#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Sins Change with the Time Edition



- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com


- gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/07/warner-bros-settles-ftc-charges-it-failed-adequately-disclose-it
- techraptor.net/content/techraptor-2-0-kickstarter-live
- techraptor.net/content/censored-gaming-weekly-recap-2
- archive.is/ZHOYc || archive.is/VUQRd


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
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• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
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• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=from:wikileaks #freemilo


video games


Old bread: archive.is/pCCXB




Fuck, now I'm hungry.


Feels pretty good but I was not following any e-celebrs that didn't eventually turn into unbearable faggots. What are some decent accounts to follow who are still supporting the cause and not behaving like retards?
Yes I know twitter is fucked but let's be realistic, no one is going to stay at sealion.club too much time since it's pretty much a GG echochamber and part of the fun is triggering faggots on twitter until they block you or get you suspended.

1) He and his exes are on friendly terms.
2) People should research their places of study better and not got blinded by their lazy greed/ glitz of the name
3) Unlike bill and hillarys sexcapades, he has only been confirmed to have slept with his own wives .
4) He treats trash like trash. And hase done more to help women than hillary
5) Find any adult who has perfect manners, since anyone who posts this has none.
6) 4 failures, but does not let his failures stop him frompicking himself up and trying again. And he hates his eggs in 1 basket.
7) hillarys millitary experience gets her subordinates killed. Her political experience includes being bailed out by regan for the watergate scandal and getting pedos away scott free.
And as for "buisnessmen should stay away from politics" say that to washington, franklin, lincon and most of the older politicians who had jobs outside of politics before being a politician was an overpaid career.

wikileaks has tweeted #freemilo and started hassling twitter's owner about his double standards and censorship bullshit
Reality has been broken

GamerGate is literally Rea



How is going with that JackOff operation?

Holy shit, they didn't use the hashtag, but you weren't kidding.


Why is it so hard for people to get this? That despite the personal focus, the alt right just wants actual equality and not preferential treatment.

Someone want to ask wikileaks if he can leak stuff on Holla Forums?

They haven't (twitter.com/search?q=from:wikileaks #freemilo || archive.is/nFMJQ) although they have hassled Jack about banning Milo (archive.is/qp5P8, archive.is/ZJ6p5, archive.is/ayosO, archive.is/N225x, archive.is/2W2jB, archive.is/42mkZ, archive.is/v04Po)

Apparently codemonkey has decided to make and shill a /newsplus/ board, and has preemptively given it access to the frontpage headlines.

Instead of news being posted by anons, articles can only be posted by reporters that he personally handpicks. It's supposed to have a very low bar of entry though, so it'll in theory just stop spam.

>If you are interested in becoming a reporter for /newsplus/, please review these following questions and send your answers to: apply 8ch.net

/n/ was a bit less than pleased, to say the least

Current discussion is on

Whoops, that should be

And now Jack starts talking when something important weights in.
It would be a good choice for Wikileaks to move. Jack only thinks about his stock

Yeah, my bad, saw @nero there and my brain farted reading it as the hashtag itself. Although it's not much different to be honest

/n/ did itself no favors with each forced spam. Though his no archive.is rule is absolute shit on head stupid. The first post should require archive and actual site post.

How can "Cultural Marxism" be Marxist when it's so overtly anti-materialist? The PC police brand of Critical Theory has completely abandoned historical materialism and dialectical analysis but people still think it's Marxist for some reason.


What are you guys doing?


This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

it's off-topic, but the reason behind of this I think is due to sloppy moderation at /n/ which had had in the past.
cumskin, lobster and many other shit were allowed to be spammed there
But one thing I don't like is of how the hell can Codemonkey believe in his handpicked "reporters" who most might be Americans?

I don't thing you couldn't of said anything more factually inaccurate than that.

It's because Marxists are also history revisionists. They constantly rewrite anything they deem not double plus good.

Kill yourself Gildafag.

Putting /n/ headlines on the frontpage was a mistake by HW. I'm in the camp that it should be taken off, with no replacement. What codemonkey is doing though is retarded. The community manager for 8ch idea Hi guise I'm community manager Jackson….uh bye guise, I think this might be more work than I anticipated, the bizarre vol plan for /n/, the newsplus bullshit. I'm not a fan of pajeet postings, crabbenings, or whatever the fuck is the latest flavor of spam bait in /n/ is. But CM's idea of a cure is worse than the disease.
I'm starting to see what other anons are saying about how tone deaf CM is. Shit would be much better if he just sticks to technical things, and stop with the fucking non technical 'improvements'. That's all I gotta say about it.

From what I see it's pretty much a carbon copy of how /newsplus/ works on 2ch. It's fucking shit but at least the front page isn't covered by pajeet and crab shitposting by intl(s)/IRC/foolz and Holla Forums vs Holla Forums flame bait anymore and instead has something resembling actual news(kind of how /n/ used to be). On the other hand I see some obvious clickbait and the no archive in the OP rule is beyond retarded. Oh well.

This user has the right idea. Just make link+archive in OP mandatory and I won't have an issue with the board.

If /n/'s moderation wasn't shit you wouldn't need a new board to begin with.



never visited there, but 2ch has also /newsplus/ ?




Apparently, going by codemonkey's word.

Qnd he was looking to insert himself in someone elses convo.

But it was and most importantly whatever the moderation team was for that place was clearly fucking compromised. Being a first exodus ex-Holla Forumsack(current Holla Forums a shit except for Kek) and being there when both /gamergate/ and /gg/ fell for the same fucking reason, I think I can see when a board's administration/moderation has become actively malicious. Personally I would've just trashed the entire concept entirely. That and having the news board have NO FUCKING RULES aside from OP must be a headline of some sort is idiotic beyond belief.


wait, isn't 2ch.net Nishimura's, because I wanted to know from 2chan.net

What? who's bitch is this?

I didn't mention rewriting history. I'm saying most leftists nowadays, especially the ones pushing their flavor of tolerant progressive rhetoric don't take Marxist theory (like historical materialism) into account in their analyses. If they did, they wouldn't be so fixated on identity politics. All I'm saying is if Critical Theory has all Marxist elements striped from it, it can't reasonably be called Marxist.

No it's not. Surplus labor always exists and has to exist. Some of it has to be reinvested into the production process for it to keep going. For example, if you make burgers, you need a portion of whatever value you create to go back into acquiring more patties, tomatoes, buns, etc.

The existence of surplus labor isn't exploitation. Making a profit off someone else's surplus labor is exploitation.

Dude, the /n/ board isn't owned by anyone, at least according to the FAQ. All it needed was mods to clean up the trash and ban the unrepentant shitposters like cumskinboy and rachefag. But nope, make a new news board, claim a algorithm fuck up caused it to replace /n/ on the front page news feed, make the worst avatar fag on the previous board a reporter on the new one, and blame the community that has been wading through shit for years waiting for admins to do something.

2ch is owned by Race Queen Inc, aka Jim Watkins aka the same guy that currently owns 8ch and is Codemonkey's dad if I understand correctly. 2ch was co-founded by him and Nishimura before they had a falling out over user info and shit. Nishimura currently only owns 4chan and those weird web crawler imageboard mirroring sites like Sheekyforums(unconfirmed).

As for 2chan.net aka Futaba channel, IT IS NOT 2CH.NET. It's administration has NOTHING do with either Nishimura or Jim, and the whole reason it ever sprung up was to be a bunkerchan for when 2ch was in danger of dying but has since become it's own thing and eventually inspiring a your SA goon by the name of m00t to make his own clone called 4chan.


closethegate its over bros they won


who watches 3D pictures if you have 2D


Wikileaks is threatening to start a rival service if twitter keeps up their faggotry.


I did not know that since even when I did frequently visited the board I just checked out the occasional article without interacting, but good to know. So it was Holla Forums but even worse and somehow on the front page. Again I agree that /newsplus/ shouldn't have existed in the first place and that CM handled the situation horribly, but what you just said just cemented the idea that /n/ should've just been euthanized and idea laid to rest for the moment. Honestly this just tells me that boards that get special treatment aside from extra server space just ain't worth it.

Really nigga?

How do you like your socialism now?

socialism works!
my fucking face when

Dude, it's one of their most famous boards. People are sperging out over Codemonkey bringing something from 2ch to Holla Forums.
That's why the board is called that. They didn't even come up with a new name or anything.

Reporters can be anyone. Anyone. Just apply by sending an email to [email protected]/* */

The tree of socialism bears no fruit.

at least you have beef, right?



Do these eggheads and suits understand the concept is risk to reward ratio, not just "great companies takes risks". And how there is such a thing as a smart calculated risk, and stupid risks.
New Coke is stupid risk. If a steakhouse decides it will serve nothing but vegan raw food but still calls itself a steakhouse, that would be braindead stupid risk.

Is there really something in the fucking water that's making these assholes get stupider when they get to positions of power? Since when does abandoning your previous customer base to chase after phantom clients who will never ever buy your stuff and services, and alienating your previous clients in the process considered a good business plan?

