op, he asks too many questions and provides too many answers that point in our direction.

Yes but being the chinks they are they never got very far with it, their guns were basically fireworks in a tube that you could hold. It wasn't until gunpowder passed into Europe that you saw actual innovation.
Keyword being "was", they have a very long history so it's a statistical certainty that something interesting happened at somepoint in their past, but they're never going to go back to anything like that because they've found the perfect political/economic system for their insect way of life, parasitic mercantilism that larps as communism.

These inhumane practices done to animals is usually because of voodoo-tier ancient chinese secret shit. They are extremely superstitious, not unlike niggers. They believe that performing certain rituals and harvesting certain body parts in animals can be used for ancient chink medicine. It's disturbing once you learn the main goal of these practices is for the effect of helping erectile problems, increasing virility, and making your pecker bigger. Disgusting effeminate chinks literally torture animals in the worst ways possible to help their tiny peckers stay up. Sick sadism aimed towards helpless creatures won't ever make chink "men" masculine. I really hate chinks.

It's not just dogs and cats that they do this shit too. They do it to all sorts of animals. Chinks and the traditional chinese medicine industry are why species become poached and endangered in Africa. They harvest the most intelligent and noble animals and stack them in cages on top of eachother. You want to see something really fucked up in the name of chink medicine? look up bear bile farms. It will make anyone realize just how deserving these insects are for extermination.

Literally every discussion involving chinks ends up here. It's like niggers and muh peanut butter.

That is the only problem I have with them eating doges. It's the same with halal meat, they could just kill the cow but instead they go out of their way to give it an agonizing death. We do some cruel stuff too, like foie gras, but at least in our case there's no way around it (other than not eating it, but fuck that).

Chinks invented and were the first to use gunpowder, although they really messed up by only using it in crappy cannons instead of doing it properly. Their civilization is respectable though, it's too bad they erased a lot of their history, and the way things are going it seems we'll do the same.

You sure about that, Jocko?

Ok, wang. You wuz russians and shit too? I've seen those Siberian dwelling "Russians" on the borders of china and mongolia. Guess what? They are slant-eyed, yellow, and pan-faced Asians. They look like chinks to me.

Just because they are in Russian territory doesn't make them Eastern European. I can tell the difference between niggers and whites in America even though niggers live in America, you dumb fucking chink. Stop IP switching, fuck. You're so goddam triggered it's pathetic.


Guise guise guise!! I totally hear where you're coming from, but let's be fair. If it wasn't for the Chinese a lot of us here would never get laid.


>“Our study shows that dogs have the ability to integrate two different sources of sensory information into a coherent perception of emotion in both humans and dogs.

Pix or it didn't happen, Oliver.

A little paranoid, now, are we?

Even your insults towards whites ooze insecurity. Holy fuck chinks are pathetic. You think that saying white men fuck your women is somehow an insult to us? I honestly kind of feel sorry for you and your pathetic race.

It's not a wonder why your fellow rice people resort to harvesting and consuming sea urchin piss to increase your virility. There is not a shred of masculinity that can be found within you. Only effeminate tantrums and self-loathing

Here is a picture of a nip dog, the two things that trigger you the most.

I get it, I respect the pigs. I just prefer my meat to not be killed in a pointlessly painful manner.

The Chinese do not worry about this and of course this cruelty happens in our own country, but to a lesser extent and those instances cause scandals, but in China they do not give a shit.

The top answer is a pretty good answer to Chinese cruelty I wouldn't expect to find on Quora.


Out of morbid curiosity, why is it that dog-gore is somehow acceptable around here, but if someone posts a link to a retard torturing cats, Holla Forums can't dox him/her fast enough?

Eating dogs on its own isn't much different from eating other intelligent domesticated animals.

Torturing them because a superstition says it makes them taste better is barbaric.


There are worse than this. Just google "chinese boiling dogs alive".

Also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bile_bear

Robert David Steele [ex CIA agent & creator of The Marine Corps Intel Unit] always uses this example when talking about elites abducting and murdering young children to drink their blood because they believe it is the key to longevity. He says that is the reason they boil these poor doggos alive instead of puting them out of their misery first, because it terrifies the living shit out of them and the massive release of adrenaline changes the taste of the meat and, one could assume the chemical composition of the blood as well (adrenalized blood, he calls it).

I've never seen any amazingly hard evidence that this is true, but I do believe it is true in at least some form.

Anyone got any good info on this?

Because the subhumans who torture dogs are 99% of the time, chink peasants. There's no way to dox them, it would be pointless (it wouldn't ruin their lives or get them into any trouble with the law) and it's too difficult seeing is that they are poor as shit, arr rook same, and there's billions of them with identical personalities and upbringings.

As for cats, people who torture those and post about it on social media are usually future serial killers that live in America or eastern Europe.

That's an important distinction
Having pigs in a good environment on a farm isn't torturing them. Ideally they should be in a shaded area that produces nuts, fungus, and bugs for them to eat. That way they have a good little piggy life before you eat them. The same with cows and goats.

White people have killed babies in wartime for as long as we've been fighting wars. Get off that fucking high horse, fag.


Dubs confirm you will never be White.


The problem is not eating meat, the problem is that we have too many useless retards and non-whites living on this planet that we need to sustain. Thus, the only way to feed them are inhumane factory style slaughterhouses.
If we kept a moderately low population size that consisted of homogeneous whites, we would never have to be so cruel to animals. Our cruelty is only a consequence of our modernity, consumerism, endless expansionism, and multiculturalism. It is not cruelty for the sake of cruelty. If there was a magical way to give all animals a decent life before a quick death at the same cost of our system now, every white person would agree to it. Chinks would not, chinks torture animals deliberately and purposefully. They enjoy it. They are subhumans, and they need to be exterminated. Boiled alive like the animals they abuse.

