4 AM

Losing control?

How often do you actually buy games?

Other urls found in this thread:


Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)


Morning everyone!

So now that kickass is dead whats a good site I can go to for all around torrents?



I never was in control.
I buy games regularly, but only ones with multiplayer or good replay value, short games and story-driven ones get a pirate.

I'm playing Catherine right now.

I failed Todd and Archie :^(

Morning, niggers. Do you think depression is the human state of viewing things in the grand scale of the universe and thinking there's no meaning or just a mental disease?


Pirating is illegal.

Evenin' folks.

people should play minecraft with me

I swear i am just making pudding

Every steam sale, that is twice a year, and rarely in between, you said buy, i actually pirate like one game every month but then i don't think i ever finish them, i don't even know why i play videogames anymore

Do you ever buy the short/story ones if they are really really good?

Depression is real but pharmaceutical kikes over diagnose it so they can push pills.




Either fake smoke or you hate us and don't want to hang out with us anymore. Is it because I said we weren't best friends?

Gave Stardew Valley a second chance, still boring as shit.

I would if you can get a beta 1.7 server going

no we can't play terraria instead, the other half of the update hasn't come out yet


Good morning everybody

How was your day/is your morning so far?

Looking forward to anything coming up?

Monster Hunter is so fun

Say WHAT now?

I want to die.
0-5 Suffer
6-8 Suffer less
9 Suffer greatly
Dubs suffer twice
Trips make the whole thread suffer


>>>Holla Forums6816263
Kick ass Torrent is fucked

not often these days but I may start buying more shows because of this shit


It's real, but they want you to buy pills so…

Fine, playing Catherine, but I lost Todd and Archie.

Nostalgia can be some of the most comfy feelings or pure hell. Least angry orchard is tasty.

Whats got your nostalgia bone hard?

Apparently apple gave the feds info to track down the owner.

what does water taste like user?

enjoy your suffering

I mean I guess we could but I've got mon hun gen coming soon and that's going to take awhile to do

Last game I bought was Cities Skylines last year, I'd buy WWE 2K16 on PC so I can work on 4AM WWE but I'm saving up for the vacation

Well, my motherboard wasn't the problem. Ordered new RAM. Hopefully this finally fixes things. DS Lite is back from the shop, though. Nice having it again. Just staying up until this porno finishes downloading and then I'm gonna whack off and hit the hay.

I buy games every now and again, but when I buy a game I play it thoroughly before going to the next.
I don't buy a new game until I am finished with the current one.

How do I get a job?
Literally been searching for months.


It's been a long time. Probably DS3, which I had to return because it wouldn't run on my shitty laptop

Mornin senpai. How is kickass dead?

No, depression is a mental disorder where your brain can't produce the right hormones. You feel depressed for seemingly no reason, so your mind tries to attach a reason. Sometimes by choosing to focus on negative aspects of life.

I'm looking forward to my weekend, then after that quitting my job


I suppose that's fair. My friends are telling me to go to a doctor to get antidepressants, I'm not sure if it'd be necessary, though. Plus I live in burgerland, so therapy is expensive as fuck.


Hey Smokes.

Day is fine, I guess. Played some more Mega Man 8 bit Deathmatch.

I take my test to not become a trainee at my job tonight. I should be studying, but it shouldn't be that hard.

I've been trying to get my friends into it so I have people to play with.

Yeah, that's my dilemma if I want to move over to pills or not.

Trips of truth.

Only games I've bought that fall into that category are the Talos Principle, Dreadout Keepers of the Dark, and Soul Gambler.
Domains got seized by US government for copyright infringement.

I'll have to see about doing that with you too, I'm playing mon hun gen with a friend but I don't really know if we're only playing with each other or not

Have friends/family fake your contacts. Say they worked at defunct stores in your area.

dead games

fight me

what about STARBOUND


Usually only for my vita

No one gets them on their first try

Yep. They arrested him and now he's awaiting extradition to the states despite his site hosting nothing illegal. It's like arresting someone for giving directions to a drug dealer

Slow. Had a pleasant nap with a pleasant dream and now I'm just waiting for the washer to stop so I can sleep proper

The term you're looking for is entry level. Go get something in retail, food service, work as a bank teller or something like that.


The only foolproof way is move to a state without a shitty economy like Texas.

Or be black

Wow I didn't even notice.

Jews win again I see.

Hello friends.

As often as good games come out.>>10128943
Gonna need some sauce on that.

A man has needs, and the fictional love of a fictional character can only do so much for me.

Thankfully I'm not depressed…yet.


Morning ae86, owner got caught cause apple gave info over to the feds. Sucks too because I've been using it since the last time tpb died and now I don't know where to go for general torrents. Only anime really.

Avoid the pills if you can. They work for some people but until you get the right pill and the right dose they fuck you up horribly.

tu mama lol

it's on Holla Forums

you'll just cry

I should probably say career that earns enough to survive.
No one will look at McDonalds on a resume and think its worth anything

I am seeing entry level junior shit require 1 year of experience all the time, I apply anyway but never get responses.

man have I watched some absolutely fucking stupid, cancerous, cringe-inducing, boring tv-shows lately
person of interest, the strain, blacklist, vikings, american horror story, the walking dead
all of these are just fucking inane garbage. There are scenes that regularly make me uncomfortable to the point that I just cringe



SHIT. FUCK SHIT FUCK. I use KAT nearly 24/7. How the fuck am I supposed to torrent anything good now? I mean at least there's that one place for books, but god damn it all…

Neat! Good luck on that test user!