I just realized this is about Venezuela. I guess it just lost it's "real socialism" status. Top kek.

Progressive change is its own reward, asshat. :^)

You know the 'akshually, real socialism/communism has never been tried' will still be trotted out.

They just say that because they're not the ones in change of Communism, it'll be different under them! :^)

Are we still doing this? We should.
Keep people talking about FreeMilo, and the hypocrisy of who is and isn't banned on Twitter.

Write to investors and tell them why it sucks.

Write to Conservatives and Republicans to kick up hell, as "they could be next".

These quads deserve attention.

I'm personally not interested in using /newsplus/, but I don't see the problem with it.

Honestly I wanna punch the people that spout that shit in the face. Waiting in line with coupons for hours for produce that might not be there in the first place was hell and I'd rather kill myself than live through that again(ex-commie bloc here).

we need a list of investors and their contact info so we can spread it around for maximum damage.

Wikileaks has been with us for a very long time.

I also don't see a problem with it too much.

Also is either mistaken and/or a liar because according to the thread at 8ch.net/sudo/res/3182, /n/ does in fact have an owner and it's own moderation.

It should be
that are being silenced with shadow banning, forced tweet deletions or account closures.

The start of
Ahh. The memories.


So this is what Acid Rain has been up to after getting shot by Ice T



I do that all the time. It's fun errytime. Look at the fags in the comment section. Nintendo fanboys are the worst.

Apparently Instagram banned milo and put his account back up.

Wikileaks also called out Jack and Jack responded and then just stopped talking when everyone pulled out how famous people harassed others and were still on twitter.

admission of guilt in the eyes of many


When you're literally taking BLM's dick every night, of course you're going to be a little bitch.



We could shill this article. It directly links to Seal Club. Plus, Tiwtter can't shadownbann that tweet without serious fire.

Wikileaks also claims they'll make a platform worse case scenario.

Speaking of Ice T, did we ever learn anything about the "dark net" he warned us about?


Don't forget to use $TWTR (the $ acts like a #, but for stocks and shares. So twitter investors would check on $TWTR regularly)

Where are Jack's replies to the Wikilieaks tweet?

it's a clusterfuck of people telling them to do it and faggots getting triggered.

Scooby did.

Reminder that the sheboon who got Milo banned has faced no repercussions for siccing her followers on another person. But the woman she sent them after got banned.

Yes. It is fun to shitpost in

Right side of history, shitlord!


Feels good
Looks like no body is buying the bs anymore

Got back from work
Any update on FreeNero
Has Leslie spilled more spaghetti

archive of the comments


Off topic, Alex Jones and Roger Stone almost brawled it out with the Young Cucks at the RNC.

Young turks are such big shits.

Still silent. I just chatted with @DanJoh049 through DMs, and @DanJoh049 planning to report Twitter to the FTC over Anti-Competition violations.

Why does Alex Jones seems more reasonable now?


As I said on Freezepeach before, Infowars=/=Alex Jones.

I do want a Twitter killer. sealion.club is just too unstable.

Thanks mate

Because we're seeing what he's seeing now. Groups and individuals influencing law and government officials to do the things they want like open boarders and abolishing the 2nd amendment. He's still batshit but he's taking a page from Milo and string the shit pot in person.

I've been trying to create an account there most of the morning so far. It's great to see it getting traffic but goddamn.

Was ment for

I made an account and managed a little conversation before…


hahahaha who the fuck is afraid of that homo


OT neat


Anyone have the screen cap of her literally saying "Get them"
Also any drawfags here wanna do art of Leslie yelling get them and a bunch of goony bearded men dresses up as Nazi stormstroopers

*charging after milo

Already posted

I am very satisfied by this video, I hope it is a sign of things to come. Lying left is falling apart and they are in the anger stage of grief.

Damn this shit is blowing up in his face. How long until this fag is tossed out of the company?

Whenever his Saudi overlords decide they're tired of him censoring ISIS on their site.

Never. He's going to double down, SJWs are going to cheer him standing up the evil right-wing extremists super nazis that disagree with their hugbox and twitter's stock is going to take a dip.

Hillary's marketing team is fucking retarded.
It's just a website where you upload a picture of yourself and Hillary's marketing team calls you stupid and ugly.

This is a public company. Can't the board of directors toss him the fuck out?

why is there a kyo clooney?

Daily reminder
We've started the fire
The Fire Rises

Depends on if they're kool-aid drinkers or not. Twitter's made a lot of stupid calls that brought their stock down. Has anyone that's responsible been fired?




What are you talking about? That sort of strategy worked perfectly for DmC and the Ghostbusters reboot.

And gay, apparently.

Black lives matter pretty much implys their lives are more important than other peoples by default, otherwise they would say all lives matter.

Jesus fuck. With all her money and immunity from the law, you'd think she could at least find someone that wasn't completely pants-on-head to run that shit.

Go away Venezuelan, this is our bread

Shinkiro loves to draw everyone as Clooney

It just dawned on me that Hillary is literally an attempt by SJW to make a PC Clinton presidency reboot.

HrC: Hillary rodham Clinton

Someone find hard info for it and spread the fact

Heh. That is funny.

It's a huge fucking strawman.

I'm disappointed none of them are being called low energy.

They are more stupid than low-energy.

I have this funny feeling that you never touched Das kapital

They don't use "crooked" either

I'm starting to wonder if there is some truth of a deep mole or disgruntled staffers who is fed up and 'helping' with clinton's marketing. Like the pokemon go to the polls cringe as fuck reference she did.

I don't quite understand what that's even trying to say. It almost reads like a failed attempt at parody.

I'm wondering what would happen if we spammed it with smug anime girls. Is it automated? Please let it be automated.


I would settle for "Black Lives Matter Too," anything to make it not sound like that anyone in particular is the priority. Pride in general is a stupid trait to hold, especially when its based on actions of people who have nothing to do with you. Everyone wants to share the victories, but never group responsibility or accountability.

I would say "No Lives Matter".

I'll go for "Act like a nigger, get shot like a nigger"

fugg they found a counter measure to memery

That would make a lot more sense and be entirly sympathizable.

And the pride they have is ego and empty pride. I won't call it earned pride like say, the pride someone who made something has.


It's racial pride in a race that has never accomplished anything worthwhile.

Good morning fellas! Just finished watching Ultima Lucha Dos yesterday and man it's TOO SWEET! Aside from Alex Jones beating the shit out of the TYT's Cenk, what's going on. Is our feminist and SJW friends still celebrating on Milo's perma-banishment from Twitter?

I really wish there was a legal way to obtain Lucha Underground outside of the US. DVDs, Blu-rays, fucking anything except iTunes bullshit.

Any pride in any achievement you had no hand in is pathetic, be it race, nation or gay.

I'm sure Holla Forums is trying to figure out how somehow it was his fault. That was legitimately fucked up.

But user! M-muh algebra!

That's not true. What about Africa? What about Crack and AIDs? Our fine colored people people of color have done lots to for society.

And by the same token any guilt for something you have no personal influence on is stupid.

Honestly user, I am against racial pride, and more for self pride, do not take prideor credit for shit you did not do. Likewise, do not accept blame or punishment for shit you do not do.

BLM is a terrorist organisation.

There's nothing wrong with racial pride. I can be proud of my nephew for accomplishing something. I can be proud of my race for accomplishing something.


Imagine making a boring game and whatever profits you were going to make went to the person you stole their math from.

2016 is best

Sounds like more of murikkka's sue absolutely anything you can Hollywood lawyers.

I always found white guilt weird, it's not like the white people of today are the same people that owned the slaves, and even then it wasn't just the white races that practiced, every race, even the African ones practiced it. I guess its their own version of original sin, and ignorant knowledge of world history.

This game comes out in 2 weeks, and I have no fucking idea what you do in the fucking game. The people preordering this is blowing my mind.

I think it's a similar concept to survivor's guilt.

I just bring up in Brazil the cops caved this niggers throat in & went to McDonalds after they stuffed him in the trunk of the car

Here the cop will be held accountable

Couldn't he completely shut the whole thing down?

Can't wait for the shitfunposting threads when/if spore 2.0 comes out

Reminds me of…

Does the fat autist guy next to him have a fucking gun?

Ok this is just too fucking funny, BLM's meme magic is starting to have effects.

So I take it that Max Payne 3 could be considered a documentary?


fug :DDDDD

It was a toy truck.

while I am bored
Does watchmojo do this stuff a lot?



I don't even fucking know how they thought that would be a good excuse when they fucking handcuffed the man they shot.

BLM may be the loudest, but stupidity clearly knows no bounds.

I guess he was just going to choo choo himself then.

Personally, I like the idea of the bullet curving past white boi and hitting Tyrone.

Black Lives Matter essentially took a good cause and ruined it. And that what's annoys me most about them.

Nice socialism, faggot!



it wasnt real socialism.

I'm so embarrassed for you kids.