The lack of animal fat in your diet is destroying your brain and making you talk like a kike.

Even if it were true that adrenaline makes meat taste better, it shouldn't be done. Only the most cruel, horrible subhuman would do something so heinous for a marginal effect in how his food tastes.

China, Korea, and any other country who does this shit is breaking a pact between man and canine that goes back thousands of years, and it's fucking bullshit.

Man eventually breeds Canine to be a companion, resulting in Dog, which, as a depressive, I can tell you is an amazing thing to have when you feel like taking all the pills in the cabinet (pic related: my little guy looks like this and he is currently the only reason why I haven't turned to some sort of super-villain in a war against the human race).

And then these heathen fucks go and do shit like this. It breaks rules that are older than recorded time. Pisses me off something fierce.

The weirdest thing, speaking as a fucking leaf, is that Chinese-Leafs are some of the nicest folks I've ever come across over the years, far exceeding the other non-whites in terms of my interactions with them. I can never understand how the old world chinee seem to be such utter cock-goblins.

Emotional arguments work 95% of the time, basement dweller.

Humans are at the top of the food chain and it's perfectly natural for us to eat animals lower on it. Hell, those domestic animals wouldn't even exist and thrive if it weren't for us. They'd live out in the wild in a state of terror waiting for some wolf or feline to tear them to shreds in a painful, slow death. On a proper, careful farm they have a few years or so of a leisurely existence with food, breeding, and companionship before they're eaten. That's not a bad life for them at all, what's cruel about it?

At this point it is just nature, friend. I understand where you are coming from, but humans are animals, too. All of your ancestors (down to the tubed worms we evolved from) ate other animals for sustenance.
The best thing to do about it is practice eugenics. Taking another life for your own is a sacred act and should only be reserved for deserving people. Kill all of the shitskins and the white traitors and subhumans, then we can go back to treating animals with respect and giving them a quick and painless death when necessary.

Killing in the case of animals is just controlled death. Is death cruel? That's one of the most idiotic argument I've ever seen. I bet you think humans are no different than any other animal and dream of living in a dirty cuckshed in the woods where you compost your own shit in cut up plastic bottles and malnourish your offspring

Well, no. The Neanderthals were obligate carnivores. They did not eat any vegetation.

Well, that's how nature is. We have evolved to take advantage of other animal's nutrients for our survival, just like every other animal on the planet. Circle of life, blah blah blah. The most humane thing we can do is stop the bloated industry of factory farmed meat. That is not nature, that is evil.

I never mentioned pigs, actually, but I definitely don't advocate for the torture of any animal. As for the killing, it should always be done humanely. As for the eating…pork is delicious, and if Muslims and Jews are against it, that's good enough for me to include it in my diet.

Only a faggot doesn't like bacon.

Daily reminder that all vegans suck dick for tofu.

Let's hope our new dog-eating masters are nicer than our current chicken-swinging ones.

Academic sources report that bile bears exhibit abnormal behaviours such as stereotypies, excessive inactivity and self-mutilation.[21][22]

Living for 10–12 years under such circumstances results in severe mental stress and muscle atrophy.[24] World Animal Protection sent researchers to 11 bile farms.[citation needed] They reported seeing bears moaning, banging their heads against their cages, and chewing their own paws (autophagia).

The Chinese media reported an incident in which a mother bear, having escaped her cage, strangled her own cub and then killed herself by intentionally running into a wall.[25]

Ignore this cuck, I'm sure he's trolling. Or its active D&C shit

i've been thinking that vegetarianism is the way to go. and if you need protein (gainz) then chicken is pretty much the best thing, and not just because it's pure protein. having your own chickens is very easy to do, and since they are yours you will have a good attachment to them and can be sure that they live a good life before dying in a nice and humane way, maybe saying a little prayer and all that too if you want - this food will will be better for you than anything you could buy from another person. they also give you eggs.
at a minimum, big commercial slaughterhouses should be phased out

i dont believe you

dogs were invented to be a companion by the white man for the white man. the other races were never part of the "pact"

the auroch (the thing that cattle used to be) went extinct in the early 1600's. the only reason why cows even exist is because we eat them. i think it was a comedian who once said something along the lines of "if you want to prevent pandas from becoming extinct, just start eating them"

Fucking wut. This has to be fake or something, right? How can all of those people just pass by that as if it's just a dead raccoon at the side of the road?

Lots of broken cocksman out there in China, everything they eat is suppose to enhance, cure, or strengthen. Stop chain smoking might help more than a tortured dog. I would think Viagra would have reached there shores by now anyways. Probably just a scam by sadists like so many traditions.

Chinks do not break the bond between man and dog. Chinks have no connection to dogs. It was the aryans who domesticated wolves and lived with them for thousands of years. Since dogs have a real, biological imprint of humans in their DNA, so do we. Whites love dogs, chinks do not. Chinks do not have the same genetic bond to dogs like whites do.



This is what I think is going to happen to China, India, and the Gulf Arab States. All the rich people will move here and spend their money here and in a generation they'll still be shitholes and in the case of the Gulf States fall back into nomadic tribalism

You don't have a source so I won't ask for it. You are either actually retarded, or the worst shill ever.
And I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you're already doing that by being a vegetarian.

Stop. Just because a nigger eats salads doesn't mean he gets to inhabit this earth alongside the aryans.




Harder to do if you've got less money though.

I bet you think Savitri Devi wasn't a complete schizo


there's a lot of conflicting reports. i remember seeing one from another place (that analyzed teeth) saying that their diets were 99.5% meat, mainly because there just werent any edible plants around. i think region is a strong factor
most of the sources i found did point to them being mostly heavily vegetarian though

sage because this is hardly relevant

Actually I would love to see a bunch of SJW's in my neighborhood suffer this fate. I could open up a back yard dog burger processing plant.