Fucking shit.

Apple huh? I see why they aren't handing over Isis locations now; they're too busy with REAL criminals.

Well what job are you trying to get?

You need to love her more.

Get a visit from her?

Why are you doing this to yourself?

te voy a meter mi verga en tu chi, puto.

Only on sales. Sometimes if new if on a console.

I have to ask. Of all the mtg characters, why avatarfag as Nahiri?

user don't you know Nyaa.se?

don't you know IGG?

don't you diversify?

But I don't even have a waifu

I know how you feel. I've heard that some of their other domains are still up but I don't know which ones or where to find them. Hopefully their torrents are still tracked on those sites that search multiple sites.

Is that chi.org or what?

I never used Kickass torrents but that sucks to hear. I should really start sperging out over audio formats so I can get a what.cd invite.

It will get worse when or if TPP passes.



I have a Diploma in Business and am trying to get some kind of office job. Probably starting out as a receptionist.

I honestly never see anything that is completely entry level. Most small require a year experience. I don't even know where to go to to get relevant work experience or anything. Its dumb. I am on the Government jobsearch assist to, not that they do anything.

Don't worry, I got you.

Yeah I really am starting to think that this nihilistic belief system I have is just me being depressed, although there are some things that make too much sense to let go of.

It sucks.

I really don't know what to do, I don't want therapy because it's too expensive and I don't want pills because they could fuck me up.

Thanks, I'll try my best. I work with a qt3.14 who might be into me, but she's a few years older. I think I'll impress her if I do well enough.

Revenge waifu.

Oh well nothing wrong with porn then, carry on.

Better hurry up and get what you want while the getting is good.


Oh. Damn. Well that sucks.

You don't actually need a year of experience for most entry level jobs. Are you writing a good cover letter to each place you apply?

normalfag shit tends to be that way.

Why the fuck does Ritsu have such a huge forehead?


we need to set up some sort of waifu roll game for those of us with no waifu

and then you look into whoever you roll and watch and read everything about said waifu and decide if waifu



Oh. I guess that's out of my experience.

Hm. There's a difference between useful thoughts and true thoughts.

waifu matchmaking? What are you trying to create even more avatarfags?

It's cute!

Gotta hold all that love somewhere

chichi.chi or chi.chichi?

You'll get them, even if you up the difficulty. The puzzle layouts don't change, you just have to go faster.
With the knowledge you'll have by the end you'll breeze right through and you can focus on saving everyone.

Close, daughteru
she's a bit more personal to me than Peko.
I've had her far longer and there's a much stronger connection I can't easily get into

I'm pretty happy without a waifu. I'm a simple man, and right now all I want is for my PC to be back at 100%. And maybe some more porn.

how about killing your self instead

That is a terrible idea. You find her while going and searching for stuff you like and want to try. You'll find that one character that just feels like the one and you'll stick with it.
You don't just roll dice and pick random characters like that man.


but I have no drive to have a waifu so I was spitballing

Hey, Kamille, how's Jerid? I heard you're both best friends.

what kind of porn?

maybe someday

but not this year, things are too good and I don't want to miss it


A VIP recruitment place helped me write a better cover letter after I applied for a job there. Apparently it is okay, well that is what they told me.

Most job places probably find the fact I have never worked before too risky. I have no means of proving I am a good worker.

what do you like about your waifu user?

I'm just gonna replay just to save those two dudes.


Just like be happy

Honestly I've never understood daughterus or like platonic waifus or anything off branch of waifuism. Whats it like?

I'd prefer if she had bigger breasts, but other than that she's a fine waifu.

I have a fear that if I only have useful thoughts then I'll lose all my individuality and become a person whose only purpose is the mundane daily things, like their career or family or meaningless hobbies. Essentially fuck mediocrity.

Gee, thanks. Never thought of that one before.

won't work.

Your waifu is garbage.

I like a lot of kinds, but this is just some fairly vanilla stuff. JAV with a girl cosplaying as Megumin.

I'm not gonna LARP as autistic anime characters, tubby.



You will be missed.


This guy gets it.

Whos your waifu?

I give the best advice.

Really though how long has this been a problem?

you can miss starbound, it's shit


so were talking leglocks and nakadashi

That's true. It seems truth and usefulness are opposed, or at least as a Holla Forumslack that's how it seems to me. I don't know if they really are, but it's troubling for both the red and the blue pill to both be the wrong choice.

That's the in thing to jack it now isn't it?

Okay, how about faggots who wear underwear on their heads?

I thought that was Lum's leg from the thumbnail.

A shit. You should have gone with Jaya Ballard or Tamiyo for neowalkers.

oh I know

that was the joke

so did you watch chobits recently or what?

You gonna post that megumin or what?

I'm sure some do but theres always plebs when it comes to this stuff in a lot of ways so

I usually pirate games to play them, then pay for them when I can. The quality of the games dictates my purchase. I didn't pay for Borderlands: The Presequel, for example.

I feel like crap half the time, but i'm making progress in my life.

That's true. Also why do you have a picture of tumblr!Ritsu?




your waifu is a feminist



Not that vanilla, it is 3d. Probably no nakadashi but she's gonna have sex with a dude and at least pretend to enjoy it.

I'm down with lolis so Megumin does it for me.

There's a torrent link on this page, that's where I'm getting it from.
the link is long because it contains moonrunes


I'd say about 4 years, but I always viewed life as meaningless since we die at the end since Kindergarten. So maybe I was born with depression.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

What kinda progress you making?