It does sound really shitty, because from what I've heard there is a legitimate problem with police abuse. But then the movement just became insanely obnoxious, racist and violent, to the point where not only is it difficult to stand with them, it makes you think their issues are as much of a joke as their supporters.


so, theres chance to summon the meteor(s)

Right there. Pick anything in human history–whether a social system or technological advancement–and you will find that it was developed by brutal motherfuckers that took giant shits on the less-fortunate of the time. Even something as basic as a code of laws dates back to Hammurabi and the Babylonian empire, which was most assuredly unenlightened in dealing with the neighboring Kassites. But you'll never see the descendants of the Kassites telling people to check their rule-of-law privilege, mainly because figuring out who's actually a Kassite descendant would require more work than anyone's willing to put forth.

The problem with BLM is that while police brutality is a real issue, they made it about race. They pushed away people who agree the cops are taking it too far by making it only about black people and demonizing "whitey'. The difference between a black man shot by cops and an asian/hispanic/white/native/poo in loo/arab/jew shot by cops is you hear about the black man.

They closed the comments, too. Didn't block ratings, strangely.

I asked that question in a couple of Nu Male Sky threads. Most of the answer so far seem to go like this:
>Ugh,not that type of game shitlord. might be bantz, might be serious. But looking at the type of shilling and the devs behind it, I'm leaning towards serious reply. But sure you could, but not really.

BLM makes people feel sorry for the police. It makes people feel like officers have to live in fear of being called racist or terrible for arresting criminals.

It's going to be popular for a few months and then be completely forgotten. It's a quintessential example of a mediocre game being hoisted up to great sales by traditional games media. The marketing is there, it's like how I have friends of friends who were excited for Battleborn. People just fall for shit, and they want it and they can't explain it. It's really fucking sad tbh fam.
It has a lot of momentum too, to the point where even if you say it sucks, you'll just get mobbed by fanboys. I would be surprised if this launch didn't end up dramatic.

So it's basically a physically inaccurate version of Space Engine with a piss filter that isn't free.

White guilt is a scam to extort resources & enact punishment for eternity.
Past, tangential, guilt-by-association can be applied to any group.

It doesn't end until the targeted group has submitted & given so much that they are driven from existence.

This is from Holla Forums, isn't it?

How do I get around the region block, I uh want to watch this video?

How do you run out of bread? You just go to the supermarket and buy more.

There's just one problem:

Venezuela closed down all outside trading which means, they can't import flour. Flour only grows on the northern hemisphere. Without flour, you can't make bread.

This is what their supermarkets look like

Looking at the last couple breads, I'm guessing that Milo's suspension gave the demotivationfag shills cause to crawl out of their caves again.

Come on, now.

I love how when things were good in Venezuela, liberals were praising socialism and how Venezuela was a socialist success story. And now that it's completely failed there, they just pretend Venezuela ever existed.

I was thinking that too. Looking back and the last few threads, they're pissed off about something. I love seeing them, it reminds me that we're winning.

Check that, you need wheat to make flour, and wheat are being cultivated only on the northern hemisphere. You can't grow wheat on areas that are hot like Venezuela considering they're near the Equator, so there's that. I stand corrected.

Why don't they just buy flour from the supermarket?

No, user, a normal supermarket. Not an abandoned store from Detroit. Jeez.

Peter Thiel just gave a little speech at the convention. Basically stop bombing people (presumably Nick Denton is an exception to this rule) and go to space.

Flour's fresh out in ALL of Venezuela! They're not importing anything because of the socialist system Marudo implemented. Man, you're slower than a Slowpoke.

Yes faggot. Flours grow. There are some in my front yard.

Speaking of BLM:


Alright, fine. If somehow they don't have bread and they don't have flour, why not just go to the supermarket and buy wheat?

marche plz post more



The Nothing to Do With Current Happenings or Vidya Edition

Trump is a nigger, Milo is a cunt, and you are all faggots.

NB4 shillcuck voltard kiafag.

The wall just got 3 Ben Shapiros taller

What did say about supermarkets in Venezuela being a wasteland?

Nice troll, stormfag.

so 2 feet?


People are so stupid.

Friendly reminder that blocking roads is considered a terrorist act.

Enjoy the ban you furry faggot cunt.

Anyone got the screencap describing how SJWs were being set up as the next generation, and how GG (along with other factors) gave it a "still birth", "pulling the curtain back too early".

Give or take.

>fucking forgot to spoiler

You quoted me twice.

And if the supermarkets are such a wasteland, why doesn't the country just adopt a more capitalist policy and buy bread from elsewhere?

9xbuddy.com -> uguu.se -> a.uguu.se/anZhxAEbWkzS_WMNews_BlackLivesMatterMovement.webm

What I'm wondering is how cheap and self pitying they are.

Venezuela is flat broke as a byproduct of their socialism.

I usually use Jdownloader when it comes to dealing with Youtube.

I thought it was fairly good, I had never seen him speak before and wanted to after the gawker reveal. Sort of adorable and kinda like an autist on cocaine at the same time but very succinct and enthusiastic– maybe that is how they give speeches at these conventions. He helped Hulk smash em so he is okay in my books.


And then pic related not too much later.

did the fuckers in the tweet at least drown?

I wonder if that has to do with viewcount, thumbs down or dislikes still counts toward it if I remember right. Unless that's been changed recently.

Wait really? Battleborn? I'm deliberately slowpoke with marketing and adverts since I'd rather wait until it reaches release version reviews by more people. But Battleborn artstyle looks eh, not everyone's cup of purple drank.

I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks. Though by we I mean someone else other than me, because I'm not opening my wallet until I see more reviews and vids of playthroughs of the released version of the game. Shit seems really hyped up though, and that can easily backfire. Why do these studios and marketers keep ignoring that crucial lesson other studios have learned the hard way. Underpromise or at least keep the hype in check and overdelivering is not a bad thing to do.

He's likely just having a giggle. The mention of Detroit is the clue he's probably just bantzing with you.

I'm still somewhat cautious of Thiel, but I do agree with the space \ moon shot type project part. There will always be conflict of some sort, but the idpol bullshit that socjus thrives on. Thiel fucking got it right when he says, 'who cares'.




I'll look into this.




It never is, m8. Socialism forgets the one thing about humanity - human nature.

The only good things that came out of Wisconsin were cheese, bratwurst, and toilets.

Had to ask because I'm in GA and BLM had a protest here about a week or so ago and they said they'll have another soon, but then today it rained

Don't forget the beer.

car ruined

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.


Are you still thirsty washingtonfag?

And Raven Software, for a time.

is this reanon?

It's Dr. Randomercam, he's one of the honey badgers.

Why in the hell would you think that's me?


Alex Jones from another angle

Apparently one of the turks spat in his face, then tried to run off.

I just came back from seeing Star Trek in french kill me please. Expect salty articles from the Mary Sue, it wasn't as full of SJ cancer I thought it would be.

how gay was Sulu?

After seeing John Wayne dubbed by a french faggot I refuse to see dubbed movies or shows.

Japanese movies dubbed in english are corney.

One 5 second shot of him and his bf walking away, no kiss.

My friends didn't bother learning english even though it was mandatory in school. They just got passing grades.

Dubs are universally garbage I don't know why people think otherwise.



There are a few exceptions, but I can count them on one hand.

That doesn't really seem like it's worth the fanfare to me.




Sorry by universally I did not mean every single one I meant it doesn't what language you are dubbing over or whatever language you are translating it to.

And that's when Nintendo started fucking with all their Niche Japanese games to make them sell badly in the US.

Nah, just not people with butterteeth voicing my shit

Clickbait, just like Sulu isn't the first gay character in Star Trek but normalfags don't know anything that isn't nu-star trek.

That's because you didn't have one to begin with.

And to believe that Today, Robin williams would have been 65 years old.

kind of unrelated, TiA is the subreddit of the day reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/4tx3p6/congratulations_rtumblrinaction_you_are_subreddit/

At least niggers have the decency to at least sucker punch you


Oh boy, even some of the JewTube ecelebs are waking up to Nintendo's bullshit regarding porn. I know it's Etika cancer, but considering he's relatively well-known (if not normalfag) it's a start.

He is user, its time to wake up

So did you have trouble getting through the theatre that's playing ST due to the overwhelmingly numerous crowd from gb 2016 in the cinema? :^)

Not to mention he tries to challenge the cameraman then runs away again when he sees him.


As annoying as that black guile-looking motherfucker is, I liked watching him try to figure out the new Fire Emblem when it came out. He eventually gave in and used a shitload of items from the online stuff, though. Lets you beast mode through everything.



I would honestly wear that shirt.

I want that shirt

Thanks for the good times, Robin

Depending on where you live you might get assaulted.


Apparently the reason why Williams killed himself was because he had some kind of mental illness that was misdiagnosed as Parkinson's.

Xenoblade original was well done and kept its lewd costumes, and the british voices were much beter than hearing the same 4 sag voices again.

At the cinema I go to in downtown Montreal, GB 2016 might as well not exist anymore. I think it was 2 or 3 show room hidden on the last floor.


If only I could go back. There's so much I'd do different. Early 2004 was the high point of my life.