And Tucker is kind of a cunt but I do like how he treats the left on his show.
He almost has me fooled.

Go choke on a zucchini

Fair enough, Damian.

You and deviltrips have made me realize that for the first time, right this minute. I've always thought of "early man" as "all men before we went our separate ways," but I see now that's some old bluepill shit still kicking around in my mental attic that I'd forgotten about.

the point was to show that people value animals based on their value to them.

very primitive people need dogs to hunt and protect them.

modern first world people need dogs to fill in the blank child shaped hole in their lives.

china is like 1800s, they eat dog because it serves no purpose to them.


chinese are not human

"early man" is a marxist term used to trick whites into believing we and the other races share much in common, and used to trick niggers into thinking that they're not a more primitive species of man. The truth is we have been mostly separate for 50,000+ years.


I just saw it in a clip today along with jon stewart (forgot kike name) defending ron paul. I can't help but think they are the same thing -propagandists who will do whatever works to further their bosses' agenda.
There is always some conservative pushing the bounds, tapping into the real outrage of the further right, and redirecting it, before eventually becoming mainstream. And not through any Overton shift.

his 'proof' was his outrage.

which is indistinguishable from being bluepilled if it's never acted on. The anti-'eskimo'-hurr-hurr cuckservatives Rockwell talked about come to mind. It's worse in many ways.

well, that´s one classy way of getting fired

Absolutely, but not for the reasons you believe.


if you are so upset why dont go go and trow some blood at someone, and now that you are there why dont you become a fucking faggot pussy and suck his dick.

Hence my comment about forgotten bluepills still kicking around.

C'mon pol get your motives together.

The primary concern is the method of death. They are actively tortured and this is promoted by culture. This is the problem. I don't give a shit if you're vegan or not, if you don't give your food some dignity all you're doing is taking it's suffering onto you. There's literally a Creed for hunters that you do not cause the prey to suffer and give it a quick death.


I'm never 100% sure if you "vegans" are sincere or just trols. Just in case you aren't a pack of giggling teenagers blowing off some post-finals steam, let me clue you in to something: you'll never convince anyone that you're in the right if you go around insulting them all the time. In fact, the usual response to being called "meatcucks" is to go consume more meat and smile while doing so. I just had a piece of last night's chicken (a thigh) that was absolutely delicious.

And with that, my troll friend, I now know I can safely filter you. Have fun with the others.

Reported for spam.

Trips of truth

this video proves nothing. he did nothing wrong
also, hunters generally do more for the conservation of nature and wildlife than vegans or any of those people

No one has any interest in going vegan unless they're elitist assholes, because vegans are elitist assholes

Men got to eat meat, but we should be humane enough to kill the animal in the least painful way possible, not like Chinese do with their dogs or Jews with their grotesque ritual killing.


That's a horrible cherrypicked example and you know it.
The bird clearly has an arrow stuck in it, possibly from a misfire, it would have died slow if not for the hunter literally running up and chucking a $600 bow to assure it doesn't suffer by snapping it's neck.

Shill somewhere else.

nah ur fucking retarded

Don't know, but I also don't care. tbh it wouldn't surprise me if soulless antpeople are into casually genociding each other.

Nips are honorary you retard. They have nothing to do with chinks and gooks torturing dogs for fun.

Large swaths of land in north America were protected by hunters like Roosevelt, and donation money of hunters today.

Those "environmentalists" are trash that want factories exported to china to ruin the environment there.

Oooh nice, 9 point. My largest is a 7 point buck.

i actually consider myself to be a semi-vegetarian out of respect for animals
i would only eat meat for nutrition (protein, etc) or if it was hunted/killed by me or a friend or something.

this is how i know you're retarded
i think you have low testosterone
dont even need to watch that video

labels prove nothing. it's just semantics

it's almost like right wing methodology vs left wing. the right wing guys (hunters) actually accomplish things while the left only care about feeling like they're doing something good, regardless of whether or not they actually are

t. haruki

Ok faggot.

name an organization bigger than ducks unlimited that's dedicated to wetlands preservation and restoration

I am not defending anything.
All I said was I wish a bunch of the SJW's and I didn't mention all the faggots had to eat their dogs or starve to death in my neighborhood.
It would be great fun to watch is all.
plus all the shekels i could make from selling dog burgers to them

Do these retards realize there are government programs to poison wolves when their population gets out of hand? Theyre not an endangered fucking species, these are sanctioned hunts.

Yeah your environmentalists are real nice folks.

Wolf populations have never gotten out of hand you retard. They are apex predators. Their population is self-limiting by food scarcity. They are killed because the ranching lobbyists bribe officials to sanction it, blaming the livestock they lost to their own damn dogs on the wolves.

What a queer.

nice argument, but no proof:

Are tibetians acceptible?

There's a ton of overlap in those segments. Never really understood the autistic exultation that occasionally surrounds hunters in these parts.

I only eat boar when I can because it is a pest and destroys ecosystems where I live. I tend to avoid pork as much as possible for ethical reasons.

This is your brain on B12 deprivation.

And just like it goes into the memory hole. Must have touched a nerve with the kike parallel.

it doesn't matter what you say to someone like that fag

They really are subhuman you know


WHAT ARE THEIR SUPERSTITIOUS REASONINGS FOR BURNING BOILING AND EATING ANIMALS WHILE THEY'RE STILL ALIVE. ? …i seen a vid were they wrap wet towels around a fishs head and tail batter it deep fry it and bring it to yours table so it can look at you as you eat

I wonder if it's like the japs eating still living animals. Do the people in the countryside do this? I could see it being people trying to get a feel for what they miss from not being around the simpler life and death of nature

Whats with the sudden influx of hate for the Asian races? Is this a false flag?

"Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them"

There is nothing wrong with chinks eating dogs in their own country if they want to.

You are a full blown retard.

There is a difference between torturing a dog and using it as a food source when circumstances permit. If a pet dog dies of old age or other causes I would see nothing wrong with cooking it, nothing wrong with making use of any calories available and being frugal. Same thing with euthanized pets, if no one wants them, they should be humanely killed and used for food. Domestication and empathy for animals is not mutually exclusive with eating them provided humane slaughter methods are used and such and the animal has a decent life before being used for food.

Funny how the thread really started getting shilled after the Lynch senate hearing got posted.

He's joking about the sacrality of the cow in the Hindu religion.

What about dog eating niggers like Obama? Remember, he ate dog. Hell he even married one.

Nuke the fucking chink bastards.

He also thought them resistant to the jewish contagion, and considering the chinese who took over were the ones being supported by jews and our own communist traitors, he was wrong. The japanese were certainly in it just for their own expansion, as can be seen by their actions starting as soon as they got more islands from ww1 fallout.

But if carlsons comments came out of nowhere, it IS misdirection. I wish chinks didn't do cruel shit tho it's their nature but ultimately it doesn't matter a hill of beans. We have enemies among us.

that's a man

t. triggered chink

Unit 731 never happened, but it should have.

Nobody said eating dipshit. Domestic dogs are the single most common killer in livestock attacks, outnumbering all wildlife combined.

Consider the following: Hunting is an occupation where you get to kill super-human fast deer or super-human strong bears with various weapons (bow, rifle, IEDs) as a substitute for not being able to legally kill humans. Leftists hate it, and it's a legitimate means of pest control and additional reason to have firearms (and to learn how to use one) besides opposition to tyranny. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Same. It's so important for white racial purity to be maintained; we will need to be in top form to face the Yellow Tide. Our beauty, empathy, and creativity vs. their numbers, hand-eye coordination, and machine intellect.

Wild dogs and pets owners allow to roam. A lot of people don't look after their pets properly. An example from when I was a kid: Roaming dogs killed 30 of my dad's sheep because they were bored and their owners didn't give a shit. Worst was when they herded a dozen into a waterhole, where they drowned each other in panic.

Crows and foxes were the biggest killers though. Not of mature animals, but watching over ewes while they were lambing was almost a full time job.

Neck yourself you pea-brained savage.

I meant 24/7

You're not fooling anyone.

Fucking no soul insects …Kill them all.

I have an internal threat ranking in my head. It goes like this:
1) Jews – Of course. They're behind almost every evil that has befallen us since we foolishly let those ghettos open up. Progress on every front is slow to nonexistent until this thorny little question gets answered.
2) Spics – Half-tards and fast breeders. This is an immediate threat, and they all have to go back. This is the brown tide we need to worry about over the next 30 years. Priority. And the illegals are just the tip of the iceberg – the legal spics have a 3-4 child per woman head start on us.
3) Niggers – Minor threat on the large scale, will rape everything in your house if you're dumb enough to trust them. Like the slow zombies from Night of the Living Dead, you can usually deal with them, but don't get too cozy because they'll surprise you.
4) White Traitors – Some still have potential to change, and a lot of /us/ used to be fucking degenerate liberals too. Rope eventually, but it's worth a try to work with these faggots if they're still breeding age. Otherwise, fuck 'em.
5) Chinks – A major threat, but one that's still decades off. Slay the kike, expel taco, flatten niggers and their handlers, and we'll be in good shape to fuck over China and its satellite vassals. They are, however, the clock that's ticking in the background while we dawdle away the years.
6) Mudslimes and assorted filth – I look at these creatures as useful idiots. Let the niggers have shariah so they'll have a nice, reliable set of rules about how to wipe an ass. Let our native ginger faggots sign up to allahu akbar themselves against a roadblock in Somalia. Let their retarded semitic religion sweep up volunteers for our future castrated slave race. Without Jews paying them and handing out assignments, they're as helpless as a kid with muscular dystrophy.
7) Truly Inferior Monkey People – These would be the Aborigines, the pygmies, the Timorese, and so on. Gas them all without a second thought when it's convenient. Except for the Bushmen. They're alright, and they don't want shit except to go be primitive in the dirt someplace whites don't want to live. A few thousand of these living fossils aren't hurting anything, but the others have to go.

And don't forget that you can do it with dogs, like having a superloyal purely natural Man Friday

From the people and writers not poisoned with the expectations of psychologists, many older aspects of war sound exactly like hunting to me. Hunting is good and proper training to face to bloodshed, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying it. It was one of the main pastimes of aristocracy for a reason.

In the long run it's very important, but at least in burgerland they seem to keep very segregated and I've never seen enough numbers to matter.

I'd put Mudslimes higher as an immediate threat.

Why aren't you using the unedited version of that, user?

Why do we suffer the chink to live?

for the most part it is a good assessment however you leaving out the fact that Preg chink whores are the number one immigrant to the US even more than mexicans or mudshit skins.

Think for a instant of how insidious that is and then why it never gets brought up considering the shear volume of those gd ppl flooding us. You negate to realize the threat of dog eating chinks and the weapon ized immigration they are shitting on you basically unhindered as we focus on muds .

Sounds like you burgers are going to get all your properties buyed out by chink "investors" in a few years.
t. straya

Please send us some guns.

I'm a potato.

not likely chink as pretty sure we would nuke the entire world with you along with it just to say no to chinkchina.

Only thing you slanty eyed rats have going for you in white complacency and would not count on that to continue you disgusting dog eater. Glad your base is in just one area 75 nukes and everything about you is gone YOU FUCKING CHINK!!!