Shes in a band, it was just for a show

anybody want any doodles?

haven't been on lately because monhun niggas

also been watching gunbustaaaaaa


He's still autistic.

eh alrighty, not a big fan of lolis.

It better.



Draw Noriko with Shinji's walkman.

Then don't mind about having one. It's not a mandatory thing, just something you take interest in. Post random pictures if you feel that inclined to attach something.

She's small, cute, shy, and likes books. She's also very reliable and is very trustworthy, has a high moral compass and is introverted. She's perfect to do warm cuddly things with. Also perfect to do kinky lewd stuff since she's so inocent

Trust me I recognize annoying nip speak links well. Post a pic I just want to see what she looks like anyway.

Does it tend to come and go with whats going on in your life or is it random?

Your mspaint shops are getting slightly better

speak english you gook faggot or i will make you play undertale

I take you're an expert on being a total pleb.

I can't watch JAV user

too much screaming

when they finally stop working on it tho we can mode the shit out of it and make it good as it was intended to be

i wanna cum in lum


but your waifu isnt


I just can't help but love the lolis. I was young when I started jerking off to them and I just never stopped.

Well I was posting loli anyway so here's the cover for the jav. Third pic.

That's also true. Maybe happiness isn't based on how you try and think about things. Which is also troubling because then how do you become happy if not through your mind?

Oh so it's cannon?

Sure. Can I get Mitsurugi from Eva?

most of their games are in parts, which is a pain to me. It's much easier to just download it all in one go. They had torrents on KAT too.

Don't they just do anime/hentai/VNs though?
I've never really used them

Yeah, hopefully so.
I'm trying to make a Demonoid account now, but I keep getting a database error

I'd rather not think about that right now That's a terrifying future

Nice! Don't get too lost in showing off and make a fool of yourself though, i've done that myself too many times.


jesus christ. There's nothing cringier than an anime club on a college campus. I went to a club meeting once….it was awful. All we did was sit in a dark room, completely silent, watching some shit flavor of the month on a projector, and three or four of the people weren't even watching, they were just there. Two of them were on their 3DS's. I left after about another 15 minutes of uncomfortable silence, it was almost painful. They didn't laugh at the funny bits of the anime, they didn't react…at all. I swear they were just zombies. I tried striking up general conversation but only got glared at by some ugly stick bitch and her beta orbiter.

I guess it was better than listening to some lame-ass go on about how amazing Attack on Titan and SAO are which is certainly worse, but it was still pretty lame.

I don't really know how it works for other people either. Mine is the only case I understand.
She's a character I used to write for and that led into a kind of paternal affection.

Draw hitler as a bird

I just think they're overrated is all.

gimme the doodle daddy scribbles

it's never going to have minecraft level of mods that fix it though

About a month ago i posted in one of these threads saying that ive had a recent drinking problem and no luck finding a job

im still a shit human and an alcoholic but atleast i got a job working late nights at a gas station

cheers nigs

I'd cum in Lum's bum.

draw the cast of chrono trigger as spiders

That's just red from angry birds

Too late, they've taken her.

Hey progress! :D

Really, it's one of those things you either start jerking off to as a horny teen who wants girls close to his age, or that you get into for how "wrong" it is. I'm in the former category. It's also the closest most 2d porn gets to the kind of body I like, which is fit, with a small, round butt, and a tight, flat stomach and such.

dat dfc

Who is she?

And I want to read your writing some time

I hope you don't get chimped on by one of Obama's sons.

On the jav chick or the drawings? Or both?

sounds more like they're dying than struggling


Yoz, what are you doing with your life?

Good, progress is progress.

I've never been into girls that young, so I don't really care.

Sign up for GazelleGames if you need vidya torrents, they just opened applications a few days ago.

I worked that job before, its not the worst. Keep an eye out on those crack heads!

I have a demonoid account but its ancient and I have no clue what it is now.

And nyaa is decent for all the animu/weebshit you could ever want really.

you describing the excellent qualities of your waifu made me think about women like that being fantasy and in turn made me feel bitter and depressed

now I remember why I don't have a waifu

You have stories, don't ya?


Actually, I'm gaining control. You ever have those down periods where you just want to give up on everything and wallow in your own pity and filth? Just got back from that.

And I buy games all the time. I have a toaster, so my options are limited there and I'm on console. Picked up MHG and RE5 for PS4 yesterday. Can't get enough of that sweet Jill ass and Rebecca, we'll Rebecca.

Right now? It seems to change from bursts of happiness to suicidal depression daily. I can hide it fairly well, but I don't think that's an admirable skill.

Growing up? I think it's always been there. As a child, I was always a pushover because I was just scared of everything else. Kids at school would play rough with me, but I'd never say I was bullied. My parents wanted me to do extracurriculars throughout elementary school, so they'd sign me up and I'd just do it, since I just felt like I had to. Depression sank during high school, I just didn't do shit besides scholastic bowl and robotics, but that's a different story altogether. I guess I stood still while the world moved faster than ever.

Well, I think it's chemicals more than any abstract thought.

Don't worry, I won't.

I think she'd find it cute anyways as long as I don't make a habit of it. I'll try my best not to anyways, though.

Good job, guy!

lum is pretty great

Got ride home from fat chick, etc etc etc etc.

Playing FE: Fates and Bravely Second with the delocalization patches applied. Probably going to apply the homosexuality and polygamy mod to Fates and have everyone marry the MC, thus creating an immortal army of dragon children.



Man, it's weird to be browsing and see a picture you took with your phone being posted by someone else.

I would love to see this. Post if you find a torrent on sukibei

Not as ausitic as you though keionfag.
I feel insulted now.