It's better sure but I still prefer the original VO.

Cenk is a fucking spastic

I'm armed. I'm not going to bow to bullies n cunts.

be careful user, some would say defending yourself is a hatecrime


Cenk is a well off dude he is not used to anybody saying he is wrong or challenging him in any way. Did you ever see when he interviewed Karen Straughn he melted down and started screaming at her to make him a sandwich. If all those cameras were not there he would have punched Alex in the face.

Both faggots can die in a fire.

No wait, the water filter salesman drowns in fluoridated water, and the genocide denier gets shot and buried in an unmarked grave.

Robin Williams was probably the only celebrity death that actually upset me.

It's not like Britain is brimming with qualified voice actors either.
You'll inevitably encounter the same problem.

We need more studios in more places to get a more diverse cast of characters, and it also needs better directing talent because the guys in charge of most productions are so fucking bad at extracting the best performances from their actors.

I think many anons would say the same.
Perhaps it's because we most relate with him.
We're a group of odd geeks that tell jokes and laugh just so we can try and forget the ways are, at least for a while.


Pic related

Did anyone else sit through all 3 hours of Cenk and Harris.

Most nigger's lives don't matter though. I mean a community that holds up a man who had an arrest record as long as my arm, was a sex offender who failed to register over 3 times, and owed 25k in child support (to just one of his baby's mammas) has been in and out of prison since he was 16 (with his most recent arrest for assault and intimidation with an illegally owned firearm in 2013, along with failure to comply with officiers) as a pillar of their community speaks volumes about the "Black community"

Give me an "uncle tom" over most of the nigs in the inner-city any day.

iirc didn't one of the reviewer wrote something like, "only basement dwelling trolls hate the Ghostbusters Reboot". Now that it's domestic opening first week is nearing end, the movie might be literally and figuratively be in the basement. Well I'm sure the rest of the global opening and dvd will do great. Super great. Marvel cinematic universe franchise starter great.

I guess that's why they made a movement to teach you that they do.

No should I? Or is it like when Harris talks to other morons and the conversation just sits at point one and never moves forward.

Remember when his Daughter went offline for a while following his death. Then people tried to blame it on us, even though she was like the only celebrity who told us we aren't monsters.

That was a bit depressing, yeah. Somebody trying to turn you against the only person who actually likes you.

The only thing they're teaching me is to hate them even more and to stock up on hollow points.

The problem with Black Lives Matter is 2 things. Their name makes no sense for one if they cared about black lives they would be doing more about black on black crime not police brutality. Then they made their about police brutality/militarization which is a fucking problem in the states. However they made it a racial issue when it isn't and it shouldn't be. If they were just against police killing people they would have way more support.

Fuck off gook.

I still wonder why Sony didn't reign in Feig and the bloggers at some point.

Insulting people like they did was not a great idea.

It's definitely made me think things I wish I didn't think. Most black people though don't agree with their bullshit.

And the funniest thing out of all that, although it wasn't that funny, was Dobson telling Zelda to "calm thine tits", while her father's death was on everyone's mind.

It's a bit excruciating, but Harris stays on point well enough that it's worth it.

It's funny, really. For how much they want to say "gamergate hasn't accomplished anything," they sure like to blame us for everything, and try to chase anyone away who dares to sympathize with us.

Who's to say that this all wasn't the work of a supposed mastermind in the marketing department?

Is there a mirror somewhere I don't want to give TYT a click.

Yes it was, and it failed.
Same thing with communism.

The thing about political things that fail, they fail to account for human nature, and these systems that fail, these ideals, they are perfect examples of socialism, communism, etc.
A system that does not take into account every factor, greed, corruption and the like, if it does not survive, then it cannot be used successfully.

Venezuela collapsed internally. They had no wars (that I know of) or outside influences.
And if they failed because of either anyway, it proves that it cannot survive the influence of other countries, which makes it a system that bends and breaks because of a fucking breeze.

America still survives, Britain still survives, and it's not because we or they practice socialism, it's because we recognize that a system of socialism has flaws, like every system and that the ideal political system is not based around ideals, but instead what is necessary to ensure survival.

To say that a system is not flawed is foolish. Every system is. To not ensure your survival, to not adapt to live, to not recognize that shit's failing, that is what kills millions.

They fully believe they are the majority and on the right side of history

But it wasn't socialism.
It was state capitalism :^)

Even though both inevitably produce the same result, socialists are so quick to distinguish between the two in order to defend their failed ideology.

And the harder they push those two (incorrect) points, the more they push moderates away from them.

Got to admit, he's pretty good when it comes to selling himself. Keep his speech simple, repeat it, make it easy to get into their head, using clever jingles, focus less on himself and more on the people, and use a slogan that counters Hilary's 'do it for her'.

Not sure if he'll do all his goals, but he did a good job there.

Here's the thing, by letting them speak for you, assuming you're black (and if you're not, this is for the blacks here anyway) You allow them to drum up hate for your people, and you allow them to create a racial rift, where you'll be lumped in with them by most.

As a community, blacks need to go rally against BLM. Get on TV, get a black person to say "fuck Black Lives Matter" on national television multiple times like that old white dude said "fuck her right in the pussy" on national televison.

If you care about your community and if your really are the majority, show the world that you're the majority. Show them that BLM is not a black movement, but rather a bunch of social rejects with nothing to lose and everything to hate, blaming everyone for their own mistakes.

Be vocal, be LOUDER. Otherwise BLM will start up racism all over again, real racism.

Another one banned
So what other Twitter alternatives are there?

literally everything else.

Bobcat Goldthwait talks about it here youtube.com/watch?v=JKOjZLPXLhk.

I think Trump did that pose on purpose.

The problem is north american (unsure of britian) voice actors is pretty much a monopoly of 4 voices and an overarching actors union. I do not think japan has a union in the same way. And each studio has their own actors kinda like you suggested in japan. Unions are mostly cancer.

Thats understandable. Most dubs are inferior to the original. Though I have a love for tenchis english dub that the jap dub cannot replicate.

There is no pefect system currently. And most people try to avoid it but communism always starts off as socialism.

A sad side-effect of social medias. A false sense of consensus. One mostly pushed mostly by bots if you look at it

Really what fucked Venezuela was the hard drop in oil prices. The crude they produce is heavy, it requires either specialized refineries (which the closest to them is in the USA) or needs to be mixed with lower grades to thin it out (forcing buyers to purchase light crude at the same time, adding supply complications). So when the price of crude dropped, the willingness to deal with extra refinement or mixing goes out the window. So they had less sales at lower prices.
And the thing that triggered the drop, OPEC's reaction to USA oil shale production.

So now a Socialist nation is without its primary cash cow, and is crumbling because of it.

No idea, sorry.

Your pic is related.

It's "I'm with her" but that's pretty funny.

I'd love to make some shitposts about it on twatter and the like, but I'm sure people will take it literally and completely miss the joke.

Why not from the cops themselves?

That's helping, but there needs to be a bigger blowback.

Like crashing a protest and counter-protesting.

That is the advantage of infiltrating and controlling the media, the most traditional and one of the largest arrays of megaphones out there. You can't hear anything else while using them, so you fail to realise what people actually think. That's why they have such disdain and it is a big challenge to talk about contrasting ideas in public spaces without being vilified.

Love this respectable black man of the law.

because if they hear cops saying fuck BLM, they'll think they're the stereotype "Oh they just hate black people." plus with the recent happening of a officer shooting a black autism instructor, and the media blowing that up out of proportion, i don't think what we need is cops right now and more civilians saying they're tired of BLM

Granted, if a Black person says it, they'll just refute that they're an uncle tom and need to be shot at as well.

Communism starts as state socialism, specifically, central planning et al. Also, tyrranies start as monarchies, oligarchies as republics, and mobocracies as democracies. What's your point?

I love him too I just wish he was a little better talking on the news.

And then, LW used his death to push her agenda… and thanks to that, here we are, or at least me, I am not resting until she apologize for that, I'm in for a long trip.

Nothing really, just venting since a friend goes communism is bad but would love a bit more socialism. What leads to feudalism by the way?

Every bad thing, even those outside the Universe, is GG's fault.

Civil war maybe?


That is the problem with communist or socialist countries. They're essentially government owned monopolies. And when they make a catastrophic mistake, nothing else is there to pick up for them.

USSR thought microchips were a waste, so they didn't invest in them. And they paid dearly for it. Capitalism has problems, but when shit hits the fan, there's just a recession and people don't go on vacations and stuff like that. But with socialism or communism, when things get bad, people are starving and all hell breaks loose.


Crazy shit.

If that happens enough, then they've lost. They can only do it a few times before everyone gets on their shit.

If they're attacking their own people, who they say they're for, then they lose all sympathy.

So if that happens, it's a good thing, because it means that BLM will be seen as the extremists they are, pulling the No True Scotsman shit, which fucking everyone hates.

If they pull the No True Scotsman aka uncle tom on a majority, they end up known as a crazy minority and they fade out and get policed.


With all bullshit going around, did people miss this?