They can already buy property without being a citizen though, because we're just that retarded.

You ok fam?

Just take pine pollen faggot.

Damn shame waste of dubs.

He reminds me of a hammerhead shark. There's something so snagged and angular about his face. Looks like a fucking goblin either way.


they believe the more an animal suffers, the better it tastes.
They believe you can absorb an animal's "energy" by eating it (this is why shit like dried up tiger dicks is medicine, they believe you can absorb the tiger's strong sexual energy by consuming its sexual organs). The fresher it is, the more "energy" you inherit.

So, the chinks torture their food animals and eat them as close to alive (or alive) whenever possible.

This is what a vegetarian looks like.

the fat one or the weak one?




Is there anything to this? I'm sure there have been some papers written on it, anyone ever come across one? Not even sure what to google tbh. Not finding much tho after a very cursory effort just now tho…

I used to completely disregard 'old age' shit like this, until I looked in to Kosher food, especially with the modern advances and implication of the kike's 'kosher' system, which outlaws the consumption of a lot of the indubitably unhealthy new shit we've added to our diets like artificial sugars etc…— (Rabi's who are certified by the rabbinical mega-kike council or whatever they are called to "certify" various food & products as kosher or not kosher now adays literally have to have a biochem degree or otherwise be extremely learned in the science of biochem … all these new deadly chemicals and foods are only for the goyim…. It's actually a massive ancillary anti-goy conspiracy IMO, but that's for another thread…) — and eventually realized that there is actually something to this whole kosher system that they try to keep hidden from the goy.. one ancient example being they don't eat pork because they realized at some point it was unhealthy to consume because pigs literally eat their own shit and roll around in it which gets absorbed to some degree in to their skin & tissues… dunno if it's still a relevant issue today tho, just in regard to bacon pork specifically, because we probably clean our food much more thoroughly than ancient people were capable of.

Anyways, appreciate any links or insight if you niggers got it.

This seems pretty obvious. Is saying obvious shit now what qualifies as news?

The usual intended purpose of absorbing an animal's energy has to do with sexual prowess and masculinity. I'd say it's having the opposite effect on chink men.

non-whites adopt barbaric practices all over the world that are counter-intuitive to their well-being. Jews also circumcise themselves, that's not something to emulate.
Also the reason pigs were considered dirty was because pork requires a higher cooking temperature to denature diseases, parasites and other bacteria. It has nothing to do with them eating shit (this is a meme anyways, pigs do not eat shit unless that is what's fed to them, same as cows and chickens).
Remember that semites consider dogs to be as dirty as they think of pigs. Non-whites are retarded compared to whites. They are all extremely superstitious and cling to ancient traditions (probably because they haven't evolved past abandoning them yet).

Exactly. The chinks also just built their first nuclear reactor. If you think the meltdown in Japan was grim, wait until the Chinese literally wipe out and irradiate the entire Pacific ocean with the eventual collapse of that reactor. The Chinese don't care about the environment, they don't care about their own people or their own families, they oy care about being seen as great people, and money. They can't face the truth that the glory days of China have come and gone. The only thing they are capable of is copying thkse who are better than them, and always pissing and moaning about other people hurting the feelings of the Chinese people.

In a society based on lies, telling the truth is radical.

This, I hate this. They fuck over their fellow chinks worse than their own enemies would. But when you say anything less than perfect about the motherland or other chinks they get super pissed
extremely arrogant people, all while having nothing to be proud of. Everything they have is just a cheap imitation of what whites have created, and used so improperly they literally rape their country and extinct their own wildlife.


Are you kidding? Literally all the Mongolians LOVE Khan. They have tons of monuments to him over there. Even in Inner Mongolia they have tons of monuments and memorials to Chinggis Khan. Was this girl just born in Mongolia but grew up in the West? If so that would explain it.

Holla Forums lurkers are all cat ladies.

Exactly. I don't currently have the link, but there seems to be evidence that Greeks may have actually helped them build the Terracotta army.
It's strange because on a personal level, as someone else said above, Chinese people can and are usually nice and well-mannered, so sometimes seeing this dog "festival" or plastic "rice" or recycled gutter oil is perplexing.

Just to add something else for consideration, I think some of the things said in this video ring true about the chinese.
The Chinese have Glass Hearts

think of the weather in the middle east, and think of how quick pork spoils
though pork and dog both have more parasites that matter than beef or chickens and things like that. Chickens constantly pick through other animals shit as well but being birds instead of mammals and having different temps and ph they have different issues that don't really affect us.

Kill all humans who would ever think to harm or eat a dog, and suddenly the world only consists of aryan ubermensh.

wrong they didn't realize anything and still haven't too this day other than being a parasitic plague of the white nations they infect.

Main reason they claim pork is bad is because the ppl that conquer them had pigs for meat and instead of hauling or growing food for them they ate shit as elaborate pens where constructed of the pens that houses then to take a dump up on a platform that would go directly to their troff It has been said that pigs on human shit diet taste the sweetest.

Some found it repulsive especially those being conquered.There is nothing wrong with eating pig and Romans laughed at semitic people and their skinny asses for not eating a valuable resource .

Dogs are not pigs less intelligent and highly trainable and will inherently lay their lives down to protect you meaning their Pack.

1 choice German Shepard very pliable
2 Akita not pliable unless constantly trained from pup status.

I say akitas are better but given lax assholes in training go with a shepard as akitas are better final result but very very hard to train they are stubborn as fuck and lazy unless you have time and know how to train them .

depends on the definition of 'harm', hysterical cunts won't put one down but will leave one in completely inhumane (I hate using the word that way, but common usage) conditions, and eating a nonworking, nonpet dog is hardly different from other animals that are treated well.