Eh, could be worth a check. Just letting you know sometimes there are some pretty chill people to know at those clubs. I met a pretty awesome friend that I connected back with in college at my highschool anime club. At least give it a look, then brush it off if it's too autistic for you.

Eh the only one I can remember right now is the time two busted old crack heads came in and the guy decided to use me as a shield from his wife while I was sweeping the place. So I'm standing there while shes trying to kick his ass. Almost had to call the cops on that one.

Nicer story is this time a guy accidentally left 200$ on the counter and drove off. I sat it under the desk and when he came back I jokingly said "I thought you were just leaving me a tip" so he left me a 20$!


Don't forget the rest.

Chi. Chi.. Chi
Shit taistu.

are you retarded user

just get a burner mega account, add them to your mega and then download them in one go

pretty much

The proxies still work

So did you ride her? We don't judge here, you can admit if you fucked a fat chick. I did, once. She was fat and covered in cutting scars.

I already posted a link from another site, and they do have a torrent link. The series or studio or whatever is called "sex friend" if you want to look yourself.



For real? Well, hello fellow Yakuza Thread goer.


How you gaining control user?

Robotics? Build anything neat?

And how old are you again?

I asked before and I can't remember what you said tbh

Nah I only fuck twinks. She wants my dick and keeps giving me fresh veggies she grows in her garden.

user minecraft has hardly any content

I'm not sure it will need that much modding when it's donetm

I'm finally back
My schedule is going to be in swing from now on. I think I'll do my best to be here on time.

Control is indeed cyclic. Glad you're on the upswing.

Go on…

Ah crackheads. They're part of the urban wildlife, although dangerous if you get too close.



I'm sorry for you loss. Maybe you'll be a mammal the next time you incarnate.

good for you user

Oh shit user. You in the country? Is shit going down?

I've lost control and I accept it.
I haven't bought a game since I bought the witcher director's cut last year. I've only played 8 minutes of it. And those 8 minutes were spent watching the opening cinematic and then idling on the main menu for a bit.

I rip off Nintendo every day and I still think it is a waste of space for the download and a waste of time to install the cia so kys.

Hacked 3DS nigga. Patch documentation is here 3dsiso.com/cia-requests/273702-fire-emblem-fates-delocalization.html , but I got a prepatched one from 3dsisos.

The game is flawed beyond the translation, though.

I'm slowly getting over different breakups and self esteem issues. I still kind of hate myself, but it's not a crippling issue anymore.

When I first heard about anime clubs I thought it'd be like a book club where they watch a show a few episodes at a time and have a round table discussion during meetings.

Her name's Natsume.
And please no, that'd mean I'd actually have to work on it and not be play video games all day.
There's another, Naomi, but I never felt that much of a connection. Kinda feel guilty there like I'm playing favorites

it's already been released, it was released along time ago

Chi indeed hobo, chi indeed….

Eh, I just don't watch much anime or even play VNs that much anymore though I do have MuvLuv coming in November

Gazelle? All right, I'll go secure an account while I can. Thanks user.

Best of luck to you. How old is she anyway? You mentioned she was older

Forgot to add to my first post that I bought some really good sausages today. Had a couple for dinner and they were amazing.

Nice, I grow my own chili peppers and they're the tits.

Bah gawd, a talking roach!

I downloaded pretty much every JRPG available in english (and both SRWs). Probably won't touch any of them (except SRW, love that shit, even without understanding a word [memorized the characters for the Spirit Commands back when I was playing Z3 and 2ndOG]) for more than a few minutes, including fates.

How long you been gone user?

Its so nice to finally be free of those chains. I was in the same spot and random things would bring back memories and send me into a depression all day. Good luck user, I know you'll get out of that totally one day!

Whats she from though?

We're all gonna make it brah

That's kind of what my anime club is like, minus the intelligent discussion. It's more of a social thing, and quite a few of the people who go there are pretty cool.

good morning fuckers

I remember you.

That she is.

Watch old shit. I like obscure ovas. Short too.

18 weeks..
it felt like forever.

Which of y'all niggas want some tutoring?
rizon: #4amtutor

user please

what do you tutor?

This. I don't buy SHIT. Not music, not movies or shows, not books. Games are maybe 1-2 a year. Definitely not porn. Fuck paying for porn. I've never done that.

Do you really have 699 or whatever konatas? I see the same ones a lot.

Post konatas 390-395!

Damn! You in like a navy or just happen to work on a boat or what?

Did you turn ocean gay?

I downloaded pretty much every JRPG available in english (and both SRWs). Probably won't touch any of them (except SRW, love that shit, even without understanding a word [memorized the characters for the Spirit Commands back when I was playing Z3 and 2ndOG]) for more than a few minutes, including fates.

Wrong link, the documentation is here. That was the link to the patch.


I am a Red player. Tamiyo is shit-tier waifu, though.

The robot survived a 4 foot drop, but other than that it was useless.


24? Not exactly sure. All I know is it's enough of a range as to have my family disapprove and my friends to make fun of it.

you receive no updates unless you play unstable and then your shit gets wiped constantly

I'm on the path to becoming a submarine sailor of the united states navy

Nigga that's not an age difference I'm trying to fuck a 39-year old.

By realizing I need dosh and some semblance of order in my life. I also hit a creative streak from my time in the shit. I think I have the next million dollar idea here.

We can start with math. No I'm not going to teach you how to sex.

Give it another couple of years for your hormones to settle before you worry about depression too much. And especially before you take pills

That quite the robot!