I consider myself a liberal socialist so Holla Forums hates me, apparently.

My first thought is to consider feudalism a form of monarchy, and the petty tyrants of the feudal ages support that IMO.

But socialism and capitalism, ect. are economic models, not governments, so maybe it's not appropriate to apply classical generalizations to them.

You are conflating socialism and communism. The USSR, PDRC, et al are examples of state socialism, with central planning and mass redistribution, all those things that failed horribly, repeatedly. Sweden kebab issue is separate is a shining example of liberal socialism, with a free market, free elections, unions, labor laws, and a social safety net. I think the New Deal in the U.S. is another great example.

What you've described as desirable examples sounds more like Social Market Economy.

Further more, when pure capitalism failed, we had frequent boom/bust cycles, one of those busts being the Great Depression. A whole lot of people suffered.

The answer is obvious.

Stop adhering to a system with a clear flaw and just add shit that works by through fail and succeed and patching the holes.

For fuck's sake, saying "LET'S JUST DO COMMUNISM" or "LET'S JUST DO CAPITALISM" is a recipe for failure. The reason the USSR and others failed was because the politicians were fucking pussies and immature, they can't accept when something's fucked and just stick to it and take the country down with them.

Some people skittesh of socialism call it that, in my understanding. W/e, so long as we don't let dogma get in the way of actual social justice like feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and caring for the sick.

Looking forward to that detailed update.

Oddly enough, "politically correct" was first an insult early soviets used for people who stuck to party dogma even when it caused obvious harm.

Politics and Laws should look at how video games are balanced. Come up with an idea try it out see what happens when the world pushes against it and if it breaks or not. If shit broke again try something else. The way our laws are made though don't allow this if you make a law that really fucks shit up it could be years before it gets reformed.

You can call me a swissaboo, but I kinda like the swiss model for governing and market, at least more than canada. Our healthcare may be free, but its so inefficient you die suffer for a while in the lineup, even if it is kinda urgent.

If people would have put more faith in the system instead of ripping their money out of banks, things might have been okay. There still would have been recession, but it wouldn't have hit nearly as hard.
The business cycle is healthy behavior in the grand scheme of things.
The issue is that a system that works perfectly on paper doesn't account for human behavior.

Why not just pay doctors more?
Half of your grads move to the US in search of higher wages.
You get more doctors, you can do shit faster and people won't die waiting in line.


But paying doctors more would ruin our socialized health care or increase our taxes. :^] but seriously, I think it is against some ruleset. And if they increased the taxes, people would be pissed since everything got hiked again. And even if the taxes went up, some of that is going to go missing off the books, because the liberals love to skim.

The Swiss are rich and small, so it's not fair to compare. Have you considered Australia's public option system? It's what I think Canada and the U.S. should adopt. In such a model, yeah there's a line which middle class and up get to skip but at least it's better than no line at all.

I'm coming from having been on a secret waiting list for the VA, BTW, so I'm not a starry-eyed Berniebro. I would just like to get some fucking healthcare sometime ever.

And fuck the Individual Mandate.

Well here in Canada we keep our leader until his party gets caught stealing money from the people. Last time was the conservatives so Trudeau's liberals will be caught in a scandal probably around 2022.

Remember, if you steal money from the people who elected you, you win.

It still baffles me that Canada voted for this unknown sore loser. And all because he's a what, young and hip?

I'm really enjoying this meme at least we got something from that cuck getting elected. I wish we'd at least get legalized weed that was the only reason why people voted for him in the first place.

He's young, he's hip, his dad was the PM for a long time, and he's not Harper. I didn't vote for him, though.

I wish he'd legalize lolicon. If he did that this term, I would vote for him next term.

Liberals and adScam were way worse than what the cons did.

The promise of legal weed and women voted for the pretty man who constantly flattered them. Weed arrests actually shot way up when he was elected because idiots thought weed was legal now and were blowing smoke in cop's faces and stuff. Here in Toronto weed shops opened up fucking everywhere and started selling the stuff. They were operating for months before they got raided. It was pretty hilarious wathcing the news and seeing cops standing over all the illegal contraband they confiscated that was mostly candy and baked goods. Then I got sad seeing how we wasted all that tax money arresting people for selling candy because it was made with bad plants.

If lolicon is legalized in Canadia, would it be less or equally as pozzed as the US?

We're still suing comedians for being mean here so no.

Fuck if I know. All I know is I want to be able to order one of those fancy sex dolls that looks like a loli.

Start telling Salon to get the ball rolling here they're a feminist rag he has to listen to them.

Holy fuck Canada is shitty.

We were great, once upon a time.

It must fucking suck there.

Yeah and the liberals are pushing to extend those "rights" to muslims. And they want to re-introduce a law that made being mean on the internet illegal that was already voted out years ago.

oh yeah, that


Name one good thing canada has given the world.


He was also censored during an award show in may because his jokes were too crude.

You have to understand that Mike Ward's specialty are crude jokes on minorities and women. His shows can be pretty funny, I recommend a watch if you speak french.


Smells like desperation.

It really does. Plus we're being flooded with immigrants constantly.

Poutine, Phil Hartman, and The Guess Who.

Colin Mochrie.

Ed, Edd n Eddy


kids in the hall was pretty great

Justin Beiber

Wait, nevermind

He said great, not shit

Denis Dyack, so Legacy of Kain.


Alaska's remoteness.


This behavior made /gghq/ drop from the top three Holla Forums forums to… what is now? Late 20's, early 30's? All thanks to your "leadership".

Are you so determined to repeat that here? Just Just because you can't control your pathological need to not only be part of the "In" group, but be an MVP?

Just go ahead and post the submissive slut picture and get it over with so we can filter you shill


No, you found someone thats filtering you and then going to bed

Nice try shill.

gookanon here. so many shits happened in here last month, enough to write a book myself. feminists vandalized the streets of seoul with thousands of their used sanitary pads to promote feminism. my grandma fainted in the house because she saw it and shockes by it. she said 'it's truly the end of times'. media says it's an act of honor and the feminism terrorrist group called 'daughters of megalia' terrorizing both internet and offline, thousands of celebrities and figures declared to support them and promoting violent gender war againat all korean men.
i was so diagusted so i couldn't even connect to pc or internet. i'm writting down this post with my aunt's tablet. i got emotional, psycholosical breakdown and refusing to go work. i will come back soon and report this madness so give me time to recover from this mental breakdown. this is just beyond fuckes up.
oh, and they made new campaign that promoting abortion of boy child to eliminate all future male from this society. they call it 'greater good' and natural selection. the worst part is they uploading their dead fetus boy child pictures on the internet.
what could possibly go more wrong from this?


When you're done having a breakdown, or before that, share images and archives.

holy shit

That's Worst Korea for ya. At least in Dixon, CA we don't have those crazy Feminist-types. The most we have here are Veterans (That's why Dixon is a "Purple Heart City") and crazy Democrats.

The phone. The one of 2 reasons to feel pride in ns. The other is alcohol wmuggling during prohibition.

He already has skimmed money for a family trip. Not joking. And his wife wants to skim for childcare. I am pretty sure shes unemployed. If harper loses the head reelect please let that happen cons are back in.

Inb4 they complain when shit is not getting done and blaming everything on the men who are no longer there. And that reeks of human rights violations.

Women. They always destroy societies that they rule or are the Majority in.


Begging for political donations on a video game is really fucking unsettling to me for some reason.

People need to remember that they are humans too, this imperfect and evil all the same.


You chose that OP just because I whined about "cultural Marxism" in the previous thread, didn't you?

If a person has masculinity, they're bound to protect a country, and when was the last time you saw a woman with testosterone?


Same thing with black people treating people that they can do no wrong while simultaneously telling them that nothing they do will change things because everyone hates them and is conspiring against them, just makes them give up and not try to improve their own lives.

Let this be a lesson to everyone. You ruler should have testosterone, not estrogen.


I'd have a mental breakdown too if that happened in my city. Feel free to take however long a break you feel that you need.

Women actually do produce small amounts of testosterone.

Jesus fuck.

But the majority of a woman's body is estrogen, not testosterone.

put your health first, society tends to sort itself out when they've had enough

sleep and eat well, don't stress as it will makes things worse

ideologues have tricks to make it seems like they are more supported or have more numbers, they can not win over the majority so they need to deceive– unless you are Canadian and virtue signaling is your country's pastime.

Yeah and excessive estrogen actually makes women really aggressive.

