Free to Choose

My professor is an AnCrap and is FORCEing us to watch Friedman's Free To Choose series. I always thought that Ancraps had their ideology figured out, and could properly argue it if prompted to do so. This is not the case. The whole series is essentially him laying out this fantasy world in which Capitalism is a borderline God. He fails to consider any logical caveat to his positions. Every person he interviews is a complete classcuck. Has anyone else here been FORCEd to read any Capitalist drivel for uni or has anyone had a Libertarian or Ancap professor?

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I remember those videos are pretty aesthetic, like the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger sitting at his desk talking about Milton Friedman.

make him watch some zizek lectures


I had a lolbert prof once. Retarded political positions aside, he was a great guy who really knew his shit regarding the subject he was teaching and we got along very well.

Plus, every time he actually brought up his political beliefs the whole class would rise up in near unison to challenge them, which was kind of funny.


I actually wish someone had force libertarianism on me in school. Maybe it would have made the entire philosophy uncool to my teenager self and I wouldn't have the memory of a libertarian phase from 15 to 18 to live with.

Tell your teacher they are garbage

That was absolutely fucking disgusting

Does listening to Arnold attempt to articulate something intelligent actually convince anyone of anything?


It's baffling that there could be Aynclaps in academia. The entire ideology falls apart if you think about it for more than five seconds.

Who enforces property rights? Say there are three big corporations. You buy a piece of land and one company recognizes that you own it, but the other two don't.

What happens if someone boxes you in by buying every inch of property surrounding you? There are such things as easements, but again, who enforces them?

Do they think private law courts will be able to provide fair judgments?

They absolutely do. They are literally that fucking delusional.

irl shit post about Stirner in class.
Tell your professor he's spooked.
You have to do it, fam.
The Unique one demands it.

but isn't this just a problem with anarchy as a whole? There's nothing enforcing anyone to obey anything. It requires high-trust societies to be its foundation.

God no

Not really
Some form of law can be created, like a republic, the difference is there is no hierqrchical position to abuse it
This is why their NAP concept is probably the only good aspect of the anarcho-right, however it fails because property rights are placed above it

Fucking how, you see through case law the need for a capitalist state to regularly intervene to enforce or not enforce contracts under capitalism.

Pirateposter when will you fuck off?

Law school was specifically my turning point away from capitalist ideology.

Practice made me a leftist.

Philosophy fag here. Is philosophy a good major for law school? What can a lawyer do to make money that doesn't involve selling his soul?

Did something hurt your feelings?

what do you consider selling your soul in this context?

that doesn't mean someone can't create one once the system starts failing

that's a perfect opportunity to debunk ancraps infront of whole class user. if you guys discuss it after you watch the video, take a stand. do your homework before the class if you need to. take this seriously and embarrass that clown in front of whole class. this is how you fight against a cancerous ideology. one day at a time.

Not him but you can be a chronically overworked and underpayed public defender until you eventually snap from the stress.

My university has a Koch brothers funded circuit of economists that do lectures. The last one we had denied climate change and argued that if it was real, businesses would have an interest in stopping it anyway.

I'm pretty sure his teacher is going to wreck him tbh. No sense in arguing with your professors unless you're a really advanced graduate student.
Leaving this here.

Not as a whole, as in the idea of a stateless society, but with the ideology of anarchism itself. We need a period in between capitalism and anarchism for society to develop. A socialist state.

People's interests are different in capitalism than if they were born in a stateless society, and you need perhaps a generation to ween humanity off those ideas.


Funny enough, anarchism usually ends up setting a de facto state.

rest in peace le glorious свободная территория

Indeed. Despite differences in opinion, I am proud to call Makhno my comrade.

How did I not catch that? I really need to get more sleep.

Not necessarily. The problem is less that he doesn't have an argument and more that arguing with the professor forces one to overcome the other students' respect for him as an authority. Whatever you do DON'T go looking for an argument, instead try to offer criticism constructively and only argue if the professor insists on it. Do your homework, voice your opinions in a way that is immediately understandable to the students when appropriate. If you don't get a chance to discuss your position, don't force it. You'll be much harder to dismiss if you don't start the argument.

It's hard to defend anarchocapitalism, fortunately.

lol i got u bro

Christ, they actually are trying to influence academics.


That is not an accurate characterization of the contents of that series. Strawman, discarded.