Who/what do you consider to be the Alt-Right? Because there seems to be several definitions going around (what a surprise)))), eh?).
Define the alt-right.
You say Richard Spencer is NOT representative of the alt-right? In what capacity? What figure/outlet is representative of such?
If no such figure or outlet exists, please, present your own definition of this movement's outlook and intentions, and we shall then offer comparative analysis as regards that testimony on your behalf.
That is often impractical, both ideologically and in physical 'mechanical' terms. If one goes along the "Alt-Right is Jewish" narrative, then its liable to suggest these organizations have shadow factions taking part in their operation, which can act to ensure no such efforts at usurpation will succeed (given that, according to this narrative, the Alt-Right is an assemblage of lesser derivations of truly powerful ideology, such as NatSoc, designed to allow hostile outside (((factions))) usurp the pendulum swing-back liable to transpire in coming years as a result of rampant (((leftist))) ideology running rampant in academia, government and media).
This basically sums it up, one might suggest.
One might further imply that an overt percentage of outlets/individuals claiming to be 'Alt-Right' are limp-dicked faux-CivNat and/or lolberg faggots in league with Jews and other assorted mudfolk, and their rhetoric invariably tip-toes gradually away from anything truly valuable/effective and toward the ideals and beliefs which (at least one faction of) our enemies would like Holla Forumsacks, and other White males of upstanding character, to espouse.
The Alt-Right are, in many ways, equivalent to skin-head Neo-Nazis of the heavily-tatted gang-banger-esque variety - whereas the skinheads have internalized the Spielberg Nazism represented in media like American History X and Schindler's List, the Alt-Right have espoused the poncing smarmy caricature of a secret-Nazi Republican/Conservative represented in more modern media. Basically, these two groups are simply White people falling prey to (almost-always) Jewish media depictions of ideologies which would benefit those White men and women if espoused legitimately, but will accomplish little where espoused in spirit of these media depictions, with individuals - whether opportunists, misguided dupes or simply professional overseers - pushed forward (and that is the correct wording, because these people really are pushed before the audience they're meant to appear to, under the guise of 'networking' and 'collaboration' and the like - circle-jerking effectively) to act as the face of this set of ideals, and they do exactly what is required of them in this context, namely, presenting a facade that at first appears potentially legitimate and which is gradually degraded in character over time as the result of expression of personal belief or (arranged) 'exposure' of past misdeeds.
Mike Enoch will be exposed as a tranny/faggot before the end of the year, cap this post.