Sweet Mother of Christ, that's batshit crazy. I googled it and Megalia seems to be a website? Has this IRL insanity really spawned from an internet community?

fucking korea

Dude, they are pushing for genocide, and I can garuntee the movment is supported by the batshit insane dictator leader and gunded by external interest groups.

few days ago, Nexon terminated contract with famous korean voice actor because she declared support of 'daughters of megalia'. DoM is new feminism ideology extremist group who promoting violence againat men and planned arbortion of all boy childs. the feminists went full mad and hundreds, thousands of famous celebrities, artists, authors, intellectuals starting to openly support DoM and demand feminism revolution and boycott of Nexon.
the public panicking, the whole fucking nation devided, internet, college is now battleground of DoM supporters and anti-feminist resistance. fucking biggest shitstorm ever seen. politicians went radio silence and the media went full retard.

this is the time, the quote from the bible. "a person's enemies will be those of his own household.". it's now real in here. a fucking culture civil war between men and women.

famous artists, voice actors, webtoon authors declared full support of DoM and there's panic everywhere. no one is our friend. you can't trust anyone. news magazine companies picked sides and beating each other now. even famous independant media/news companies supporting DoM. every fucking korean community forum, boards are now battleground against DoM outbreak.

this is the age of revelations. the end is nigh.

Still need sources

The termination of the VA from Nexon made the rounds in gaming news, IIRC.

their url is megalian .com or .net. there's literaly hundreds of comunities, organizations pretending megalian. just like ISIS. it's more like cult than real organization.

I just don't want to buy into panic so quickly like most of the other people responding to gook user.

It really does sound like an anime plot.

You are going to have civil war. And the americans may withdraw, but regardles if the do or do not, I expect your northern siblings to take full advantage and roll in. I hope you like worshipping Un.

We've lost Korea guys
Communist Korea has won

Alright what non Samsung phone sure I upgrade to in the future. The Chinese can get fucked though.


Not lg. South korean. Motorola or Blu or even asus?


use google translator or something. and for the thousands of used pads in the walls of streets of seoul with cursing words against men, i honestly don't want to look at it now. google 인사동 생리대 (insa-dong pads) on google. it happened in insa-dong 2 weeks ago.

Apple™ iPhone™

smartphone is botnet. use 2g feature phones.

th.. thx anons… i must chill out myself from this madness. i couldn't even play vidya. may buddha guide us. those poor fanatic people would have thier own penitence and repentance someday too.

Jesus christ

The internet was a mistake.

They have this as their logo… and people in South Korea actually support them?

Maybe I missed something that happened earlier that explains this, but is two sort of squished together fingers as a logo supposed to mean something in particular?

SocJus is mental disease, I'd say.
their logo is satire for korean men's penis size. don't try to go futher on that webaite, cause here's full of dead fetus and snuff videos touturing men. you should thank to god for you can't read korean language.



but this gives the more reason to look into this and expose it to the rest of the world. You wanna keep Korea isolated and be drowned?


So, Megalian=ISIS, got it.

You could spread it, but I am almost certian snuff is illegal.

Ever get the feeling like you're just pushing a boulder, but it keeps falling, and you do it over and over again? Like that greek myth.

Thats how I feel about gamergate.

this tbh

most important thing is exposing them to the western world

organize translation squads, do up articles and post them here

ask other anons to spread them to media outlets or spam it on twitter


top lel son, eating dogs made your women retarded

there's shit tons of internet communities profess of megalian, and one common point about them is they're fucking batshit insane. think /baph/, Holla Forums meets feminism and socjus.

theres megalia's sister webaite called 'womad (woman mad)' and their paid boards are ful of snuff videos women toturing men and cp videos raping young boys. they're fucking insane. and now people supporting them, saying you can't judge good feminism or bad feminism. theyre saying it's entitled to judge feminism wether good or bad.

the reason why i didn't mentioned megalia before was it's to shameful to introduce them in english labguage. im used to shittalk about my country but describing them is.. something different.
their boards are.. just beyond imagination. like cursing their arborted dead child because it was boy. "good bye and go to hell, my dead child! today i prevented another future criminal oppressor!"

i just couldn't write anything about them. i wished to buddha to just make them dissapear naturally soon, every fucking days. yet they gaining power and influence day by day.

it's beyond mindfuck that people not even jusy empathyzing them, but openly supports and becoming cult.

madneas is like disease, it infects through people.

Shit, you'd think they'd get shut down.

Someone needs to sick INTERPOL on them.

Can't you see worst korea is trying to take down japanese hentai and label their readers as sex offenders. That's were the true criminals lie :^).

meant for

As I said,


you have point. this is the point that i shoul not avoid them more. but who wouls care for batshit insane korean fanatics? i already made several e-mails to breitbart and nichegamers but no reply. no one cares about gook people, despite we are the perfect example of feminism socjus dystopia.

the enemy of justice is not evil. it's apathy. im just a ronery gook and i have no power.

people more interests in pokemon go than the destruction of mankind and humanity.

people are born to be mad. and the ones who tries to fix it are the maddest of all. maybe im the one who mad.

I kept saying that socjus was like contagious sociopathy, but good god, it really is true in South Korea. I should thank the heavens that Tumblr and Twitter haven't linked up with them.

You mean Worst Korea, or are you a Daughter of Megalia?

Keep on trying brierbart, this is not a niche topic though. And try other places, even the corrupt ones. Cp is still a nono and this would make quite a story.

You have gone now this far, marche.
Try and stop me!

nah, you should thank for youre not korean and can't read korean. because korean megalians occupied tumblr and tweeter also. it's their main propganda field.

social network was a mistake.

Thank goodness for decentralized social networking.

it's probably your autism m8

post stuff in this thread and get us to proofread it

dont do that

Because women can vote, and women automatically get wet for anyone who's attractive and calls themself a feminist.

they already purged the leaker and removed any illegal contents, and delve deeper into the web. all we have is fragments of screencaps and tetaments of former members.

ever wonder about how it would feel when you fight against feminist /baph/? i feel like it.

I'm already talking with @iceloops123 about it on gs.smuglo.li

Even baph got too zealous and burned out. Though it could make itself useful and go after some of the idiots irl.

dear santa..


that's a start i guess

i don't see how people like milo would not pick up shit like this

like gookanon said, worst korea is a perfect example of a country led by femisim and a great example of the modern suffragette movement

if this blows up in western msm in a negative light, they'd get embarassed and start toning down their actions since gooks worship the white man as their god and savior

i would even wager that based mom has interest in this sort of thing




They are hiding evidence already. Though it sounds like shit will hit the fan shortly, and north morea will take advantage, as will probably the states.

Defame them online, then. That should be easy.

You might want to keep trying.
If that doesn't work start emailing the editors Starting from the top
Alex Marlow Editor in chief for breitbart

Remember you're selling them a story. So don't forget to include lots images, archives, video and a quick run down of whats going on, for how long and by which groups.
Aside from alex and milo I don't know who the editors are. I think "the big government" column seems like the appropriate place to start emailing.

sealion is not a echochamber they have many ex and non GG people like me i was an ex GG because gamergate is dead cause you have to many idoits that will not listen to people that have the same beilfs but diffrent views they are no better then the feminists and SJWS they don't like thats why some of us quit the movement yet stay on sealion.club/gnu.socail also the site or sites seem more freindly then twitter the reason i quit twitter was all the trolls and the feminists,SJWS etc. also heres a list fediverse.org/ social.guhnoo.org

We need to ask the gook about their past, first.

And, I see you messed up a url.
Fixed it fer ya.

isn't that why things like archive.is exists?

all i wanted was play vidya
what have we become
what a mess we made
when it all went wrong

last night i had a strange dream
i dreamed the world had all agreed
to put an end to feminism

and the people in the streets bellow
were just playing vidya
no surprise
no madness

I got the 4 images that Gook uploaded and reuploaded them onto my smugloli profile.

credit to the team fam

Depends on if gook archived, and there is risk involved with recording illegal evidence. Remember pedo dan.

That actually got the conversation going about Megalian with @iceloops123 to begin with.

there's no archive since it was private donators only board and only proved members were allowed.

and fucking police gave no shit while they put people in jail for watching hentai.

That's no bueno. So, the only dossier we got on them is translating the site from Korean?

yeah i get that but we're all about clinging on to the 1% chance here aren't we?

didn't think so, but the always archive meme can't be emphasized enough

don't ever think you're alone on that extortionist police deal tho gookanon

most of us here probably belong to countries that do the same shit

You can never archive too much.


modern civilization grew on archives ffs

need to do it all day

it's really simple but also difficult and complicate to cover them in journalism form.
they're simply batshit insane and you will know it by simply read what they write on their websites and social network. but you must translate what they say on the internet to make fully understand to people about them.

theyre vandalizing streets with sanitary pads, make protest and sexually harass male walkby, promoting planned arbortion of boy child online, constantly doxing and harassing male online, making batshit insane unspeakable posts online. and the media praises them.

even korean media fears to write story about them because theyre too fanatic and can't just describable in journalistic form. and theyre feminists.

theyre simply untouchable fanatic cultists hide behind the ideology shield. what we should do is focus on thier insne logic, mindset, habits, opinion, and let people know theyre just female nazis with feminism shield. translate anything. i juat cant let them flooding my country with madness and poisoning young people with insanity.

i get you care about your country a lot gook

thing is you're only preaching to the choir here

you should be thinking about how to sell this to the msm who don't care for facts or figures but entertainment value

also focusing hypocritic behavier of media that praising megalian despite their deeds and ideas is important thing. korean media simply advocating literal nazis because theyre pretending to be feminists, calling them 'brave sisters' and intentionally not mentioning what they are or who they are, and describing them that they are some kind of feminist heroes.
young people in korea believes megalians are some kind of feminism revolutionary activist heroes because media falsely packaged it. they have absolutely no idea.

im fucking sick of it. the most scummy villains and criminals are now heroes thanks to the media. we must crash this narrative and break this illusion.