I can pet and scratch and raise and care about animals from calves or chicks etc. and eat them with barely any feels. Less than if I lost them too happenstance. I couldn't eat a dog I cared about that easy, but I could eat other ones or ferals with no qualms at all.

But I've been meat-hungry before and maybe you haven't.

The CIDF in this thread is unbelievable. This is a festival dedicated to stealing other peoples' pets, torturing them and then eating them because your subhuman culture believes it will make your chink micro dick bigger. This has nothing to do with starvation or necessity. Stop wasting oxygen and kill yourself already.

Stop acting like a ricenigger, user. There's no reason to talk about eating stray dogs.

you brought it up, I just said parasites, I meant borne on their skin or in their shit

and as another user said, feral dogs kill livestock

he needs to get to 88%

Chinks invented black powder, then proceeded to do fuck all with it. They used it for shitty fireworks and inaccurate ineffectual bamboo rockets. Whites on the other hand immediately created lead throwers, developed multiple ignition systems, then developed chemical primers, followed by metallic cartridges, and eventually created nitrocellulose, which replaced black powder and is the base propellant for all firearms used today. The chinks are shit, and just because they came up with one chemical formula 600 years ago does not make them a great civilization.

and trained dogs protect livestock in fact with out them be know way to protect against predators having you even ?

No excuse for dog eating ..cats although I like serve no purpose to humans other than lowering your blood pressure by being a pet .Dogs are built by us to work for thousands of years and watching some fucking chink boil one alive is unacceptable as tbh that dog has more value than a worthless eater chink who's race should be exterminated along with all other non white hominids to be frank a dog has more use than a chink. Might think I a off on that and crazy and your are wrong all non whites need to die and so we can progress otherwise we regress by allowing these shitskins to feed off of us when they genetically do not deserve the fruits of whites and will fall into chaos without us HOW ABOUT NO MORE RACIAL WELFARE!!

It can't be for the taste, honestly. A boiled cow would taste like fucking garbage. These people literally eat insects, I don't think they care about how shit tastes.

It occurs to me that I've been swimming in the muck and refuse of the world so long that I can't even remember the last time I saw something genuinely cute involving a little girl, instead of pedophiles sexualizing the kids and trying to justify it as 'cute'.

Yeah, it's nice to see something on this board involving a kid that is actually touching rather than something involving a kid and John Podesta or Hillary Clinton.

I disagree, my nonenglish friend. A tame chinaman raised without an expectation of specific foods may be a better, cheaper livestock guardian and servant. He may even be as loyal, though not as loveable and much more dangerous if he gets resentful. Not a companion for children on the homestead, either.

you're absolutely right though

to be honest this goes beyond that it comes down to non whites are fucking trash and should b exterminated I know some may know non whites and be friends with them but the fact remains they will always be less than whites and their only existence at this point is ti covet what whites have and try to take it from them period,they are competitors for life that create nothing and try to steal what we have.I would take a loyal dog over a non white any day.These ppl are not your friends and never will be they are different from you and only reason they act sociable is so they can take what your race has built without having the genetics to create it themselves.

This is what frustrates me about Tucker Carlson. I have a friend who did a profile with Tucker back in 2013, and he acknowledged that even though a lot of his views were libertarian, he still though libertarianism as a whole is stupid. He also point blank said that southern California has a demographics issue, and that he has a problem with Somalian refugees. He knows that non-whites are the problem, he knows that lolbergs are retarded, but he won't go full white nationalism. I think being a christcuck is what's truly holding him back.

That article literally says that Aryans never ate meat until kikes told them to. I'm so BTFO how will I ever recover?
have fun maintaining proper neuronal myelination without animal fat unless you're supplementing with nigger cum you gigantic faggot

You could make an argument for leaving some of the non-whites of this world be, but the chinks are truly shit, and their shittiness is going to kill us all if we're not careful (re: their fucking nuclear plants going up).

Here's a video of a chink escalator. The two retards at the top know that it's busted, but they don't turn it off. They don't even stop people from going on the escalator to begin with, or put up a sign or anything. They just stand there and watch the woman get fed into the machine. They're subhuman, period.

Made it about 10 seconds. See a dog get hit by a car, don't give a shit. See a deer get shot and butchered, don't give a shit. See someone get their head blown the fuck off, not even the slightest bit bothered.

Undue torture and needless suffering really gets under my skin. Fucking subhuman gooks. Everyone spergs the fuck out about niggers, because they're violent and stupid. They're dirty fucking animals, but at least they look and act like it. The chinks are the real problem, if you ask me. They can at least feign normalcy and are actually intelligent. Empathy and kindness? 404: humanity not found.

What's more dangerous, a whooping nigger who can't shoot straight, or a sneaky gook who will smile at you and shake your hand while stabbing you in the kidneys with the other?

In terms of danger: Kikes>Gooks>Niggers

You can maintain proper neuronal myelination without meats.
Olive Oil.
Whole grains.

and i'm sure there is more. Don't spread information because of your bias.


This. The only race to rival the chinks in their brutality are the spics and indios, which are genetic cousins to the chinks anyways.
They are much less conniving than the chinks, however. They will skin a man alive, torture a child, and so on, but they don't seem to enjoy doing it as much as the chinks do. They seem to do it out of some biological instinct, possibly a show of force to intimidate their competition.

The mongoloid race and all of its different branches and ethnicities are morally bankrupt. What is it about mongoloids that makes them lack all human empathy? To me that is one of the main things that separates man from beast along with sapience and abstract thought.

