ITT: things that you give you some hope for the future

ITT: things that you give you some hope for the future

Other urls found in this thread:

A serious relationship with my highschool sweetheart whom I am seeing regularly.

my attempst at summoning the meteor

I can kill myself any time I want.


what did he mean by this


Knowing the Day of the Rope will come.

This was probably the most important reason I haven't killed myself yet.


Meme magic

You made me do it.



That is haram.

Jesus Christ


is that his mom's room?




Sony in charge of suicide watch.

Thank christ.


He kind of reminds me of a less entertaining version of Devine.



I'm not watching that whole thing, where's the good part

This does to be honest.




I love jojo edits, got any more?


SNK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Capcom

Kinda looks like they just made the lighting worse.

This man is wise



I watched all that, I think my cats went crazy and tried to claw their way out of the room but I made to the end….

this cant be real, right? are we in bizarro world?

Cool, lighting looks awful though

katsuragi a best

The only way HL3 can be any good is if it's not made by Valve. They'll find somewhere to insert a cash shop or skins or some other stupid shit. Valve is done as far as actual vidya is concerned.

Truly Chris is a master at sexing women

Am I the only person that thinks food smeared on bodies is disgusting?

Its real

To be honest, it does look gross. Or it looks is if it would taste gross.

Me too, I fucking cringe everytime some movie or show pulls that "woman seductively covers herself in chocolate".


I thought this thread was supposed to be about the things that give you hope. Not destroy it.

There are still sages among us.

It's not even funny anymore

Yes it is

Get her to feed you, whelp


Why is modern culture so desperate to embrace mental illness and social degeneracy?
I understand that this is a sign that western civilization is in the final stages of collapse, but why do so many people rush to embrace that collapse?


no idea

RIP David Higgs

The really sad thing about all this is that the conservative (or rather reactionary, at this point) public doesn't protest this shit

It's all part of the decadence that leads to the collapse. Traditional values are all but dead (sometimes even reviled), the people are apathetic and too focused on their daily wageslaving and routine to think about stuff like philosophy or politics (unless the elites WANT them to think about politics in some superficial manner), and the current (((morality))) that's forced upon all is that anything that doesn't directly physically or at least financially hurt you, is allowed (hatespeech and similar shit being a seeming exception to this, but that's because it's a part of a separate agenda rather than of entropy). A westener is, in general, off the leash - he can do anything, and if he actually managed to do one of the few things that are forbidden, his punishment will be very mild (in many countries, prisons are more like hotels, with hobos actually intentionally getting arrested so that they can spend the winter somewhere warm), if one comes at all (suing can take literally YEARS, even after serious crimes, during many of which you're free to fuck around outside like nothing had happened. Also, probation and shit).

Since nobody prevents the person from doing whatever he wants, and since there isn't even a moral authority that would tell him about stuff he shouldn't do, the person often gives in to carnal pleasures. You see it everywhere - rampant obesity rates due to people giving in to gluttony, various degenerate sexual acts that only grow more and more extreme (shit like bugchasing) as the participants seek higher and higher stimulation, sloth and complacecy (more in the mental sense) where people just don't LIVE anymore, and just go through the motions of their routines, and much, much more. The only limitation imposed upon them anymore is money, which is why you see it getting such extreme importance.

In a way, one could say that our society has too much freedom, and thus allows people to revert to their most primitive states, which, as if it wasn't enough, many governments encourage and support, as they're democratic, and allowing the population to do whatever the fuck they want is a popular move.

Because mental health treatment, or even having a mental illness, is seen as taboo.

I have a amazing shits, I love the smell and it gives me pleasure. This is what keeps me going.

What a time to be alive.