I plan on building a battlebot one of these days. Theres a couple of tourneys near me including the one at dragoncon which is one of the biggest in the states.


That's what I thought too. Instead I just got zombie weebs and extremely uncomfortable silence in a dark, stuffy room at 8PM playing flavor of the month shit.

Anime clubs are shit. I had friends in highschool who ate up the flavor of the month shit and absolutely adored the Naruto manga as if it was the greatest ever. One of them loved Black Butler and would never shut up about that red-haired-chainsaw fag. I haven't spoken to those people in years. And I don't plan to speak to them ever again.

I'm actually gonna try to watch the new Danganronpa series' since they wrap up everything from the first game, Ultra Despair Girls, and Goodbye Despair.
Eh, I might if I was still neet, but whatever spare time I have, I prefer to play videogames instead.

It was a painfully awkward never-ending silence. To be fair, I tried conversing when there about a 10 minute down time between episodes because the person's laptop was fucking up.

> 24
What? How would that meet disapproval?
how old are you?….

good for you user

you'r grasping concepts that were never properly explained to you

it continues

you doubting my dedication to Konata?


my nigga

No kidding! My little cousin is doing the same thing.

Good luck out there sailor.

You gonna post the idea or is it too top secret?

Lolis are good taste, so don't worry.

Kinda this. The actors cry while getting fucked and I end up losing my boner.

He's right, I'm a neuroscientist and this is the consensus in the field.


I just mute my porn.

Both were Katawa Shoujo background characters.
I started since I wanted to do something where I could focus entirely on the characters and not have to worry about world building.
I could have probably re-purposed what I have into it's own original thing but I ended up tying so many plot points to the setting it can't be easily done now

welp, turns out that for the month i'm home, my grandmother might end up passing away
mother visited her yesterday and apparently she's hardly eaten anything for the past 2 weeks
that's pretty much how grandfather passed away a few years ago, except that grandmother is senile at this point, while he was perfectly sane
i'm nearly done studying geometry, after which i'll move on to calculus and algebra
i've also been playing lots of mount and blade, specifically phantasy calradia. fucking sarranids are still somehow hard to beat, despite being the shittiest faction

maybe it was because you were a hwite male

It's hard to explain, but my parents are very concerned with me dating older women, since they see me as a baby. They're also pretty conservative, so they think it's an issue in regards to fucking. I'm 19, it's just weird to explain why that would be an issue to an outsider. Plus I'm pretty sure she has seniority of some sort in my store which would make the situation murky.

I hope I won't kill myself before then, but alright.

That's all it really has for feats, it isn't even a fighting robot, just one that picked up balls and shit.

Was just curious, you probably have the same problem I do and just tend to grab the ones at the top of a folder that are visible first right?

Wait what

Only old anime is love.

I best I know your favorite spell.
I will fight you m8. Swear on me mum.

can you teach me how to code please?

for starbound right?


Sorry about the grandma, lost mine a couple of years back and it always sucks.

Don't underestimate horse archery! Its what my current army is and its damn fun and powerful in the right hands.

I'd still look into therapy though, just avoid pills

I was hype, I was feeling it. I want this to stop.


Jesus fucking christ I hate this kind of shit

looking back it's part of why my development was so god damned late

that said fucking an older woman isn't actually a good thing since that dynamic contributes to her being the dominant one

Just conjure the spirits inside your computer, dummy.

i like to keep some of my pics unposted
so they seem more rare

yes i also have that problem

Jesus shit Chie

Only a little late.


user I have little experience with it but enough to point you in the right direction

what code do you want to learn or at least why?

At least look at it this way. When you are depressed and super critical of your work, any tweaks and notes you write on it will be that much more helpful when you are in a better mood. Theres a reason all the best writers were depressed alcoholics.

That's like 50% of the sexiness though.

shit that's pretty rough.

Just don't tell them how old she is.

But user they were all white, except for one hispanic chick and a black dude.

Hm, I guess I can understand that. My parents are pretty conservative too

This is the only thing I could see MAYBE being a legit problem, and that's just an if.

I don't know, the moans are always so obviously faked that it just turns me off. I'll usually leave the volume on for amateur porn, though.

Theres entire chunks of pics I won't post cause they feel too personal for me so I know how that goes.


sounds like liberals to me

I had the same issue before dropping what I was working on for a couple years. I didn't like where it was going and eventually my motivation and inspiration died

There were two girls it centered around. I think I mentioned them both a couple posts ago

Allright, it's been an hour. I had my fun

Yeah moans can add or detract from the experience. Which is why I never do Jap shit.



Yes. Pic related.
Not often. Maybe once every two years. Nothing is either good enough or actually finished.

Wait a month and others will pop up.

Evening, fake Smokes.

So you have two waifus?

Disappointed hobo.

I'm no techpriest


c or c++, for video game making

What is it?

Hopefully I can find some chill old dude who charges cheap so I won't have to double down on pills and therapy.

Yeah, it makes no sense.

I'm not trying to fuck her, but I guess you mean a relationship would also be bad.

That's a good option, I guess. Problem is she looks just that much more older than me so you can tell a difference.

Logically, it should be the only problem. But sometimes reality is just strange.

hold on a second user let me pull myself together before I post some useful shit

eh, I wanted to do it longer but I got bored of doing that.
I had more fun all day doing this than actually playing vidya

Well, see, since I usually don't do volume anyway, I can handle jap stuff. Especially since I've got a mad case of yellow fever.