I'm honestly curious what evolutionary reason there was for the mongoloids to act like insect creatures. I'm willing to bounce ideas off other anons.

eggs are meat, good luck creating herrenvolk with that diet or keeping the people from going and hunting like a normal fucking human
and have fun growing all that shit in a climate that grows avocado and olives

I don't know, man. I've seen videos of spics torturing and flaying people, cutting them up into tiny little pieces, maiming and mutilating, etc. They just seem… disconnected. It's like you said. They don't really enjoy it, it's just something they see as needing to be done. Thinking about it, I seem to remember the Iberians carried something called the falcata, which was essentially just a fuckhuge cleaver of a sword. It lopped off limbs and made a god damned mess of things. These were used in pre-Roman times, so whatever gives the spic their nonchalance for sadistry is likely a trait given to them by the Spanish. Who the fuck knows where they got it from though, given that history around that time is spotty, at best.

As for the chinks, no fucking clue. Not going to go full retard and say that chinks are snake people, but I think they look serpentine more than apish. The exception being filipinos. Seen a filipino girl that looked almost exactly like a hairless monkey. Almost like a Rhesus monkey or a Capuchin.

I can't believe how many low-iq (((whites))) are on this board.


i think he's doing important work for us. in OP's video he's giving them a grain of the red pill: other cultures are not as good as ours. some may call them sub-human, even.

sure, it's barely a drop of the first dose of the antidote, but it's far better than nothing. once the masses that still consume MSM believe that our culture is the best culture, then we can move on to educating them on what makes or made our culture great, or simply try to define what "our" culture even is. it's the first step in a long process, but a necessary one.

this potion would kill most men, because most men are too weak for this potion.

The animal could be humanely killed and injected with man-made adrenaline to achieve the same results without cortisol.
This practice could be easily industrialized to produce the best quality dog meat year round, but no, the chinks have to be sub-human.

Adrenal glands could probably be stimulated after the animal is killed to achieve the same thing.

we'll know when his viewers start saying niggers and jews etc are different and that it's biolog.. OH WAIT HE SAID IT WAS CULTURE

I don't think it's from the spanish, since actual spaniards aren't sadistic (like all whites). I'm guessing it's from their chink blood. I remember reading studies about their untouched indio tribes and their mutilation practices (shit like stuffing thorned plants into little girl's vaginas and sewing them up, and filling bags full of bullet ants and tying them to people's hands for hours). These tribes have no Spanish DNA. Let's also not forget their ancient civilizations with their bloodsports and human sacrifices, something the Spaniards found barbaric.

Dogs are a level above pigs or cows because they have always been companions, not food. They literally became a species because of us and have empathy toward us as we do to them.

The average dog can read our expressions and assess our condition better than the vast majority of humans ever care to. They're so loyal that it actually hurts to see crap like this.

Dogs are wonderful creatures. If you don't feel disgust for the chinks for this and at least don't acknowledge how amazing dogs are for their loyalty and love, you simply can't be white.

Cats are pretty great too, they just don't have that hardwired connection that dogs do

Trips of truth confirmed
I always found that this was the case too. Among many non-European peoples, including to a certain extent thise ethnic groups who are descended from both Europeans and the other, often they have a strange disconnect from what we would call normal moral behaviors and actions. In the Southwest of the US, many of the cities with significant populations of latinos, basically most large urban centers, there usually exists a large population of feral dogs running around. These packs didn't just spring up out of the ground like dwarf women, they came from brainless unimaginative blacks and latinos. The animal shelters here are literally packed full with dogs and cats that need a good home. Sometimes their conditions are so bad that they need to be euthanized. Of course this is still the United States, I can only imagine that the life of a dog in Mexico City is much much worse, and the tortures that they endure there are much more inhumane. I think you are right about their awful behavior coming from their mongoloid roots.

Oh yes. A friend of mine went to Mexico city since his dad was a christcuck pastor missionary. He told me about how the Mexicans treat dogs. One story in particular was when a group of little spiclets were throwing rocks at a stray dog, their mother came and scolded them. Not because they were hurting the animal, but because they weren't hurting it enough. She pulled out a stick and started beating it, showing her children how to beat the dog.

Chinks are basically psychopaths, they kill random children if they are mad and they crush the heads of wounded people, torturing animal is something you can expect from them. They will be facing lifetime jail or death in a decent country, sadly we dont have old spaniards for dealing with them like they did with aztecs, Gengis blood was a curse for humanity and it must be removed.

Fun fact, i saw a video of something like that with a native speaker english girl. Every country has crazy people that must be jailed and sterilizated, including Usa, you are missing the point and those forced intl memes explain the reason, the point here is that we have a civilization that encourages barbarism, the existance of China (his people) is a stain, shame in human history.

Their disrespect for human and animal life is not simply a "cultural" difference. Remember that culture stems from race, and the mongoloid race and all of its various ethnicities seem to have a propensity towards sadism.
Yes there are white anomalies that hurt animals, but it is not common among us as a people. In these mongoloid countries, you will find that animal abuse is commonplace.

Check id please, you are talking about what i said like i never said that and even using it like an answer against my position, thats basic shill tactics my intl friend.

Now to biology Gengis destroyed China, most women that refused Gengis blood were killed and the ones that remained were backstabbers, fun fact, gengis was forced to re-conquer china for that reason, behavior is associated with biology and we arent talking about epigenetics here, all fighters were killed, all the ones that refused barbarism were killed, then they were forced to receive mass murderers blood, the wound to humanity genetic pool is so big that a lot of chinks are related, this is why they all-rook-the-same, you can differentiate a nip from other nip, a flip from other flip, a gook from other gook, but you cant with chinks, there is a biologic root and they share that behavior, i am not sure about Taiwan, if they dont behave like that then communism is the worst thing that can happen to humanity and chinks deserve our help, even a true atomic war is better than allowing communism in the last case.