If he can somehow get more people over there to cover and translate everything that's going on, we should help in spreading it everywhere as a prime example of what happens when feminism goes unchecked.

Wonder if the Trump administration could help out with this, or at least expose this further if nothing else.

Start a youtube channel. Get someone outside of Korea to edit/make the videos while you talk in the background. Keeps you safe and anonymous (although the editor might get shit on for it so he needs to be ready). Get someone to put english subs on your videos too of course for worldwide consumption.
The only solution for cowardly media is alternative sources; especially for the youth, that vastly consumes news and culture online. If you get younger populations informed properly you'll make it a generational crisis more than a gender one.

tbh i don't think big batters like trump are even needed in this case seeing as how absurd the situation is

trump would only make us win even harder

it would probably help if leaderfags like acidcuck could start an op to help gookanon since gook and gg have common interests and common goals

if it does get kicked off tho i want it to be called operation gookstorm

Either way, any OP will rely on as many of us participating as we can. That would also extend to those outside of this board by contacting them and getting them to get this covered on alternative news sites in addition to social media platforms, as well.

There's also the matter of when it will be carried out. Things are only going to get crazier from here until well after the inauguration that will give us a lot of momentum to take the web by storm.

aye but i don't doubt for a second that the manpower behind gg can pull this off

just needs some kindling

I suppose that kindling will start a few weeks from now. The 2nd anniversary featuring Rabid Puppies taking the Hugos and then two whole months before the big election. It will be a huge make it or break it point and potentially the real beginning of the end for the hellish era that started in 2007. Prime opportunity to run wild when that time comes.

i really hope you're right user

i really do


I thought this was a meme argument but you look like you're taking yourself seriously.
Many arguments against the viability of socialism have to do with conflating the particular with the universal. That is, the particular circumstances we face today vs the universal circumstances that all of humanity has faced for all time.
"Greed, corruption and the like," are considered inherent parts of human nature because greed is the driving force behind production in our particular society. Our economic system is predicated on profit motive so "people are greedy" and similar rhetorics exist as a result of using modern society as the only frame of reference when trying to understand something as complex as human nature. These ideas exist in order to justify and give legitimacy to the capitalist structure, just as the idea of divine right existed to reinforce feudalism in the past.
If you say socialism goes against human nature because it doesn't take greed into account (which is a strawman anyway), I could just as easily say capitalism goes against human nature because it doesn't take caste systems into account.
All hunter-gatherer societies as well as many tribal ones were very socialistic. In fact, Marx considered hunter-gatherer society to be a form of primitive communism. If greed and corruption were inherent parts of human nature, you'd think those societies would collapse immediately instead of lasting for about 180,000 years.

Man, do you think these Daughters are gonna go get organizations outside Worse Korea?

Seems like every crazy fucker is forming their own group, ISiS, Black Lives Matter, and now Daughters of Megalia. Didn't think i had to defend myself, but if i have to inside my own home i will and i don't give a shit what the police, news media, or people will say about me, its better than any alternative these cretins have for me.

I thought this shit was suppose to happen in dystopian futures where humanity, civilization, and life as we know it collapse in a hellish firebomb, not where things are organized at least.


Recover, cast buffs and start archiving.
Also save every penny you can and try to get out of there. Holy shit.


Colin Mochrie

Sounds like you're country is being run by space communist smurfs


By the by, philosophy is sexist because arguments are inherently male and thus literally rape :^)

What happened?

Overload, from what I've heard. Kinda like with Voat back in the day when all the Plebbitors flooded the website after the Pao incident.

Eltonel just posted new pregnated Vivi pics "only for Holla Forums"


I never asked for teen pregnancy.

bu.. but who's the father? i mean, who impregnated her?


I think thats enough for one day and its just started

I think you need a bit of diversity in your bad news mate.

Had to thank him in the draw thread, didnt know he would post more

Her one true love
video games

oh no we ded #ClosetTheGays

>turns out chinese actually have a word for goy
Geee I wonder who's behind this. Hǎo yìjiàotú.



Give up user, if Friday is already this slow, Sunday will likely see the first time with no GG thread at all.

This is really the end.

We're 2 threads away from a new bread. We always have a influx in the evening. Plus most of us play El Vidya, anyway.

Only the cancerous namefags remain. We have no chance to survive.

i cry evrytiem

It's truly ogre. They were right, we were going to lose momentum when the next gamerbro exclusionary cinematic violent AAA experience came out. #closethegate #stopboobogorp2009

Sometimes I don't know if you guys are being too ironic or not.


Anymore dirt on SK's situation?

Her breast got bigger as well.

To be honest, I was kind of to be expected that you get shit if you vote a dictator's child into office.

SJW did this at my friends workplace.

He should put a note saying that it was enjoyable, please refill.

Your friend's a cunt who deserved it if he stole someone else's drink.
Unless they weren't stealing and that cunt actually exchanged the milk and in that case I'm cringing for him

This could actually spread diseases. Just hope that the woman didn't have HIV or something serious.

So they're finally admitting they're cows?

We always knew they were lolcows at any rate.


Still healthier than that nestle shit.


Nestle is never good. However, International Delight and Bailey's, Now those two ARE the shit!


Fuck, meant to reply to
no bully


Population: You



its funny cus the guy shooting was a slav muslim




loli viv is best viv

Somehow I doubt this.

she's back, lying her ass off.

Male privilege is not having white knights who donate to your patreon after you scream harassment.


No lactation pics?
Shit taste user.

Wait, is he saying people are mean to men on the internet too?
But his puppet said that's a lie.



Have you guys read Laurie Penny's piece on her and Milo during the Republican convention? It's hilarious.




I'm pretty sure this is a crime. While breastmilk isn't technically a biohazard. It could easily spread diseases and virus from the person it came from as it's body fluid.

Didn't he say that men are not subject to harrassment the way women are? I remember it was from his early tweets talking shit about GG.

Yes, theft is a crime.

that's what him and the sjw always say, and what he also said in his tweets in the screenshot

Germany's being culturally enriched again

Don't forget to spread the narrative.



That's some people's fetish.


Oh Germany, you're a lost cause.

So many flavors….

I thought they banned guns in yurop, thats impossible

They removed all of the gun free zone sign how was the poor refugee supposed to know

Can somone do some Holla Forums OC in homage to this?

The gun free zone signs were probably not in Arabic. Clearly this is a call for the government to write all public signs in German and Arabic!

I know we joke about this, but I had a friend that unironically thought that there is no gun crime in Chicago. I brought it up as a place where gun crime happens and gun control is strict, and she told me that the crime there is not from guns but knives and it is not as bad as it seems. She has never been to chicago.

Shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit, gun free zones automatically turn all bullets into harmless flower petals with the power of peace and love, it is literally impossible to shoot guns in a gun free zone.

this user knows what's up

Eurogamer got triggered over a police game.

The quality of that video is awful, HD version here.

The quality is awful because its eurogamer

what a total fucking retard

Comment section archive: archive.is/9Q0iK
Higher quality video mirror: a.uguu.se/x4GB7CbWwRBr_ThisisthePoliceisfun,butill-judged.mp4

I think this guy might have brain damage

This is like that idiot who reviewed Tropico and scored it poorly because the game "forced" him to become a tyrannical dictator of a starving nation.

Well he's working for a UK "news" website so being brain damaged is mandatory.

You could always make a thread on Holla Forums
They're still pretty good at digging and spreading shit.


Bring up the UN too

Come on Nami, it's slow overall because it's friday with nice weekend weather, and a new startrek movie opening. Though I don't know why people would see that, GB 2016 is still going strong. By the way, here is an article where I first even heard of the possible budget number for the promo cost of nuGB.

Hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue. Yeah, "could".

I still say that number might be pure speculation until I see further corroboration. But if true, daaaaaaayum.

Well on that part you're right actually, on the plus side namefags needing to namefag for no other reason than to cancerously namefag, makes the cancer easy to identify.

I think about the damage just having a sole source for all your daily news will have on any person, especially ideologues. Media, like dogmatic religious leaders, really has warped reality for these people, and they do it willingly for their own purposes. It's about the most heinous non physical thing you can do to people to create a lie for others to live in and make it so they don't ever want to leave it. They make people rabid.

Why does that sound like something a polygon moron would do, what's his face koochera? IIRC he was still afraid of the "loud guns" when he reviewed some gun game. The loud guns in the fucking -game-, because I guess he could not find the volume control.

I'm increasingly wondering if some of those fuckers aren't just doing clickbait bullshit, but may have actual mental problems if they can no longer distinguish what is real and what is vidya and fiction.

Ben Kuchera.

Leibowitz salty over Trump.