I never do Jap shit because they have no idea how to kiss. They just open their mouths and bash their heads together. Then I can't fap because I'm laughing too hard

Fuck no. Daughterus is what we've been on this whole time

I can't go a month without torrenting shows and stuff. Its all I do

Find one who smokes a cigar and talks about ur mum a lot

Do you guys never say to yourselves, "Man it gets boring talking about the same exact shit every day, maybe I should do something else?" I can not see how the fuck you people manage to do this day in and day out. There is never a funny or entertaining post here, not one. You are some of the most boring fucks I have ever had the displeasure of knowing (which would make sense for people who stay up until 4 playing video games every night).

As you must post the same damn pictures with the same damn boring posts, so must I tell you to kill yourselves.


See the big picture, friends of mine; brothers, sisters, and unknown individuals:

See that you cannot loose control, as "having control" is just an illusion, a lie created by the weak of mind to explain something they do not understand, chaos and order, entropy and balance are all linked somehow. The universe itself is an unphatomable order we cannot understand.

Everything is bound together in this cosmological truth, time, life and death, humanity themselves, even the stars and planets are all part of this unique entity. In our desperation to explain it we had lied to ourselves; the differences the ancients put to these elements are nothing but a fallacy.
Doesn't life exist in death? carrion creatures, bacteria, even plants take life from death. Isn't then saying that life and death are opposites a lie?

It is, what exists and what doesn't are not unlike each other, they both exist somewhere, and if that "somewhere" exists, even if in the mind of a man, doesn't this mean it's somewhere in the universe?
Everything we divide isn't divided, and everything we see together may be divided in ways we cannot understand.

Enlighten yourselves on this, my wisdom I give out selflessly for I interpret what the cosmos yells: The holocaust didn't happen


these threads became garbage once the weeaboo avatarfags showed up


It's a bliss thing user. Replacements to finding the perfect women that would be you soul mate and cuddle buddy.

What are you going on about Wizard?

Slow at posting tonight, work actually is picking up.

I told you to google it because it's literally the first result.



Aight guys, I'm heading off to bed.

Sleep tight everybody, I'll catch you guys on the flipside~

Reality is stranger than fiction user I'd say give it a shot if you can. She would probably wind up being the dominant one in the relationship though, being older. Still, maybe she's got at thing for younger guys

Night yoza.


Gonna go dream of sweet sweaty Mila cuddling with me after rasslin with her. Night everyone!

Same, night.

But I'm lazy, spoonfeed me

Oh wait! I got you confused with the other guy I'm responding to in this post. OOOOH ok that makes more sense.

Sounds pretty fun. Makes me kinda want to put down some of my scenarios I've thought up with ritsu into writing.

Night yoza!

o.k thanks

nice blog, subscribed.

so what kind of relationship are you in with this older woman, anyway?

How literate are you?

Night, user. My friend told me that she has a thing for heavier, depressed guys. I guess that's good.


I'm trying to get a girlfriend.


no bully

But you do want a romantic relationship right?

Duty day is over, no more useless musters. I made this thing recently, because I'm still /jojo/fag

Nigsu looks cute.
speaking of shit. I feel like NTRing someone. I think I'll start with Ritsu.

Then why are you even here?

Tell me more about blogs, 4am avatarfag.

I will bully Kagamin.

Night yakuza!


How do you even know if you haven't tried?

sorry, takign longer than I thought

had to activate Team viewers gay ass email activation for my work browser and the computer isn't even on

I've bot some C and C++ books I'm gonna share with you and some other stuff

get the books off of Holla Forums

but you already got ntr'd by pic related my cucked friend


Why would I want to?

She's now partially Miku.

Then move on to Konata after that.

Start with Unity and read their documentation. fabiensanglard.net/ has some great write ups on game engines that really fun to read and mrelusive.com/books/books.html has a good list of books if you want dive deeper into something.

shit the one with tony was this one

But she isn't my waifu. she's the guardian of my house or something.


Don't ask me, ask frued

I'll show my bud who's waifu is miku

Is she smarter than you?
is she witty?
is she charming?
is she fun to be around?

it begins

still cucked
pic related
its you

that means delusion

I hate delusion, tastes like lies


It gets tougher the longer it goes on. I breezed through my first four chapters before my momentum started to die down.
I also ran into issues with dialogue exchanges involving more than two girls. Juggling pronouns to keep things from getting repetitive while maintaining coherency is a pain in the ass

good night man


good night man

While I'm still up, any DS recommendations? Mostly looking for more action-oriented stuff. Played through the Castlevanias and Mega Man ZX games again, for example.

I kinda do need a teacher though


totally forgot to ask how your huge quest is going

What else would a red players favorite spell be? Sorry for the late reply. My computer wen RIP for a bit.


Typically in my head I just use the snappy way they talk in the anime so I don't think the second issue would be a problem, but the first one I get already. Typically run through a short story in my head a ton of times tweaking it and adding jokes here and there as I go.

You know you've got to do it eventually, right? Though you'd be right if you were thinking that you can only have successful relationships of you're able to be friends with your partner, regardless of what the sex is like.

Threaten was pretty good.
Granted I haven't played for years.

It's all part of the bigger plan

user I don't really know enough about coding to teach you how to code

I could tell you some basic shit but I only really know some basic python right now and python isn't C and C++

I suppose I could walk you through some of that if you want


No, faggot. Kill yourself.