Sorry for sammegoying, just check y chromosome in asia, between 5% and a 10% have the same y chromosome, from gengis, now imagine that a lot of y chromosomes are lost because women dont get it never and is lost forever, they are all inbreeders.

For the past couple of days I've been reading The Gulag Archipelago. Page after page screams out:"Listen to me! Communism is the most insane brutal system (((humans))) have ever developed! Don't do it! Physically Remove Communists While You Have A Chance!"
Many of the people from Taiwan are a little better than their cousins in the Mainland. Remember: Cleanliness was seen by the commies during Mao's time as something bourgeois, so what did those geniuses in their infinite wisdom do? They openly praised filthiness. That's the main reason why they spit everywhere, pick their noses in public, not to mention all the other weird anti-hygiene habits they promote, like instead of brushing teeth just soak your mouth in green tea every day. That's what Mao apparently did. Or only bathing once a year, if that.

What is intl about calling chinks genetically inferior subhumans?

i recognize your posting style from other threads where you were shilling blackpill bullshit. shouldn't you be outside destroying your life in an ever-widening spiral of degenerate hedonism before you face the oblivion of death instead of shilling on a mongolian basket-weaving discussion arena?

The people whose entire "culture" is just torturing livestock aren't sadistic?

But when soldiers eat a hamburger and other nations go to war over us shitting hamburgers from the base on their front lawns, I mean, you can split hairs all you want. Nothing about this matters.

Dogs are perfectly valid human prey; it's only "Muh Feels" about Fifi the Poodle that get in the way.

WTF do you profess to know about China anyway, Westerner? They'll eat rats, cats, dogs, whatever, because they are a ruthlessly pragmatic people. They can't afford the luxury of Western feely shmeely bullshit. Their population is 1.37 billion people.

Seriously. It's all garbage. You're here on Holla Forums. You can get much better material here than what zionist media is willing to offer. If you haven't read Mein Kampf (there's an audio book of the Ford Translation) then get on it. Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told". Pick up any book by David Irving; he has talks available on youtube as well.

Fox news is bullshit, and at best they'll only ever give us jew approved distractions from the real issues.

The proper 20% meat diet is torture for your average burger.

If you mean asses and elbows you're way the fuck off. I don't recall any msm news commentator ever actually moving people in a worthwhile direction. Thay say one thing extreme for tv, and then draw people back towards safe positions.

But the proof is in the pudding. If he can bring honest but ignorant rightwingers to information such as jews and communism or white genocide, then I'll be happy to be wrong.

Embarrassing. Not even worth a reaction image.

Weird coincidence. Just rewatched this video last night.

Well, communism and subhumanism then.

Check id please, you are talking about what i said like i never said that and even using it like an answer against my position, thats basic shill tactics my intl friend.

There is a reason why they run to west.

You have been here less than a year, pls go back to reddit, you would be more at home there.

Is there a source for that. I know its probably true but I would love a source haha

Japanese are definitely way better though. I have a lot of respect for Japan. Recently they have had a down turn though

Remember Dexters brother from "Dexter"? Jews literally kill their animals the same ritualistic way haha sick fucks

I'm guessing the Olympics, the greatest excuse to fill a country full of loud, feral foreigners and cuck yourself to diversity. They'll weather through it though.

I cried

Alright, can someone explain to me what exactly it is the jews do wrong in the slaughterhouse? I know that they are more likely treat animals like things because of their religion, but simply slitting an artery in the throat with a sharp knife is not a bad way to go.

Tucker has the reasoning of 2 year old in this one. With the same reasoning you could argue India is superior than the US, because we eat cows and they let them do whatever they want. Or that vegans are superior to carnivores, because they think no animal should be eaten. What a circular train-wreck of logical fallacy tautology.

have a wise word from indonesia you barbaric chink

In that regard. they are. We -in our greed, lazyness and meekness- feed on meat from cows that are treated like things and live awful, undignified lives. They -particularly in the US- are stuffed into bare, concentrated "paddocks" and fed poison by uncaring spics before being slaughtered, most of their meat going to waste, and fed into the peckerwood-spic cycle. All because we as a society want meat, want it cheap and can't be fucked to run into the woods and shoot something or raise livestock ourselves.
If we are taking about the proper treatment of animals and society as a whole, the pajeets who worship these dopey, flatulent animals are the superior society.

Gooks are Korean. During the Korean War, the friendlies would pronounce "American" as "megook." The Americans thought they were saying "I am gook." So they called them gooks. its not even a slur, its just stupid.

here is the original

There are all these (((vampirism))) / cannibalism threads in the catalog, with the whole Pizzagate torturing child sacrifices thing.

Whoa, that's better than expected. Bravo…

They let retarded gay commie niggers in to Harvard but not Jack Ma. How is that possible?

Spoiler that shit, you goddamn animal.

I agree with this. I'm not some worthless vegan pussy but the logic is a bit relative here despite him calling out moral relativism. He should have emphasized how inhumane it was to torture the dogs more i.e. the more painful the torture the more painful the meat. It's not as though animals here in the US on farms are pampered but we don't get our rocks off by torturing them for some sociopathic pleasure. And we do it solely for food/survival. We don't make a game out of it.



Local slopes got caught doing shady shit

There's nothing wrong with moral relativism. There is nothing objective about morality, white nationalist national socialists or whatever should fucking understand that.

Because he's a CIA asset.

Search for Toxoplasma gondii and cats. They are putting parasites in your brain.

Animal cruelty is nigger tier shit. Even eating meat that you don't know is grass fed and humanly slaughtered is nigger tier shit.

Kill yourself nigger.

Letting dogs sleep on the bed is for degenerates. Animals belong outside.

Letting dogs sleep on the bed is for degenerates. Animals belong outside.