Also he looks like shit.

je suis milo

the worst part is, you dont even have to be a tyrannical dictator in tropico 5

Funny how he momentarily comes out of retirement when trump starts gaining major ground
theyre scared, they know the 8 year nightmare is ending

leftists, and marxists, are in the anger phase of grief/loss– reality is sinking in and no one did more damage to impressionable youth than this guy and to see him in this manner is satisfying

What is funny if I recall right, was that the devs of this game and that other really popular VR gun game agreed with Kuchera on why the game is scary and talked about how guns are bad and they made this game to be an exploratory piece on VR games and guns causing violence.

He really aged up didn't he. I also think it is funny how typical the whole current year crew is. They all say the same thing and then get asshurt and try to mock others who [proved them wrong. Stephan cplbert gets asshurt whenever anyone points out how he knows nothing about guns or point out how he defended a liberal doing the same thing a conservative he bashed did. Stephan also tried tpo push the whole plagiarism angle yet failed to point out that the quote has been used by Michelle and many politicians before.

He can't even attack Trump outside of insults, I agree with the point he made about some of the asshats saying blue lives matter after they refused to help 9/11 responders (dad was a firefighter, I'm biased as fuck about this on I know). But that's it, he doesn't bring up BLM founder's calling for dead cops, he doesn't bring up the DNC screwing Sander's supporters out of a vote, he doesn't bring up that the media has been working with the DNC/Hillary campaign to suppress Sander's platform, he doesn't bring up that Hillary has flipped and flopped her entire political career when it was advantageous to.
He's a bigger hypocrite than those he attacked.

You'll have to link me that statement. I searched for the whole of two minutes and found nothing.

I have a hard time believing this, most people that understand the actual engineering and mechanics of firearms tend to understand them as a tool and not a weapon.


I can't remember where I dound it, but I think it was a /k/ thread that mentioned the two most popular gun VR devs being massive faggots. Feel free to ignore and bully me though since I seem to can't find it either. I thought I saved an archive link but I may have lost it. I think there was some article about it.

That logic is retarded though. A lot of cops tried to help and died because of it.

If you happen to find it, please post it. I'm interested in seeing self hating gun enthusiasts.


yesssssssssss thank you eltonel thank you


This faggot believes he wouldn't be one the first ones thrown off the CN Tower

Balding, Bespectacled, Bearded, Beta.
W E W.

They are following the word of Allah they don't give two fucks about what whitey thinks of them



Das raycis










Why aren't you voting for hilldog?

Comment section archive: archive.is/N9u5G

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

Crawl back into your dried up cunt

Local gamergaters, I think you should play this splatfest in Splatoon, you're in for a surprise.




The people that take him seriously and thank him always crack me up. Yes, I know some of them are being sarcastic but others are clear progressives judging by their accounts.


that ad is painfully shit

Trump remains unstumped

To verify that the comments section is closed.

My favorite was when she made a "trump Yourself" app.

It backfired hard.


thanks, doc

Wikileaks seems to be having a lot of fun today.

ah. Ok. Now who to vote for?


in splatoon doofus.



The Donald


This is lazy, and they cannot disprove that they support most or are causing most of it.

The more you remind yourself of the 3 rules of SJWs, the more and more they won't surprise you.

Shit bingo.

If I made one, just for kicks, I could do a better job than this Amy girl could.

Her ego is so huge she even included a link to her twitter handle in the bottom right just so everyone knows she made it. Pathetic display.

Well, it is twatter, land of attention whores


Wow, really makes you think


Okay, I just noticed something funny. That tweet has been severed from the Jack tweet it replies to. If you check the Jack tweet, that reply doesn't show up at all.


Bonus: Blue Whale being a lying hypocrite: twitter.com/randileeharper/status/756293610379685888


You at least going to screenshot this for me?

Non standup comedy is almost always fake.

No, it doesn't really, ever since the asshole south african took over the show, its been tanking in ratings. I think if the accounting department of CC was in charge they would have replaced the Daily Show and the other one with reruns of Tosh.0 and South Park.
Its no surprise to me that a laugh track is needed.

Looks like the young turks are sperging out about their hypocrisy being on camera where they start shit and said "ableist comments" that they used to shit on.

He better get you an archive.

They are probably kicking themselves because of last season.

You can tell he first thought about saying "problematic" and decided against it.

I fucking swear, this kind of stupidity doesn't fit in Deep Freeze but it's obviously one more reason why gaming journalism sucks, and should be tracked. There must be a way to properly frame these more-virtue-signalling-than-thou reviews as shit without the usual cretins going "i thought u were about freeze peech he juzt cricicism BUT HEY ETHICS"


Both need to be removed, if you're at war, fight for what is yours, don't expect others to fight for you, if your place is shitty, work to improve it. Fucking hell, do you know what kind of a fucking mess poland was in after the wall fell, and only now is it starting to pick itself up, that process would have been over already if half of our population wasn't outside poland, but on the otherside, it's picking itself up on commercial grounds instead of manufacturing so it might collapse at a whim, cause we white niggas that don't think further than the next paycheck.


Oh yeah, I can't wait for the new season.
I really think this next one will cause a mass triggering.

Wow, that sure sound problematic. I can't believe a game would depict something in an ambiguous way. I'm so used to getting my worldview in strictly didactic format.

Wait… Didn't Matt Stone or Trey Parker say that South Park's future will be with Videogames?

Also had a discussion with a Mexibro, turns out his part of Mexi is better than other parts, including capital, Ge I wonder why, turns out they have a work culture, work work work, and those people don't go escaping across the border, the stay where they are and work on building a better future. It's still a shitty place from what I hear with gangs and shit but goddamn, if a fa/tg/ug can survive it so can a refugee.

Got to post it. He hyperboles somewhat, but he does touch on getting immigrants only hurts the countries that need them the most.

South park still rakes in millions dude, why the hell would they stop having them ? They've been signed for SEVERAL more seasons. That's how TV networks do, always, user. They ensure you stay with them for several years.

Also, sealion.club is FINALLY back up

We're already on page 14

Baking new bread

Really makes you think


Bread ready, Should I take it out of the oven now or should we shitpost to 700?

It's still right, a nation that is starving doesn't need to move to a neighbor with more food. What it needs is farmers that know how to farm efficiently, don't give them food, teach them how to farm, if you wanna spend money on it, buy seeds to the people teaching them how to farm. Seriously Afrika pisses me off so much, with the natural resources they have they could become world leaders in a few short generations, but then I see vid related and goddamn, they just don't wanna work for it. What is stopping them, they got the tools to start, they got the knowledge, even of most don't have the internet, even if the teachers don't have internet, the people in charge of them have, but that's not what pisses me off, it's the lazy, the pure unfiltered lazy of "that's not my job" NIGGA YOU WANT THIS ROAD OR NOT? Don't be telling me it's not your job. It gets my blood boiling.

Let's wait for 700



I was refering to some of the population growths. Everything else is fine. As for africa and other underdeveloped nations, it gets to a point where they do need a group to lead with force. The carrots do not work in our world anymore, and the sticks are far too harsh if used or unexistant. They need to find a medium stick to whip these countries and the middle east into shape.

I'm still baffled how shoe managed to notice so vividly how the main, most important part of ALL those people, is the fish mouth.
They all have this weird fucking smirk on their face that looks like they can never get their mouth fully open, nor fully close.


Got it.

I'd actually accept a deal where whites get Africa and blacks get Europe and both leave the existing infrastructure if there was any practical way of carrying it out.

Frowning and screaming for hours doesn't exactly help to make you pretty. There is some truth in that one pic that says ugly thoughts make you ugly.

Galo Sengen.





But I thought that shitpost time was all the time.

Can the next thread be 40 lb box of rape edition?




Shitty weather would be hard for a few generations but I can be of seeing it working in the long run, Congo for pol- wait nvm Belgium has a better claim, South- fuck you duch, fucking poland cannot even into afrik.


No shitposting here, please.
Thank you kindly.

You're not my real mom!


Perhaps I can offer an explanation.
These people are ALWAYS talking. Be it praising minorities or hating on white people and males in particular. These delusion and/or paranoid people are not happy inside as they think they see the effects of "patriarchy" and want to see it crushed.
The "fish mouth" that is seen is a permanent frown coupled with a slightly open mouth. Think slack-jawed yokel with a frowny face.
Go ahead. Go to a mirror. Frown. Open your mouth slightly and see what shape is formed.

Wait, is that really in the show?

I now Shekelcat now correctly screams "OY VEY" when agitated, but this seems too unlikely.


Don't scare me like that user.

Well since they regressive I guess their long term plans are to have us to walk into the oceans so we're not so oxygen privileged.


Why removing her name and handle? it's not like she isn't an eceleb.


Not sure, Looks pretty real. Can any user confirm?

I thought I was completely desensitized to shit like this.

Your move user.



He probably got it from reddit or something and they have to there even if everyone already knows who it is by the pic.

Got from a previous GG thread.


How can someone be so hateful after what he's been through

You don't have to be a tyrannical dictator in 3 or 4 either if you're not shit at the game.