Unity is babby's first engine and from what I can tell, you're a babby programmer. Deal with it, jabroni.


maybe but I dunno if that would help, we'll see



That's how I imagine it too but in my experience you can only really do rapid fire dialogue like that between two people. If there's third or however many more people you'll need to let the reader know who's talking


actually now that I think about it helping you with some getting started shit would be a good start

and python is decent for games thanks to ren'py

to get started user the first thing I gotta ask is your OS

Not as good as bolt. It's the most played red card in legacy and the most played card in modern for a reason.


win 8.1

Especially one past bump limit.

Pretty much. It's not really anybody's fault. I hardly ever listened to anybody.

It's still in the works, but it does have a project name: "Destroyer of GoT"

You heard it here folks! user has the next greatest cancer upon the literary world and pop culture.

Thats true! Didn't even think of that. I'd probably make a four panel anyway. Cute girls need visuals.

Make a character with a waifu, help bring on the waifu age!

also I need some games that are good vents for anger and allow me to just be a complete animal to everything in my path

Sounds terrible when?

so windows

first you need a nice text environment to code in, something comfy

I recommend sublime text 2, you can change the theme so that the background is black/grey


then you need something to run the code by compiling it or at least interpreting it

I recomend Python 2.7

download those and install them to start

not that anyone was trying to tell you

I need more images since I deleted the actual cards.



You're technically correct, since it's the card that makes Red competitive.

What I'm saying is sex isn't the goal of the relationship, just a nice little bonus.

Because it's truly the best!

Well, time to stroke off and hit the hay. Later, fags.

Armored core for answer or a dbz fighter. Something fast

i'm getting tired going to head off now

night faggots


are you a dull shell of a human being?




when you stop caring about everything else except shekels

I'm probably going to go to bed now. Night, faggots.

More than likely, yes.

Night konata!

How are you with brevity? Nobody likes comics caked in WORDS.
With my shit I think I need to go back to the middle of what I have and work on it there. Fixing the pacing might bring that spark back

Ninja Gaiden 2. You might end up even angrier though since if you're anything like me it'll slap your shit at the start.
Try Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance if Ninja Gaiden is too hard

Night too mtgwaifuanon

If you stop by the channel I can help you learn coding.

I completely understand that. Use that depression or whatever negative energy you have to write something clever. When I feel down, I wrestle with it until things clear up later on, then look back and try to figure out what went wrong. That's where I write a short story about a character who may represent myself in a certain mood or time. It's basically self reflection. Helps put things in perspective. Also remember that everybody writes fucking retarded first drafts. Keep hacking at it, sit on it for awhile if you have to, but let it come naturally. Don't just sit there hating yourself for not being able to write gold continously for hours on end. It will never happen unless you're Jack Kerouac. Look how that turned out for him.

The main character of the first chapter is essentially that, but I like twisting things around on the characters and with expectations. Still waifu material though.

I'd say another few months. I'm writing the first book simultaneously with a barebones script in case it gets picked up. I have those connections.

your relationship is shit

sleep well user

Brevity is my middle name. Theres a reason I can post so much in the thread so fast.

And include cute lolis!

Not necessarily. Should have clarified. I need dosh in order to do what I truly want. I have a steady job now that pays decently, but I need a break so I can be free from it all. That's where my cancertificate comes in.

Also one of the most diverse and interactive cards in the game. Splashing red for bolt alone is often worth it. I think burn would still float without it, but it would be much worse. Price of Progress stronk. Modern burn would struggle like a motherfucker, but bolt will never eat a ban. So there's no worrying.

night shitlrd

Mine isn't Miku though.

It's fantasy so it's ok to make up whatever you like.


Wow that was fast. You quick shooter


I like real real women

Good. That's actually healthy.

More like "FILLED", am I right?

There was going to be a little witch character, but I would be going into Berserk rip off territory. Lolis are too pure for this anyways. They're all vain and cold characters.

yes I think so, python is taking abit though


Wait then who!

Good. That's probably the biggest thing in comics like that. A clever joke doesn't mean much if it's buried under a mountain of text

2 handsome men

Western fantasy fags who only read crap that gets turned into movies/tv shows won't know berserk characters anyway.

That reminds me I still need to read the k-on manga, been saving it so theres always something new out there of her for me

You can like both. Like I do.


You posted some Taeko songs. I found some rips of her albums on the /mu/ archive. I thought you might like em. One's a link to the album Songs by Sugar Babe. A citypop band she was in.

ok open up a new file in Sublime and enter the following code
print "spider time"variable = raw_input("what time is it?")print variable

you cant really like either user

I heard the college part sucked.

Aw shit, downloadan.

The manga was boring. the anime is all you need really.

I'm going to go to sleep now and have dreams about Donald Trump making me IHOP breakfast again.

Binging 770d758c2ed501e51102644080 doesn't bring up anything!

Maybe. I mean it adds a bunch of new characters so that might mess with the dynamics too much.

Night hobo!

Why not? I don't see how I can't like 2d women and 3d women.

I've lost all hope in you.

pleasant dreams man

I'm sorry user I don't want to talk about this any more

thinking about it is somehow giving me feelings of deep despair

Just like my parents

Sugar Babe is the shit. files.catbox.moe/jy98lb.mp3

Could be cool. Only manga adaptation of a show I've read was for Evangelion

sounds nice

K-On manga is shit. Don't bother.

nobody believes you satan

Don't feel depressed, you can always have fun in worlds of fantasy in vidya gaems.

Apply burn heal here.
You're pretty terrible at picking up hints, or you just don't know how to find things on the internet

I've read a little here and there but its not too much my thing.

You won't tempt me not to read it satan! Stop trying to lead me away from my holy book!

I don't want to user

I want to make reality great again


It doesn't help that I haven't looked at all

save the file as spider_time.py and run spider_time.py with python

oh and since I'm having such a time straightening my shit out to run it myself I'm using this


just got it working again, holy shit man

I'll try to get on those doodles finally

Then I'll just keep my citypop! Only denizens of hell can truly appreciate it.

No really. The show fixed the damn thing so much the author is eternally butthurt. It lacks the shows subtlety and gets real boring real fast.

nothing is happening


nothing? not even an error?

did you install python 2.7 and run the .py file with it?


I've heard sawako is like one of the main characters in the manga too or something?

Speaking of city pop, the recent especia album wasn't that good. GUSTO will always be my favorite album from them.

does a window pop up when you run the .py file?


does it close immediately?


K-On was an adaption of the manga, not the other way around.

I never made it far. It was just that damn boring. It doesn't work as a gag manga.

I never cared much for them that much. GUSTO is a good album though. Speaking of jap pop, do you like the Moonriders. I've been collecting their albums and ripping them if you want some. Be warned, it's not citypop.


it should at least stay open long enough to ask you what time it is

can you screen shot the code you typed in and the popup before it disappears?

the code I can but the popup closes way too fast

Eh, I'll give it a shot. I've been hankering to listen to some new shit that isn't chillwave or synthwave.

I got that much, but why are you using adaption? The only difference between adaption and adaptation is adaption was never the preferred word


well lets see that code


It's almost time for the movie. I double checked and everything is fine today.


I thought you were saying the manga was an adaption of the show.


Hello, what's been happening

Hi user, whats new?


I hope to be around if you do make it.

Even though you're the most autistic person here on waifuism you seem to not be aware of a lot of things.


Everything happened and it's all your fault.

alright user here is what I want you to do

right click the spider_time.py file and select open with and click choose default program

click more options and scroll all the way to the bottom and click "look for another app on this pc"

then find the python.exe file wherever you isntalled python 2.7

but not the pythonw.exe file

Eh I've never claimed to be the biggest weeb ever or anything.

Your legion is shit. Also I found porn of that music video you used to spam all the fucking time. They finally gave her a tail.

You didn't claim anything, you just are the biggest autist on waifuism here.

kickass torrents got shitcanned
Other than that today's been a regular day

Stuff I guess, don't like kat.cr is down so where do I torrent 40K stuff

Dom't worry Trump is polling well

Just because I got told I'm part kike doesn't mean I'm the Jews

I'd say the miku guy might be more autistic than me. He taught me everything I know. Though he doesn't browse the thread much these days.

See if you can find their other sites. Heard they are still up.

Wait you didn't lurk on the whole waifu thing?

user when the popup pops up does it say
File: [insert spider_time.py file path here] print "spider_time" ^SyntaxError: missing shit here

He's a basic bitch on waifuism, m8.

That you Mark?

Little bit but didn't know how deep the rabbit hole goes really.


I feel lied to.

The one who's the most anal about it.

No, and I don't even know it's true
I got told I have Jewish ancestors by my Aunt by my dad is my grandpa's wife's son and I assume his side is where it comes form as my last time is kinda kikey

Sup negros. Late as fuckity fuck as always.

What happened to it?

I did that, me python is 3.6 though

my legion is the best chaos legion and neats

it's still closing fast

listen this is really hard to do like this, could you join the 4amtutor iirc or something else?

Ah ok. Maybe you have some neat family history to uncover. Jews have a rich history.

Hmmm? You know I've only been with her 4 months right?

Ay plank whats shakin

Yes, rich history in poisoning the wells, stealing the medicine and selling it back

Sup Plank.

And you've also been the one to tell your parents about your 4 month old "girlfriend"


Owner got arrested

Hey, their history is rich right?

Of course. In any other relationship you would have told them by that point anyway.

US shut it down

You insufferable faggot

but I already figured out that you were retarded and did this on my own

the code is now print("faggot time")variable = input("WHAT GOD DAMNED VERSION DID I TELL YOU TO INSTALL!?")print("FUCKING 2.7 NOT 3.4 %s " % variable)

morning everyone!

Oy Vey Carlos that is anti-semetic

sadly I need to work soon but I can tomorrow night I guess sicne I don't work, assuming I don't fall asleep becasue day off, and then we can run through some basic shit and I can answer some questions

Morning user!

Something has to be done.

where's the difference?


Same as always I suppose. Watched that shitty secret life of pets movie, it did make me chuckle at some parts though. I swear normalfags are so brain dead that they love watching stupid shit like this.

Shit you guys are right, it is down. I guess no downloading porn for a while.

Its down forever!

And yeah they will. I never can stand going to theatres with friends/family. I just shit on it too much.


i should be in bed

raw_input becomes input

print "" becomes print("")

a shit load of other gay code breaking shit they instituted that nobody was happy about and it may take years to fix

Oy vey. Du farkirtst mir di yorn.

is it working now?

Something will probably come back up again.

I usually just say that a movie is good or alright otherwise people think you're all negative. Shit it isn't my fault most movies suck nowadays.

I wanna punch that smug Ritsu right now.

Sounds like a terrible night out.

welp I'm off, have a good night

g saviour is sexy





welp I'll deal with it later gotta work

in the mean time if you want to learn python 2.7 to give you an idea about coding sign up and give this a whirl


have a good night user

night and thanks


See you guys tomorrow.
Same time, same place.


Well it's nearly 8. I'll see about posting pics over the weekend, but I'm not totally sure if I'll have the energy to be around at 4.
Until next time Holla Forums.

same bat time
same bat channel